Cheryl Sabine [Vox]

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Cheryl Sabine [Vox]

Post by Suzthulhu »

Player Nickname: Suzthulhu

Name: Cheryl Sabine
Codename: Vox
Age: 33
Date of Birth: November 14

Height: 5'11"
Weight: 130
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Blue
Place of Origin: New York, New York
Nationality/Race: American, Caucasian
Classification: (Mutant, human, metahuman, cyborg, etc.) Mutant

Status: (Trainee, staff, villain, refugee, other) Other
Occupation: Radio DJ/Manipulative Bitch

Personality Profile: (Your character's personality, mindset, worldviews, etc.) Cheryl can be quite nice on the surface, sweet as honey if it gets her what she wants. Under it all is a conniving woman bent on fulfilling her own schemes without much care for who she involves. Anyone in her way is really so much cannon fodder, and anyone who can't further her goals, whatever they may be, is more or less useless and not worth her time. Her views on people are fairly straightforward; most people are dumb animals, and the few that aren't should be watched closely.

Physical Description: Standing nearly six feet tall, Cheryl can be rather imposing when she needs to be, but takes advantage of graceful limbs that come with her slender frame. There's no awkwardness in her height or movement, and she tends to dress in ways that flatter her length. She has long hair that she often wears down or pulled back into a loose knot at the back of her neck, and she's never seen without full makeup and stylish clothes. In spite of her job as a radio DJ, her manner of attire suggests money somewhere in her background, since her clothing is often high label and looks new, and she's fond of wearing diamond jewelry.



Powerset: Voice-related powerset

Ability One: Voice Mimickry: Cheryl can perfectly mimic anyone's voice that she has heard. The facsimile is so flawless that digital comparisons show no difference. She can do so at will and for almost any length of time (see Drawbacks & Weaknesses).

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: Cheryl cannot use her own voice to speak due to her secondary power, therefore, anytime she speaks, it is with a borrowed voice. Her vocal chords have been permanently altered because of this, and she constantly suffers from a parched feeling in her throat, necessitating the need to have water with her to drink on a constant basis. Speaking for extended periods of time, longer than three to four hours worth of DJ work or conversation, without remaining fully silent for several hours afterward will render her unable to speak for a full day.

Ability Two: Thunderous Voice: Cheryl can amplify her voice to such volumes that it can cause physical damage and concussive force out to a radius of 30 feet. Within close range, 1 foot or less, the volume and force are so strong that it could possibly alter heartbeat rhythm, causing cardiac arrest and certainly unconsciousness. At 5-10 feet, her voice can rupture eardrums and shatter glass. At 10-20 feet, it can knock someone off their feet, and from 20-30 feet it can move lighter objects such as small end tables, folding chairs, etc. Beyond 30 feet it causes only light trembling.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: The use of this ability comes at a significant cost to Cheryl. She is not completely immune to the effects of her own voice and has ruptured her own eardrums more than once, causing scarring and resulting in tinnitus, or ringing in the ears. In theory she could use this ability at will, depending on how much she is willing to risk her own hearing and health, but overuse will most certainly result in unconsciousness, concussion, permanent hearing loss, and permanent damage to her vocal folds.

Ability Three: Speech/Voice-Related Immunity: As a perk of her ability to study and mimic speech so perfectly, Cheryl is immune to speech or voice-related powers such as mind control, compulsions, etc.

Projected Power Growth & Development: Her powers are as fully developed as they are going to get. There is room, however, for both primary and secondary abilities to weaken from overuse of her secondary ability or if she suffers damage to her voice box.

Skills: Because of her ability to mimic any voice, Cheryl is an excellent singer, but chooses not to pursue a career because it's too easy and doesn't suit her goals. She's quite technically proficient, able to do most anything with computers and networks that doesn't require an expert or technopath. She also has a very good sense for wines, whiskeys, and beers and pairing them with meals.

Background: Cheryl is a product of the foster care system, though in some ways perhaps an exception to the rule. Her mother gave her up for adoption just after she was born, and Cheryl spent most of her childhood within foster homes, bouncing from one home to the other with little stability. She never developed much sense of family as a result, and at the age of 15, when her powers first began to manifest, things went from bad to worse as far as her already noticeable discipline problem. During an argument with her foster family, she began to mock her foster mother, only to discover that she sounded exactly like her, to her delight and to her foster mother's shock and dismay. What's a girl to do when she discovers she can sound like anyone? Why of course, she used it to her advantage, doing everything from calling her school to excuse her own absences and tardies to calling banks and transferring money around. Since no one could prove it wasn't the actual person, Cheryl had a grand old time and rarely got caught for anything more than minor. When she turned 18 and was officially released from the foster system, she found herself homeless for a time.

One morning, while participating in a contest sponsored by a local radio station to offer a week's hotel stay and cash for new clothes, etc to help a lucky winner find a job, she was more or less "discovered" by the DJ running the contest, who admired her voice (at the time, she was using Kathleen Turner's voice, her default voice even now). Even though she lost the contest, she was still given the chance to clean herself up and audition for a spot at the radio station during a more unpopular shift. The shift's ratings went up, and thus started one homeless vagrant's career as a radio DJ.

Of course, this didn't stop Cheryl from pursuing her other interests, which at the time amounted to making money, since she'd never had any to speak of. Not being above using her feminine charms, and at 23, she managed to pull an Anna Nicole and marry a wealthy older man with a bum ticker. Or at least... that's what the autopsy revealed after she found him dead one morning after he left to go for a horseback ride. Poor thing, he must have taken a nasty spill and had a heart attack, right? And of course, he'd left his money to her. Now a bereaved widow, at least on the outside, she spent several years turning his money into a small fortune, ensuring that working was merely a means to whatever end she had in mind. It made for good cover anyway, to have a job, and keep up appearances.

Criminal Record: Her juvenile record was sealed after she turned 18. She was questioned on the death of her late husband, but the autopsy cleared any suspicion of her involvement.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: She doesn't cook, having never learned how, and prefers to eat out anyway for the opportunity to people watch. She's also a neat freak and very fastidious about personal hygiene.

Edited: Altered tertiary ability with op approval.
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