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Gatling Gun Ashy vs Felix 01/12/12

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 10:58 am
by Sisip
[13:42] * ^Edge^ kept his hands thrust into the pockets of his coat as he stood in the middle of the courtyard near one of the benches. He was busy looking up at the spaceship hovering above the living sector building. Since the start of this thing he had been rarly seen because for the simple fact this whole thing was making the mutant a tad uneasy. Not to mention he had been having trouble
[13:42] * ^Edge^ controling his powers. Visually his normal humanoid facial features and construction was replaced with a more boney looking exterior against his flesh. A lit smoke was perched between his lips letting the byproduct drift past the brim of his slouch hat.

[13:48] <@SisipWork> The glowing girl had moved from Foodcourtia to the courtyard some time ago and had eventually found herself up a tree. This was not entirely uncommon for Ashlynne, unfortunately. As she spots Felix staring upwards at the spaceshipfishthing a grin splits her face, jaw moving down just a bit... into ... TROLLFACE. Tying to of her fingers together she grabs an acorn and places it between them... then puuuuulllss them back and SNAP instant slingshot! The acorn is hurled towards Felix's slightly ridiculous looking hat. A hat that Ashy would have to take from him at some point.

[13:54] <^Edge^> *Under Felix's clothes the condition was worse but it was clear that most of Felix's skin on his cheeks and forehead had been repleaced by white milky bone looking material. The only skin that remained was enough to allow facial expressions if the man ever gave them to show others to begin with. The acorn wizzed through the air hitting Felix's hat with a muffled plink. One of Felix's
[13:54] <^Edge^> hand removed itself from the pocket to take a drag of his smoke muttering something to himself as he simply stared at the spaceship above as if transfixed by the sight of it ignoring everything else around him.

[13:59] <@SisipWork> Attempt to irritate? Unsuccessful. Time to move to plan B. Scampering through the tree she plucks acorn after acorn, stuffing them in her cheek pouch. When it was large enough, stuffed with ammo, she swished spit around them. Sure it tasted like ... dirt .. and acorns ... and possibly squirrel pee.. but it was all for the good of pranking! A squinty eye is squinted as she takes aim, drawing in a deep breath. what happened next was almost out of Looney Tunes, the girls lips almost stretching foward as she spat, acorn after acorn, her mouth turning into a gross acorn Gatling Gun. Spit soaked acorn after spit soaked acorn was launched towards Felix. This time not just aiming for the hat but really aiming all over his body.

[14:20] * ^Edge^ didn't even move as she did indeed hit him from head to toe with acorns. They gathered in small piles at his feet as even one split the cig he was smoking in half. He still made the motion toward his lips to take a drag from the now extinguished smoke. He didn't even seem notice as he just stood there looking at the ship. But when one hit Felix directly in the eye it got a reaction.
[14:20] * ^Edge^ Prehaps not the reaction she wanted but a reaction all the same. He grabbed his eye hunching over partly shouting, " WHAT THE HELL!...MOTHERF-.." He paused as his eye water trying to focus. He stopped on Ashlynne growling lightly.

[14:25] <@SisipWork> Oops! Ashlynne did as she had learned on the military channel and stayed very... very still. Become one with your surroundings and even the most trained eye will pass over you. Which would have worked perfectly were it not for the fact that her best 'surroundings' consisted of a lamp ... or the sun. Ashy glowed brightly, glad to finally get a reaction out of the comically stoic fellow. Did he see her? She even held her breath, cheeks still puffed out partially, swollen with saliva coated acorns. A bit irritating she openend her mouth so very slowly and used her tongue to push them from her mouth, still not moving a muscle save to let the acorns spill from her lips.

[14:25] * Kraken is now known as JJ

[14:32] * @JJ was testing out an offshoot of his make-marlo-a-helmet project. Marlo masks! why in the world would JJ make a mere mask when he had access to nano and holo technology? Both of which were much better and realistic looking. Simple answer: He's JJ. JJ wearing a Marlo mask. Though likely no one would mistake JJ for Marlo and if they did they'd wonder if Marlo shrunk. "Hey, Ashy!"
[14:32] * @JJ He cried out then spotted Felic. "Run! Old Man Boney's coming!"

[14:34] * ^Edge^ flicked the now ruined smoke away, his still watering human eye looking right at her. He looked pretty pissed but then again most of the time he always looked angry about something. He stalked toward the bottom of the tree looking up at her perched between the branches. A gloved hand pointed to a spot on the ground. " Here..NOW..." His head turned looking back toward JJ then
[14:34] * ^Edge^ toward his sister still perched up in the tree.

[14:37] <@SisipWork> OH hell no! Even a retarded puppy knows when it's in hot water and Ashy was a bit smarter than a retarded puppy... most of the time. Expelling the remaining acorns down towards Felix the girl scrambles upwards, climbing quickly towards the tiptop.

[14:50] * ^Edge^ tilted his head as the shower of acorns came down on his head landing to the ground scattering about. Inside his mind he plotted revenge..oh sweet revenge it would be. She could only imagine what he was plotting against her. It caused a twisted smile on his cracked lips to appear. He narrowed his gaze however some to the top of the tree watching her gain some distance between them.
[14:50] * ^Edge^ " Just you wait you little brat" He paused giving that twisted smile again, " Just. You. Wait." And with that he turned on his heel putting some distance between him and the tree laying down at one of the benches nearby to light himself another smoke to quietly watch the spaceship above them.

[14:57] <@SisipWork> At the very swaying tiptop of the tree the girl watches Felix walk away and phew's softly. Eyeing the area she tries to figure out a way out of this without descending downwards. She wasn't wearing her catsuit.. so parachuting was out of the question... but... she could try to roll as she landed. She'd seen that in movies before! She could do it! She was sure of it. Bunching herself up she leaped, the top of the tree not quite as rigid as she'd hoped so she didn't get a very good distance. Just as she'd reached the point of no return the thought of 'This was a bad idea' went through her mind. She fell, the glowing girl, but whipped her arms out infront of her. Thankfully they hit the ground before she did, five feet before she did, and she was able to slow herself enough so she didn't break anything important.

[15:03] * ^Edge^ tilted his head just enough to watch her land before taking a drag of his smoke. He watched her for a moment making no move to go after her. Violence against her wasn't called for in this case. She was just a child afterall, at least thats how he saw it. But it could wait for now as he went back to gazing at the ship above the rest of the late afternoon busying himself with other
[15:03] * ^Edge^ thoughts that were far more important.

[15:07] <@SisipWork> Scrambling away back into the 'doughnut' building the girl can't help but laugh. She'd scored a hit! She made him lose his cool! Mission accomplished! Sure, her pointyfinger hurt like a son of a bitch, but her own personal mission was a success.

[15:12] <Edwin> "Oh, hey, Ashy." Eddie greets the stretchy girl with a wave when she comes scurrying inside from the courtyard, pulling one of his earbuds out of his ear and turning his iPod down so he could actually hear her reply. He'd just been picking up a few things from the convenience store and had a C-mart shopping bag in one hand when he bumped into Ashy. He was dressed as he usually was, in
[15:12] <Edwin> a pair of steel-toed boots, jeans, a Dead Kennedys shirt, and his skull and crossed guitars hoody. "How's it going?"

[15:15] <@SisipWork> She heads over to him, eyes wide as the rush from the successful mission and daring escape wore off and the pain got worse. Holding her hand out towards Eddie that lower lip begins to wobble. "Eddie! It hurts!" She'd never HURT herself before, despite all the stupid things she'd done over the ... year. But this stung! The finger was starting to discolour, obviously broken.

[15:19] <Edwin> "Oh! Ow!" He says when he gets a look at what Ashlynne had done to her finger. "Wow, I think you should get that checked out at the medical center. That's not a good color at all. What happened?" He hadn't seen her hit the limits to her stretching before, and wasn't even sure it was possible for her to break bones. At least not by any means short of being run over by a truck. "It
[15:19] <Edwin> might be broken...I don't think it should be bent like that."

[15:22] <@SisipWork> Ashy takes Eddie's advice, he'd always been honest with her so the suggestion was noted and she heads off to get her finger set.. cause Andi just now noticed the time and gets to shut down from work!