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Ship Revealed - 01/10/12

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 9:05 pm
by Sisip
<Brad> Rick is ready and dressed to the nines in his newly refitted stealth uniform that Wang had modified for him earlier in the day, and is waiting in the team meeting room. He's sent Sisip a text saying he was ready to go, and there's no time like the present. The sun's gone down, and it's overcast, so he's not likely to be very noticeable, at least not to visuals. He paces nervously back
<Brad> and forth in the meeting room as he waits.
<@Sisip> She was in the back office when the text came in, the injin woman also dressed in her combat gear. Better safe than sorry, right? Heading over to him she looks him over. "Alright, Richochet... you've got camera's on each shoulder, on your belt, one on each knee and even one on each ankle. They're also fitted with some basic monitors that I'll be able to watch from the screens." Holding out her tablet she shows some photos obviously taken from the top of the residential tower. "You'll jump on board here. From there it's up to you where you go. We need as much ground covered as we can get. Keep your eyes open for anything suspect... but other than that?" She shrugs a bit, "It's just a high stress jog around a big floating thing."
<Brad> "Got it." He says, looking over the suit as she goes over the various enhancements that she'd had put in for this mission. He looks over the photos to memorize the spot he's supposed to land, and nods after a few moments to indicate that he understands. It shouldn't be difficult to find the same spot from that vantage. The ship hadn't moved at all since it had come closer to the Sanctum.
<Brad> "High stress jog. Got it." He nods, and shakes his arms out a bit, trying to work out the residual nervousness. Luck willing, it wouldn't be anything more than that.
<@Sisip> Digging into one of the pouches on her belt she pulls out a handful of ... clear nicoderm patches? "Ok, maybe a jog with a bit of littering. " Handing them over to Rick she nods at them, "These are additional sensors. If you see something interesting drop one down on the ship. They should stick to pretty much anything once you pull the backing off." She pauses, "Don't ask me how it doesn't stick to the backing.. the Tech's were too techy for me to understand their explination." A shrug of her shoulders is given, "I'll have eyes and ears on you all the way, you won't be alone." She gives him an encouraging smile.
<Brad> He nods again, and takes the sensor patches. "Okay." He bites his lip as if he's about to say something, then glances around the room. "Guess I should get up there then, huh?" He looks back at Sisip, given that this is his last chance to back out. Now or never. Deciding to say nothing, he starts jogging out of the team room. He keeps a quick pace, and soon he's outside and heading
<Brad> for the residential section of the building. As soon as he nears the wall, he starts running up it, keeping his eyes on the looming spacecraft so that he can pinpoint the designated landing 'zone'. He almost reaches the top of the residential building when he leaps off into thin air, and then begins falling upward, towards the ship.
<@Sisip> When landed upon the ship seemed to sink inwards slightly. Whatever it was made of looked like metal, no doubt, but it had none of the physical properties. This close up a gleam of moisture was seen, though not enough to cause any slippage issues, and pore-like dottings across it. Each step taken sunk down just a bit, making walking just a bit more diffult.
* Suzthulhu ( has joined #Cobalt*Hill
<Brad> "Oh, gross." Rick says, very quietly after landing on the ship. "It's all... weird." He takes a few experimental steps, getting his bearings first. Before taking off in any particular direction, he makes a slow turn so the cameras on his suit can take in as much of his surroundings as possible. Once that's finished, he scans the area near him for any kind of point of interest,
<Brad> any protrusion or indent in the surface of the ship.
* Guest6273 is now known as MunInFull
<@Sisip> ~It's weird, and warm.~ Sisip's voice came through the coms, the woman watching the multiple screens closely, taking notes the old fashion way, with pencil and paper. ~Can you handle that terrain?~
<@Sisip> There seems to be some fairly pronounced 'bulges' a bit further down, every now and then a light would zip past along the surface. Light that didn't have a specific noticable path or source. It just apparently 'was'. Very philosophical light.
<Brad> "So long as it doesn't start... jiggling..." He involuntarily shudders at the thought. It's less sure footing than he was expecting, but it's not ice, or oil. He'd need to take things a little bit slower than he'd intended, but he can stay surefooted up here. "I'm okay." He narrows his eyes slightly, and he starts to move quickly in the direction of the bulges further down on
<Brad> the ship. He keeps his posture low as he moves swiftly across the ship's surface, occasionally using his hands to help him along as well as his feet. Balance isn't an issue for Rick, but being seen very much is. "I'm heading towards some kind of protrusions." He says quietly into his comm unit.
<Suzthulhu> Quietly, Gina lets herself in, pulling up a chair next to and slightly behind Sisip, looking over her shoulder. She says nothing, but is dressed in her gear, complete with shiny new team patches. Her many-pocketed vest is buckled over her catsuit, along with a utility belt, and she has on her steel-yoed combat boots as well. Just in case and all that. She only gives a brief wave in
<Suzthulhu> greeting.
<Brad> Those boots are steel, yo.
<Suzthulhu> Fo-realz.
<Brad> Word.
<@Sisip> A nod is given to Gina as she comes in. Sisip patches the feed into the speakers for the other woman. ~Anything unusual?~ She pauses... ~Aside from the fact it's a spaceship?~ Frowning just a bit she watches the temperature on the screen that was being relayed by the sensors attached to the ankle camera's in Rick's suit. Pointing to the screen she freezes one of them, zooming in on a section where the light was, ~Richochet, if you can find a steady light on your way there stop over it for just a moment or so.~
<Brad> "Well, it's squishy and sort of vibrates." He says, that seems unusual, even for a spaceship. "It's definitely not any kind of metal I've ever heard of. It feels almost organic." He keeps his voice low, speaking just loudly enough for the comm unit to pick up his voice and relay it back to Sisip. He begins doig as ordered, and starts looking for a steady light among the erratic
<Brad> pulses and flashes that illuminate the weird ridges along this portion of the craft. Gross, gross, gross, he thinks to himself. I hate you, aliens. I hate you and your giant boobie ship.
<@Sisip> Poor Rick, every now and then the ship does seem to vibrate. Not to the point of being a major issue but certainly enough to perhaps take him off guard. There's no pattern to the motion, just seemingly happening at random. The protrusions in question seem to grow out of the surface of the ship, no seperation of surface material shown. There is, however, an arm's width opening in the top of it. The fates were being kind to Rick tonight, every so often a patch of light would appear.
<@Sisip> (And no, that is not a giant nipple)

<Suzthulhu> "Organic? Like, biomechanical... fascinating." Well, she -is- a biology major, afterall. "Any way for him to bring some of it back, like, on the bottoms of his shoes or something?" She's watching the screens as well, noting the temperatures and other readings. "It may help in figuring out what we're up against."
<Suzthulhu> (Damn.)
<@Sisip> The scene where Peter is slimed and Egon asks Ray to save him some flashes through her mind. ~We didnt expect this to be ... anything organic. Can you bring back a sample?~ A bit of a tapping on the screen captures stills of the lights. ~We've got some good shots of the lights, Ricochet, drop a few sensors if you could?~ She just hoped they'd stick. Nodding to Gina she gives her a 'wtf' look and shrugs. She's an engineer, she doesn't get paid to think.
* Sunder (lgjc2@6ca5ecbe.6ca5ed75.70.230.imsk) Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
<Brad> He stops at the smallish opening, where the light appears and disappears in a more or less steady fashion. He grimaces as he looks at it. This reminds him of a Dr. Who episode he saw once, but the Doctor didn't have to stare at alien ship buttholes. "Are you seeing this?" He brings one of his shoulders closer to the opening, completely unsure what it is, or what it's for. It's only
<Brad> about the width of his arm, but with the consistency of the ship, it could conceivably expand. Maybe that's how they get in and out? Knock on the front sphincter. He places one of the sensor nodes on the outside of the opening, and then decides to chance it, and sticks one on the inside as well. Ew ew ew ew ew ew ew. He steps away from the protrusion then, and starts moving further downt
<Brad> he ship, looking for more points of interest. "I'll try and scoop up something if I can." He responds as he moves, keeping his profile low. "I don't know how tough this stuff is, it feels like walking around on a giant frog."
* Isaiah ( Quit (Quit: Page closed)
<Suzthulhu> She raises her hands in a 'welllll?' sort of gesture. They're all more or less grasping at straws here. More straws = more choices, right? She watches as he prison rapes the ship with the sensors, the corner of her top lip peeling back in an EW EW EW sort of expression. Why are all aliens so disgusting? Alright Noa's not disgusting, but then again she doesn't know what Noa really looks
<Suzthulhu> like. Even so, she's not covered in slime and phlegm. "Gross. Remind me to stop donating to SETI. We have found extraterrestrial life, and it is disgusting."
<@Sisip> Sisip frowns just a bit and taps more screens. Yaay for touchscreen technology. Boo for fingerprints on monitors. Pulling up a still from the broadcast the injin slides it over to a larger screen and magnifies it to show the Uidry's big massive head. ~I don't know, that thing's got to stretch quite a ways to birth that damn head.~ Her lips purse as she thinks, ~Keep on going if you can.~ With a bit of a smirk she nods, "Though i bet it makes an awesome Slip-and-Slide."
<@Sisip> As Rick wanders the ship he'll find two other protrusions.. though more like mounds.. or bumps... further down near one end of the ship. The lights continue to randomly zing by, one or two occasionally pausing by his feet, though with no more consistancy than their pauses elsewhere.
* AnE ( has joined #Cobalt*Hill
* ChanServ sets mode: +o AnE
* Thomas`Marshall ( has joined #Cobalt*Hill
<Suzthulhu> "So maybe there's something else in there, too. SOmething smaller. Drones, probes, that sort of thing." All the more reason for her to go scouting on the inside at some point.
<Brad> "Roger." He says through the comm unit, and soldiers on towards the two mounds near the end of the ship. He tries to avoid the lights if he can, not knowing if they're sensors, or cameras, or what. When one pauses by him, his heart skips a beat, and he stops moving. But then it passes, like all the other lights, and he continues onward. Ugh, this thing. He nears the leftmost protrustion
<Brad> and starts investigating, looking for anything resembling a door, or any kind of exhaust. A starship has to have engines of some kind, even a big giant gross space booger like this one.
* @Shannon ( Quit (Quit: brb)
<@Sisip> Sisip nods, "So far we haven't see anything that is recognizable other than ... a small gross looking spout of some sorts. We'll need a more .. indepth .. view." She continues to monitor the feeds, looking almost frustrated. Finally a slit! (Yo, nongiggity.) The mound is seemingly bisected down the middle. Other than that it looks very much like everything else, though this is the first sighting of this sort of 'non smooth surface' element.
<Brad> "..." Rick pauses at the... opening, and then chooses his words carefully. He thinks for a moment, letting the cameras get a good view of the bisection of the mound, and then clears his throat and resumes. "I appear to have found the craft's vagina." He says. INTERSTELLAR DIPLOMATIC RELATIONS +1
<Suzthulhu> If she'd been drinking anything, she'd have spit it out, all over Sisip, the screens, and the rest of the controls. Thank God for small miracles, and she's not. "What??"
<@Sisip> Sisip tries not to choke as the words slip through the speakers. ~Classy.~ She does, however, eye that thing up really good, then can't help herself, ~I'll need you to insert your .. sensor.. or at least one of them.~ This was not, at all, the way Sisip imagined a spaceship investigation would go. Tapping a bit more she pulls up magnified images of the .. element in question.
* Revenant ( has joined #Cobalt*Hill
<Suzthulhu> She claps both hands over her mouth and nearly has to excuse herself to laugh outside. Her face turns red with the effort to keep quiet, and she elbows Sisip, wiping a tear out from under one eye. Regaining her composure, she stands up, leaning over to have a better look as well. "14Be careful... if anything's going to notice him, it's going to be a giant space twat being probed by
<Suzthulhu> strange sensors."
<Suzthulhu> (fail)
* Edwin ( Quit (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Revenant)))
* Revenant is now known as Edwin
<Brad> "Very well..." He says, steeling himself as he pulls another of the sensor pads from his belt pouch. "I am commencing interstellar vaginal probeulation." He turns his head, and closes his eyes, and starts... pushing his hand through the opening. He tries not to vomit, and places the sensor on the interior of the opening, just past the... outer fold. Quickly, he draws his hand
<Brad> back, and shakes it off, and shivers, and tries not to vomit again. "Operation: Third Base with a Spaceship is a success."
<Brad> "And just for the record? I hate you." He says through the comm.
* Shannon ( has joined #Cobalt*Hill
* ChanServ sets mode: +o Shannon
<Suzthulhu> "I'm so not telling Ashy what I just saw." She snickers. Can't help it.
<@Sisip> As he pushes his hand through the ... crevass and then removes it a strange thing happens. It shudders. Not the entire ship, just that particular area. And slowly it .. opens. It's not a vagina (thank god) ... it's a rounded globe underneath that is bright neon yellow and black.. and moving. Sisip tries, so hard, not to laugh out loud, but when things start to happen she freezes, ~Rick.. step back...~ Like she had to tell him to move.
<Brad> "Shit." As the orifice starts to open, he backs away, and scuttles toward the concealing cover of the other mound on that end of the ship. He's tempted to just drop completely, but they need to see whatever this is, so he tries to conceal himself as best he can by hiding behind the second mound, with his shoulder out just slightly to pick up a video feed.
<Suzthulhu> She's suddenly not laughing anymore either, in spite of what looks like the first noted instance of an interstellar orgasm. "Shit..."
<Brad> Some guy, somewhere, looks up and says... "Shit."
<@AnE> Blatant Boy looks up from his DS and narrows his eyes, "Something magical is about to happen."
<@Sisip> The globe rotates around, not leaving the little nest of 'ship'. Unfortunately the second mound that Rick decided to hide was doing the same thing, shuddering just a bit as a similar crevass begins to open, the same sort of orb being revealed. As they move a large black dot seems to rotate and point towards Rick. Lights flash across the ship quickly now. Sisip, being original, says the same thing ~Shit.~ There's another pause, ~Ok Rick. Drop and run.~ She frowns, looking at Gina, then back at the screens.
<Brad> "Good idea." He shifts his gravity immediately, and starts dropping toward the ground, hopefully before either of those goddamn things, whatever the fuck they are, can spot him. He tries to angle his descent to take him more under the ship, using its bulk as a shield to block himself from their view.
<Suzthulhu> "Eyes." They look like eyes to her. "I'm going to go meet him outside. Now's the time to call in for cover from some of the other folks if you want it." A few others who knew about this had offered to help, including Willow. Standing, she starts to head out of the meeting room, pausing at the door to wait, in case Sisip suggested something different.
<@Sisip> Sisip nods to Gina, "Yeah. Get him back safe." She frowns, turning back to the monitors, ~We've got you covered, Rick.~ They did look like eyes. She was an engineer.. of the subsea variety. Eyes seemed to make things almost make sense.. in a nonsensical fashion that she wouldn't believe at all.
<Brad> Falling, falling, falling, trying not to be scanned even more than he already has been. "Did it see me?" He calls through the comm as he falls toward the ground. "Oh god I think it saw me. I think it's mad I put my sensor in its woo-woo." He's less concerned now with remaining hidden than he is in just getting back on the ground, and getting the hell back inside. He lands on the
<Brad> grass of the quad, his repulsion field fanning out, flattening the grass around him as it absorbs the impact. The second he touches turf, he starts bolting back toward the nearest entrance that will take him to the meeting room again. That thing SAW him. They KNOW. They know what he DID.
<Suzthulhu> She bolts out the door without further word, warping her way up and out to the quad shortly. She's outside in just a heartbeet, meeting Rick on his way in. She grabs him in a bear hug, and takes them both back inside, the sensation of her spectral movements a bit odd given their speed. "Come on, let's get back down to Sisip."
<Suzthulhu> Cuz beets are evil and have hearts.
<Brad> "Blaaagh!" He says, phonetically, as he's practically kidnapped by Gina in the rush to get him back inside. He doesn't complain, though. They looked like eyes. Big, angry, accusing eyes. Get inside, get away from the eyes. Good plan. Great plan. Rick approves of this plan.
* Earth ( Quit
<@Sisip> ~You did good, Rick.~ She says quietly through the com, standing to meet them at the enterance to the team room.
<Suzthulhu> She deposits Rick at the doorway, having carried him over one shoulder, and clears her throat. "Yeah... what's it doing now?"
<@Sisip> Looking over to Rick to make sure he was in once piece she shakes her head, "They closed." She frowns, moving back to the screens and tapping a bit more to draw up the video feed. "I do believe you lucked out, Rick. You didn't poke the spaceship in it's vagina.. I'm fairly sure you've just pulled a Three Stooges and poked it's eye." It's eye. Yes, she's decided. "That spaceship has eyeballs."
<Suzthulhu> "Well, at least he won't have to worry about an alien paternity suit." It really has to be said. Meanwhile, she's at least giving Rick a once over to make sure he's actually in one piece and that somehow, either the ship or her tackle didn't remove something vital. "You didn't happen to grab any of it, did you? How about your hands? Don't wash them until you come up to the lab with me
<Suzthulhu> and let me see about getting some swabs at least."
<Brad> "Sorry, I was too busy being utterly disgusted beyond belief to get a proper sample." He says. But it's true, he hasn't washed his hands. There's still a good bit of sticky ship-goop on his suit's gloves. "Knock yourself out." He says, holding his hands up, and involuntarily shuddering again. "That was so, so gross."

Re: Ship Revealed - 01/10/12

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 9:10 pm
by Suzthulhu
ANNND the OOC log to go with it, which is just as hilarious.

* Suzthulhu flops in.
<@Shannon> heys suz
<@Shannon> i put up the log of julie's debut to the campus btw :D hehehe
> oh cool =D
<Isaiah> heyo Suz
> hey
> Have I missed anything good so far?
<Brad> Nah, Rick just got onto the ship.
<Brad> And it's all WEIRD and GOOEY.
<Isaiah> Brad just stepped onto what appears to be a bio-mechanoid ship
> Sweet. Where is everyone who's "observing"?
<Brad> I DID?!
<Brad> OH GOD
* Brad runs around panicking
<Brad> Well Rick just left Sisip in the team meeting room
* Suzthulhu dies
<Isaiah> rofl
<Isaiah> well, thats what the sci-fi geek in me thinks it is anyhow
<Brad> Am I still here?
<@Sisip> No
> Who are you?
<@Sisip> Some jerk.
<Brad> I don't
<Brad> Is this some kind of Memento thing
<@Sisip> Who has a huge alien boob fetish.
> We get a lot of those in here. Want me to push him down the stairs?
<@Sisip> Please, make sure he hits the knob.
<Brad> no please don't
<Brad> i know
<Brad> i remember
* Suzthulhu shoves Brad down the stairs.
<Brad> i remember the stairs
<Brad> ow ow ow ow ow ow *doorknob*
<@Sisip> Yay!
* Suzthulhu dusts off her hands.
* @Shannon sobs over Brad's mangled body
> It's ok, Sho. It needed to be done.
<@Sisip> ^
> haha
* Isaiah sighs
* Isaiah gets the shovel... and the quicklime...again...
<@Shannon> D:
* @Shannon sics Julie on Isaiah
<Isaiah> sure sure... leave me to the hard work...
<Isaiah> *shovel*
> hahahahahaha
* Isaiah now has to dig TWO holes...
* Isaiah sighs
<Isaiah> ;)
> Now it's a butthole fetish?
> You deal with him, Andi.
<Brad> :|
<Brad> you guys are mean to me
> You want to bang Uyu, don't you.
<Brad> omg sexy droolin alien
<Brad> UNF
* @Sisip just has nothing. Brad's obsession with alien orifices and boobies is just to easy.
<@Sisip> It .. just speaks for itself.
> hahahaha
* @Shannon steps away
<Brad> look it's because of my condition i have apspspbergbers
<@Sisip> I'm pretty sure it's either that or you're bipolar. i hear bipolar's pretty popular with the kids these days.
<Brad> No I totally have abpspsbarbers. I'm not just a giant nerd that self diagnosed because the symptoms are eerily similar to being a giant nerd.
<Brad> brb
<@Sisip> I just have to say... if my nephew ever starts acting like you and showing signs of an alien butthole/boobie fetish I'm flying up to canada and totally kicking his ass.
* AnE ( has joined #CH*OOC
* ChanServ sets mode: +o AnE
<@Shannon> hi anners
<@Sisip> Annie <3
<@AnE> Hey hey.
<Brad> Hey Annie
<Brad> back, btw
<@AnE> Hiya.
<@Shannon> wb
* Thomas`Marshall ( has joined #CH*OOC
<@Shannon> hi
<Thomas`Marshall> hey
<@AnE> Heya.
<@Sisip> Thodd!
<Thomas`Marshall> Been a while...
<Brad> Hey
> hey TM
<Thomas`Marshall> hey
> (And then the ship sneezes on Rick)
> blahahaha
<Brad> hahahah
<Brad> It's gonna end up like the finale of Evolution
<Brad> With Rick getting shoved up a giant butthole
* @Shannon ( Quit (Quit: brb)
<@AnE> rofl
> I love that movie
<@Sisip> AAH AH AHAH
<Brad> hahaha I've only seen it the one time
<Thomas`Marshall> o.O... what did I miss while I was gone?
<Brad> There's a spaceship
<Brad> And apparently it is VERY VERY GROSS.
<@AnE> lolololo
<Brad> I did love how Evolution completely ripped off the Transmetropolitan logo.
<Brad> Transmet, which is AWESOME btw, used this pretty prominently ... design.png
> I didn't think we were allowed to have sex in the main channel, byt Rick just scored with an alien ship.
<Brad> (._. )
<@Sisip> Yeah. I think he did.
* Shannon ( has joined #CH*OOC
* ChanServ sets mode: +o Shannon
<Brad> wb Sho
<@Shannon> ty Brad
> I am fucking DYING
<@Sisip> Mmm Ryan's bringing home DQ.
<@Sisip> Cause... That's what I like about Teexxxaassssss! (sings)
<Brad> welp
<Brad> Rick just made the alien ship cum.
* Suzthulhu wheezes
* Brad throws up his hands
* @AnE is dead.
* @Shannon missed something in here brb, is fine with this
<Brad> Oh no, I could post you what you missed.
<Brad> It's actually very funny.
> I'm crying, just crying.
<Brad> Rick is very unhappy.
<Brad> Forever.
<Brad> He's going to become a monk after this.
<@AnE> And then we get a cutaway to him rocking in the fetal position under a hot shower.
<Brad> hahaha as the Crying Game music plays
> */~ I know all there is to know about the crying game.... ~\*
> I seriously can't stop laughing... Tom is just like, wtf is wrong with you, and I can't even explain...
<Brad> Simple enough explanation
<Brad> Rick put his sensor in the ship's hoo ha and then the hoo ha went woo woo
<@Shannon> Andi's probably gonna put the log on the site
<@Sisip> OH hell yes.
<@Sisip> Probably both of them.
<@Shannon> hehe
> hahahaha the OOC commentary is just as funny
> brb
<@Sisip> I know!