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First Uidry Contact 01/07/12

Posted: Sat Jan 07, 2012 10:45 pm
by Sisip
<@Sisip> BRRRRRRRAAAAAWWWWRWRRRMRMRMMRMRMMMMM The sound once again rocks the Sanctum, the noise so great the windows shake (yet do not shatter, thankfully). The annoyingly bright spotlight that was fixed on the residential tower remains where it was, unchanging, though the ship itself does seem to once again come to life, lights traveling along it's seemingly seamless bulk. The obvious robotic voice starts up again, "Bring Out Chyevalei."
<Suzthulhu> "Bring our Chyevalei, bring out Chyevalei, I've got your Chyevalai right here!" Complete with an obscene gesture, Gina storms out of the residential tower into the quad, looking mighty pissed. "I'll bring you something, my foot up your ass. God damn light is shining right into my bedrrom in here." And no amount of hanging blankets over it seemed to help either; it was either the light
<Suzthulhu> or the ship's noises keeping everyone and their brother awake, including her.
* @Dillon JJ shouted from out his window. "What? 500 pages wasn't enough!" To be fair he HAD written it in binary. If only he researched his school work as diligently, but hey! Saving the world outweighed homework! "Why must you persist in calling me a dandy? I cannot help it if I am well spoken and well dressed. It is who I am." But he chortled and bumped Jamie in the arm. "I've
* @Dillon been holding lectures and tutoring, and being an ear for anyone who wishes to discuss problems."
* Sunder The metalhead makes his way out of the residential complex, completly kitted out in his team gear. "Bloody effin 'ell, thing does nothing for weeks now it's gotta bloody well interrupt my shower..."
<MarloCross> Marlo hears the humming...Yeah he more likely feels it. Instinctively, he soaks in the kinetic force from the vibration just to keep from throwing up, and heads to the window. The spotlight traveling over the residentials wound be noted wit a 'What the Fuck' as the boy threw open his window.
<Suzthulhu> She stops ranting and flipping the bird long enough to look Sunder over and flash a grin. "And you got dressed? Damn shame there. Lookin' damn good though."
<Suzthulhu> ((GAHnot done))
<vile> "Dandy dandy da--" James' ribbing is interrupted by NOISE and LIGHTS and WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON. The cowardly techie stiffens up and his chair abruptly stops rolling forward...and starts creeping backwards, taking him back towards home. Just...slowly. So maybe nobody will notice the stealthy retreat. "What." he states and turns his attention over to JJ. He sighs heavily, runs a hand
<vile> over his face and mutters something not very nice under his breath. "Anything you want to say before my son, and that screaming girl, get us all killed?"
<Suzthulhu> She stops ranting and flipping the bird long enough to look Sunder over and flash a grin. "And you got dressed? Damn shame there. Lookin' damn good though." And then the pissed expression returns, both hands going up to pull her hair back into a ponytail, securing it with a red scrunchie that matches the pullover hoodie she has on over dark jeans and her steel-toe boots. Not that she
<Suzthulhu> expects to need them, at least not tonight, but its a safe bet that under her clothes,s he's got at least some of her gear on, if not the whole catsuit.
* Sunder rolls his eyes "I'd not even gotten undressed, I had just turned on the tap. Kinda glad, might get a touch cold with wet 'air an all." he'd look up at the spaceship "Wonder why it took 'em so damn long to ask for something.. Now is chyevalei a person or a thing?"
<Suzthulhu> Gina sighs, glancing over at Sunder. Clearly, word hadn't gotten around to the rest of the team. And now, she's afraid to say anything. Of course, if the things in the ship already know about Noa being here, it can't possibly do any more harm. "It... she, rather, is a person. She told us about them." Gesturing upward, she gives the lowered ship another dirty look. "She's not from
<Suzthulhu> here either. They actually destroyed her home planet before. That's how she knew about them. Or so she says. I'm sort of inclined to believe it more and more now."
<@Sisip> The pulsing lights on the vessel shift direction, all moving towards one central point now. Flashing and strobing it was almost enough to put any epileptics in the 'danger zone'. As the lights moved towards the middle of the vessel, which happened to be parked directly over the Sanctum, they seemed to form a flat, square light of increasing size. BRRRRRRRAAAAAWWWWRWRRRMRMRMMRMRMMMMM Again the sound filled the air before a high pitched, feedback like noise cut in.
* @Dillon and of course JJ was in his suit aka his halloween costume. JJ loved that thing, the rogue prgram! The blue glowing bits, the helmet, it was perfect! And matched his prosthetic! Dillon stared up at the craft. "Chyevalei, that does not ring a bell with me, how about you?.. And no, there is nothing to say, though you have been a good friend, Jameson." JJ was practically dangling
* @Dillon out the window. His door may have been locked but HA WINDOWS didn't think of that did you, dad?! And then the feedback noise kicked in JJ eeped and tried to unhang from the window.
<MarloCross> And down he comes, out of the residential area, dressed in his full suit, Helmet just clicking into place. Immidiately he, heads to Gina, looking through the eye pieces in his helmet." What's the situation." His Crippler voice was a bit less friendly than his own. It helped him stay in the zone, as they say." I will not be happy if they knock out the cable before the playoffs
<MarloCross> tomorrow."
* emily ( has joined #Cobalt*Hill
* Sunder Stares at gina for a moment. ".. We're 'arboring a bloody alien? I am overcome by the sheer awesome." he'd look up to the ship again "Now if only they weren't about to kill us all for it... NOW OI! If you're bloody well gonna put on such a great light show play some tunes too eh?! I'll lend you some discs!"
<Brad> Rick is keeping Ash from having a panic attack somewhere, since they're both watching the spectacle.
<vile> Jameson facepalms, all thanks to his genius son. "Nah, I dunno either." is muttered under his breath. "I'm gonna strangle that kid when I get my hands on him. Or install one of those shocky dog...collar...things." Mutter, grumble. And like any good ghetto family, he squints at JJ, shakes a fist and hollers: "SHUT UP AND GET BACK IN YOUR ROOM. AND PUT SOME REGULAR CLOTHES ON. GOD." Followed
<vile> by, naturally, "DON'T MAKE ME COME UP THERE."
<Suzthulhu> "The situation is... very fucking confusing. I don't know." Gina presses her thumb and index finger against the bridge of her nose. "Look, I don't know why this hasn't been spread around to more of the team, and I guess I should stop giving a shit right now about professionalism or the lack thereof." She grunts and shakes her head, looking from Marlo to Sunder and back again. "Those
<Suzthulhu> assclowns up there, they aren't friendly. They're hunters, or so we've been told. Myself and Rick anyway, were part of a conversation about them. There's a girl here who's seen them before, and they destroyed where she's from... I don't know all the details, but I guess now they're here to finish the job? So yes, we have an alien here. More than one, counting Uyu." Who Sunder and Marlo
<Suzthulhu> probably hadn't met either. "He's also not one of them and doesn't know who they are."
<MarloCross> Crippler looked back up at the craft and watched...before finally saying." Count your blessings. it could have been Skrulls." He gripped his hands into tight fists and waited." Not sure I can leap that high and get a hand hold."
<Sunder> Wait, we're supposed to be professional? Ahh 'ell, that's going to be a bit less than ideal innit? Well let's see 'ere. They can destroy a planet, an they're sittin above our 'ouses puttin on a bit of a light show. what's the professional way to 'andle something like this... Probably not grab my PA and blast some music, which was the plan..
* @Dillon they have to live through the alien attack first! Dillon was still eyeing the craft, then at the small crowd forming. "We should probably head indoors now, and maybe get your clone up there indoors all the way..." And onto JJ. He yelled back at Jameson. "I heard that! I'm not wearing a dog collar! Those are for dogs! And no shockies! Also I am stuck and can't get out of the
* @Dillon window! HELP I think the costume caught on something!"
<Suzthulhu> She looks at Marlo like he's absolutely batshit. "No one is leaping anywhere. We have no idea what that thing is capable of. I'm not about to let you go flinging yourself at an alien spacecraft without some sort of direction." When Sunder speaks up, she snorts. "I mean about keeping the team informed of things pertinent to the safety of Cobalt. I figured there would have at least
<Suzthulhu> been some kind of briefing or something instead of everyone being left in the dark. To be perfectly honest..." All the shouting makes her look over that way, and then up at JJ. She almost literally facepalms. "I have no idea how to hendle this. And this doesn't help."
<Suzthulhu> handle*
<Sunder> Maybe there's no briefing because they've no idea what the hell to tell us to do. I mean lets face it, if they can wipe out an entire planet there isn't say too much for us to do. (he glances to marlo) Right, now i've got to ask. 'ow bloody 'igh can you jump?
* AnE ( has joined #Cobalt*Hill
* ChanServ sets mode: +o AnE
<vile> "Good idea, Dillon. Let's go rescue my idiot son and hide in relative safety. And, if we're gonna die, the least I can do is make sure we got some good booze to make it all better with." He nods sagely, turns, and heads for the housing complex. "THAT'S WHAT YOU GET FOR BEING STUPID. HEY DILLON LET'S JUST LEAVE HIM LIKE THAT FER A WHILE AND GET SOME SNACKS." Clearly, the words are shouted
<vile> loud enough that JJ'd be able to hear them. Good father? GREATEST father. Or not. Well. Of course he's going to rescue the kid, maybe just screw around with him a bit first. As for the loud, flying alien ship of doom, he rolls just a hair faster than normal, hoping that 'indoors' is also 'safety'.
<MarloCross> turning to Sunder, Crippler regarded him in that cold voice behind the helmet," I can get about a half a mile off a good leap, but there's no garentee I can keep my head in it. I haven't perfected it yet."
<Suzthulhu> "True. But a heads up that hey, expect the shit to hit the fan might have been handy." Not that they weren't expecting it anyway, but she would have hoped there'd be at least a few words from the leadership. At any rate, she sees Jameson and Dillon start to head indoors and thinks they have a good plan. "I think we should go inside, too. Maybe call Sisip, or..." Or...? She's more or
<Suzthulhu> less at a loss for ideas right now. But standing right under the thing didn't seem all that wise. "Come on, you two. Let's go." Calling anyone would be pointless; the thing is loud and bright enough that three states over, people knew what was happening.
<@Sisip> The feedback like noise strikes up once again, only this time the big square of light flickers and an image pops onto it. It's a creature that seemed almost out of a bad Syfy movie, splotched greys, greens and blues on it's skin. An oddly shaped head, massive, with a transparant frill around part of it. Multiple nostrils and an attitude that was obvious. ( ) There's a pause as it's eyes seem to slide around, almost as if looking at those congregating. Moistened lips part and it begins to talk... in english! Though.. oddly enough, like a badly dubbed asian movie its lips don't match the words, "Earthlings, we are here for Chyevalei. Give to us and we shall go. Leave in peace after refuel." His words almost bubbled out, sounding wet, almost congested. Apparently a lot of aliens had phlem around these parts.
* Sunder Winces a bit at the feedback, he would dig in his pockets, pullng out his eyes he would unhook a canister from his keychain, a pair of earplugs would emerge. feedback noise taken care of he'd look curiously at the alien's form. "Well, not giger thankfully.." He'd look back to the man in the suit "'alf mile? Gotta 'urt coming back down.. So if these blokes are about to go independence day on us as they just implied. Shoulda
<Sunder> brought my flask with me"
* @Dillon chortled his usual somewhat evil laugh. At least it wasn't maniacal! "Yes, let us take some time before bringing Junior indoors." He went along with Jameson's ploy to knock some sense into the stuck technopath. JJ was paniccing and trying to pull himself all the way inside his room. "Stupid window! Let me go! Preferably landing in my room and not outside!" As though the
* @Dillon window would respond. Then the image popped up. "OH WOW WOW WOW THAT IS SO AWESOME! HELLO ALIENS! 010010000100010101001100010011000100111100100000010000010100110001001001010001010100111001010011!"
<MarloCross> Crippler follows Gina's lead, but still makes the call as he watches the Alien's Message. Thank god for his bluetooth headset," Call. Sisip." He is right behind Gina, wherever she might move.
<vile> When the noise assaults James' ears and the light pops into being, he stares at the picture and stops rolling. "Huh." he grunts and makes sure to have at least one camera pointing at the display. Must record! "Great. We still don't know what a '' is. Think we can just kidnap Cheney and fling him at the ship with a catapault or something?" Oh right. His kid, hanging
<vile> periliously from a high up window. Probably shouldn't let the kid go *splat*, though it'd mean he'd have quite a few less headaches. The chair starts up again and he heads into the building, going for the elevators. Must save retarded kid!
<Suzthulhu> She desperately wants to ask what happens if they don't give Noa up, but she has a feeling she knows. Her normally tanned face pales a bit. "Call Sisip what?" It comes out before she realizes fully what Marlo has actually said; Gina in a derp moment, standing there, staring up at the image. "I'm... pretty sure she knows, Marlo. I think the whole city knows. But if you want me to, I
<Suzthulhu> will." Not that she knows what to say other than OHGODOHGODOHGOD, but...
<MarloCross> He glanced over to her and," I'm calling her. I have a headset on under this thing...If anyone knows whats going on, It's her." Ever the faithfull Surrogate Brother. Crippler's head turned back to the alien hologram.
* Sunder Watches people wander inside and shrugs, and instead walks straight for the projection, wondering if it was just a transmission, or if he could talk with the things, or whatever the hell you would call them.
<@Sisip> The creature continues to talk after a bit of a pause, "One Earth week. Give Chyevalei Uidry leave. No Chyevalei Uidry come. Uidry take. Earthlings should choose give." It smiles, sort of. An uncomfortably self-assured, smug expression. A hand is raised as it motions and almost at once the lights go dark, the ship silent once again.
<@Sisip> Ashy is hiding with Rick, frantically searching the internet to buy all the French cinema she can find. Poor Jamie's credit cards >,<
* Dillon is now known as ShoAFK
<vile> As soon as he and Dillon get JJ pulled inside, Ashley will soon be taking his place dangling from the windowsill.
* Sunder Stops as the image disappears in front of him, and throws up his hands "What kind of stupid bloody aliens are you? Not going to bloody well show us a picture of what the bloody 'effin 'ell you're talking about? 'ow bout this then! I'm gonna name a bloody cat chey-whatever you pronounce it an 'and it to you! Cats make great stress relief you know, maybe it's just what you need eh?!
<MarloCross> His head tilts to the side," I'm in the quad. They want some one called Chyevalei. From the tone, I'd say it's a give them what they want or die situation. Do you have any idea what these things want?" As the ship goes silent, Crippler groans. No Fight...Again.
<Suzthulhu> And just like that, it's over, again. "I am so tired of this shit." She looks over at Sunder and can't help but laugh. "What's Sisip say, Marlo?" Crossing her arms over her chest, she plops down on a bench and waits.
<MarloCross> Marlo holds up a wait finger as he listens to Sisip on the other end...
<MarloCross> Suddenly, It was Marlo talking, not Crippler,"Noa...One of Kayla's friends...She's...she's who they want." He turns to Gina, the voice behind the helmet no longer so cold." Sisip says shje can't make the call...But she doesn't want to hand them over...I guess they're pretty bad guys in there."
<Suzthulhu> "Yeah. I didn't want to say her name in case, ya know, they're listening or whatever." She shrugs and nods. "I didn't think handing her over was even an option." She hadn't even entertained the thought, personally. "Well... I guess we have, what did they say, a week? To either figure something else out or... figure something else out." Because as far as she's concerned, that's all
<Suzthulhu> there is to it. "I need a drink."
<MarloCross> Marlo just looked up at the ship," Sisip....What do we do? What are these fucks capable of?" He was unsure, even with the helmet on. He just kinda stood there.
* Sunder He would make the piss off symbol at the ship "Well come on! Turn the bloody lights back on! I'm gonna grab my speakers, my tunes, an every drop of the good stuff I 'ave an so 'elp me if i've gotta set up my own light show I'm gonna.. Well i'll be awfully disappointed!"
<@Sisip> Sunder is met with silence, though likely there's an big-headed, long armed alien rolling squishy eyes at him and calling him rude things in their native tongue.