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Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 2:14 pm
by Sisip
Age: Unknown
Date of Birth: Unknown

Weight: 160
Hair Color: N/A
Eye Color: N/A
Planet of Origin: Uidr-Aoc
Classification: Extraterrestrial

Status: Active
Occupation:Planetary Invader

Personality Profile: A fairly aloof species. They believe they are superior to the lesser inhabitants of the universe and do not hide their feelings on this matter.

Physical Description: (Feel free to use text, an image, or both.)
Bulbous, aquatic style heads with oddly large brains. Uidry have multiple nasal organs and can adsorb nutrients, plant-like, from soil, flesh or similar substances. Their reproduction consists of budding off new members of their race. Uidry carry many diseases but do not suffer from them. The Uidry are the most revered species of their planet and serve as both negotiators and conquerors.


Powerset: Communication

Ability One: Mass Telepathy - Uidry can broadcast a one way telepathic message up to a distance of half a mile per Uidry. This distance increases as more Uidry connect to each other to broadcast simultaneously up to, but no more than, a five mile distance.

Ability Two: BabelFish - Uidry can simultaneously translate from one spoken language to another. It takes the brainwaves of the speaking race and what they are thinking then transmits the thoughts to the speech centres of the Uidry's brain, the speech heard by the ear decodes the brainwave matrix.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: The Mass Telepathy function easily tires an Uidry, leaving that particular one down for the count for at least a day. They much perfer to speak via their BabelFish ability. BabelFish function can only handle one language at a time, when more than one language is spoken it tends to combine both and things seem to get a bit confusing. The Uidry have no fighting ability save for their technology.

Projected Power Growth & Development: None

Skills: Invasion, Telling species what to do, Firing laser guns, Swimming.

Planet Name: Uidr-Aoc
Function: Natural Resources
Government: Ruler by Selection/Rite
Planet Type: Terrestrial
Terrain: Ocean
Gravity: light
Atmosphere: Type 1 (Breathable)
Length of Day: 15 standard hours
Length of Year: 240 local days
Hydrosphere: Moderate
Temperature: Cool
Population: 8 Mil
Starport: Stellar Class
Tech Level: Hyperspace

Uidry are the dominant species on their planet and have branched out quite quickly. They spread across the universe like locusts, dominating every planet they can find in order to preserve their own species. When they came upon the planet of the Chyevalei everything seemed to change. The humanoid plant-like inhabitants would give the Uidry both the enjoyment of the hunt and conquer and the sustenance they needed were it not for the Kibon-Orali, a race that had found the planet just before the Uidry did.

When one ship seemed to break off and make a run for it an Uidry battle-class cruiser followed discreetly behind the Kibon-Orali vessel, tracking both of them. In time they were lead to Earth where they remained hidden, waiting for the right time to reveal themselves.

Criminal Record: None on Earth however some species wish the Uidry had the death penalty on 12 systems.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts:In their quick time hovering above the earth the Uidry have found they quite enjoy movies with Gene Wilder and Richard Pryor.