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Vessel Draws Closer! 01/06/12

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 10:57 pm
by Sisip
<@Sisip> It's a quiet, peaceful evening. The great ship hovering silently above the Sanctum like a great ... hovering ... thing. Almost as if someone flipped a switch things changed. The silent monster in the sky sprang to noisy life. BRRRRRRRAAAAAWWWWRWRRRMRMRMMRMRMMMMM That was certainly no 'Close Encounters' melody, the noise vibrating windows all around though not breaking any. Lights lit up all around it, flashing, strobing, pulsing. Floodlights poured down over the grounds, moving in random patterns. It was a galactic rock concert light show damn near!
<@Sisip> (or will they?)
<Suzthulhu> They're being invaded by Hypnotoad.
<Edwin> Suddenly, a KISS concert breaks out.
* emily jumped and let out a loud eeep at the sudden blaring sound that flooded the room thanks to our noisy intergalactic neighbors, blushing at her outburst Emily looked down and made an eww face as she noticed that she had accidently smooshed her second cupcake when she had spazzed..."aliens killed my cupcake"
<Edwin> The money spent on those bullet-resistant, shatterproof windows seems to have been a worthwhile investment once all the noise and vibration started. Eddie looked out through the windows at all the lights illuminating the darkness outside. "Well, I think we're about to find out if you're right, Ashy. I really do home they just came for some s'mores." And not for obliterating everything
<Edwin> within a few miles of here in a hail of carnage and destruction. "...So, allow me to ask the obvious question. What exactly do we do if bad things start to happen?"
<@Sisip> Emily's not the only person who jumps. Ashy drops her apple (DOH) and her glow all but disappears. Freezing for a moment the girl slowly recovers, inching forward to peer out the window at the lightshow. "Uhm... ... go to the basement?" Wait.. was that aliens? Or tornado's! She could never keep the two straight, apparently. Suddenly she was doubting her 'daisy chain making love aliens' theory. Loud noises tended to do that.
<vile> Noise! Lights! Scary things! The smile is wiped right the fuck off the zombie's face! Nicholas not only jumps but also sprints awaaay from the windows. Fuck this shit. He's not keen on meeting ET or whateverthefuck is out there.
<@AnE> Suddenly...! The lightshow and sudden sounds had Seven startled to the point of... well, she vanished into thin air, as she tended to do when the shit threatened to hit the fan, poofing out of existence with a squeak. Of course, this lasted but for a moment before she reappeared, standing behind the couch and staring owl-eyed out the window, "...I meant to do that."
* Earth Valence was walking for the recenter before hearing the sounds and looks around noting who is in the area before she looks out the windoww and quirks a brow. "What the hell" She says softly and glances at the otheres before looking back out.
<@Sisip> BRRRRRRRAAAAAWWWWRWRRRMRMRMMRMRMMMMM Again! This time, however, the lights come together, all pointing into the courtyard, bathing it in light so bright it could be daytime. As one the spotlight moves, sliding along the ground, travelling up the building and stopping on the residential tower. BRRRRRRRAAAAAWWWWRWRRRMRMRMMRMRMMMMM A highpitched squeal follows suit, almost like feedback. Then... of all things ... a voice. Robotic sounding, certainly artificial. Etreimnai Ehdhihss Chyevalei. And again Qem Pa'Chyevalei Then finally words most familiar! Bring Out Chyevalei.
<vile> Speaking of highpitched squealing noises, Nicholas may or may not have emitted one. If he did, it can easily be blamed on someone else: it's kind of hard to pinpoint something like this when he's no longer in the room anymore. Because fuck this. By now, the cowardly respawner has taken refuge somewhere awaaaay from the windows and from pain or death.
* Earth Valence winces and rubs her ears a bit before she blinks a few times and tilts her head to to the side and quirks a brow glancing at the others... She has no idea who that is.
<@AnE> " anyone rec--" Individuals stood at the windows with cameras and phones out and rolling. "Nevermind." She stayed as far away from the damn windows as she could, but Seven couldn't help but stare at the crazy alien light show. "What are they s--" The voice was crackling, then booming -- it sounded like a machine, but that was unsurprising. Finally, the words became
<@AnE> clear, but they meant nothing. Not to her. "...who...?" Slowly, she looked around, hoping that someone had some kind of answer here. But considering that they were talking about a goddamn talking alien spaceship, she strongly doubted it.
<@Sisip> The glowless Ashlynne peeks out the window, skootched down under it. She certainly doesn't want any residual glow to be seen. Turning back to look at the group she shrugs "Why would they want Maurice Chevalier? He's been dead for ages!!" Who? Of course the movie buff would call to mind the French actor and singer. The girl looks confused, and just a wee bit frightened.
<@DeadJim> Isabelle facepalms, somewhere.
<Suzthulhu> Chloe is under the bed, still.
<vile> James is probably too busy keeping JJ from borrowing Auncle Maxie's helicopter to notice the scene. And Gabriel has the same idea as Chloe, except the closet because he doesn't fit under the bed too good.
<Edwin> Nobody in here but us pigeons.
<Edwin> "Who?" Eddie says at the same time that Seven does when the aliens apparently get their universal translators working. "OK, so, none of us apparently have any idea who they're talking about." And he doesn't know that there is an alien already hanging out around here, or else he might have suspected that they were talking about the guy that had made Chloe fear bomb the medical center
<Edwin> by accident. "So, how do we convince them what we have no idea who they're talking about, and not that we're defying the request?"
<Suzthulhu> It wasn't the med center. It was the lobby. You know, plain sight.
<@Sisip> Ashy does! Ashy knows the truth of what they want! Oh if only her brother was here with his instant-google ability! She could give them a rundown on the Frenchman whose death had apparently doomed them all! "Maybe they're just here ... for our cinema?" She skootches back down, back against the wall as she chews on her lower lip. "We could... set up the sims .. for them?" It was all she had to go on, really, the girl having no idea about the finer details of a certain Cobalt resident.
<@AnE> "...maybe they really enjoy old Earth entertainment." Seven blanked out on an explanation, shrugging her shoulders as she looked around the lounge. Someone had to have some idea of what the ship was talking about. Or maybe this could be heard in Salem and the person they were looking for was there. Let's just say there were a hell of a lot of things it could be and she didn't know
<@AnE> which it actually was. Dammit. "I am lost."
<@Sisip> The BRRRRRRRAAAAAWWWWRWRRRMRMRMMRMRMMMMM and message repeat themselves. Obviously intent on finding this 'Chyevalei'. The main lights remain fixed on the Residential Tower as a new set of lights begins pulsating along the body of the ship. Unfortunately it begins to move... downwards. The vessel originally at airliner cruising altitude where it could be ignored, played off were it not for it's massive size. Now it was dropping lower, towards Cobalt, almost blocking out the sky with it's bulk, all the while the spotlight staying affixed to the tower. The distant sound of choppers could be heard as people mobilize. By the time they appear, however, the ship is only the length of a football field above the tower itself. At this close a range a good look was possible, the craft seemingly seamless save for the lights. Where was the door?
* MunInFull is now known as JDead
* Earth val blinks. "That is a lot of space metal..." She mumbles as she stares out the window. She was terrified and yet fasinated all at the same time.
<Edwin> "They seem insistent." If you had a ship that big, would *you* take no for an answer? Eddie got up from the couch and went to the window to look up as the ship lowers down over the campus until it seems to fill the sky overhead completely. "Whoever it is, they seem to think the person they're looking for is in the res hall." He notes as he watches where the spotlights are fixed.
<Edwin> "I'm with you, Sev. I have no idea what the hell is going on. Or how we even communicate back to them and tell them we don't know they're talking about. You'd think with all that advanced technology, they could show us a photo or something." A line from the Hitchhiker's Guide about how the Vogon fleet hung in the air in exactly the way that bricks don't was bouncing around inside
<Edwin> Eddie's head as he watched the ship descend, paradoxically, make its ability to fly look even more impossible the closer it got.
* emily finally came out of her stupor and moved over to wash her hand off those she jumped a little with every loud repeat of the noise and request..."d-does anyone know w-what to do if they come in here"
<@AnE> Seven swallowed a lump in her throat, shrinking down behind the couch as if it would help, "...maybe if we don't move they won't see us." What? It worked with T-rexes! For all they knew the aliens could have been superadvanced T-rexes! She looked over toward Emily and frowned, speaking in a matter-of-fact tone, "They suck our brains out." Always with the worst-case scenarios,
<@AnE> that one. As she tended to do in times of potential danger, she shifted into invisibility.
<@Sisip> Ashy doesn't say much of anything, choosing instead to crawl along the floor towards Seven and Eddie, taking shelter behind the fellow who'd known her since she was a wee little infink. She whispers quietly, "I don't want them.. anymore.. I want..." Her daddy? Damn right she did! That ship was MASSIVE. Bigger than the stretchy girl could have ever thought of. It looked big when it was way up high but now? Now it was just ginormous.
* emily whimpered a little at the answers as she decided to duck behind the couch which looked strange considering her height but Emily wasn't thinking about appearances right now, she was more worried about her brains being sucked out
<@Sisip> The ship remains where it stopped, just above the campus. It's spotlight stays fixed on the residential tower but it falls ominously quiet.
* Earth blinks a little looking towards them and then looks back to the window. She was soon crouched down and against the back of the couch, not hiding but leaning a bit. She was curious about this thing and its metal.
<Edwin> "If they sit there all night, it's going to make getting any sleep a total bitch." Eddie says as the ship continues to hover there with the searchlights bathing the residential complex. "At least they haven't--wait, I shouldn't open my mouth, because if I say it, it might happen." Let's not make a bad situation worse by wondering what might happen if they start issuing ultimatums.
<Edwin> "I don't think there's any standard protocol for trying to communicate with them. And standing in the courtyard and shouting at the ship seems stupid. And suicidal."
<@AnE> "...we could wake up one of the technopaths, but I do not think they would appreciate it." Seven deadpanned, reaching up to scratch at the bridge of her nose as her disembodied voice spoke from ... you know, somewhere. "And they may have already taken shelter. Um..." On the verge of pants-wetting, she looked around. Again, it didn't look like anyone else had an answer, which was
<@AnE> fine, but she was used to everybody else knowing what to do, dammit. "Do you think that they have...maybe lost one of their own? Maybe ... one of their people is hiding somewhere? Or in Salem? Oh! What if they think we kidnapped somebody?"
* emily bit her lower lip then inched out behind couched and made her way out to the windows, emily wasnt what you would call brave but she was curious to a fault and the big thing wasnt making funny noises right now so now was the time to peek
<@Sisip> Ashy's voice is quiet, "Just movies. They're just here for movies. We can get them popcorn." Her mumbles are obviously just to reassure herself, falling silent as she listens to Seven. "Well then they should go home. We didn't kidnap anyone! Maybe we could have JJ talk to them?" Why JJ? Because he was techy!