Tyr Ragnarsson aka 'Flæði'

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Tyr Ragnarsson aka 'Flæði'

Post by crom »

Player Nickname: Robb^

Name: Tyr Ragnarsson
Codename: Flæði (Icelandic for Flow pronounced ‘Fly-dee’)
Age: 21
Date of Birth: December 14 1993

Height: usually 5’11”
Weight: 77.11 kg / 170 lb
Hair Color: n/a he can extrude white hair like growths
Eye Color: Glowing Red
Place of Origin: Reykjavik Iceland
Nationality/Race: Caucasian
Classification: Mutant

Status: Other
Occupation: Foreign Observer

Personality Profile: Tyr came to the school when it was a school, a withdrawn young man, scared to hurt others with his mutant abilities. His time there brought him out of his shell an outgoing young man willing to do what it took to help people be they friends or strangers. He believes humans and those with special gifts have the ability to live together, and everyone deserves the right to live without fear of people who don’t understand them.

Physical Description: His physical form is almost alien, he resembles a massive Amoeba that can flow across surfaces. With concentration, he can form his body into that of a humanoid of slim build originally with little by the way of muscle tone, but with age hes grown in height and has a definite adult look. His hair is actually cilia like growths that from time to time seem to move of their own accord. over all he has a milky white almost see through coloration except for his red alien looking red eyes that glow in darkness.


Powerset: Amoeba Physiology

Ability One: Amoeba form: His natural form is that of an amorphous mass, he is malleable enough to wrap himself around people and objects, as well as extrude himself through very small spaces such as around doors and through cracks and pipes. His form is so malleable that most impacts cause him little physical harm and since he has no true internal organs it is difficult to do him permanent physical harm. If he is broken while frozen then thawed the parts can reform into a whole though the pain would be incredible. as his form has no internal organs such as lungs stomach or intestines, he is heavier than one might expect in his humanoid form so he does not float in water. His body absorbs nutrients through his membrane such as food and oxygen but he can insert food directly into his body to simulate eating. Oxygen is as well absorbed directly so he can survive in a liquid environment with sufficient oxygen such as water. However impurities such as lye, bleach and high amounts of chlorine can cause him intense pain and given time even kill him.

Ability Two: Acid creation: He can extrude a strong acid which he can cast off in sticky globs with a flick of his arm or other appendage. The acid is strong enough to dissolve most materials but the harder the longer it takes. Also the time is dictated by if the material is natural or man made (ie paper wood cloth and flesh can be dissolved over a short time at present 30 seconds, man made materials such as metals plastics and glass can take as long as an hour if not more.)

Ability Three:

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: If surprised or Frightened he can lose cohesiveness. Also he is vulnerable to pesticides that come in contact with his skin if he isn’t covered with his slime. Also if he extrudes his slime it will dissolve the clothing and objects he is wearing unless it made from acid proofed materials. Cold can freeze him solid and cause him incredible harm if his form is broken. Tyr is afraid of hurting people he comes in contact with so keeps his acidic abilities shut down as best he can.

Projected Power Growth & Development: Tyr is always wanting to hone his control of his abilities. He can over exert himself at which point he starts to lose cohesion taking his natural form.

Skills: He is a high school graduate with training in search and rescue using his particular abilities, he is also a passable cook. He understands English, German, Icelandic, French, also international Sign Language.

Background: Born to a loving family in Reykjavik, his mother was a mutant his father a normal human. His brother and sisters are human except for his youngest sister who is also a mutant with the ability to create and control ice like her mother. Unlike many mutant’s he didn’t grow up with the stigma of his DNA.

His mutant ability didn’t manifest until he was 14 when he was caught in an earthquake at school. He was trapped in the pile of debris the rescue crews figured all they would find was a broken body if anything. They and his family were amazed when he was found alive if not unchanged. His skin and hair now a milky white and the area around him eaten away as if by a powerful acid, his clothing now gone due to his abilities.

He was checked out by Doctors expert in the field of mutant genetics, and when he was allowed to go home with his family with the express instruction’s to get him training in the use and control of his abilities by someone who knew how to deal with his extreme mutant nature.

A Icelandic government official came to the family months later with an offer to pay for Tyr’s education partly from guilt over the accident that caused his mutant activation, also partly from the fact the government was one of the more progressive ones in the world. Most consider mutants an aberration to be shunned controlled or destroyed. They were considered national treasures in most cases.

The official showed his parents leaflets for a school in the united states called Cobalt Academy, his entire tuition would be paid for including the travel to the school all that was asked is that upon his return home he help with others like him and use his abilities for the greater good of his peoples.

They spoke at length about the offer with their family and Tyr but it was ultimately left up to him if he would go or stay. He understood the need for control his abilities were dangerous uncontrolled. He once burned his way from his bedroom on the second floor through the first and into the basement causing a large amount of damage during a violent thunderstorm.

Before the start of the next school session he was flown along with his father to America under a special visa allowing him even as a mutant access. He was enrolled in the school as a freshman and wants to lean to best control his ability.

His time at Cobalt helped him come out of his shell, making a few friends, while he learned to understand and better control his abilities. But as with all things his time at the school came to an end and he had to return home to Iceland.

There he took training in search and rescue with IRO (Icelandic Rescue Organization), helping people in natural and man made disasters. Iceland tapped him again months later to return to his second home Cobalt this time as an observer to see how they did things since the grounds became a sanctuary for those with special abilities, to possibly get information on starting their own Sanctuary program.

Criminal Record: Try has no known criminal record in the united states or Iceland.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Tyr is an avid reader and movie watcher. due to his physical make up he’s effectively mute and has extensive skill in sign language.

*Note* He has a snapdragon pet a Chinese fireball dragon named Jörmungandr meaning world serpent from Norse Mythology it’s also nick named it ‘Pewfle’ (the creature looks like the fireball dragon from the harry potter movies) Pewfle is a plant but a very special one from the time when Tyr was at cobalt the pair are fast friends and they go everywhere together.
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