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Ashy, Gabe & Poddy Recon 12/30/11

Posted: Sat Dec 31, 2011 2:01 pm
by Sisip
<@Sisip> Ashy found herself on the roof, having decided to meet up with Gabe at a later time so as not to attract attention. He, Gabe and Ashy had made quite a bit of noise that night. Now the glowing girl was once again dressed in her full catsuit, her brothers little robot Poddy on her shoulder.
<vile`> Lo! Return of the birdbrain! Great wings beat as he circles around, heading towards the meeting point. Perhaps he'd rather just stay aloft and enjoy the flight. At least that's what one might think if they saw him wasting time up there. Or! Warming up for a more serious outing! Either way, he goes 'round and 'round until he finally decides to land near the glowbug. His wings flutter a
<vile`> couple times, kicking up a chilly wind, before they settle on his back. A friendly smile and wave are offered to Ashley and Poddy. "Are you ready?"
<@Sisip> The glowing girl pulls the hood over her head, blocking out the glow of her face. Gabe couldn't see her grin, though it was obvious in her voice, "Ready, willing and able!" She scurries over towards him, Poddy clinging to a little strap that had been attached to keep him in place. "Ok, so the plan is we climb as high as we can and I fling Poddy upwards with stretchy arm to get him even closer. Pod takes the readings and then sets out his little parachute, so we can catch him on his way down." It seemed a simple enough plan, kept everyone safe.. even Pod.
<vile`> This is a bad idea. Even if he'd gone up into the air with the two previously, he still isn't very thrilled about this. But hey. He bobs his head once, turns about and offers his back to her. Tonight he's opted for an extra layer of clothes, leaving him a bit more warm and comfortable to cling for dear life on. "Correct. I understand the plan. Now hold on." And once she's on, he launches
<vile`> into the aiiiiir! It's a repeat of a couple nights ago, with him diving precariously towards the ground. But he'll start climbing soon enough, heading up into the heavens! Just...a bit slowly.
<@Sisip> She doesn't giggle or laugh, the girl sobering up almost immediately. They were on a mission. Recon style. Clinging to Gabe's back she doesn't squeeze him as tightly as she had before. "Yes, this is going to work, Gabe. We're gonna get info from them and they won't even know it." The poor trio, all they had to do was talk to Rick or Noa to get the rundown of what was going on. That teaches Ashy for not calling her boyfriend 24/7.
<vile`> Better to hold on too tight than fall off! As long as he doesn't get kicked or screamed at too loudly, he won't object. He continues to fly harder, steadily climbing skyward! The ship comes into view! But it's so fucking far away. Gabe is not an airplane and this seems hopeless. "Of course it will." her faithful winged steed mutters under his breath.
<@Sisip> She knew Gabe wouldn't be able to get much higher, she certainly didn't expect him to suddenly turn super-mutant on her. Reaching up she plucks Poddy of her shoulder, the little bot beeping and trilling with just a smidge of alarm. Apparently only Ashy was one hundred percent sure this was a foolproof plan. "Ready Poddy? Don't forget, when you hit your arc and start to fall pop your chute, but keep recording, ok? Even if it doesn't make sense. Record EVERYTHING!" The shadow-atop-Gabe reaches back, the little robot in the palm of her hand. With a grunt the girl heaves Poddy forward, probably jerking Gabe down just a bit. Ashy's arm stretches far, releasing Pod at the best moment. The little creation soars off into the night, only the small glow from his screen proof that he's in the air. "Track him, Gabe!" The bot flies for a while, the toss good, before a small chute appears and he slowly begins to drop. "Let him fall a bit further, give him as much time as we can."
* Earth ( Quit
Session Time: Sat Dec 31 00:00:01 2011
<vile`> Gabriel's thrown off balance! Some! He compensates for it and levels out quickly enough. The pigeon man grunts and grumbles. The beating of his wings grows more strong and fast as he goes on! Poddy is spotted and he heads after the device, trying his best to keep up with the thing. "Alright." can be heard from under his breath.
<@Sisip> Ashy holds tight to Gabriel, watching Poddy sway as he floats downwards towards the earth. "Keep your fingers crossed, Gabe." There didn't seem to be any negative affects from the spaceship, so that was good.. right? They got away with it! When the little robot had dropped far enough Ashy patted Gabe's shoulder. "Ok, we can go get him now, I think he's low enough."
* Ceiling_Cat ( has joined #Cobalt*Hill
<vile`> "Rodger." Once he gets the go-ahead, he stops working so damn hard, relaxing some. The need for height is over with and so he gets to gliiiide! This is more his speed: the effort it took to get that high has worn him down. He's tired and just wants to complete the run and sit down for a while. He zeroes in on Poddy and sails towards the device, angling himself so Ashley'd be able to nab
<vile`> the iPod in midair.
<@Sisip> Her arm whips forward, streetching and snatching Poddy from the air. The little bot trills his thanks to both of them, clinging to Ashy's wrist. "We did it Gabe! We can go in now! It's COLD OUT HERE!" And it was! Damn cold!
<vile`> "I agree. I have not been to the new building yet. Would you like to share some hot chocolate?" Down, down! They turn away from the damned ship and spirals towards the ground, heading back for the safety of the compound. Namely, the Sanctum! Safety, warmth, hot chocolate, rest. All the best things in the world!
<@Sisip> Ashy would happily share hot cocoa with Gabe, returning later to give her brother Poddy and to tell Rick all about her successful mission!