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Unexpected Guests - 12/22/11

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2011 11:07 am
by Sisip
A spaceship hovers in the air over Salem and Cobalt!
<@Sisip> It HAD been a quiet night, the usual sounds of the campus, right up until the thunder started. The sound of a storm off in the distance, calm and relaxing, a winter storm.. perfect for hot cocoa and cuddling by the fireplace. Slowly the clouds began to roll in, plentiful, almost unusually. ... and glowing. Could it have been another meteorite storm? People paused, terrified, staring up at the sky. One or two made for the residential complex, intent on seeking shelter, however after a bit of time it was obvious that no balls of space-rock were bursting through those forboding orange glowing rolling clouds.
<emily> /me stepped out of the living area and she was not festive, the tall girl was dressed in all black from her waist length black hair to her lamb skin leather coat down to the beat up combat boots she had found at a army surplus store, emily was all bundled up for winter. Emily headed for the quad humming gently to the soundtrack from my fair lady that was playing through ear-buds of her...
<emily> ...ipod, smiling gently she waved to the small group of people doing her best to be friendly
<emily> /me stepped out of the living area and she was not festive, the tall girl was dressed in all black from her waist length black hair to her lamb skin leather coat down to the beat up combat boots she had found at a army surplus store, emily was all bundled up for winter. Emily headed for the quad humming gently to the soundtrack from my fair lady that was playing through ear-buds of her...
<emily> ...ipod, smiling gently she waved to the small group of people doing her best to be friendly
<Kitalyn> <Fuzed> He takes a few steps away from the group and pulls a pack of cigarettes from his bag and lights one up. "Sorry, nasty habit....but I'm nic-fittin like amd right now.."His head cock to the side as he too see's max..and badger, and of course kevin and his decorating..this place was nuts in a totally awesome way and he loved it...then his eyes look to the sky "The hell....?"
* Robb^ came up behind the otter scooping the little animal up to deposit it on top of tyhe bag seeing the others he darted over towards them rummaging in his bag blue bag for boys and pink bag for girls tossing them to the people and he stopped looking up to the sky with all the rumbling and clouding.Feh dont oyu dare get santas helper wet! he threatened the sky.
<Kitalyn> <Fuzed> He takes a few steps away from the group and pulls a pack of cigarettes from his bag and lights one up. "Sorry, nasty habit....but I'm nic-fittin like amd right now.."His head cock to the side as he too see's max..and badger, and of course kevin and his decorating..this place was nuts in a totally awesome way and he loved it...then his eyes look to the sky "The
<Kitalyn> riously?"(post fix)
<@Kraken> "That furry thing's Badger. A co-worker of mine, he's harmless. Don't worry about him..." Kevin's festive color show ended, his skin returning to its default colors and patterns as he looked up, and an other tentacle was added to the one already curled abour Kayla, drawing the girl closer to him.
* Lukas` ( has joined #Cobalt*Hill
* Maximus The otter would pause, standing upon its hind legs, using its tail as leverage. She starts looking around, those plush antlers following her head's movement. Humiliated merrily was an understatment but....being the nice otter she was, she'd stay dressed up like this in fear of hurting Ashy's feelings. A nice glare would be rewarded to Kayla....and just in time to jump at the
* Maximus first t [CUT]
* Maximus [CUT] hunderclap. And with that, fearing something like instant rain or hail, the otter hurried over to a bench to hide if it would shelter her from the elements. [END]
<@Sisip> Kayla freezes as she stares up at the sky, the pink colour that was on her cheeks fading, as did any other colour she had. She'd been at home when the space-rocks had pummeled Salem, thankfully they weren't bothered by them but that certainly didn't make it less frightening. ".. Kevin.." She says his name as a question, as if the squid man could explain this to her. She presses up against him, hands coming out of her pocket to push him just a bit, "Maybe... we.. should go inside.. right?" She didn't want to be space-crushed.
<Corty> <Loren> looks towards the sky, tiling her head curiously as she watches the clouds Whoa, she thinks, watching the clouds. She moves quickly over to Badger and smiles at him "Hi there Bandersnatch." She smiles at him, extra cheerfully hyper. Looking back to the sky and stepping closer to the the badger, "So what're you doing?"
* emily stopped and looked up the sky, she hadnt been here during the meteor strike but she had seen footage on the news and such, looking around for a second she jogged over to the two kevins and kayla looking a little worried and not wanting to be alone if giant rocks started falling from the sky
<vile> Nicholas is a pussy. That much didn't change when he came back from...wherever he was. Amnesia doesn't change the fact he's yellow. Well. He's white now but the point stands! The coward pokes his head out of the medical center, hesitates for a moment and then steps out into the chilly night air. The noise attracts his attention. As much as he'd like to avoid another messy death, curiousity
<vile> overrides that. And so out he goes, heading towards those already gathered in the quad, and looks upwards, curious about the thunder so late in the year.
<Robb^> * Badger^ peered to Max-otter man the lil lady could move and whistled over to her to get with him. he grinned to Loren tossing her a pink gift bag. me? im helpin santa cause last year Security tazers his fat ass when he came on campus. he joked tossing a blue bag to Kev
<@Sisip> It all seemed to happen at once, the night sky filling with mulitple sounds. The chopping sounds of helicopters, the sounds of jets blasting through the air, they seemed to come from nowhere while at the same time everywhere. The great rolling clouds tumbled over each other, the glow changing, becoming almost angrier. After a while it was apparent that it wasn't just a simple glow, it was the orange of fire, rolling along with the clouds, burning deep within them.
* Cortnye ( has joined #Cobalt*Hill
<@Kraken> "Yes. Koski, get indoors." He still had a tentacle hold on Kayla and actually lifted her up with them with ease and made his way to the closest building, catching the bag in yet another tentacle. "Badger, indoors. I don't like the looks of the sky."
<Kitalyn> <Fuzed> Another drag of his cigarette and he looks back to the little gathering going on"Meh, I'll worry about rain when it starts raining.... eyes widen"Thats not rain..... moving closer to Kayla and Kevin he looks hella scared and confused....
* Corty ( Quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
* Maximus The otter Max simply looked at Badger as if he had a book growing out of his head. She pointed a webbed paw out towards the angry, rolling clouds. "Sinister clouds of ddoooooooooom" She said in that squeaky lil kid voice. "I no come from under here..." She then began shaking his head "nope nope no no no"
<Lukas`> Sensible people are inside! Croach is holed up in the CroachBunker someplace. Well, he could be if he could afford the cost of building his own secret lair. Paul is probably holed up with Zamora, tryin his best to make sure shes okay. Wilbur, Wilbur is off someplace..probably rambling on about 'the stars finally being almost right damnit', but still not out in the open. Nope! Instead,
<Lukas`> we find Daniel of all people, the middle of the quad there, looking up at the clouds. Clad in jeans, boots and teeshirt..he was taking slow, deep breaths to steady himself as he awaited the oncoming shitstorm.
* Robb^ dropped his bag and scooped up the nearby Lorenhefting her over his shoulder in a fireman carry. he yelled for fuzzy git over here! he was gonna get as many out of this crap as possible. little floor duster. he rumbled ot himself as he bounded towards the hiding Otter and reaching under the bench stuffing it into his vest. then bounded off to the nearest secure
* Robb^ really wanna be outside in this? even dressed like that which i absolutly looove. he grinned down to the otter
<vile> AAAH what the fuck is that shit. Nicholas tenses up, staring at the heavens still. His eyes wide, he looks like he's not quite sure if he should flee in terror and go hide in the safety of his room or stick around. For now, he stays frozen in place like a deer in headlights. But he's also near Kevin. Squid Kevin! Because the squidboy will totally protect him...right? | Gabriel fears few
<vile> things but after his run-in with meteorites, he's definately not going outside! Instead, he gets away from the windows and...well, when the rocks can murder buildings, where the fuck is safety?
* emily looked to the people who were running towards buildings to the brightly and jingling otter who was arguing with the large furry santa helper, biting her lip she took off at a full run towards the otter only to see the badger guy was going after it so she changed course and started running after the fleeing group..."Im starting to miss the mean girls back home..."
<@Sisip> Kayla is lifted by Kevin, which was good since the clumsy girl probably would have managed to trip and tangle EVERYONE up in her obvious panicced state. Not caring about the fact that she looks like a scared child the girl clings to Kev, large bluegrey eyes widening even moreso as she watches the flaming clouds. Her whimper slips from her lips, Kay obviously not handling the idea that perhaps one giant meteorite was going to smoosh them all very well. In her panic, gripping Kevin tightly, an arm around his neck, hand gripping the back of his head, that wall within her drops, her power rushing out and.. once again .. into Kevin.
<Cortnye> <Loren> squeaks being carried "I can run myself! I'm not clumsy!" She pokes at his back "Why exactly are you dressed like that?" No matter inpending doom, she's worried about his fashion sense at the moment.
* Maximus Blurted out a sharp "NO!" at Badger's command....but hell that fell on deaf ears. The otter would be scooped up and stuffed into the fuzzy guy's vest, prompting a torrent of unhappy, rubber ducky like squeaks. First she's plucked from her bench, stolen, hugged and cuddled (not that she mind that part), dressed up like Santa's reindeer....thundered at by an angry sky and now
* Maximus stuffed [CUT]
* Maximus [CUT] into somebody's vest. This was turning out to be an awesome night. [END]
<@Sisip> Were it not for the rolling of the clouds, the rushing of people to shelter, and the overhead passing of aircraft it would have seemed like time was standing still. In otherwords, if it wasn't for EVERYTHING time would have seemed like it was standing still. A massive shape appeared in the midst of the flaming clouds, bulbous, oddly shaped. In the light of the flames it was quite easy to see some of the details. It wasn't a space rock, the object was metallic and ever more of it appeared as seconds ticked by. It was massive, the clouds rolling along it's almost shiny surface.
* Robb^ smirked listening to Loren. well first off i can do about 35 miles per hour on all fours and second off youre kidding right? better asking why the otter is dressed like a reigndeer i mean really her legs are waaay too short. he grinned down to max givingthe otter a playful wink and not puttingthe squeeking girl down til she was inside.. as a matter of fact he had skitter/slid
* Robb^ into the ER with a YAHOO!
<Lukas`> Right now, what Danny wouldnt give for a nice adamantium baseball bat. It would do dick all really against an asteroid; but he does admit that it would at least result in him looking hyper-awesome when someone clips a cellphone image of him right before he gets turned into salsa. It'd be the most awesomest obituary photo ever. Of course, Danny fully expected to survive, but the thought
<Lukas`> there made him grin and choke down a bit of a laugh. Hooooooly Crap. Was all he could say once the thing actually game into view. Danny didnt flee, instead..he was pondering how best to catch this thing, not literally mind you, but how to be close to where he thinks it might finally 'land'
* Earthafk ( Quit
* @Kraken indoors.. the meteors smashed a building last time! Outdoors, open targets. Where the heck was safe in a situation like this?! Gah! That weird feeling again! Poor Kevin, at least it was only his chromakinesis getting zorted out. Once again the transparisquid made an appearance as the cephalopodal mutant lost all color. He felt disoriented but boroguht Kayla into the med center.
<@AnE> Gosh, it was loud. Noa peered curiously out of the window of her rather barebones apartment, eyes going extreeemely wide as she noticed it -- the thing hurtling not just toward earth, but toward the grounds as well. It was going to crash there, wasn't it? She paled, shrinking back and away from the window to peer outside from what she hoped was a safe spot, crouching low to the ground
<@AnE> and fastening her watch on her wrist. If smaller rocks could do what they did...what was this going to do?
* emily came to a slow stop as she looked at the thing in the sky, she was having serious Independence Day flash backs and while she liked that movie it was a bit much to be seeing it in real life, spotting Danny she jogged over to him.."shouldnt we be getting inside Danny?"
<Kitalyn> <Fuzed> Stopping just outside the door, he huffed his cigarette as he watchd the sky nervously. Inside? Probably a good idea...however..after what had happened..what the frig would it do? Then the large opject makes itself known and he shakes ihs head"Thats not a meteorite..." A look over to where Kevin and Kayla went...."What the fuck is that?!"
<Cortnye> <Loren> had felt the wave washing over her as they got closer, but seriously didn't pay attention because she wanted him to put her down. And when he does she feels the world tilt around her, and her vision dimming around the edges. Why?? she wonders for a few seconds, she hadn't seen anyone getting her. She tries to blink her eyes clear as she looks at Badger "Everything feels
<Cortnye> heavy, Bandy.." She shuffles to the nearest wall and leans against it, closing her eyes as she lets the wall hold her up. Focusing on breathing, breath in, breath out.
* Robb^ is now known as Badger^
<@Sisip> As Kevin suddenly goes transparent Kayla seems to collapse. It was good that he was holding her, else she probably would have hit the floor. She was going to feel horrible knowing that, ONCE AGAIN, poor Kevin was the recipient of her power neutralizer. Currently though all she was feeling was the neutrality of being unconcious, the stress from the power drain and the fear of 'omg going to get crushed' just a little to much for the sensative redhead to take.
* Maximus The moment Badger puts her down, she'd give him the wtf and the what for, all in various squeaks and chirps....all while shaking an angry paw at him. Oh he was getting an ear dull, even though he couldnt understand a dam thing she was saying. Nevermind the fact something was going on outside and her life would likely be saved if he never grabbed her. But thats besides the point.
<Lukas`> Oh yeah, you certainly could be inside Emily. Me, I figure I can take the hit if this thing is crashing. Its moving slow enough for planes to keep up with it, so its not gonna plow into the ground like the other ones did. He had some logic there, but Danny had also ignored gunshots and being hit by cars, so he had a little more faith in his body then most At least I hope that its big
<Lukas`> and moving slow, instead of it being really..really big and moving fast. Damned perception hijinks!
<vile> Nicholas stays beside squidKevin, not exactly knowing what the fuck else to do. He eyes Kayla briefly and grimaces. He reaches out to help carry the unconscious Kay, having no ideas what her powers are capable of. While lightweight and gimpy, he can...kind of help? At least they aren't trying to haul Eden's impossibly fat ass.
* Badger^ set her doen on the floor and pulled out the otter putting it in Lorens lap as he looked outside his furry brows going waaay up. that is the biggest steel ball i have ever shit.. he spied Kev and some girl outside. ok everyone stay here time for me to do something stupid with that he was darting outside bee lining to the two and looking for others.
<Cortnye> <Loren> wasn't going anywhere, she slides down to sit on the floor and still lean on the wall. "I need an off switch.." She mumbles, almost quoting Nick's comment about the side effects she has. She leans her head on her knees, mouthing numbers as she breaths, she was amazed that she was still sitting upright, all that credit goes to the wall behind her though.
* @Kraken helped to bring Kayla to a bed to recover, nodding to Nick and looking kinda creepy. without his chromakinesis one would think he'd fall back to a human skintone. But, nope! No color at all. Not even Nick white. The squid was clear. "Badge. What are you doing?" He'd follow after the furry one, he was security too! And he ould see the the others caught outside to safety!
<Cortnye> <Loren> apparently just notices the otter and blinks, sluggishly moving it to the floor next to her "Not comfy with you there." She whispers, eying the clothing blurrily as she leans her head back on her knees.
* @AnE ( Quit (Quit: Ok OP. I've been banned from /diy/ for telling someone to fall off a cliff as a natural-looking suicide, and I am here to help you.)
<@Sisip> A dozen or so choppers seemed to hover over and around the campus as the burning, boiling clouds dissipate, leaving behind an object that had to have been at least a mile in length and half of one in width. Lights seemed to pulse over the rounded edge vessel and it was obvious, to anyone who had ever seen a movie, that this was not a meteorite, or gas cloud, or weather balloon. This was a hugenormous, gimungous space ship that was being surrounded by military choppers. It seemed to hang there, doing not much of anything except glow and pulse.
<emily> "but wouldnt it be better to not get hit so if you need to you can help others later?" emily looked nervously up at the giant thing in the sky and back to Danny, he might be able to take a hit from something like that but emily could not and she looked just a moment away from running
* Maximus blinks, looking at Loren and gets passed to the floor. She doesnt give protest to the girl for moving her. The otter would stare at the girl for a few seconds before speaking "Strange lady girl ok?" That was all she could think to ask Loren.
<Lukas`> Danny stood, awestruck and amazed. Its..a spaceship. Honest to god spaceship. Yep, it had broke his brains! Just a little. He could jump up there, no trouble..make it in a single magestic leap, but alas..he was to dumbstruck to contemplate it now. Thankfully. Because that was probably a bad plan. MEANWHILE! A friggen spaceship, aliens from beyond the furthest stars! Wilbur just came
<Lukas`> Rainbows ...figuratively
<Kitalyn> Yep...screw this..inside he goes, but hovering near the door, wanting to see his doom coming, if that what was really going on. "Maine may have been full of hicks and really boring...but this never happened there....... but strangely he was still happy he got to live amoung others like himself..even if for less then 2 full days..
* @Kraken ( Quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
<Cortnye> <Loren> starts to nod then shakes her head, not sure why, she's not realized what's going on or where she is. "I'll be fine, just need a few minutes." Maybe something to drink, but she doesn't say anything else. Sitting on the floor near the door of the med center, where Bandersnatch has taken her for cover. She listens to the sounds for a moment before she sighs "I shouldn't be
<Cortnye> in here.." Her body relaxs as it finally takes over, she's out like a blown light bulb.
* emily stood open mouthed and stared at the spaceship, her mind was suddenly going over every bad sci-fi film she had ever seen and sadly she was not getting warm fuzzy feelings.."b-but aliens are rr-real"
* Kraken ( has joined #Cobalt*Hill
* ChanServ sets mode: +o Kraken
* Badger^ bee lined at Danny.Yo He-Man get your ass outta there!K6 he roared at the gaping kid, he glanced up and saw it for its all ummm really bigness i nean it was really amazingly huge.he shook his head and dropped down ripping up the turf as he meant to take googoo boy out of the way. great and a girl too? Keeeev? you better get her too man! he yelled over his shoulder hoping to
* Badger^ god the guy was following along.
* @Kraken he was! Sorry if the post got eaten in the dc but the transparent squidboy had hurried out after Badger once Kayla was safe. he'd also left the blue bag there. And now he was outside, with a giant space ship hoving above and helicoptors. "Right here, Badge."
<vile> Nicholas stays inside, close to Kevin. No more outside for him. Nope, nope, nope! Totally not happening. The zombie opens his mouth to ask the obvious question: What in the shit is going on? But he's bright enough to know that nobody else has a damn clue either. And so he stays quiet, opting to help where he can. Which...isn't really a whole lot. Not right now. And when Loren goes
<vile> down, he finally moves! He goes to pick the girl up and try to drag her inside, at least get her out of the path of anyone else heading inside!
<@Sisip> Kayla is comfy in her bed, the nurses of the med center wheeling her into a quiet room and calling her brother to let him know she was, once again, in the hospital.
* Maximus The otter continues to watch Loren, giving a flurry of repeated nods of its head "Ok...ok..ok ok ok..time...yes time." She'd nod somemore before turning her attention to the door. She'd peek out to see what was going on before turning back to look at Loren. And just in time see her clunk out. Thats when she starts to panic. " no die!!" The otter
* Maximus rushed to Lore [CUT]
* Maximus [CUT] n, grabbing hold of her shirt or whatever and starts shaking the girl. It would amount to much of anything though. A near 15 pound otter shaking somebody 3 times her weight.....yea that'll work. "Come back!! No leave me here!" Luckily, Nick's there to help. She'd help move Loren by.....pushing one of her feet. [END]
* @Kraken ( Quit (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Keeto)))
* Kraken ( has joined #Cobalt*Hill
* ChanServ sets mode: +o Kraken
<Cortnye> <Loren> gets moved in her passed out phase, she can still hear them, oddly, but she can't respond. At least her nose wasn't bleeding this time, being in the med center was going to be fun, she'd probably fall into an everlasting coma from the pain around her. Or she'd get awake enough to get out of there.
<Badger^> i deserve a big keg of first malt whiskey as a farging christmas bonus for this shit this year.. he muttered to himself He would get to Danny and bodily heft him over his shoulder knowing Kev would get emily to safty too.
* @Sisip ( Quit (Quit: At six o'clock their mommies and daddies will take them home to bed because they're tired little teddy bears.)
Session Close: Thu Dec 22 23:53:18 2011