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Campus Devastation - Meteorites 12/18/11

Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2011 8:42 pm
by Sisip
In the early evening of the 18th of Decembers meteorites came crashing down to earth ( ). The world beaten down by the massive space-stones, the Cobalt Campus is devastated. The Rec Center, Green House, Administration Building and Security Booth are no more, the Residential Complex grazed and some damage but nothing serious.

<@Sisip> The night sky is filled with gorgeous shooting stars, hundreds of them, falling in every which way, haphazard and crazy. A beautiful, amazing scene unlike any ever seen before. Any TV turned to a local station has it's broadcasting interrupted, "This is Ivanna Dolittle with News2Salem. People all over the world have been stunned by the display given to us by the Miocholest comet. A sight never before scene has drawn stargazers out into the evening chill while they wait for word from anyone, at all, about this new turn of events."
<@AnE> One could almost see the giant exclamation point appear over Eden's head when she glanced up toward the sky. Her mouth hung open and her eyes went as wide as dinnerplates, "" SCHQUEEEEE. That was about the sound that she made before pushing up off the ground and flapping like a wild chicken -- except, she actually went somewhere! Up, up, up, up. It was a slow process,
<@AnE> slower than flight, but she had to get a better look! Eventually, she'd be perching on the roof of the housing complex...eventually. Staring at the starscape like a kid in a candy store. "...ohmygodohmygodohmygod."
* BradSoTotallyAFK is now known as Brad
* ShoStuff is now known as Shannon
<@Sisip> The sky was dancing, chaotic and raw, with no pattern to be seen. Some falling stars even appearing like whirling Dervishes, spiraling over and over again. On the TV a live feed had started, people pouring from their homes and businesses to watch the show, everyone smiling and pointing. A christmas miracle, some were saying, others were certain it was the end of days, a handful had signs that seemed directly out of Indpendence Day the movie 'welcome to our planet' 'take me with you'. The reporter's voice came over the feed, "People all over the country are out in the streets tonight watching this wonder of the night. News2Salem will be with you throughout all of it, be sure to keep tuned in."
<Hammer^> Badger looked up to the night sky seeing the shooting stars from his perch on one of the highest buildings on campus. his sharp ears swivveled catching the 'ohmygoohmygod' that brought a small smile to his furry face. as the stars did things not mormal for true falling stars his brows furrowed, ok that wasnt normal he looked at the small portable tv at the news as well curiosity mixed
<Hammer^> with concern who knew what people might do because of this.
<@Lanse> Making a more simple, subdued entrance to the roof of the housing complex, through the actual door, was Leon. He had a toothpick between his seeth, hands shoved into the pockets of his leather jacket as he looked around before spying what he was looking for. It wasn't too hard to guess where she might be found, and well. Supposedly things like this were best shared, or something.
<@Lanse> He'd trudge across the rooftop towards Eden, occasionally glancing upwards as he'd settle in next to her. "Some show, huh?"
<Brad> "I got a bad feeling about this." Rick says, from the rooftop of the rec center, to no one in particular. Cameo over.
* Angel`Pearson was also outside, trippin' off his gourd and staring up at the sky with an awed expression and ultramassive pupils. He wore a black coat with a high collar and pink piping, a black and pink plaid scarf wrapped around his neck, along with sooper tight skinny jeans and kneehigh black boots with little pink stars scattered over them...He also had a couple of those nifty chemical pack glove
<Angel`Pearson> warmer things shoved in his pockets because it was effing coooold.
* Hammer^ is now known as Hammer^shopping
<Brad> Meanwhile, elsewhere in the quad, down on the grass, Tony stares up at the light display in the night sky with a sense of awe and wonder. His eyes flicker from blue to purple, as he views both the natural light show, and the residual ultraviolet radiation it gives off, though it's extraordinarily faint to his eyes, given the awesome distance between him and those lights. Claude, on the
<Brad> other hand, seems to have little interest in the cosmic event, and simply snuffles around the grass for a good spot to pee.
<@AnE> "Ohmygodohmygodohmygod." Eden continued to squeeee happily as she stared up at the sky. Now perched on the rooftop of the housing facility, which was coincidentally made for this, she placed her hands against her cheeks and beamed up at the falling stars. It didn't matter if it was real or fake or a sign of endtimes. It was just. so. cool.
<Suzthulhu> Gina had come out with Tony to walk Claude, having been up in his place hanging out for a bit this evening. Of course, they hadn't been watching the news, so when they got outside, the light show had come as a complete surprise. "Holy shit." She seems to forget entirely that it's damn cold outside and grabs Tony's arm, staring up at the sky, mouth hanging open. "This is incredible.
<Suzthulhu> I've seen meteor showers before, but nothing like this. I bet it looks really awesome with the way you can see."
* SisipShower is now known as Sisip
* Ry ( Quit (Quit: I'm a frickin rockstar from mars! WINNING!)
<@Lanse> "I'll take that as a yes." Leon pulled the toothpick from his mouth and tossed it into hammerspace before leaning forward to wrap an arm about her shoulders. While not... excited, per se, Leon was ... noticeably impressed, at least."
* @Shannon hey look at that, Shannon was outside and floating as she watched the star show. The armored mass of radioactive plasma looked very much like she was laying on a flat surface, but that was just Shannon's method of floating. She was just a littttttle spooked by the cosmic event but awe was dominant. Even so there was that nagging little thought in the back of her head that Shannon
* @Shannon tried to ignore.
<@Sisip> Clouds begin to appear, not fluffy or happy clouds but rather clouds that seemed to glow orange in the night and roll foward angerily. It was almost surreal, the dark sky taking on a glowing look, all views of the previous meteorshower spoiled.
* Angel`Pearson stumbled onto the other living beings about the quad as he drifted aimlessly, head still tilted up, glued to the amazing celestial display....With the amount of hallucinogen he'd crammed down before hand he was sure to be seeing something amazing. He'd tear his dilated pupils away from the show reluctantly to wave over at Gina and Tony with a small smile "Hi."
<Brad> "This.. isn't normal." Says Tony, eyes narrowing as the clouds start appearing. His eyes flash to red, and then widen. "Something's making... a lot of heat. I mean a LOT." He takes a step back, as if to escape whatever it is that's up there in the sky. Claude sniffs, and looks up, then starts whining quietly. Rick, on the other hand, sees those clouds, and decides now's a good time
<Brad> to NOT be on a rooftop, and instead clambers down the rec center wall and onto the courtyard, moving towards the living facility in a hurry.
<Suzthulhu> "Hey there, Angel." She gave the other guy a wink, and went to say something else, until Tony spoke up. Her expression abruptly shifted. "Take Claude inside right now. I've got to get my bag out of my car." Yeah, that black gym bag she always had with her, just in case. SHe'd learned one too many times that it paid to be prepared around here. One second, she was standing in one spot,
<Suzthulhu> and the next, she'd warped a good 50 feet forward, carried by those greyish spectrails of hers toward where she'd parked near the new building. Another shot forward, and she was at her car, unlocking it and grabbing her bag out of the backseat.
<@AnE> "...whaaaat the heck?" Eden glanced over her shoulder at Leon, blinking dumbly. "Okay, that's--something. Not cool. Let's...get down from here." But it was a long way down, eh? She turned to grab ahold of his hand and tug him toward the roof door, shuffling quickly. Just in case, right?
<Brad> "Right." He nods to Gina, and then takes another step back, eyes still locked on those unnatural cloud formations. "Come on, Claude." He tugs on the corgi's leash, and then looks at Angel as well. "Come on, we need to get inside." Course, he doesn't know Angel, but that won't stop him from trying to do a good deed. He gestures for the younger, sort of.. drugged looking boy to
<Brad> follow him towards the living center. Ground floor seems like the best bet right now.
* Angel`Pearson smiled at the wink, before his eyes drifted upward again as the trippy glowing clouds began rolling in, answering "...Its so gorgeous.." in an awed mumbled to Tony's sentiment that this wasn't normal. Well....Even he could see that, but sooo pretty! And with the influence of his hallucinogen it was even more so. He was still more amazed then scared.
<@Sisip> Almost out of a movie they appear, bursting through the rolling angry clouds, burning balls of death and mayhem streaking from the sky. The ground shakes with each impact off in the distance. Sirens could be heard in the distance as the town of Salem goes into emergency action. Lights of the campus flicker ominously before going out completely and plunging the campus into what should have been total darkness. Instead, however, the glow of the sky and the light from the meteorites streaking above them cast enough light for all to see by.
<@Lanse> He'd narrow his eyes at the sky, glancing over to her and nodding. "Yeah. Good part's over, looks like." Leon turned and moved alongside Eden, casting a glance over his own shoulder as they moved towards the roof door. "Guess a couple more months of it being quiet is too much to ask for."
<Brad> "Tempting fate! I told them! I told them!" Rick shouts to himself as he runs across the quad.
<Angel`Pearson> also add something about him following after them >_> missedthat ))
<Brad> With Angel seemingly hypnotized by the sight, he just grabs the guy by the shirtsleeve and starts dragging him towards the apartments. Claude barks madly as fire starts falling from the skies, this is too much for his little corgi mind to process. "Come on!" Tony shouts at Angel, trying to snap him out of his delirium as he half leads/half drags him to the building. He casts a glance
<Brad> over his shoulder to where Gina had run off to, what was so damn important that she needed to run to her car now, of all times?
<@AnE> Eden was hurrying in to the building and down the stairs when -- POOM. And sirens. "Oh. Shit." Then the power was out. This was bad. Looking over her shoulder, she shrugged sheepishly at Leon. "Okay, let's take the stairs." With a wave of her hand, a large, pulsating sphere of brightly glowing silver appeared -- like any good Scooby Doo gang member, she had to go check shit out
<@AnE> instead of staying behind, so she kept trotting down the stairs, soon enough bursting out into the door and weaving around the construction to look up at the bright sky. "...mother...fuck."
<Suzthulhu> "Shit." First thing's first. Gina digs that comms bud straight out of her bag and shoves it in her ear. "Doppleganger to team. If you're not here, get your asses here. I don't think I need to explain why." Following that, she's in a dead run to the closest building, which happens to be the living area, and ducks inside only long enough to throw her gear on, emerging moments later in
<Suzthulhu> black cargo pants and her many-pocketed vest over the team-colors catsuit. She's buckling her utility belt on her way back outside.
<@Sisip> The terrifying spectacle continues, no news coming from anywhere as all the power died out instantly. Those with any sort of electronics would find that they, also, had gone silent (Poor Poddy, Pi, Bit and Gails). All the sirens had gone dead, all motors shut down. The ground continued to tremble as meteorites rained down, thunderous booming following in their firey wake.
<Brad> "And do what?!" Rick starts to shout through his comm unit. And then it goes dead. Well, that's not good.
* Angel`Pearson blinkblinked, tearing his eyes away reluctantly as he stumbled after Tony, nodding and replying "Melloooow. I'm coming...Is this....How much of this is actually happening? I mean.." snicker-giggle "I know theres crazy light show in the sky...but what I'm seeing...That can't be real." ...
<Angel`Pearson> thats not done! damn enter )
<Angel`Pearson> ..he usually had a pretty good hold on what was real and what were chemical induced distortions...but the sky didn't usually turn into something out've a pink floyd concert.^
<@Lanse> Leon stopped next to Eden and stared upwards, lips forming in a thin line. He doubted it would help much, but he reached behind himself and drew his trusty Louiseville Slugger from Hammerspace and spun it around in his hands once. It made him feel slight better, anyway. "Man, the skies aren't messing around when it comes to going sour." He shook his head and looked around for a
<@Lanse> moment. "I don't know how safe staying out here is. Should probably try to put some of those... starlights up in the housing center. I think people are headed this way."
<@Shannon> "Oh shoot..." Shannon yelled before lowering her flight to hurry to join up with the team, only to stop flight and come crashing to the ground. She stopped moving but the compound was still standing so she obviously hadn't exploded. Her suit's containment was one of the only things on the suit still functioning - luckily her radio didn't rely on her suit, but her powers. "Ion down...
<@Shannon> my suit's out!"
* @Shannon or she tried...
<@Lanse> Meanwhile! Victoria had settled on a rooftop, her form under her clothing that of thick glass, hard to make out features looking stern. She tapped her radio and let out a curse. On the ground level, Winter, Fang Lei, and others were helping to try and organize students into the lower floors and basements of the housing facility where it would arguably be safter.
* Edwin ( Quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
<@Sisip> Ashy was with her siblings and father, trying to calm JJ from the freak out he was most likely having. Kayla was with Gavin and her parents back at their home while Sisip and Jack had gone into town for a nice dinner. Well, that went badly as we can all assume.
<Suzthulhu> Gina skids to a halt as Shannon comes crashing down feet from her. Thank GOD her suit stayed intact!! Last thing they needed was a nuclear explosion to go along with, um, well, with hell raining down from the sky. "Jesus! Are you alright?" She grabs the suit by the shoulders to help pull Shannon to her feet. "We need to get inside and get everyone we can find down into the basement.
<Suzthulhu> Can you still move around alright?" Looking around, she spots Rick. "RICK! Can you check the rec center and make sure anyone inside gets underground?"
<@Sisip> Unfortunately for Cobalt they were not untouched by the devistation. It almost snuck up on them, so distracted by the chaos in the sky, the fear for their loved ones in town, all over the area, possibly all over the country, perhaps even all over the world. The Rec Center, beloved hang out of Cobalt, exploded outwards, one of the meteorites slamming into it. Bricks, wood, burning furniture, shards of glass all cast outwards. Tree's caught fire in the quad, the greenhouse shattered, collapsing inwards on itself. More balls of fire and rage slammed downwards, the side of the residential buidling being clipped which sent the meteorite spiraling off to the side to drive a groove into the turf.
* `David ( Quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
* @Shannon JJ was moaning about how the voices had stopped, Poddy wasn't moving, his left arm was busted! This was just like when the nullifer went campuswide! Except his powers still worked! But everything was quiet! Back with Shannon: She blinked her visor but remained limp in Gina's arms. She was alright, but it was obvious that for the moment she was immobile.
<Brad> "On it!" Rick wheels on his feet, and then leaps into the air, beelining back towards the rec center. And of course, that puts him almost in the direct path of the deflected meteorite. "SHIT!" He shouts, but manages to change trajectory quickly enough to avoid becoming the first official on-site casualty of Armageddon starring Bruce Willis and that one guy from Fargo. And that other
<Brad> guy from Fargo. He manages to land near the rec center door, and then hurriedly barges his way through to get anyone in there down into the sublevels, where at least it'll be somewhat safer. Of course, it's DARK, so that's not the easiest task in the world.
<@Lanse> Tori took off and floated over the middle of the Quad, looking fown. She'd cup her hands to her mouth but was cut off before she could get a word out. Turning, she held out a hand and at least all of the glass slowed to a halt- it wasn't much, but maybe the disruption would knock some of the other debris out of place. Lifting her hand all of the broken glass would seperate, shaking
<@Lanse> out and gathering into a mass. "Oy! Anyone who can fly n' thinks they cin take on this mess, up with me! The rest o' ye lot keep on with gettin' underground! Bloody hell.." She shot up into the air, mass of glass in tow, forming it into a loose ball as she took to the skies. Leon stepped in front of Eden in the mess of things, a shimmering in the air in front of him swallowing up
<@Lanse> any debris thrown their way, provided it wasn't too large in nature.
* Angel`Pearson continued toward the apartment complex, completely unaware of the effects of the EMP on his snd thing, a cloud of hallucinogenic chemical slowly building in the area around him...The destruction of the rec center did serve to snap him out of his 'Oooooed' state, flinching over and covering the back of his head in reaction, yelling out "Shit!"
<@AnE> "Y-yeah, let's--" BOOM. OH GOD. SHRAPNEL AND EXPLOSIONS. Eden stared with wide-eyes as the rec center was destroyed by falling space rocks. "...I hate everything." The newer sections of building seemed relatively unharmed by the meteorites, curiously enough -- all that money poured into the project was not going to waste. Eden scowled and shielded her eyes, hurrying in the direction
<@AnE> of the housing facility while throwing up several more brightly glowing spheres in her wake so there was a bit more light not caused by the glowing deathsky. And the fire.
<Brad> Scratch Rick's last post, because I apparently can't read.
<Brad> Anyone in there died, but Rick was blown back by the explosion, something like that, he's on the ground but he's okay.
<@Sisip> The administration building is next to go, quite in the same fashion as the rec center. The blast projects debris outwards, a large piece of what used to be a wall slamming into the security booth. Woe be to anyone who was still within their walls. What started out as a pretty star show had turned the entire region into chaos, screams and sobbing heard over the roar of the fires that filled the campus. 'This Mess' consisted of burning space balls thousands of degrees hot and travelling hundreds of miles an hour. Any glass thrown their way would most likely be melted down before it could do anything of worth.
<Angel`Pearson> spaaace baaaalls ))
<@Sisip> (oh shit, there goes the planet)
<@Shannon> Cue It's the End of the World as We Know it playing
<Angel`Pearson> lol ))
<Suzthulhu> And then the rec center explodes, right as Rick heads toward it. Thankfully though, she's able to see him blown out of the way by the meteor strike and is thus spared the agony of sending a potential team member to his death. Shannon, however, is clearly not going anywhere. "Alright, girly, you're going for a ride." Gina hauls Shannon up easily enough and carries her into the residence
<Suzthulhu> building, carrying her down into the basement level with the others who had taken shelter there. "Everyone stay put in here. This is going to be something we have to ride out, I think." Because they're fucking METEORS. However, Rick is still outside, and she's not about to leave him there to fend for himself. Once she drops Shannon off, she's on her way back up and outside again, not
<Suzthulhu> lingering in one spot for too long as she darts from one place to the other, avoiding burning debris as best she can on her way to where she'd last seen him.
<Suzthulhu> (Well that's great it starts with an earthquake, birds, snakes, and aeroplanes...)
<Brad> "Ungh..." Rick mumbles as he starts to pick himself up off the grass, dazed by the explosion. He doesn't really get dizzy like normal people, but even so, his head is spinning from the impact. He's shaky getting back up, but he doesn't look too much worse for the wear. His reflexive field had protected him from most of the impact of the explosion, and thankfully he wasn't close enough
<Brad> to get caught in the flames, which he has little defense against. Tony, meanwhile, starts feeling a little foggy in the head, and stumbles a bit as he lets go of Angel. "Yeah.. stay outside." He mumbles, looking up at the sky, eyes flashing red again to detect incoming heat signatures before meteorites are visible. It's hard to do though, considering his vision is starting to get a
<Brad> little blurred.
<Suzthulhu> Willow, having been on campus visiting COnrad, has fled downstairs with the others and is presently checking on any wounded, etc and trying her best to calm people down. She's singing, but with as noisy as it is, it's only having a mild effect.
<@Lanse> A giant molten mass of glass was still better than absolutely nothing, and it certainly wasn't about to stop Tori from trying- for the moment, anyhow. Glass teeth grit, she would do the best job she could- for herself, and for coordinating anyone that joined in defensive efforts in the sky. Leon kept an eye on their backs as he and Eden made for the housing center, looking as stern as
<@Lanse> ever. Given the sheer lack of people around Cobalt as of late, all in all most people that were making for safety were likely already there by now, or just straggling in in the midst of all the explosions.
<Brad> Speaking of Conrad, he's hurrying down as well, and he makes the grave mistake of looking out the nearest window. He sees the conflagration outside, and practically freezes in place where he is, eyes and nostrils both widening in terror. Fire. Lots and lots of fire.
<Brad> Meanwhile, just to throw every-goddamn-body out there, a trio of looters in downtown Salem suddenly find the air around them getting very cold, and hear the sound of a sword being unsheathed behind them.
* Angel`Pearson blinkblinked as he heard Tony, looking back his way "Huh?" he'd come to rely so heavily on the snd, the thought that it had blinked out hadn't even entered his mind yet. Abit of distortion would work its way in with the blurring of Tonys vision, the ground rising and swaying softly like there was a body of water underneath the grass, a slowly rising feeling of giddy adrenaline building as he inhaled the
<@Sisip> What seemed like hours of chaos was, in all actuality, only a few handfuls of minutes. No more meteorites fell on Cobalt, no more lives lost and buildings demolished. The ground continued to tremble and jerk though with slower frequency, the bellowing burning space debris coming further and further apart.
<Angel`Pearson> hallucinogen fumes...Fortunetly the fact they were in the open air kept him from getting completely blasted.
<@Sisip> Soon only the angry clouds remained, no longer glowing that terrifying orange. The orange glow, now, came from the flames that seemed to be everywhere. As far as the eye could see. A silence fell finally, the ground settling. Silence, save for the screaming and sobbing of the terrified or the wounded.
<@Lanse> When things were all said and done, Tori simply... dropped from the sky. She put in enough effort to make sure the molten glass settled down somewhere safe enough, and then plummeted. Her form broke across the quad, scattering and leaving her clothing lying amidst a heap of broken glass that showed no immediate signs of reforming.
<Angel`Pearson> yaaay ))
<@AnE> Thank god for a lack of people. This was not something she thought she'd be saying, but... well. Eden clutched at her chest once she stumbled into the first floor hallway of the living facility, staring out the door with wide eyes. She was damn near holding her breath as she watched destruction come...and go. "...what...was that?" And it had stopped. Fucking hell, it stopped. She was
<@AnE> soon peering out through the door, cringing at the sight, "...goddammit..." Security and medical personnel were already piling out to check for injured.
<Suzthulhu> Finally, Gina spots Rick and heads for him, helping him get to his feet. "You alright? You almost got cratered there..." She's checking him over, just a cursory inspection since he seems relatively okay at the moment. | Willow notices a moment or two later that Conrad hadn't made it down with her, and practically pushes her way through people to go in search of him, making her way
<Suzthulhu> back up, until she finds him staring out a window. "Conrad. Don't look. I know. But don't look." Gently, she reaches up and puts a hand over his eyes. She's avoiding looking as well, knowing full well that what she sees is going to make her literally ill. She feels it anyway, the trees she'd grown and decorated in ruins, smoldering ashes now.
* `David ( has joined #Cobalt*Hill
* `David ( Quit (Client Quit)
* `David ( has joined #Cobalt*Hill
<Brad> "M'okay." Rick says, getting back on his feet. He's banged up, with some cuts and scrapes, but he's in far better shape than some. He shakes the last of the grogginess out of his head, and looks at the aftermath of the meteorites. "Jesus." He mutters, eyes wide.|Tony starts staggering towards the nearest bench that hasn't been reduced to a smoldering crater, one hand loosely holding
<Brad> onto Claude's leash, the other at his temple. He slumps onto the bench, feeling dizzy and sick. Just like that one time someone convinced him to do shrooms. He closes his eyes, and practically puts his head between his knees to try and fight off oncoming nausea.|Conrad hears Willow, and then his vision is blocked. He doesn't say anything, he just keeps moving down the stairs, legs shaky,
<Brad> bracing himself on the wall with one hand as he goes.
<Brad> Quentin has a GOD DAMN FIELD DAY.
<@Lanse> Leon leaned against the wall next to he door and let his bat drop back into hammerspace. He sighed and then leaned off the wall, moving over to place a hand on Eden's back. "Wish I could say, babe. All I know is it sucked. Royally."
* Angel`Pearson watched Tony stagger over to the bench with a worried expression...At fist he just thought it was the experience of the explodey buildings or something, shock and whatnot...but he'd tug up his sleeve to check his wrist when Tony slumped into his seat, and the worried expression grew deeper as he saw the absence of working lights on the SND "Oh shit...Ohnoohnoohno...SNDs broken! What do I dooo?"
* @Shannon is still pretty much inert, alive, but just immobile for the time being. JJ would not deattach from Ashy, poor techie was terrified and sobbing into his sister's arms. His powers worked but there was nothing for them to work with! Everything was dead quiet!
<Suzthulhu> "Yeah..." Gina pats Rick on the back. "Check around out here with me, please? See if there are others who need help?" She squeezes his arm and heads off to do the same. Spotting Tony now, and Claude, she's at his side in the bat of an eye. "Hey... you guys alright? You didn't make it inside, I take it." Tony seems... unwell to her, but he doesn't look injured. "WHat happened? Did
<Suzthulhu> you get hit in the head?" | Willow simply leads Conrad down the stairs, to the main floor, and off to a couch in the lobby area, helping him sit. She closes the blinds on the windows nearby. "Stay here, love. I have to go help the others. Just... don't look out the windows, okay?" She lays a cool hand on his forehead, frowning at the blisters that have formed on her skin as a result
<Suzthulhu> of the burning trees outside. More will come, and over more of her body as the damage spreads. She says nothing though, and kisses Conrad's cheek.
<@Sisip> The glowing girl was barely lit, holding tightly to her brother as she tries to calm him. Sisip and Jack were busy as hell, not only trying to stop looters.. but to save them from some psycho knight ghost!
<Brad> "Yeah..." Rick dusts himself off, still a little dazed, but mostly by what's just happened, and less than by whatever physical injury he may have incurred. He nods, and starts combing the quad, looking for anyone that's injured and can't get to medical attention without help.|Tony shakes his head when he hears Gina's voice, but doesn't look up. He keeps his eyes shut tightly, and tries
<Brad> not to vomit. "Feels like... heh..." He feels a little lightheaded giddiness creeping in. "...feels weird."|Conrad makes it down to the main level of the apartment building, gritting his teeth and trying to keep his mind off the blaze. He scans inside for anyone that's injured, or anyone that has any clue what just happened.
<Brad> Sisip and Jack... well, they have their hands full with Quentin, at least until the ghostly behemoth senses someone in more trouble, and lumbers over to wrench an overturned car off some poor woman that had become trapped by it.
* `David was throwing crap around his room as he searched for the emt kit he had gotten when he got certified..."cmon, where the hell is it?", he had only been here two days and he was still having a hard time finding any of his stuff,
* Angel`Pearson hopped back a few steps as Gina came back on scene, calling over to her "Its fault! The storm must have knocked out my SND er something! He must have got a blast of my hallucinogen! I'msosorry!"
<Suzthulhu> "Alright, come on, babe. I'm taking you home. You need to lay down and let this pass. If you're tripping, it will just have to run its course" Gina takes Claude's leash from Tony's hand and then slides an arm around his waist, pulling him to his feet. "Just keep your eyes closed and walk with me." She'd help him inside and, unless something untoward happens, get him up to his own
<Suzthulhu> apartment. | Willow feels ill, more blisters bubbling up on her skin, but she takes the time to tend to the wounded, sitting herself down in the middle of the basement to sing. Now, with her concentration levels a little better, in spite of her own physical ailments, her voice at least providing calm and pain relief to those in need.
<Brad> "Haaaaaaaaaa.. okay." Tony says, his voice higher pitched and breathier than usual. He lets himself get led back into the building, keeping his eyes on the ground. The weird, undulating ground is preferable to whatever is above it.
<Suzthulhu> Yeah, this is going to be so much frickin fun. Gina rolls her eyes and facepalms inwardly. She's going to have to babysit Tony to keep him from doing anything stupid while he's trippin' balls. Fun times.
* `David moved as quickly as his legs could carry him, running up to the rec center he started looking around.."anyone need any medical attention?" David eyes were a little wide as he took in the destruction, he had never seen anything like this outside of a movie
* Angel`Pearson frowned as they headed off, shifting nervously from foot to foot...What was he going to doooo? Reporting to the med place thing seemed like the best idea....but with phones out of comission he couldnt call ahead to warn them of the situation, and doping up everyone he came near on his way thee did not seem like a good idea "Shitshitshitshit."
<Suzthulhu> Willow sings. Gina tries to keep Tony from flying off a roof. Etc. Etc.