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David Harrison

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2011 12:55 am
by Hazmat32
Player Nickname: `Chris

Name: David Harrison
Age: 19
Date of Birth: April 12 1992

Height: 5’11
Weight: 172 lbs
Hair Color: black
Eye Color: Blue
Place of Origin: Seattle, Wa
Nationality/Race: White
Classification: Mutant
Status: Refugee
Occupation: College Student

Personality Profile: David is outgoing and friendly though he can be a goofball at times, he likes meeting knew people and will usually go out of his way to help them if he can, unfortunately this has led to him getting taken advantage of in the past.

Physical Description: David is a good looking guy with long black hair and dark blue eyes, he stands about 5’11 and an athletic build from long hours of running. David has two scares one over his right eyebrow and a large jagged scare that runs across his neck, though he normally keeps the second one hidden under a illusion.

Powerset: Illusionist

Ability One: David can form realistic illusions that are complete with sound and smell , so he can make himself look like a different person, seem invisible, make a roaring lion appear out of nowhere, create a bright flash of light, loud noise to distract or any other number of effects.

Ability Two: N/A

Ability Three: N/A

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: David’s illusions have no substance or feel to them means his fires give off no heat, walls can be walked through, and while the illusion of a snow storm may be distracting, it will have no biting cold. Davids illusions can cover a max area of 30 feet but as the illusions grow larger and more complex it become increasingly difficult and draining for David to maintain. David’s power of sound effects cannot can’t do voices at this time.

Projected Power Growth & Development: As David grows he will hopefully be able to handle larger and more complex illusions with more ease as well as learn to add voices to his illusions instead of just sounds

Skills: David is a trained EMT, he took the training courses and was licensed when he was 17. David is fluent in 6 languages, American Sign Language, Russian, Japanese, Spanish, French, Chinese and he is working on German.

Background: David Harrison was born to Steven and Angela Harrison, the two wonderful parents who cared and nurtured there only son until a car accident claimed their lives on the eve of David’s ninth birthday. David was actually clinically dead for 5 minutes before the doctors could bring him back. David’s was lucky enough to have a caring Aunt and Uncle who took in the now orphaned boy. Davids vocal cords were damaged in the car accident, thankfully the doctors were able to save his voice but it took a lot of speech therapy to get David back to his normal voice. It was during his speech therapy that David gained his love of languages and first started learning foreign languages. David got his powers 2 years later and while there a few mishaps like the time David’s illusionary powers gave his nightmares a life of their own, David has gotten them pretty much under control. David now 19 and wanting to meet others of his own kind has transferred his first year of college credits to Salem’s city college and is on his way to Cobalt Hill.

Criminal Record: None

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: David usually hides the scars on his neck under an illusion. David has a photographic memory which a big help with his powers. David has a large trust fund that’s been set up with his parent’s life insurance, he was given access to the money on his 18th birthday though he is still only allowed to pull so much out each month. David’s Uncle John is a professional interpreter, a job that has fascinated his nephew and driven David to learn several languages.