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Whip Dalton

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2011 7:20 pm
by Hazmat32
Request for inactive character to be reactivated

Player Nickname: `Todd

Name: Whip Dalton
Age: 19
Date of Birth: Feb 2 1992

Height: 6’1
Weight: 191 lbs
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Blue
Place of Origin: San Diego
Nationality/Race: White
Classification: Mutant
Status: Refugee
Occupation: College Student

Personality Profile: Whip is your classic goof ball who thinks his powers are a great game, he has a hard time taking to much seriously. Whip can be a little feral times if pushed to far, its believed this is a bleed over from his animal forms.

Physical Description:
Human Form:

Animal forms:

Powerset: Animal Shifter

Ability One: Whip has the ability to morph into any animal that he has seen personally, his transformations are next to immediate is capable of capable of changing his form quickly from animal to animal though this can tire Whip out quickly. Whip is also limited by size and is unable to shift into things as big as most whales or elephants, currently the largest thing he is able to shift into is a black rhino and the smallest is a common black rat. Now while Whip can transform into any animal he want he will have trouble even walking till he practices the form out extensively. Right now Whip has 10 animals whose form he is well trained in: Grey Tabby Cat, Tibetan Mastiff, Jaguar, Gorilla, Howler Monkey, Saltwater Crocodile, Black Rat, Black Rhino, Red Panda, and Great Horned Owl.

Ability Two: Spending extensive time in certain animal forms has actually bled over to his human form granting Whip enhanced hearing, sight, and smell.

Ability Three: Animal empathy, right now this simply means that he has a sense for what animals are feeling and that animals really like him.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: Whip's animal forms must be practiced with before they can be of any true use. Transforming several times in quick succession can tire Whip or even cause him to pass out. Transformation burns a lot of calories so Whips is always hungry after he transforms.

Projected Power Growth & Development: Whip's shifting power should increase allowing him to shift into bigger things or extinct animals, his animal empathy might grow stronger allowing him to talk to animals.

Skills: Whip is a trained EMT, he took the training courses and was licensed when he was 17. Whip is a skilled surfer and decent when it comes to playing the violin.

Background: Whip grew up in San Diego doing things that normal kids do until he got his powers at which point he started doing things that most kids would do with such powers, he snuck around as a cat, learned to fly, scaring surfers in his croc form and hey he manged graduated High School. Whip is now on his way to Cobalt looking for a place to train with his powers while he attends college in the city and maybe learn some self-control.

Criminal Record: None

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Whip has spent a large amount of time at the San Diego Zoo studying animals even before he got his powers and is studying to become a vet. Whips clothing vanish when he shifts forms but reform when he turns back into human.

Re: Whip Dalton

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:37 am
by Remu
Sorry, we can't approve this character right now due to a large number of animal shapeshifters already listed.