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Christmas Party!

Posted: Thu Dec 01, 2011 9:45 pm
by Suzthulhu
Fliers are posted around the campus, including the rec center and in the new dorms:

What: Christmas Party!
Where: Willow's House (address given as a house about 10 minute's walk from campus)
When: Christmas Eve, 6PM until...?

"Everyone is invited, including friends, family, and your pets. There will be a gift under the tree for anyone who shows up, and plenty of food and warm, happy friendship. Don't spend the holidays alone, and don't be afraid to come spend the evening with us! It's a big house, and anyone is welcome to stay overnight and wake up with us Christmas morning for breakfast. There will be eggnog for the younger folks, and adult eggnog for the old fogies too! Bring anything else you'd like to eat or drink."

((OOC Note: Understanding that folks will be busy around the holidays, when the time starts getting closer, we can decide on an evening to do this if people can't make it on Christmas Eve itself.))