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Anthony Wagner [Spectrum]

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2011 6:37 pm
by Brad
Player Nickname: Brad

Name: Anthony Wagner
Codename: Spectrum
Age: 25
Date of Birth: June 18

Height: 5'11"
Weight: 172lbs
Hair Color: Blond
Eye Color: Blue
Place of Origin: Olympia, WA
Nationality/Race: American/Caucasian
Classification: Mutant

Status: Refugee/Trainee
Occupation: Painter/Artist

Personality Profile: Easygoing and laid-back, Anthony takes most things in stride. Despite the career setbacks he's recently suffered due to his mutation, he doesn't view his abilities as a curse or a burden. He's fairly liberal, especially where the arts and humanities are concerned.

Physical Description: Anthony keeps himself fit, and eats healthy. He has a lean, runner's build, and handsome features. His most noticeable feature is his eyes, which glow depending on the level of his internal energy reserve. His eyes shift from blue, to purple, to red, depending on what spectrum of light he's viewing (white light, ultraviolet and infrared, respectively).

Powerset: Light Control

Ability One: Light Absorption/Manipulation - Anthony can absorb and store ambient light, effectively charging his internal battery. Solar light is the most efficient form of light that he can absorb. This light can be projected and manipulated externally, through effects such as blinding flashes, will o' the wisp style glowing balls, and other forms of illumination, as well as short range 'hard light' concussive bursts. In general, his body absorbs light automatically, and stops when he reaches a full charge.

Ability Two: Ultraviolet Laser - With concentration, Anthony can emit a powerful form of concentrated ultraviolet light in a focused beam attack, capable of generating both heat and concussive force in a straight line. This beam, being a form of electromagnetic wavelength, will travel until it hits something.

Ability Three: Multi-Spectrum Vision - Anthony can switch, at will, the spectrum of light his eyes perceive. Currently, he can switch between the visible (white light), ultraviolet, and infrared spectrum.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: Due to the light-based nature of his abilities, Anthony's effectiveness is reduced when there are no readily available light sources from which to draw energy. When his charge is weakened, he tires and becomes more lethargic. If drained completely, he faces the danger of unconsciousness, and possibly a comatose state depending on how quickly and forcefully he disperses his built up energy reserves. Attacks, such as short range bursts, or long range UV beams, are the most draining uses of his energy reserves, and after a few shots, he will generally seek a light source from which to recharge. His eyes glow as an indicator of his internal charge, the brighter the glow, the more stored energy he has available. This can prove problematic if he needs to remain hidden.

Projected Power Growth & Development: Possible extension of visual range into the X-Ray spectrum, for limited periods of time. Possible ability to 'overcharge' his internal battery. Possible ability to transform himself into a light-based form (without light-speed travel).

Skills: Anthony is an accomplished painter, preferring to work with oils. He has a near photographic memory.

Background: Born to hardworking German-American stock, Anthony was something of an anomaly long before his mutation manifested itself. Intellectual and reserved as a child, he showed little interest in his parents' (particularly his father's) attempts to push him into various sports activities, preferring to draw and make things with clay. As he grew older, he showed a talent for drawing and painting, though his parents generally assumed it was 'a phase' he was going through. Despite protests, he was eventually allowed to attend the Art Institute of Seattle, provided he pay what a scholarship would not cover.

After a distinguished undergraduate career, Anthony settled in Portland, Oregon full time, preferring to distance himself from his parents, with whom he had developed a strained relationship. He found steady work at a local gallery/cafe, and supplemented his income with some successful gallery showings of his own work. Life was fairly good for Anthony, and he developed strong ties to the artistic community.

Unlike many mutants, Anthony's powers did not manifest until adulthood. His eyes began to start glowing, a visible sign that he was different, and it quickly became difficult to hide. While he still had support from many of his friends, sales of his paintings all but ceased, and he became something of a 'welcome outcast'. He began to learn more about his abilities on his own time, trying to find applications for his light-based abilities in his own work. But soon he realized it was time for him to move on to some place where he could better fit in, and better train his powers.

Criminal Record: None

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Anthony is not, as one might imagine, afraid of the dark. He is, however, claustrophobic. He prefers to be outside, and being confined to a smaller than normal space can cause him stress, or even make him panic. He is an ovo-lacto vegetarian, and a staunch supporter of the ASPCA. He has a Pembroke Welsh Corgi named Claude.