Jacob 'Jake' Boington - [Pinch]

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Jacob 'Jake' Boington - [Pinch]

Post by gunnar »

Player Nickname:GUNNAR

Name: Jacob Oscar Boington AKA Jake AKA JB AKA 'Pinch'
Codename: None (though he gets called 'asshole' a lot)
Age: 20
Date of Birth: October 24th

Height: 5'10"
Weight: 185lbs
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Place of Origin: Trenton, New Jersey
Nationality/Race: American, Caucasian
Classification: Mutant

Status: Trainee
Occupation:Student / Motorcycle Mechanic

Personality Profile: He was raised to be honest and forthright, unfortunately his mouth gets him into quite a bit of trouble, as he doesn’t know the meaning of the word 'tact'. Nothing he says is meant to be deliberately mean, but when you don’t filter your brain to your mouth, sometimes things come across as more harsh than they might otherwise. Jake doesn’t take offense easily, and most things roll off his back. You learn to be tough skinned on the streets, or you learn to be tough knuckled.

Physical Description: Of average height and weight, Jake is none the less reasonably fit. He bears several scars on his torso, and his left ear shows signs of developing 'cauliflower ear' from the repeated abuse that he's suffered street fighting. He usually wears his black hair cropped short into a Mohawk, and occasionally he dyes his hair different colors based on his mood.


Powerset: Phase shifting

Ability One: 'Not around, through'- By Concentrating, he can move through solid substances almost as if they were made of a very viscous liquid. However, these substances need to be homogeneous (IE: Stone, Wood, Concrete, Metal etc…) Composite materials pose an effective barrier, and other materials embedded into the primary substance create obstacles to easy travel as well. (Such as reinforced concrete - the rebar is what will stop him)

Ability Two: None at this time (eventually, he may gain enough control over his ability to create passageways for others to follow him through the previously solid structure)

Ability Three: None at this time (the ability to shape these solid substances may eventually allow him to create simple objects out of simple materials just by holding it in his hands and focusing his will, however these objects cannot be more than 5 lbs in weight, and will not last more than 30 minutes before returning to their previous shape)

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: He can't take anyone with him when he goes through objects, complex materials or composite construction will stop him from passing through, and the ability requires a lot of effort and isn’t as fast as he would like (try pushing through a wall of gooey caramel and tell me it's easy!)

Projected Power Growth & Development: Given time and training, the ability to move through solids may eventually allow him to pass through more complex materials. His second and third abilities may also begin to manifest themselves with time.

Skills: He's an auto mechanic and small engine repairman, he was studying to be a licensed Harley Davidson mechanic before winding up at Cobalt when things started getting particularly hairy out on the street

Background: Jacob didn’t start out as a bad boy, quite the contrary, born to lower middle class parents in downtown Trenton, they struggled to eke out a living as economic times turned harder and harder. Jacob's father was killed during a botched robbery at the convenience store he was managing. He lay dying as the police arrived too late to stop the assailant, and too late to save David Boington's life, Jacob was seven. Patty Boington, Jacob's mother, held down two jobs to try to make sure her only son had food to eat and clothes on his back, while keeping them off the streets. Little by little, the Boington's downsized their already meager lifestyle in order to keep the collectors at bay. First they moved into a smaller apartment in a less desireable part of town. Then the car was sold and Patty started taking the bus to get to and from work. Jacob grew older in a single parent home. Patty wasn’t around as much because of her long hours as a receptionist and a cleaning lady at nights. At the age of ten, Jacob was cited for his first petty theft. By the age of 14, he was routinely breaking into mostly disused buildings to hang out with his friends. This was the age at which his powers began to manifest themselves. The ability to put his hand through solid objects came as a bit of a surprise. He was standing in front of a vending machine when he realized he had no money. His hands were on the glass… and he quietly wished he'd saved a dollar or two to get a snickers bar and a soda… with his hands still pressed against the glass, he realized that his hands were 'inside' the machine, he could still see the unbroken glass around his wrists. Taking hold of his candy bar, he pulled it from the machine, which showed no sign it had been penetrated at all. Thus, a petty thief was born. It didnt take long with his abilities to pick up his street name of 'Pinch'

Criminal Record: Numerous petty theft charges, breaking and entering, disturbing the peace, assault (dropped, ruled self defense), battery (dropped, ruled self defense), minor in possession of a firearm

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Jacob dislikes heights. To the point that he refuses to go out on balconies, climb ladders, or anything that gives him the feeling that he is going to fall. This fear borders on being a full fledged phobia.
And the voice of the lord said: Whom shall go for Us? Whom shall We send?

And I heard my own voice reply: I will go. Send Me.
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