Emily Conners

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Emily Conners

Post by emily19 »

Player Nickname: emily

Name: Emily Conners
Codename: none
Age: 17
Date of Birth: 4/8/94

Height: 6’0
Weight: 197 lbs
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Green
Place of Origin: Harrisburg, Pa
Nationality/Race: White
Classification: Mutant

Status: Trainee/Student
Occupation: none

Personality Profile: Emily is you classic shy geek girl who was happy to go unnoticed at school and doesn’t really know what to make of her new situation

Physical Description: Emily used to be your classic short mousey girl but thanks to her mutation she is a tall curvy hottie! Emily is 6 foot even, long black hair that is always kind of messy, light green eyes, and a fair almost pale complexion. Emily may have changed in looks but not in personality so she tends to wear a lot of loose dark clothing and doesn’t even own make-up.



Powerset: Classic Brick Type

Ability One: Enhanced Strength: Emily possesses a dense musculature which grants her enhanced strength allowing her to lift but not throw a full sized sedan at her max. Thanks to her enhance strength Emily can jump far enough to easily land on top of single story building. Emily’s dense musculature is also why she is much heavier than a girl her size would normally be.

Ability Two: Emily’s skin and muscles are much denser than a normal humans allowing her take a lot of blunt force trauma, recently her skin and muscle have grown dense enough that they will stop blades providing they are not made of some special material such as admantium but is still not strong enough to stop a bullets of any kind.

Ability Three: none yet

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: Emily’s new power takes a lot of energy and her metabolism is in overdrive forcing Emily to eat a lot, especially after any strenuous activity. Emily can’t swim, her dense skin and muscles are too heavy and cause her to sink so she stays out of water deeper then chest level. Emily hasn’t learned to control her strength completely and sometimes this can lead to problems.

Projected Power Growth & Development: Emily’s strength and durability should grow over time and she may even gain enhanced stamina to go with her powers.

Skills: Emily is your classic good school girl and she had a 3.8 gpa, she isn’t a super brain but she studies a lot, she is gifted with computers and knows them inside and out though she won’t be hacking any government databases or anything.

Background: Emily grew up in small town U.S.A. with two loving if somewhat old fashioned parents who doted only there only child. Emily was miss nobody at school, she didn’t have much in the way friends, she got picked on by the popular kids but wasn’t really important enough to single more than anyone else. Emily always figured she would grow up, go to college, maybe get a job working with computers, and live a nice but boring life, of course life has a way of changing our expectations. April 10th of last year started off like any other day, nothing really unusual other than the slight headache she woke up with but by the end of the day that headache was a pounding migraine that had the mousy girl bed ridden. The world was a changed place when Emily woke up, Emily had gone from 5’1 to 6 feet even, she had curves and muscles where none had been before, her glasses made the world fuzzy, and none of her clothes fit… Emily reacted to this much like any mature teenager would, she freaked out! The next couple of days were kind of a blur but thanks to two loving parents the new and improved Emily was able to get a grip on herself and a minor handle on the situation. That is of course till she returned to school, miss nobody was now very noticeable by everyone, this led to leers from boys and glares from girls and to lots and lots of gossip that turned Emily’s peaceful life to a miserable existence. Emily’s parents wanting there little girl to have a somewhat well-adjusted end to her high school experience and to gain some much needed control contacted Cobalt Hill hoping they could help her.

Criminal Record: None

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Emily loves musicals and has a huge collection of movie soundtracks. Emily lost the need for glasses when she gained her powers but needing to feel normal she had a pair made with plain glass that she wears most of the time. Emily is a late bloomer and didn’t actually gain her powers till the ripe age of 17 and despite being super strong and being able to take a punch, she has absolutely no skill in fighting.
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