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Patriot's Rise

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 8:38 pm
by gunnar
**1630 hrs 17 June, 2007, Aboard C-17 Globemaster III transport, en-route to Rammstein Airbase, Germany**

Flight medics kept watch over their charges, sixteen men and women of the military, injured in combat, all sustaining injuries that require their evacuation to Rammstein Airbase, and possibly all the way to Walter Reed, and other major army medical centers within the Continental United States.

Among them, SSG Kyle Black, recent recipient of the Legion of Merit, and his third purple heart. SSG Black had suffered multiple severe lacerations to his torso and legs when the HMMWV he was traveling in was struck by an improvised explosive device that killed the gunner in the turret and critically injured two of the other four occupants of the vehicle.

Unless a miracle happened, it was not expected that SSG Black would likely ever walk again.

**2230 hrs 17 June, 2007, Landstuhl Army Medical Center ***

The doctor removed his gloves as he stepped into the side alcove to wash up after a mostly successful surgery.

"Well, while it's not perfect, he'll be well enough to be transferred to Walter Reed for further treatment in a day or so, just long enough for those sutures to hold." He spoke to another surgeon who was also washing up after assisting

"Its a miracle that he survived this long."

**1545 18 June MARC-G headquarters, Fort Sam Houston, Tx**

"Sir, this just came in over the link. Thought you would want to see it immediately." 1LT Ryan D. Boleshoks said to his shift lead, MAJ Henry Harrison.

"Lets take a look then." MAJ Harrison stated, slipping on a pair of reading glasses, scanning the document quickly.

"Good work Lieutenant. I'll pass this on to the old man. Call down to MSG Cummings, I want him transferred here immediately. We're going to have to extend our courtesies.."


Re: Patriot's Rise

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 9:19 pm
by gunnar
**1600 18 June 2007, Mutant Affairs Research Control Group (MARC-G) Headquarters, Fort Sam Houston, TX**

Lieutenant General Michael Green, current Commanding General of the newly formed Mutant Affairs Research Control Group, sat in front of a large oval table in the Group's headquarters building, located in an underground level of the installation medical center. Clustered around the table were several of the lead scientists attached to the program known only by it's operational code name: Rising Patriot

Similar to the program of the 1940's that had resulted in the creation of Captain America, Rising Patriot sought to create super Soldiers from within the ranks of the United States Military. It had taken nearly 60 years of dedication and painstaking research to arrive at the point where human trials could begin. Technology had advanced to the point where genetic mapping and identification of the X-Gene in a substantial portion of the population had become possible. It was determined that while untold millions were potential carriers of the X-Gene, it was only in a latent form, and did not result in mutations.

Trials suggested that with an appropriate subject, it may be possible to activate the X-Gene in such a latent carrier and potentially 'guide' the development of their abilities towards those that had clear military application while at the same time avoiding much of the problems with certain 'power sets'.

"...So you see General, Genetic scans of the subject taken at Landstuhl , shown here "Doctor Hastings indicated an image displayed by a holographic projector mounted in the conference table "suggests that the presence of the X-Gene when combined with these other markers, gives us great confidence that we may be successful in manifesting the latent abilities of the individual."

General Green nodded slowly, understanding some of what was displayed in front of him, though he was by no means a geneticist. "Very well. Sergeant Black is a decorated combat veteran, he should be afforded the opportunity to volunteer, or to decline if he so chooses... Colonel Jenson, see to it."

"Yes Sir, I will pay Sergeant Black a visit as soon as he regains consciousness. Medical reports indicate that he should be well enough to receive visitors in a day or so."

"Very Well Colonel. Gentlemen, this is the opportunity we have been waiting for, the timing could not have been better. Let us hope that Sergeant Black is willing to volunteer for the good of his country, one more time."


Re: Patriot's Rise

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 10:26 pm
by gunnar
**0900 20 June 2007, Brooke Army Medical Center, room 344**

The nurse had just finished taking vital signs and checked the various tubes and wires that connected SSG Black to IV's and instruments that monitored his status when a knock came at the door. Kyle had been awake for a few hours and had managed to eat some of his breakfast, though it would be some time before his appetite would return fully.

Looking to Kyle, the nurse arched a brow "Visitors so soon? You're a popular guy Sergeant Black."

"Tell 'em they can come in I guess." Kyle said, pressing the control that would raise the bed into a more upright position as the nurse informed the visitor that they could come in, and stepped out of the room.

"Good Morning Sergeant Black, I hope that I am not intruding? " Colonel Jenson said as he walked inside the hospital room. Colonel Jenson was every bit a career officer, and while he did not hold nearly the same number of decorations as Staff Sergeant Black, he too had seen his share of combat before being reassigned to MARC-G as the officer in charge of personnel.

"Morning Sir, ahh, to what do I owe the visit?" he asked, taking the beginnings of a breath before wincing in pain, his injury obviously far from being healed, and even with the medication on board, still causing him significant pain.

"Well Sergeant, I am here because of a few things that were discovered during your initial treatment and confirmed during your surgery in Landstuhl Germany. You are familiar with something called the 'X-Gene'?" Colonel Jenson asked him before continuing "A large segment of the population, and by extension, the Military are what are known as 'latent' carriers of the X-Gene. Sergeant Black, you are one of those latent carriers."

Kyle blinked slowly, not sure if it was the drugs that were messing with his head or if the Colonel had just told him he was actually a mutant? "Sir... permission to speak freely?"

"Of course Sergeant."

"Sir, don't beat around the bush, I've got enough meds on board to convince me you're actually Osama Bin Laden, and you're trying to sell me tickets to a carnival ride on the moon. So if you could just get to the point please?"

Colonel Jenson chuckled softly "Of course. Sergeant, I represent the Mutant Affairs Research Control Group. You've been identified as being a possible candidate, and we were wondering if you would be willing to participate in a study that would likely improve the security of the United States..."


Re: Patriot's Rise

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 9:32 am
by gunnar
"...And there you have it Sergeant. Should you decide to volunteer, you would be transfered to MARC-G, effective immediately, and as soon as you were healed enough, you would begin inprocessing and preparing to begin the trials."

COL Jenson had laid out a very brief overview of what MARC-G was doing, their history, and of course sworn SSG Black to secrecy regarding his visit should he decide not to accept the offer. In a way, it was more of a recruiting visit than a request for a volunteer, and Kyle recognised it as such, but they could call it whatever they liked. The truth of the matter was, it was another way to serve, a way that even fewer would be able to do. How could he legitamately refuse?

"I'm In."

Handing Kyle an envelope, COL Jenson smiles slowly "Then you'll be wanting this..." Kyle opened it, inside were promotion orders to Sergeant First Class, effective date of 20 June 2007 with a date of rank of 20 June 2007. Signed by the Secretary of the Army himself, and contingent of his acceptance of an assignment to Fort Sam Houston.

**1430 3 December 2007, MARC-G Lab**

"Now then, Kyle, we are about to begin. Are you prepared?" Doctor Hastings asked him clearly, not wanting to be misunderstood, as this proceedure was being recorded for later study. The room was stark white, and consisted of a chair with restraints built in, bolted to the center of the floor. The walls were white tile and the overhead lighting was harsh flourescent.

Dr. Hastings was dressed in a white surgical gown, and wore a mask. Beside him, sat a tray of instruments, including a series of hypodermic needles, and several vials. To the other side, a chamber with a track running from beneath the door met up with the chair that Kyle sat on.

"As ready as I'm going to get Doc." Kyle was dressed in a pair of scrub style pants, and was shirtless from the waist up. His body was criscrossed by scars, burns, and the last remaining bandages from his ordeal.

Stepping upto him, the doctor drew one of the hypodermics, filling it with an almost honey brown substance before tapping it to ensure that there were no air bubbles within it.

"Dr. Hastings, time is now... 1443, preparing first dose of serum, test subject Alpha." Placing the needle at one of Kyle's forearm veins, he slowly injected the substance into his bloodstream before wiping the injection site with an alcohol pad.

Kyle took a deep breath as the liquid began to course though his arm, a heavy... slow feeling beginning to creep through him.

"Time: 1445, serum appears to be taking effect. Kyle, please describe what you are feeling to the best of your ability."

"Well, at first, there was a slight burning sensation, and now it is a feeling of cold that is creeping through my arm up to my shoulder. I'm starting to feel slow...heavy..."

Dr. Hastings turned towards the mirrored wall and nodded once, the lights coming on in the attached chamber, the doors slowly opening...


Re: Patriot's Rise

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 2:32 pm
by gunnar
**12 December 2007, MARC-G Labs**

"... progressing rapidly, initial tests show a marked increase in nerve fiber density and a corresponding decrease in electrical impedence. Flash reaction tests show a five fold processing rate increase, reducing reaction times to under point zero five seconds. Subject reports a slight decrease in sensation across entire epidermis, further testing warranted."

Kyle sat in a chair watching a screen in a soundproofed, darkened booth, a small pushbutton clicker in his right hand. The instructions were simple: As soon as he saw a blue square, he was to click the button. He had noticed that his reaction times were coming down. The appearance of the square was completely randomized by the computer, so there was no pattern to memorize, no way to cheat the system, and yet, during his improcessing he had managed to make a consistant .25 second reaction time. Now? Now he didnt know how he knew when to click the button, but the images just seemed to be slowing down. Dr. Hastings assured him this was not the case, but, from Kyle's perspective, the squares would slowly fade in and as soon as he could make out the square shape, he would click the button, and then wait what began to feel like eternity for the square to dissappear and the next one to appear.

**4 January 2008**

"...Test subject has begun to show increases in muscle and bone density, measurements of total mass now exceeds two hundred pounds, without a corresponding increase in volume. Dynamic strength testing to begin on Six January twenty-oh-eight. Current estimate of total capability: above 60% projected maximum, more than 150% greater than control subject..."


Kyle sat on the weight bench in the tiny gym the facility had set aside for him, Initially he had assumed it was to assist him with regaining his strength after his surgery and recuperation time, now he was beginning to suspect otherwise: it was a way of measuring his development. Already he was pressing more than half again what used to be his one rep maximum, squating nearly twice his own body weight, and deadlifting nearly as much as that. In an attempt to find his own max, he decided to load four hundred pounds onto the bar, securing it with clamps and with a deep breath lay back and placed his hands on the bar. With a practiced motion, he pushed the bar off it's rests, and brought it down to his chest in a single controlled motion. Rather that being forced to slip the bar back onto the safety pins, he slowly began pushing the weight toward the ceiling, finally completing four reps before racking the bar back on the pegs....

"Well holy shit."

**23 January 2008**

"...Subject no longer responsive to minor stimulation, stimulation approaching control subject's pain tolerance. Test subject responds to this stimulation as though normal interaction. Overall sensitivity to pain, heat, cold have been reduced to below 20% of normal, subject shows no ill effect from stimulation at this level."


Kyle stood in the testing chamber, it was really like a large pod with doors on one side and thick observation ports along the other. It could be configured for a wide variety of situations, and today it looked like someone had gone overboard with the environmentals. Huge heating coils and cooling coils dominated the two normally bare sides of the pod. Currently, the heating coils were glowing bright red, and the digital thermometer read: 155 deg F, and was climbing higher before finally stopping at 175 when Kyle called out that he couldnt handle much more than that.

On the other side of the room, the coolant coils sprung to life as liquid nitrogen circulated through them, rapiding driving the temperature inside the pod down from its 175 peak to under 80 degrees in less than a minute, and shortly after that, reaching nearly -40, when again Kyle called it quits.


Nodding to the test administrator, Kyle gripped the handholds tightly. It was brutal, but it was also effective in determining his tolerance for pain... They were going to administer electroshocks to his body. Starting at a low setting, the began what would otherwise be called torture. However an unforseen wrinkle emerged, instead of causing him intense pain, it behaved more like a tazer would: involuntary muscle spasms, loss of motor control, and inability to speak for some time. This was noted, as it seemed his enhanced nervous system had one serious drawback...


After three exhausting hours, They were finally done. They had found the point where Kyle would black out from the pain, though they had broken a number of implements finding that level.

**3 February 2008**

"Project Rising Patriot has been declared an unqualified Success. Test Subject Alpha has been redesignated, Code Name: Minuteman. Cleared for full combat trial."