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Sarah Elizabeth Astor [Winter] [Assistant Dean]

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:21 am
by Lanse
Player Nickname: Lanse

Name: Dr. Sarah Elizabeth Astor
Codename: Winter
Age: Unknown- Appears mid-20s, presumed to be 60+
Date of Birth: December 21st, Unknown

Height: 6'0
Weight: Go Ask Her
Hair Color: Blue/White
Eye Color: Right-Blue/Left- White
Place of Origin: London, England
Nationality/Race: British/Caucasian
Classification: Mutant

Status: Staff
Occupation: Playwright/Assistant Dean

Personality Profile:

Winter is a calm and reserved woman, well-spoken and polite. She carries herself with perfect posture, her crisp British accent lending her a distinguished air. While her appearance and manner of speaking often gives the impression that she is cold, speaking to her in-depth reveals a kind and well-natured personality that she extends to anyone who has not given her cause not to. Winter also possesses a very low-key, subtle sense of humor in the rather dry fashion of her British heritage.

While not a woman prone to fits of rage, Winter's cold anger can be a palpable thing for those caught on the wrong end of it. As nice and kind as she is, the so called Ice Queen of Cobalt is fiercely protective of the trainees and fellow staff members, and will lay an awful lot on the line to protect them.

Physical Description:



Powerset: Cryokinetic Control

Ability One: Ice Control

Winter's powers allow her to do two distinct things with ice. Primarily she can create ice in virtually any shape she can imagine, although the amount at any given time may depend on current climate conditions. During fall and winter her ability is stronger than spring and summer. Secondly, Winter can reshape any existing ice she can see into another shape. The transition is fluid, and the ice temporarily seems to become incredibly cold water until the change is complete. It is worth noting that while she can create ice structures in mid-air, she has no telekinetic ability to maneuver ice through the air.

Ability Two: Limited Weather Control

This power is most commonly used as a form of thermokinesis. Winter can lower the temperature around her to well below 0 degrees Celsius. While the exact radius of this ability has never been tested, it is presumed she cannot effect further than she can see. The exception to this is the broader use of this power: her ability to create snowstorms. Like her ability to control ice, this ability is stronger during naturally colder weather and weaker during warm weather. In winter she is capable of creating localized raging snowstorms within a matter of minutes, but during summer it can take an hour or longer just to make it snow.

Ability Three: Cryogenetic State

A more passive ability, Winter's body is in a permanent, unalterable cryogenic state. This state makes her immune to poison, diseases, and fatigue from everyday actions(using her powers can still 'tire' her, though it will never cause her to pass out), and she does not need to breathe. Winter also does not need to eat or sleep, nor can even chose to do so. She has no sense of taste or smell, does not bleed when cut, and is somewhat denser than she appears as all of the fluids in her body are frozen and her internal organs are crystallized. This ability also causes her to generate an intense amount of cold in the immediate area around her. She often wears a specially designed insulated coat that captures most of the cold and surrounds her with it, allowing her to function better in warmer weathers, and also keeping her from freezing everyone around her.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses:

Winter is highly effected by the weather around her. Not only do warmer temperatures cause her powers to become weaker, she becomes increasingly sluggish the hotter it is. Also, intense forms of heat such as fire or steam can be extremely debilitating to her if not stemmed, as the heat attempts to thaw out her internal systems. Faced with such things she has been known to bead with water, suggesting that the heat may very well melt her in time. Not sleeping also requires Winter to engage herself in various mental activities during the quiet hours of the night, or she may very well go insane one day from never having a break from everyday life.

Projected Power Growth & Development:

Winter's powers are extremely developed and not likely to advance.


First and foremost, Winter is an excellent playwright and actor. She is capable of mimicking a variety of accents and has a wide range of voices as well. While her distinct appearance has prevented her from having any kind of acting career, she has mentored many young and aspiring actors both mutant and non-mutant. She also has impeccable grammar and a wide knowledge of history. She has earned several doctorates in British Literature, World History, Drama, and Playwriting. Over the years she has also devised a precise, yet conserved martial arts style cobbled together from a number of disciplines. It often involves the use of a staff and seamlessly integrates her powers into it.


Few people outside of the British and United States government know the truth of Winter's extensive past. As the former Dean of Cobalt Academy, this information has only recently been released to top level staff, and is in no way public knowledge. Only top META and other government officials have access to the truth regarding Winter's age and history.

Born in the 9th century A.D., Winter is one of the oldest mutants in existence today. She grew up in the midst of Anglo-Saxon England, and her mutation occurred the day she turned 21, at the height of the Winter Solstice. While originally her entire village fled from her in fear, they returned within a week to attempt to kill her. With little control over her powers at the height of their strength, former friends and family fought through a raging snowstorm in an attempt to kill the demon they believed she'd become. Many died in the attempt, though it was not because Winter chose to fight back, but simply because she could not reign in her powers to stop it. Eventually they succeeded in subduing her, hanging her from a tree until she stopped struggling.

Winter had already learned she had little need to breath, and only by fully accepting her fate could she gain some measure of control over her powers and end the storm as she swung from the branch. Believing her dead, Winter was buried well outside the town and forgotten about it. There she lay as her body underwent its full transformation from human to mutant, blood freezing, organs crystallizing, hair, skin, and eyes changing to the colors they are today.

She would not emerge from her hibernation for 500 years, but rapid development of the land jostled where she lay and forced her to claw to the surface. The time spent 'asleep' had given her a basic understanding of her powers, but after a brief, disastrous encounter with everyday people she consigned herself to life as a hermit. She moved from place to place in England, avoiding people as best she could. Sometimes she spied on people during winter, when wearing heavy clothes and cold weather was the norm, to educate herself on the changes in language and times. Eventually she turned to writing to pass the time, and would leave her manuscripts and works for others to find. Most were transitory in nature and had fleeting fame, and none of her works that garnered any fame survived over time.

When the British colonies in America were first founded, Winter found passage to them and has remained in America ever since- not counting a few visits to her former homeland. Remaining as a hermit, she watched the development of America, and New York in particular. Over time she managed to integrate herself into society as it became easier to be a hermit even within city limits. Of course, her odd nature and cold aura did garner some attention, and as government became more structured and better controlled, the newly formed FBI took a keen interest in her.

Pulled aside one day and grilled intensely, Winter's penchant for acting stymied FBI questioners for weeks. While perfectly polite, her answers said little and less, and she often chose to contradict herself. Lie detection technology was useless on her, and prone to malfunctioning. Eventually, however, Winter played ball and told the FBI her life story and became classified amongst a small, but growing number of mutants and meta-humans that were slowly being discovered. She was let go but kept under supervision, and when schools and facilities for mutants first sprang up she was eager to jump on board. She began as just a teacher, primarily of literature and history, but her hard work ethic and eagerness to help soon let her rise to higher administrative roles.

Eventually, after stints at several schools, and with severe backlash among the theater community in England revealing she was a mutant, she was offered the job of Dean at Cobalt Academy and accepted. While later forced to step down as the school faced severe criticism after several attacks, she remained at the school as an Assistant Dean, and is currently one of the newly repurposed facilities key faculty members.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Winter is an avid stargazer, and can name traditional Greek constellations, as well as constellations from a variety of other cultures and religions. Having a vast amount of spare time has also led Winter to playing video games at night, and her severely overclocked computer is the best, bar none.