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Therapy Session - Ashlynne

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2011 6:38 pm
by Brad
<@Sisip> Ashlynne had spent most of the day in town, the girl buying up things for a cake she was making special, also items with which she was planning on using in a special dinner to show her dad she was good enough to work in his cafe. A 'house special' sort of thing, something to really put the small place on the map. The glowing girl had big aspirations! With her goods in a little rolly trolly she stands outside a building, looking down at the card in her hand. Did they do walk ins? Dad was gonna kill her for being here. Would he find out? Maybe she could at least delay him finding out. Pushing into the office she chews on her lower lip, skinglow just a bit faint. She could always blame Professor Montini. When he skipped out she had nobody else to go to.

<Doctor`Covenant> Tap, and the golfball rolls gracefully into the whiskey glass. "Bob," He says to his hulking associate, Sherry having gone home for the day. "They're like little pinatas. Full of money. All I have to do is take a few swings, and it comes pouring out." He's currently practicing his putting in the reception area of his office suit, shit-eating grin on his face. He blinks as the glowing girl enters his office as he's in mid sentence, then cheerfully rushes towards her and clasps both of her hands tightly, staring into her eyes. "Forget anything you just heard. Ashlynne, my dear, what brings you here? I don't believe you had an appointment?" Bob rolls his eyes and grunts.

<@Sisip> Her confused expression at the last bit of that statement fades to a smile as she turns just a little yellow with embarassment. "Oh, no, I didn't.. but.. Rick said he talked to you and.. dad kind of watches my phone and doesn't think that.. well.. I was just wondering if you had some time... or something.. but if you're busy I can come back." The girl looks up at Dr Covenant hopefully, her hands still in his.

<Doctor`Covenant> "Well," He shakes his head slightly, and dramatically checks his watch. "Normally I don't do walk-ins, and it's getting pretty late." He sighs, again dramatically, and then grins to the girl. "But what the hell, who keeps schedules these days? And I like you, so come on in." What a nice guy! He leads her with one hand towards the open double doors to his office. "Bob, hold my calls." Once they're past the doors, he directs her to one of the two seats in the center that face each other. He dashes back to close the doors, and then quickly moves to his own seat, with the stool next to it that has the notepad and pen. If she's quick enough, she might see what appears to be a crude stick figure drawing of Dr. Covenant holding two bags with dollar signs on them. If she's quick enough. He settles down into his seat and locks his eyes with hers, smiling that charming smile of his. "Hello, Ashlynne. Glad you came to see me."

<@Sisip> She'd never really been in a REAL therapy session before and so far she certainly felt comfortable. After all, he was an author. That meant he was intelligent and caring, right? All forms of artists were intelligent and caring, right? Come on! She was less than 8 months old! "Oh, thank you, I don't mean to be a bother.. cause it's ok, of course, if you're busy." Once guided to the chair she takes a seat, honeygolden eyes flicking over his papers. She spots the drawing but it doesn't quite register in her mind, seeing it upside down and all, especially given how preoccupied she is with her father finding out. Looking back to Covenant she smiles, "I'm glad too. This.. is a nice office. Fancy."

<Doctor`Covenant> "This?" He gestures around the room with both hands, maintaining eye contact with Ashlynne. She'd find it hard to look away. He's just so charming, so trustworthy. "Pfffff. This is just what people expect to see. The dangers of prestige, Ashlynne. If it were up to me, I'd have a much smaller office with much lower rent." He grins, breaking the ice so hard that splinters go in a polar bear's eye. "So what's up, Ashlynne? What brings you here today? You seemed like a pretty happy girl the last time I saw you."

<@Sisip> Poor Ashy. She falls for it all, hook line and sinker, honeyed eyes not once leaving his. "Oh, well it's still very nice." Happy girl? Sure! Though her glow fades juuust a titch, "I am, I mean, I'm pretty sure I am. I mean, I think Rick's my.. boyfriend? Or.. just a friend? I don't know. Guess it just never really came up.. but. there's Rick! And that's pretty awesome.. but .. I dunno.. i used to have someone to just kinda sit with and talk too.. but he left for some reason.. and I can't sit with dad cause, well, you met him." She frowns slightly.

<Doctor`Covenant> "Ah yes, your father." He says, clenching his teeth just a bit. The one I can't control right now. He regains his composure before she'd even notice, clicking his pen twice and tapping it against the pad of paper after turning the page to a fresh sheet. "So you just want someone to talk to? Ashlynne, that's completely normal. Most people that see a therapist, that's all they need, so don't feel ashamed about coming here!" He grins, shaking the pen at her, never once blinking or breaking eye contact. "So why don't I ask you a question first, get us started?" He clears his throat. "Is it difficult for you, being in public sometimes?"

<@Sisip> She shrugs just a bit, "Well, sure Doctor Covenant, I mean, I'm lit up like.. a really bright thing. I can't really turn it off..." She hesitates a moment before smiling, "Sometimes things get rough.. I don't quite understand it, why we can't just be left alone, but I'm sure it'll get better. Aunt Sisip says it always gets better."

<Doctor`Covenant> His face becomes that practiced mask of 'I understand your pain and empathize with my whole being'. If he weren't a therapist, he'd be an actor. "It's a pretty scary time right now, Ashlynne. I won't lie to you, people are afraid, and that can make them dangerous." He smiles again, clicking the pen and tapping it on the notepad, before writing a line of text without looking. "But your Aunt sounds like a smart woman. Things will get better." He clicks the pen and taps again. "So is there anything bothering you these days, Ashlynne? You can tell me."

<@Sisip> Relaxing just a bit she nods, almost relieved. He understood her. He got her! Her glow fades noticably as she opens her mouth to speak. After a bit of fish-gaping as she tries to figure out how to put it she simply looks defeated. "He's gonna leave. They all do. Daddy left, he's always leaving.. when he gets upset. Then mom left.. and Professor Montini left.. and Felipe left.. and.. Rick's gonna be next, cause that's how it always goes, but I can't talk to daddy about it cause.. he's dad.. and if I get upset JJ gets upset and Izzy gets upset and.. " Honey golden eyes flood with tears as her lower lip wobbles. She doesn't cry yet, though. "it's just not fair anymore."

<Doctor`Covenant> 'Oh Christ. It's gonna be this kind of shit.' He thinks, and then that mask of concern and empathy dominates his face as he reaches forward to take one of her hands in his. "Don't cry, Ashlynne." 'For fuck's sake don't cry, I've had three whiskeys already this afternoon.' He smiles comfortingly to her as he releases her hand. Click. Click. Tap. "You don't know that anyone's going to leave, Ashlynne. What makes you say that?"

<@Sisip> She doesn't cry. That would be silly, of course. Swallowing that lump she manages to control herself. "They all left though.. they don't say anything and then just one day they're not there anymore." She shakes her head, "And JJ and Iz always ask me why and I just don't know what else to tell them anymore."

<Doctor`Covenant> 'Ugh, this is turning into actual therapy.' He thinks to himself, though he keeps the mask of concern and empathy up without breaking eye contact. 'Fucking hate it when this happens.' He nods, listening to the girl despite the protests of his inner monologue. "Are you afraid he's going to reject you, Ashlynne? Is that it?" He remembered the kid, Rick. Useful ability. Sent him out on an errand just last night with the bird boy. They performed admirably. "I don't think you have too much to worry about." The little chatterbox could barely shut up about the girl, and something about tentacle dogs. And a cyclops? He kind of tuned him out after the ten minute barrage, and just went straight to work.

<@SisipMailboxing> "I dunno if it's rejection.. or if I just have really bad luck or something.. I .. you don't?" She blinks, well, that was at least somewhat hopeful sounding. "Well. Good, I think. I just.. " She sighs, not knowing what else to really say. "I just wish it was all so much easier, y'know? I mean, not that I want everything handed to me.. but.. sometimes it's just like... " She purses her lips, thinking, "It's just too much. I mean, I'm not even eight months old yet and I'm the one worrying about wether or not my brother and sister eat dinner or go to school... cause mom took off.. and dad.. just.. is dad"

<Doctor`Covenant> He scribbles furiously in his notepad, without looking down. This is interesting. This is useful. "I see." He keeps staring into the girl's eyes, and his smile broadens as he stops writing. He clicks the pen twice, and taps the paper, before speaking again. "Your dad sounds like he's got a lot on his plate, Ashlynne. He sounds like he might be a little stressed out. Why don't you keep an eye on him for me?" He smiles at her, the picture of quasi-paternal comfort and understanding. He's not asking much, just that she spy on her own father for him. Simplest thing in the world, really.

<@Sisip> Blinking she nods, reaching up with one hand to rub the back of your neck. "He probably is, yeah. Maybe he can come in and see you sometime. I'll just.. make sure he's ok and stuff, though." The poor girl, already watching out for her brother and sister, overwhelmed with life and her feeling of abadonment, and now volunteering to spy on her dad. "Daddy and I chill a lot, I can make sure he's ok."

<Doctor`Covenant> "That's good, Ashlynne." He nods, though he keeps eye contact the whole time. "I worry, you know." He makes a pretense at checking his watch, but doesn't actually look at it. "I think our time is about up, sweetie." He smiles broadly to her. "Tell you what, my assistant Bob? He'll call you a cab home, on my card. Bob's a really great guy. Bob is very trustworthy. You should listen to him."

<@Sisip> Ashy blinnks and nods, "OH, ok. Can.. I come back? Doctor? I.. I'd like to come back. Bob? OH thank you! The bus gets crowded right about now." She stands, smiling up at the good doctor. "I'll make sure daddy's ok, keep an eye on him and stuff."

<Doctor`Covenant> "You can come back whenever you'd like, Ashlynne. Just give me a call." He smiles warmly to her, holding her hand and holding eye contact. "Just make sure you let me know what your dad is up to."

<@Sisip> She shakes his hand and smiles brightly, skin lighting up. "I will, Doctor, I promise. Thank you for seeing me on such short notice and everything!" She, of course, was going to make sure to make the doctor happy when it came to what her father was doing, not even realizing it was an odd request. She finally heads towards the door, intent on finding Bob.

<Doctor`Covenant> Bob sits out in the receptionist area. He's a HUGE man, easily seven feet tall, and built like a brick shithouse. He stares at the comparatively tiny girl as she glows into his line of sight, but doesn't say anything.

<@Sisip> "Uhm, Hello.. Mister Bob... Doctor Covenant said that you could call me a cab, so I don't have to take the bus?" She still has her rolly cart full of groceries. She smiles brightly at him, finding him completely trustworthy!

<Doctor`Covenant> "Yeah." He rumbles as he stands, towering over her. He mutters as he goes to the phone. "Call you a fuckin' cab, that's my fuckin' life." He punches in the number of a cab agency, and makes the arrangement, then hangs up. "Cab'll be here in ten minutes." He goes back to sit down on his chair, the furniture audibly creaking in protest as his bulk lands on it again, and returns to his magazine.

<@Sisip> She trusted him not to hurt her, of course, she trusted everything about him. Chalking it up to Bob just having a busy day she thanks him and goes outside to wait. Before closing the door behind her she offers him a smile, "Goodnight Mr Bob. See you soon!" The pretty glowinggirl singsongs out before disappearing to head home... TO WATCH HER FATHER LIKE A DIRTY BETRAYING SPYBITCH

<Doctor`Covenant> "Bob," Covenant says as he steps out of his office. "That was dangerously close to actual therapy."