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Theodore Montblanc [Crusader]

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 5:22 pm
by Brad
Player Nickname:

Name: Theodore "Ted" Frederic Montblanc
Codename: Crusader
Age: 27
Date of Birth: December 3, 1983

Height: 6'0"
Weight: 163 lbs
Hair Color: Blond
Eye Color: Hazel
Place of Origin: Savannah, GA
Nationality/Race: Caucasian
Classification: Human (Cursed)

Status: Other
Occupation: Antiques dealer and Bookseller

Personality Profile: Theodore is a generally likeable, albeit somewhat skittish man. His interests run towards the arcane and the historical, for obvious reasons, and it is not difficult to press him into lengthy, animated discussions on subjects that interest him. He is eager to please, and quick to back down from confrontation. Not exactly cowardly, he prefers to keep himself out of and away from trouble, if he can help it. He usually cant.

The Templar is best described as wrath and judgment personified. He is driven, pitiless, and fueled by a ruthless desire to combat sin and protect the innocent, at all costs. He is not immune to reason, though it is very difficult to convince him of anything but his own righteousness.

Physical Description: Theodore is an average man, bookish but fairly good looking, with dirty-ish blond hair kept a bit shaggy, quick eyes, and somewhat sharp features. He keeps himself fit, though he's by no means an athlete. He tends to dress casually, and gives off a somewhat endearingly nerdy vibe.

The Templar is a ghost Templar. A very big, very angry ghost Templar that carries a very big sword.


Powerset: Cursed Bloodline

Ability One: Ancestral Summoning

In times of great stress or in the presence of great injustice, Theodore and his ancestor Quentin Vallet will switch places, and the Templar will be summoned from his prison into the material plane. He stands roughly seven feet tall, and appears as a semi-translucent, glowing apparition of a landed knight of the Third Crusade. The Templar is extremely resistant to physical damage, and has a strength far surpassing most men, but lower than most superstrong mutants and metahumans (Maximum lift of 1 ton under optimal conditions). He is armed with a large two handed sword that is capable of cutting through wood, brick, rock and some metals in a powerful swipe.

Ability Two: Cosmic Martyr

Theodore is almost inexorably drawn towards conflict and injustice, due to the nature of his family's curse. He can resist, to a degree, but frequently finds himself at the scene of wrongdoings against his will. With concentration, he can focus and scan his surrounding area for occurrences of violence and criminality.

Ability Three: Ghostly Presence

When either Theodore or Quentin are in the material plane, the other can communicate with them telepathically. Generally, Theodore uses this ability to try and contain the Templar's wrath as much as possible.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses:

Ancestral Summoning: Theodore's control over the appearance and actions of his ancestor Quentin is limited, at best. When placed under too much stress, or when faced with a crime or injustice he can't ignore, the Templar will be brought into the material plane in his place, whether he wills it or not. When Quentin is active, Theodore can only try to guide him as a form of conscience, but Quentin has his own personality and his own motivations. They are two separate entities bound to one soul. While Quentin is highly resistant to damage, he is not immune to exertion. The act of maintaining his form in the material plane is very taxing, and he can only do so for short periods of time. If he maintains his form for over one hour, he will begin to weaken, and will grow considerably weaker if he is not returned to his prison. The Templar absolutely will not, under any circumstances, harm someone that he deems innocent. At times, his definition of who is or isn't innocent can be fairly warped.

Ghostly Presence: Due to the nature of their communication, it can be easily disrupted or intercepted by other telepaths.

Cosmic Martyr: Well, the name just says it all, doesn't it? Theodore doesn't get many good nights' sleep.

Projected Power Growth & Development: None, though Theodore is constantly searching for some way to end the curse on his bloodline.

Skills: Theodore has an almost encyclopedic knowledge of history, both mundane and arcane, and has a repository of books and tomes that are a wealth of information on both world history, as well as history of magical artifacts and arcane lore. He does not have any books of incantations or spells, no matter how many obnoxious goths ask for them at his shop.

Background: Theodore's young life was uneventful, save for growing up without a father. His mother never spoke of the man, and after a while, Theodore simply stopped asking. He was raised well, went to school, and lived a happy enough life with his mother before heading off to college to study History and Archaeology. He graduated, went on to graduate school, and received his Master's in History and Folklore. He became a teaching assistant, and enrolled in a Ph.D. program to continue his study of archaeology, until one day he received a letter.

There was no return address, and no postage of any kind. It simply appeared at his home one day, delivered by persons unknown.


The only thing I can say now is that I'm sorry.

If this letter has found you, then it means I have died without completing my work. I did not want to leave your mother, but I couldn't be with her, or with you. I've spent the last few decades of my life trying to undo what has been done to us, but I've failed. The burden will fall to you know, as it fell to me when my father was killed. I wish I could explain, but there's nothing I could write that you would believe. You'll know what I mean soon enough.

I'm so sorry.

Gerard Montblanc

Theodore assumed it was a prank by one of his colleagues, albeit a cruel one, but that night the nightmares started. Visions of blood, of death, visions of a crime committed lifetimes ago. Instinctively, he knew that what he was seeing wasn't a dream, but all too real. Ancestral memory flooded him, and he knew why his father had left, and what he was trying to stop.

The first time the Templar was released from Theodore, he could remember nothing but wrath, and blood, and death as a trio of carjackers were brutally cut down by his ancestor. Over time, as the bond between he and Quentin strengthened, he found he could exert some control over his bloodthirsty ancestor, though not very much. He has since dedicated his life to finding a way to sever the curse from his bloodline, and to temper Quentin's wrath as best he can in the meantime.

For better or worse, he's found himself beckoned once again, this time to Salem, MA.

Criminal Record: None

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Theodore is a fan of jazz music, and has two tomcats that live in his shop, Miles and Duke. He collects vinyl, and considers himself an audiophile.

The Templar has never gotten used to modern technology, and in particular thinks escalators are a form of witchcraft.