Marcel Delormier [Riot]

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Marcel Delormier [Riot]

Post by lllithid »

IRC Nickname: Lukas`

Name: Marcel Delormier.
Alias: Riot
Age: 26
Date of Birth: October 19th
Hometown:. Seattle

Height: 6’2”
Weight: 184lbs
Hair Color: Variable
Eye Color: Variable
Nationality/Race: Caucasian; sharp European features.

Occupation: Villain! Mutant Rabble Raiser. Servant to the cause.

Personality Profile: Intense. Riot is a pro-mutant rights activist. He is a mutant, he is proud of that; but like many mutants before him does not seem to favour the idea that humans and mutants are able to exist side by side peaceably. He tends to deride normal humans, being rather callous and cruel towards them, while showing blatant favouritism towards known mutants. He tends to act on whims; being flighty and a little spastic at times; with an obvious love for showmanship and flair. Oftentimes he seems to act for the sole purpose of making others react to him, either as a mutant or as an individual; he seems driven to be the center of attention and will go out of his way to make sure that he occupies the spotlight as often as possible. Usually manifesting a long, monologues or acts of power in a flagrant showing-off of his mutant abilities; he is often the brightest and loudest person...and woe to anyone else who might be more so.

Physical Description: A tall, athletic young man. While not overly muscular, his level of fitness gives him a body shape that can only be described as “Lean and Hungry”; a look fostered through years of law dodging and hard living. His complexion is smooth and clean, though a tad on the pale side; though not sickly; it stands to reason he could use a weekend on a beach someplace to darken up just a bit. He dressed in a style that can really only be referred to as “Club Goth” favouring garish colours and deep blacks, in striking and visually stimulating cuts. His eyes and his hair are the most striking feature of his personage, as they tend to be a chalk white colour, looking almost bleached; but shift to many faceted hues depending on his emotional states, or the states of those around him (think of it as him having “Mood Hair” and “Mood Eyes” in the same manner as the rings of the same name). He currently favours pro-mutant slogans; as well as images in favour of known evil mutants, specifically having a special adoration for the infamous ‘Magneto’ and the mutants known to associate with him. Oftentimes he is surrounded by an aura of flickering light, reflecting the emotional energies of those nearby; a sure demonstration that his powers are in active use.

Character Picture (Optional):


Primary : Empathic Absorption. Riot is able to perceive and absorb the ambient emotional energy in a given situation; drawing it in like some other mutants might absorb heat or light. This gives him a grab bag of tricks, drawn from this basic ability. Firstly be possesses a sense of the ambient emotional colour of a place; as well as, with concentration, the states of specific people. Secondly this power has the side benefit of allowing him see normally invisible or stealthy people; by homing in on their emotional energy. He perceives the energy both in terms of an unspoken ‘sense’, as well as seeing coloured auras around people and in the air. Currently, the aura extends to roughly ‘line of sight’ in all directions. He does not have to see a person, but if he –could- conceivably see them; they could theoretically be tapped for energy. It is important to note, that he absorbs ambient energy and thus being used as a fuel source will have no negative impacts upon people being used as chargers.

Secondary : Physical Augmentation. Riot is able to use this emotional energy to empower his own physical being. Using it thusly, he can augment his strength, speed, stamina; whatever aspect of his physical functioning he should so choose. He has to concentrate briefly to channel energy into these aspects, meaning he cannot easily adjust them on the fly and must usually devote a small measure of concentration to maintaining the augmented levels. The upper limit of exactly how much juice he can use is currently unknown. Witnesses have claimed to have seen him shrug off bullets, throw cars and busses around almost casually and healing fast enough to recover from being hit by a truck before the truck came to a full stop. When channelling this energy in this way; he is surrounded by an aura of light of a colour appropriate to the emotion being used to fuel him; its size and brightness in proportion to the energy being utilized at the time.

Tertiary : Broad Energy Usage. Riot, instead of channelling the energy into his own body, can focus it and wield it directly. In this way, he has been seen to fly; to throw blasts of multicoloured energy; to create shimmering force fields, and accomplishing many other common tricks used my most “energy controlling” mutants. Again, the real upper limit of this energy is limited both by his concentration and by the amount of energy he is able to feed upon. Witnesses have observed him being able to throw blasts capable of demolishing brick walls and rending steel I-beams; flying fast enough to just outpace a single-engine aircraft and creating force fields of enough strength to stop a careening semi-cab (sans trailers). The energy is coloured exactly in the same manner as the aura he produces when augmenting himself; even down to being colour coded for your convenience.

Quaternary: Empathic Feedback. By holding in the absorbed ambient energy and focusing; Riot is capable of re-colouring it (changing the emotion) and feeding it back into the very same people he fed from. In this way, and only in this way, he can readjust the ambient emotional energy of a situation. This is not a ‘burst’ power, he cannot use it in the short term to cause intense bouts of emotion. It takes time to absorb energy, re-colour it and then to feed it back. It’s like filtering a water tank, it can’t happen all at once but as long as he is left to his own devices; it is a constant process. In fact, since it again deals with only ambient energies; most psychics are unable to detect the influence; it being an undirected, unfocused ‘haze’ of emotion, a pall of feeling and not an attempt to influence people’s emotions directly. A trained empathy would notice it, but it would seem inexplicable, but entirely natural for anyone not well insufficiently trained.

Drawbacks/Weaknesses : Riots weakness, is his fuel. It only exists in finite amounts in most situations; and all of his powers require it to function at all. In a heated situation, he can easily begin to exhaust his reserves, leading to his powers getting progressively weaker and weaker as any engagement wears on. When surrounded by few people, he has little to draw on and cannot keep a good fight up for long. In the middle of a city, during a long and protracted combat with many witnesses and gawkers; he would have ample energy to draw from and would therefore become horrifically more dangerous. His second, and best kept secret weakness is that his powers will feed off his own emotional energy if nothing is around, this effect hitting him in exactly the same manner as fatigue and exhaustion. He is quite literally, able to drain himself into a coma.

How do you believe this character's powers will further develop in the future? Greater reserves of energy; a greater ability to draw upon people nearby, increased range of absorption.

Background: Life has been tough for Riot. Born to poor parents; ignorant folk of low status. School bullying, begging in the streets, on occasion staying at shelters. Some mutants are lucky to have understanding parents, others are not. Riot was in the latter category; parents chasing him out of house and home with threats of violence if he should show his ‘freak ass’ anywhere near them ever again.

Life on the streets is hard, doubly so for a young mutant. He grew, became bitter and resentful of the normals, the frails that rejected and reviled him. He could crush them like ants, tear their homes apart brick by brick and feed on their hate and fear but that would make him into a monster; and he wouldn’t let the world beat him down like that. He was strong enough to get through it, he just had to be or his parents would be right and that was unacceptable.

He saw it on the news one night. Mutant radicals; fighting for rights protesting and being good. He admired them; but it didn’t seem like enough; it would never be enough if they only protested. He heard rumours of other groups of mutants, darker ones, tales of cabals and brotherhoods and likeminded people. He sought them out; he searched and searched but did not find.

He’s still looking, and one of these days he will find people like him; and then he’ll show everyone just what ‘mutant freaks’ are capable of.

Quirks/Extras (Random fun facts about your character!):
Colour Coding:
Red = Anger
Yellow = Fear
Purple = Lust/Attraction
Blue = Happiness
Green = Sadness/Grief
Orange = Disgust
Pink = Compassion
Violet = Love
Grey = Cold Intellect
Lavender = Compassion

More to come as they’re thought of.
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