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Alice Strickland [Zealot]

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2011 12:11 pm
by Lanse
Player Nickname: Lanse

Name: Alice Strickland, aka Arianna Conti
Codename: Zealot
Age: 27(Presumed)
Date of Birth: Unknown

Height: 5'9
Weight: 125 lbs.
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Gold
Place of Origin: Rome, Italy
Nationality/Race: Italian/Caucasion
Classification: Mutant

Status: Villain
Occupation: Assassin/Mutant Activist

Personality Profile:

Zealot is a cold and calculating individual. Raised under strict guidelines with harsh daily training, the core of her person is a woman who does whatever she needs to in order to see her goals met. Her ruthless efficiency is only tempered by her faith in the lord, the clashing of her two halves sometimes causing her to make interesting decisions. Still, she does not hesitate to kill her enemies, especially those she deems as "Godless Heathens"

Physical Description:

Golden eyes seem to burn intensely on a face that is otherwise cold and impassive. Her hair is a rich golden blonde, falling to her lower back and often tied in a long ponytail or braid to keep it out of her way. Alice is light of frame and physically fit, her constant training keeping her at the peak of human conditioning. She often dresses in moderate clothing of an extremely conservative nature, and is never seen without her necklace with a cross dangling on it- often worn openly and not under her clothes.


Powerset: Telekinetic Assassin

Ability One: Telekinetic Force Creation

While not true telekinesis, Zealot has the ability to create varying objects with her mind. The creations are obvious, as the glow the same golden color of her eyes, and can be used in a variety of ways. This ability is most often used to create a one handed sword, capable of cutting through a great many things, including lighter metals. Zealot has also been known to use the ability to make temporary shields, steps of light that she can walk on to cross gaps and ascend heights, and also by creating keys to open doors quickly and silently.

Ability Two: Telekinetic Phasing

By focusing her telekinetic abilites, she can push her atoms just far enough apart to be out of phase with the world around her. It takes a second to activate, and she can maintain this state constantly for up to an hour. It is usually more useful in short bursts, as she does still need to breath. It is possible for her to use this power in fights where she anticipates a particular attack.

Ability Three: Mental Shielding

While it was once thought she might have had telepathic powers to match her telekinetic abilites, those that trained her forced her to turn those abilities inwards. Zealot's mind is nearly impossible to break into, only possible when she is heavily sedated- and even then the effort is exhausting.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses:

Zealot is true to her adopted name. Her belief in the lord is the source of her strength, and one of her biggest weaknesses. She is more likely to show mercy to anyone who claims to repent, although those who do not truly repent will not be shown the same mercy a second time. Zealot is also often narrow minded, and tends to be blind to the motivations of others. While not un-intelligent, she can be easily deceived as long one has a convincing front of being in line with her goals. She sees what she chooses to see, and often takes people at their word.

Projected Power Growth & Development:



Master Swordswoman
Stealth Expert
Qualified as a Catholic Reverend
General Weapons Expert
Speaks English, Italian, Spanish, French and Latin

Background: To be filled in.

Criminal Record:

-Suspect in several religious Assassinations
-Suspect in Assassinating known mutant racists
-Several Counts of Kidnapping/Extortion

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Stuff. :|