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Andi's Room & Board Activities

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 6:54 am
by Sisip
Had a bit of a conversation with Vaurulan!

I don't know if he's lacking in social graces or just a turd.
[06:41] <Sisip> Good morning!
[06:43] <Vaurulan> What?
[06:43] <Sisip> I'm just saying good morning. :) I noticed you in #Cobalt*Hill but not our OOC room. :)
[06:45] <Sisip> If you have any questions about Cobalt feel free to ask!
Vaurulan is * Admin
Vaurulan on #D&D #dimensional_war_rpg #Signal #blkdragon*inn #dw-rpg #NarShaddaa #infinitas #darkshadows^shifters #TherafimRPG_Arcadia #Cobalt*Hill #comic_rpg #stardragoninn #ZombieSurvivalFight #comic-rpg #Twistedblade_Inn
Vaurulan using Welcome to the nomad lands
Vaurulan End of /WHOIS list.
[06:46] <Vaurulan> I'll just see what kind of RP it is.
[06:46] <Sisip> We're mutant/xmen based freeform, though we do require a character sheet, so that things stay pretty fair for everyone. :)
[06:47] <Vaurulan> I think there's a MUD like that.
[06:49] <Sisip> There might be, there's probably a MUD for quite a few genres. Hehe! is our website if you want to check us out?
[06:51] <Vaurulan> Will have a look.
[06:52] <Sisip> Coobeans :) And again, if you have any questions just drop one of the other @'s, or myself, a PM. I'm usually here all day.

Re: Andi's Room & Board Activities

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 8:04 am
by Remu
That's more than I got from him. >.>

Re: Andi's Room & Board Activities

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 6:27 pm
by Sisip
Deleted duplicate Miheala topic from Registration. Character already in inactive.

Explained that a new thread is not needed to get her out of inactive. :D

She opted for letting Bella wait a couple weeks and getting Miheala moved to active.

She fleshed out her psycometry a bit so it wasn't so 'I can see everything' and more refined. :)

Moved her to active.

Re: Andi's Room & Board Activities

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 8:22 am
by Sisip

[08:05] <SisipWork> Good morning! :) If you have any questions please feel free to ask! Sorry I didn't say morning earlier, been popping back and forth with work.
[08:05] <Tsardonis> its all good
[08:06] <Tsardonis> just reading info i used to play here loooong loong time ago
[08:06] <SisipWork> OH awesome! Things have probably changed quite a bit (LOL) school's been phased out, replaced with a sanctum of sorts. :D Who was your character?
[08:07] <Tsardonis> cant remmeber his name actually
[08:07] <Tsardonis> LOL
[08:07] <SisipWork> LOL DOH!
[08:07] <Tsardonis> it was a few years back.. he was a student .
[08:07] <Tsardonis> asian.. i know that much
[08:08] <Tsardonis> an d a illusionist
[08:09] <SisipWork> Aah! Hmm, well we still have a link to the older board Maybe he's on there? Unless you are interested in starting fresh. :D Always fun!

Re: Andi's Room & Board Activities

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 8:40 am
by Sisip
My first Ban!

Lotium came in.

IC room:
[08:35] <Lotium> Hi
[08:35] <Lotium> I am designing a new role playing forum for all types of role playing games
[08:35] <Lotium> and was thinking of linking this channel into our webchat list
[08:36] <@SisipWork> ((Please see our OOC room #CH*OOC :) ))
[08:36] <Lotium> however, we are having trouble deciding on which of the four logos in this montage to use for our design
[08:36] <Lotium>
[08:36] <Lotium> what do you all think?
[08:36] <vile> <it sucks>
[08:36] <Lotium> which one do you all think is the best?
[08:36] <Ahriman> (The one where you're dead?)
[08:38] * Lotium was kicked by SisipWork (Spammalicious)
[08:38] * Lotium (Lotium@6ca5ed56.6ca5f0bc.201.160.imsk) has joined #Cobalt*Hill
[08:38] * SisipWork sets mode: +b *!*@6ca5ed56.6ca5f0bc.201.160.imsk
* Timer 1 activated
* Timer 1 halted
[08:38] * Lotium was kicked by SisipWork (Spammalicious DAMMIT)

OOC Room:
[08:36] <Lotium> Hi
[08:37] <Suzthulhu> Ban.
[08:37] <Lotium> I am designing a new roleplaying forum that will include all sorts of roleplaying games
[08:37] <Suzthulhu> That picure was very NSFW
[08:37] <Lotium> and we will be using this channel in our list of webchats
[08:37] <@SisipWork> Really?
[08:37] <Lotium>
[08:37] <Suzthulhu> Yeah.
[08:37] <Lotium> however
[08:37] <Lotium> we are having trouble deciding on which logo in this montage to use
[08:37] <Lotium>
[08:37] <@SisipWork> Lotium, please if you're goig to be here.. be here because you want to particpate
[08:37] <@SisipWork> not because you want to snipe players.
[08:37] <Ricochet> Yeah, I can't really tell what it is by the Mibbit shrink version, but it doesn't look savory.
[08:37] <Suzthulhu> Just boot him.
[08:37] <@SisipWork> That's just cunty.
[08:37] <Suzthulhu> It's a dude sucking another dude off.
[08:37] <@SisipWork> ...
[08:38] <Ricochet> Just boot
[08:38] <Ahriman> To the head
[08:38] <Ahriman> (Nyah-nyah)
[08:38] <vile> lol
[08:38] <vile> bannit
[08:38] * SisipWork sets mode: +b *!*@6ca5ed56.6ca5f0bc.201.160.imsk
* Timer 1 activated
* Timer 1 halted
[08:39] * Lotium was kicked by SisipWork (Spammalicious DAMMIT)

And then a PM
[08:33] <SisipWork> Good morning :)
[08:39] <Lotium> loool you clicked on it and you are at work
[08:39] <SisipWork> No, I didn't.
[08:39] <SisipWork> I relied on my room friends to tell me the truth of what it involved.
[08:39] <SisipWork> Since, I AM at work and they're not cuntfaces like you are

Dickface -,-

Re: Andi's Room & Board Activities

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 2:59 pm
by Sisip
The following characters were moved to inactive:

Elisia Whelan - Elastica -
Saraia Lewis -
Rayna Hale -
A.J Mikeitzlee -
Carlisle Logan -
Calvin Patampkin - Bonehead -
Ian Butler -
Merlin Maddox -
Edwin "Eddie" Carlisle -
Gavin Boyle - Network -
Ray McShane -
Sabrina Wilcox -
Kylie Sabine - Comet Girl -
Joe Jager - Medical Staff -
Sygny Fynn - Physics -
Patricia Elizabeth Cromwell - Psion -
Paul Montini - Revenant -
Masaru Ishikawa -
Lulu Webb - Gaea -
Jordan Masen -
Terrence Calhoun - Atlas -
Ashe - Firefly -
Caliphas -

Re: Andi's Room & Board Activities

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 1:03 pm
by Sisip
[06:37] <SisipWork> Good morning :)
[10:26] <SisipWork> WB :)
[10:26] <Toryn> ty
[10:26] <Toryn> Sorry I didn't get at you earlier...
[10:26] <Toryn> I was asleep
[10:26] <SisipWork> No problem :) Just saying hello!
[10:27] <Toryn> Oh, why thank you!
[10:27] <Toryn> :D
[10:27] <SisipWork> :D
[10:27] <Toryn> So what is your RP all about?
[10:29] <SisipWork> In general? Or just at the moment? :D In general we're a mutant (and other types of beings) school turned sanctuary in Salem MA. :)
[10:29] <Toryn> Oh, interesting.
[10:30] <SisipWork> It really is. The school is in the process of being refashioned right now, so there's a bit of unease and unrest in the characters. Makes for interesting times.
[10:30] <Toryn> I haven't RP'd like that.
[10:32] <Toryn> How so refashioned?
[10:32] * Toryn not sure what you mean
[10:33] <SisipWork> If you'd like to read up on it our webpage is :) It'll give you a bit more info. Ah, refashioned as in ... it's been attacked so often that they couldn't affoard to defend themselves anymore, so a government agency stepped in to help with funding ... providing they remove the school portion and create a large compound like structure to act as a sanctuary for all mutants/beings.
[10:36] <Toryn> Ahhh.
[10:37] * Toryn clicks and reads

[13:01] <SisipWork> Hey there :)
[13:01] <Euron-CrowsEye> Hello.
[13:02] <SisipWork> How's it going?
[13:02] <Euron-CrowsEye> Just checking out the various RP rooms on Sorcery.
[13:03] <SisipWork> Awesome :) We're a mutant RP group. If you have any questions just let me know :)
[13:03] <SisipWork> We've got an OOC room at #CH*OOC if you want to join :)

Re: Andi's Room & Board Activities

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2011 11:28 am
by Sisip
Moved BoneHead / Calvin into active: ... lit=calvin

Re: Andi's Room & Board Activities

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2011 12:07 pm
by Sisip
Replied to Suz's request for Narcisa update. Not gonna happen.

Isaiah's update approved, when the post was updated I removed his request from the thread.

Re: Andi's Room & Board Activities

Posted: Sun Dec 11, 2011 12:15 am
by Sisip
Moved Todd Winters to inactive per request! ... =todd#p465