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Ferals attack Salem park

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 7:40 pm
by vile
Kraken he must be crazy being outside as himself... Well, technically speaking he was always himself, but Kevin meant his squiddy self. It wasn't quite cool enough for some more disguising clothings, but what did he need that for? He was the camouflaging king! Normal clothes were worn, tentacles coiled about his body and blending into the fabric. To hide that AbeSapien/Grey looking face of
his a baseball cap and a specialized noseless, earless pair of sunglasses although his camouflage made an odd looking but believable nose! Crazy to be out, but necessary. At least once he reached Crowley's he could drop the Camo and make his purchase from the mutant specialty shop unhindered.

<Maksim> Out and about walking his still-tiny basset hound puppy, Maksim noisily chewed on a piece of gum, eyeballing everyone he passed. Everyone was suspect, as far as he was concerned. They were either a mutant-hating human, or a human-hating mutant. Either way, he fully believed they were all out to cause trouble for someone. The light jacket he wore concealed the weapon tucked into the side of his well-worn blue jeans; just because he was a mutant didn't mean he had to broadcast it. A gun was often enough just as scary as powers could be. His was one of those exceptions, so the gun was better to keep inconspicuous. | <Fergus> Fergus didn't exactly know where he was going, but he sure as shit was going there. He'd been invited to coffee, and given his social proclivities, he agreed with gusto. So the taxi driver drove around; to where, he didn't know, but it was sure to be somewhere.. convenient.

<vile> Overhead, a bird sails through the air! A very large bird! But it's high up enough in the air that the sheer size of it isn't too noticeable. It sails gracefully through the blue sky, wings held steady, beating slowly every once and a while to keep it steady. Wheee! As it approaches the outskirts of Crowley's, it starts descending, making its way towards the park.

There's a scene developing in one several parks located in the perimeter of Crowley's Row. It's not a strange thing to see mutants with animal qualities out and about in such an area. Well, maybe. It's daylight and the more freaky mutants tend to leave the safety of their niche in the city only when the world grows dark. Even stranger is the sheer amount of them: two or three men with feline qualities: fur, ears, slitted pupils, clawed fingers. There are others as well: a woman with the features of a doberman, another of a shi tzu. In a tree is a guinea fowl, sitting alongside a woman with the wings and beak of a blue macaw. A strange collection of bodies, like a furry convention where everyone sports realistic suits! And...with less yiffing and furpiles. At the moment, all they do is linger around, apparently waiting for something. | In that park are non-mutants as well: a large cheerily bright playset is swarming with children, most of which are staring, pointing and chattering about the animal people. A couple tykes have managed to creep out of their parents' line of sight, wanting a closer look at the mutants. It's likely they want to lay hands on them, thinking they'd be as friendly as their dog at home. | As for the parents, they sit on benches and play with the children. A couple push kids on swingsets, others chatter and one or two keep up to date with business on their cell phones. Just a quiet day in the park...

<Buzzard> The massive black vulture circled high above Crowley's Row, beating its broad wings only occasionally. It coasted from thermal to thermal, gliding in lazy circles. He'd left the campus after moving some of his meager belongings into his now permanent residence, and wished to enjoy the freedom of the skies. He'd taken vulture form almost immediately after parking his vehicle downtown, and had been exploring the skies above Salem, free of human concern for the moment. He'd even found the most delightful bit of roadkill for a snack earlier, an unfortunate deer. It was easy enough for the massive bird to jostle its smaller brethren out of the way, and after a bit of squabbling, the choicest morsels had been his for the taking.

<Frank`Davis> Nothing like delicious roadkill.

<MarloCross> Having gotten out on good behavior, Marlo was now happily going for a walk that had just so happened to take him to that same park near Crowley's Row. The number of mutants in the park had escaped Marlo's notice as he was currently thinking of teenaged things, most notably Kayla and their lap based discussion. With a salted pretzle in hand, Marlo just thought and munched his way through the park.

<Buzzard> Just like mama used to run over.

Kraken was set in his to-do list. Go to the store, pick out something fresh, something other than the take out and microwave meals he'd been subsisting on all this time, and go back to the campus. He kept his squiddy features subdued and hidden. It was good practice for his powers, though strange how he was able to blens into anything and even give the illusion of an accomplished shapeshifter at times, but a believable human? That was still troublesome for the squidman. Gills were pressed closed, looked more like an odd scarring or tattoos in his current color shift. He made it right to that park area, his nerves leaving a bit as he spotted the mutant menagerie, camo remained up.

<Ahriman> How convenient for there to be a coffee shop right next to a park filled with mutants and humans! Fergus was dropped off there, paid the driver and exclaimed "Smell ya later!" He looked to his kingdom , he was finally there; to sit on his throne, as the prince of Bel Air.. Coffee. The door jingle-jingle-jangled as he pushed through, peering about for the source of the text he'd received.

<vile> Something odd happens, something that's not very noticable at first. Colors shift and ripple across a mystery feature that's roughly thirty feet high and twenty across. Everything stays quiet and peaceful. Children play, the parents observe and the suspicious-looking animal people continue to mill around. Everything changes in the blink of an eye. The color ripples again, more vibrantly this time. Dark bands of a sapphire blue bolt across the irregular shape! More colors flash! Reds, yellows, oranges, settling on a blood red. The thing appears to be a...large egg, covered in great scales? What in the fuck is that thing? That's exactly what runs through every NPC's mind that notices the thing and takes up vapidly gawking. It's quite the sight to see, to stop and stare at. There's no way this thing could be nefarious...right? Naaah.

<Frank`Davis> Was he also born in West Philadelphia?

<Buzzard> Well, there's clearly a couple of guys who are up to no good, about to start making trouble in the neighborhood. Strange smells catch the bird's interest, stirring the human curiousity of the mind within it. Familiar smells, as well. Even from his high vantage point he can recognize some of the scents of the trainees he's met. But the strange smell concerns him most. It wasn't there a moment ago, that's rarely a good sign. The vulture begins to swoop lower, still moving in large circles, still looking like a normal, if large, black vulture for the time being.

<MarloCross> Marlo stopped as the Egg-THing rippled into view. He kept eating his snack as he gawked, and decided this might not be a good time to have left the campus for a pretzle. But, he stood there with the others, looking on. The difference was he was expecting something different than them.

Kraken what was that thing?! It was shifting colors worse than he did when angry, Kevin replied in kind instinctually, flashing his own series of angry warm colorsm but managed to force his skin back to a more human shade after a moment or two. Could be trouble... what to do? He edged closer... a huge egg?

<Ahriman> He'd barely stepped into the shop when an odd flashing of colors caught his attention through the large front window. He peered through to the park at that big..whateverthefuckitwas. And also the many mutants milling about. And..also the humans and their children nearby? Goddammit. At least he brought extra clips. He sighed and stepped back outside; he didn't quite run, but he wasn't taking his sweet time, either.

<vile> Dark stripes, a deep crimson, flicker across the ruby red thing's body. The sides expand abruptly, making it grow nearly a third of its original size. The shape changes in an instant: Great bat-like wings having almost a fifty foot span unfurl. Stretched between clawed fingers is a thin membrane striped by veins. They beat several quick times, kicking up a great wind that flows through the park, shaking trees and knocking young children over. As for the rest of the thing, it looks like a long necked alligator that's been propped up on its hind legs. A spiked tail lays behind it, a good fifteen feet in length. Whateverthefuck this thing is, it's big, red and looks like a strange dragon. | The animal people loitering around continue to just stand there, like they have nothing else to do. The dragon-thing attracts their interest, of course, but they don't show any sign of shock or surprise. While nowhere near as interesting as the great beast, it's still an odd thing. | As for the NPCs, they continue to gawk. The ones that have seen Godzilla and have a bit of sense in their head nab their kids and get the fuck out, not wanting to stand around and take pictures.

<Frank`Davis> More than likely, not the majority of them.

<Ahriman> Well this was gonna be a PR nightmare. Rather than approach the dragon..thing, or the menagerie of many milling mutant, he heads for the humans. Along the way, he attempts to herd the stray children, encouraging them to FLEE, FLEE FOR THEIR LIVES! He wasn't quite so dramatic, but it was the same effect. He also loudly encouraged their parents to gtfo.

<MarloCross> With a groan, Marlo grabs his shitty tracphone and starts to make a call. The wind isn't much to him, He just absorbs the gusts from the creature's wings. It it was enough to knock a human child down, He could use it for a few good punches before he needed a charge. Sisip's phone goes to voice mail and he frowns," God-fuckin-damnit"

Kraken was that a dragon? Time to go, Kevin thought, but he couldn't... not with people still there, Kids even! Kevin had similar thoughts to Fergus and moved to try and get the kids and their parents to safety. And yup, he was still holding him camoflauge powers up no need to scare them further... they weren't bothered by the furred and feathered mutants, gawked at the massive scaley Kraken thing, but someone with tentacles? They'd likely see him as the last straw and completely freak and flip out.

<Buzzard> The bird squawks as the buffeting air disorients it for a moment, and it flaps its wings madly to compensate. It hastens its descent, and lands with a few hops in the grass beneath a tree on the outskirts of the park. With a strange, quiet cross between a vulture's squawking and a human grunt, the bird's body elongates, feathers disappearing as he shifts to be replaced by a long black overcoat. Within moments, Conrad is once more fully human, and stands up from his crouched position. He grimaces at the taste in his mouth. "Damn it." Then turns his keen eyes towards the giant dragon.. thing, noting with some slight concern that the animal men nearby don't seem the least bit concerned by its presence. His lips tighten and his eyes narrow. "This does not look good." He says quietly to himself, reaching for his coat pocket to confirm that the modified stun pistol he had removed from storage earlier was still there.

<Suzthulhu> Well, Willow wasn't on the team, so of course she wouldn't have gotten the message, but she had found this particular part of town and spent a bit of time there now and then. She'd been there, for serious, at a book store, when she heard the sounds of people yelling, all sorts of commotion outside. She looked up from a book just in time to see huge wings unfurling from... "Oh my Goddess..." She dropped the book and darted out the door, the bell chiming alarmingly as she abruptly left the store. Taking a few steps out toward the park, lavender eyes looked up, up, up...

<Marcus> An odd text message had arrived on Marcus' phone and the young man had had to double check it, just to make sure. He was sure he didn't know anyone called Jameson Clark, so how the hell did the guy get 1) His number and 2) His number programmed into his phone! Well, since it sounded urgent and Marcus was in a mood to beat something, he booked it from the 'Campus' and arrived on scene to see...what? A giant dragon thing? Really?

<Suzthulhu> Gina totes got the message and got there and will kick ass.

Frank`Davis was on the team, and so when he recieved the text, he tossed his black polo on before strapping on his gear. Since the text did not forbid him to bring his weaponry, just live ammunition, he loaded up on non-lethal ammo. His molle vest was strapped in firmly, with his kevlar underneath, and he strapped on his belt and drop-leg holster. The whole process took about 15 minutes, and then he bolted down the stairs, jumping on his motorcycle and bolting for the park by Crowley's. He was excited.

<vile> The NPCs that people try to scare off...look at Fergus like he's nuts! Some complain, others tell him to shove off or something similar. But hey, a couple leave! But that still leaves a good dozen or so people milling around like a bunch of goddamn redshirts. Hell, some of them even have a red shirt on! It's never that easy, you know. | The great dragon beats its wings several more times. Each time it does, the wind gusts grow stronger and stronger. For now, this is all that it does. Deep breaths expand its chest each time it takes one in, as though all this movement was somehow energizing it. No angry roars, or even a damned peep, are uttered and it doesn't move aggressively. | Gabriel gets the text as well and flutters down from the sky! He lands nearby and joins in with the people trying to ferry children and adults out of the area as well, hoping they'd listen to him thanks to the angelic wings. But no. Of course not. NPCs never do what you want them to, not even when it's the GM's character.

<Lanse>Shatter was not a slow flier, and she wasn't attempting to move at less than top speed- and there was the benefit of ignoring roads, traffic lights, etc. So from the distance one could make out the light glimmering over her rapidly approaching glass form. Closer and closer it got, streaking in and not looking like it was about to stop. Mirrored shades were tucked away as what the glass mutant was about to do was not going to be pretty. She didn't stop to ask questions, or assess the situation, but simply attempted to barrel straight into the things chest at top speed, likely shattering into a thousand or more pieces with the impact if she it.

<@AnE> And then, hours later...! No, really. Friendly neighborhood hitchhiker'd have picked up the unassuming and friendly looking girl and drove her toward the park. Why? Because watching the action was the cool thing to do! She was dropped off, the car raising up to normal levels once she rolled out of it. Hell, she even had time to throw on her un-badged team uniform -- why? Because someone's gotta represent The Hill. Ugh. She ran up to the park, looking around for -- aha. PEOPLE SHE KNEW! She needed some kind of status update, but looking toward the towering form of the... was that a dragon? ohmigoshsocool -- anyway. She was charging up pulsing beams of silver light and explodey star death in either palm -- you know, just in case it freaked out. BUt, wait, people were already attacking it. Fuck, that was gonna piss it off.

<Buzzard> Rick would arrive shortly to be a bouncy NPC and probably get knocked out at some point.

<Ahriman> Luckily for Fergus, he had his earpiece! He reaches into one of his pockets, pulling from it said earpiece, and a foam ear plug. The plug goes in first, followed by the earpiece. "Deadeye here; we've got a stituation in.. a park.. somewhere on the edge of Salem," he calls over the comm, then turns his attention back to the people. "Alright, folks. It's impressive, I'll give you that, but <Ahriman> it's probably gonna eat you and your kids before too long. No--sir, rolling dice isn't gonna help you, I don't think this thing cares what your Charisma score is. You should probably all get to gettin' while the gettin's available." He waves his arms as he speaks, adding motion to the 'get the hell outta dodge' of his words.

<MarloCross> Marlo just stood there, sunglasses still hiding his black eyes, soaking up the wind. He needed all he could get if this thing got violent. He tried to sense for a heartbeat, hoping to get a sense of the natural percussion from the giant reptile. Who knows, It could be a robot or something. He'd seen weirder shit. Now he was wishing he'd brought his helmet.

<Buzzard> He flattens himself against the tree under which he'd landed. The dragon-like creature is of concern, but the lack of response from the mutants with animal characteristics is of more concern to him. He'd been trained to notice when things were amiss, and while a HUGE DRAGON appearing in the middle of a public park certainly qualified, a sense of apathy towards it from those nearby qualified <Buzzard> even more. He had a suspicion that they were expecting it. He could, of course, be wrong, but at the moment he simply observed both the creature, and the gathered group of hybrids, from his vantage point.

@Kraken hated doing this... it felt wrong, and demeaning... incriminating even... Though with the Cobalt Reality show it probably lacked the same oomph that it once held. Yep, camo was dropped, Kevin was there in all his squiddy glory and hoping to use his believed uglyness to spook some of the stragglers and gawkers into changing their minds about running away. "Go! Get a way from here!" Kraken Kevin didn't know whether or not it was safe but he didn't want to take that chance. The beast wasn't making a move, Kevin eyed the beastie people... They seemed off.

<Suzthulhu> She didn't understand, at all. A huge dragon, in the middle of the park, and no one save a few people seem concerned? She glanced around and saw a few familiar faces: Fergus, Kevin, Gabriel, and Marlo... and Fergus was trying his best to get people to leave, as was Gabriel. She darted across the street, long green skirt billowing around her legs from the wind, flowers loosening and blowing out of her hair, only to rebloom. She didn't need to be close to the park to make this happen; she raised her arms, and the trees in the park would begin to tremble, branches coming to life as they started to weave in and around one another, gently nudging people away and trying to put at least a small barrier between the dragon and the people.

<Marcus> People were attacking it? But the thing hadn't done anything yet! Aside from create wind, that is. Speaking of the wind, Marcus was buffetted by it and, aside from a slight swaying, didn't move. He wasn't about to attack it yet, just looking around and still assessing the situation. Various thoughts: Why were all the idiot citizens just standing around staring?

Frank`Davis responded to Fergus over the earpiece. He didn't have a codename yet. "Davis here. I'm pulling up now...Jesus Christ, it's a fucking dragon." He came to a stop and propped the motorcycle against the curb by the park, staring at the dragon-like creature in the middle of the area. What the hell? "Approaching on foot from the northeast." He climbed off, keeping his rifle slung, and heading toward Fergus and the civilians.

<vile> Shatter's kamikaze attack is successful! With such a large target, it's not exactly going to be difficult to strike. A glass lady, hitting the thing's hard scales at such a speed, would very likely result in her shattering. The scales are left marred by the impact with a shard or two embedded. No clear damage is done to the thing. Its mouth opens up wide, revealing uneven but sharp teeth. The wings beat harder but it won't lift off in the air no matter how hard it tries. Its arms splay out, reaching wide, to command attention, as if anyone was ignoring it in the first place. And it speaks! Or tries to, or might. To the world, it will seem like a ragged bellow thundering across the landscape! But by the confused look on its face, that's enough to say it was trying to make actual words and failed. | Yes, not very many NPCs will listen or flee the scene. Some do! But, of course, they all won't. By now most have their cell phones out and are taping the bullshit going on. | As for Gabriel, he joins the others in staring. "So..."
[17:04] <@AnE> Eden looked around -- then stuck her fingers in her mouth, letting out a sharp whistle. And in case anyone looked her way, she was waving frantically. What the hell was this thing and what were they dealing with? And more importantly, why were people rushing in to attack it? Didn't they know that just pissed it off more? "It, uh -- looks like it's trying to fly." She remarked absently,

<@AnE> her eyes flicking about for her peers and potential teammates -- oh, wait, the thingy in her ear! How on earth did she forget that? And why was she talking to herself? It was difficult, but not impossible, to make her stumble back with the beating wings the closer she got -- maybe there were some benefits to this whole 'fatass' thing.

<Ahriman> The half-Scot gave an exasperated sigh. If the movies were any sort of measure, there was at least one thing that almost always got people - especially people with kids - moving quickly in the opposite direction. Fergus lifted his shift in the back, taking from a concealed holster his pistol. He brought it forward, brandishing it blatantly, holding his finger against the trigger guard. "ISAIDGETTHEFUCKOUTTAHEREBEFOREISHOOTYOUINTHEGODDAMNFACES!" he raged at the stragglers. He didn't wanna fire off any warning shots, 'cause there was no telling how the dragon-thingy, or the random mutants, would react, but he was pretty sure he got his point across. If not, the dragon certainly helped. Its roar prompted Fergus to turn to look at it, and maybe even poop a little.

<Random NPC> "Hey look! Seafood!" Points at Kevin and laughs, taking a picture

<Suzthulhu> Willow cringed as the thing roared, waiting for the surely inevitable attack. But when it didn't, she blinked, squinting against the wind, one arm going over her face to keep her hair back and try to block some of the wind. "Is it trying to talk?" She shouted, and made a gesture with her other hand. A few tree branches would gently try to pluck a few stragglers up and deposit them across the street. Gently!

<Buzzard> "Hm." He steps away from his tree and begins walking towards those gathered from Cobalt, eyeing the massive creature. Some of those assembled, he had met. Some, he hadn't. He knew the squid man was on the security staff, and his superior by way of seniority. Though he hadn't officially had any shifts yet, having just been hired that very morning. He sighs inwardly at the glass girl shattering against the thing's chest, and also finally remembers just where he'd seen Victoria's face before, with that display of power and misplaced bravado. He keeps casting suspicious glances towards the assembled were-mutants, and glances at Willow, responding to her query. "I believe so."

<Marcus> He ground as someone...shattered? Against the dragon. What the fuck? Then the dragon...roared? Or something like that? He wasn't entirely sure. The man reached up and rubbed at the back of his neck as he looked around, finally spotting Eden just as she let out an ear-splitting whistle. Ow. He hobbled over there, occasionally losing balance due to the winds but able to regain it quickly enough, before he embarrassed himself by falling over.

<MarloCross> Marlo is still trying to figure out what to make of the thing when Shatter hits it. Being so close, he takes a step back to avoid getting sliced up by Shatter's body parts as they fly everywhere. Marlo doesn't attack just yet, not until It makes a move toward aggression.

<@Lanse> Any imbedded glass would work itself free as Shatter pulled herself back togther, reassembling in a neat orderly fashion, each piece settling and resealing until she was a whole girl again, hovering in front of the Dragon thing and crossing her arms against her chest in mid-air. "Ye sure are large. And loud."

@Kraken eyed the dragon thing and winced, why was it being attacked? Kevin looked around for the culprit, then back at the dragon thing. It flapped, it roared, nothing more.. Fergus seemed to be taking a different path to spooking out the remaining people. Manimals were still there, still doing nothing. Someone called seafood at him, colors flickered a few stripes but he didn't turn to the NPC. Seniority, seemed kinda funny given the apparent age differences but hey, mutants! He winced again at Shatter's fate but looked relieved she was ok. Attention stayed on the dragon thing...

Frank`Davis hurried over to Fergus and shook his head. Stupid people, staring and looking at things that would probably eat them. He didn't draw his weapon, but reiterated what the sharpshooter said. "For your safety, leave the area now! Get out of the park!" He looked at Fergus and gave him a look so as to intimate that a pistol might not be an effective way of getting these people to leave the area; they'd probably turn on him.

<vile> Evil speech cut short by the whole 'no English' thing, it shrugs that bullshit off and gets right down to business. The thing apparently gets tired of standing up and so it falls forward, landing with a loud crash! Great claws dig into the mud, leaving deep marks and a huge footprint behind. It barrels forward, heading straight for the brightly colored gymnasium the children were, and still are, on. Through a tree it goes, splintering wood like the thing was a cheap prop. Giant jaws snap open and it goes for Little Joey, on the top of a slide. | The crazy black guy waving around a fucking gun is enough to get some of the people moving! Even before the dragon went fucking nuts, some white guys nab kids and start running away. One genius even throws his wallet at Fergus before scrambling away, his pants likely soiled by now. But most are frozen in place by mortal terror. Willow's move to have Ents carry the people away works with mixed results. Some flail like idiots, scream horribly while one of them hugs the branch lovingly like a goddamn hippy. | But the good mutants aren't the only ones going for the innocent NPCs. It's at this time that the ferals move into action! They go for people, too, but not to ferry them to safety. Instead, they snap and claw at the innocents. One of the cat-men rakes his claws across a woman's face before snapping up her child and bolting off. A dog-man barks viciously and launches himself at a father trying to carry his daughter out of the park.

<MarloCross> Marlo moved as soon as the thing started. His reaction might not be as fast, but a kinetic leap would carry him at the creature's head. Two fights in two days. Less than 24 hours since he got his ass handed to him by Abyss. As Marlo rocketed toward the Dragon, hoping to draw it's attention from Little Joey, He now knew how Spiderman Felt.

<Buzzard> "Typical." He grunts, before bolting after the cat man that had snatched up a child. He would have preferred to remain human for this, but he doubts he can catch up to his feline agility, fast a sprinter though he is. He springs forward, and his body once again changes in midair. Arms and legs elongate, sprouting feathers and vicious looking talons. His torso hunches forward as his clothing seems to transform into a covering of brownish black plumage. His neck stretches, and his face distorts hideously. Within seconds, he's fully transformed into a very large, very frightening looking bird man, and begins beating his powerful wings to gain speed in his pursuit of the cat hybrid.

<Ahriman> Well.. so much for any of that plan; every man for himself now. He gave a nod to Frank, his right eye fading to red, then turns to the..fucking attacking mutants? Assholes. He had to very much doubt rubber bullets would do a thing at all to a goddamn dragon, but the rest of the baddies looked soft and fleshy enough. He flicked off his safety with his thumb, and three pops later, a trio of rubber bullets sped at the doberMan looking to go all pedobear with some guy's little girl. One just behind the ear, the other two at the back of his head.

<Suzthulhu> She shrieks indignantly as the dragon snaps a tree, and her eyes narrow. He dun fuckered up nah. Vines begin to rip up and out of the ground behind and beside the dragon, growing rapidly thicker, as thick as the trunks of trees, and sprout sword-sized thorns all down their lengths. Like giant rose vines, they coil like snakes, ready to strike, tearing the mud again and again, until there are at least a dozen of them. Two of them would lash forward, to try to snap across and around the dragon's mouth before it can catch the child in its jaws, while the other vines slash and snake out at the beast's body to try and encumber it.

<Buzzard> Camera pans around Willow dramatically. "Shit just got REAL."

Frank`Davis stared wide-eyed as the dragon lurched forward and went for the child on the playground, but that lasted the whole of a second. His rifle is slung forward and the familiar click of the fire select going to three-round-burst joined the sound of Fergus opening fire. Frank picked a target, of which there were tons now, and opened fire. His first traget was another feline mutant attacking a mother and her seven-year-old; six rounds fired, aimed center mass to drop the assailant.

@Kraken oh boy, here it comes. More from the dragon than just wing beats and that roaring attempt to talk, and the manimals were striking too. Awesome. Kevin went after one of the attacking animal people. Ink and tentacles at the ready, blinding and well... as nick and julie knew those suckers were lined with teeth. He hissed and flashed warning colors, trying to look less squishible and more agressive than he was.

<@Lanse> "That's not an appropriate res-" She began to say before she was landed on rather rudely. It was enough to make cracks in her form, but they resealed in an automatic fashion. "Stupid... glass body.." She grumbled. When it began to move it gave her the leverage she needed to get out from under it, and she flew upwards and surveyed the situation for a moment. The glass mutant sighed at the ensuing chaos. "You lot, help the kids! I'll tie up the bloody lizard for as long as I can!" She formed a simple long blade of glass in the air and grasped it. It was liable to break, but she didn't need it for long as she went sailing at one of the wings.

<vile> Willow's vines wrap around the monster's jaws and bind it shut, holding it that way until...Marlo's attack is successful! The thing's massive head is knocked clear of the way, instead slamming into the tire swing set beside the slide! This breaks the vines and frees the thing. It strikes the gym equipment with a loud cracking noise and is enough to temporarily disorient the beast. It shakes its head hard and stands up again, a look of hatred contorting its scaled features. The head lifts and it utters another hate-filled bellow and starts charging again, bolting towards the edge of the park, heading away from Crowley's and into the human section of the city. For as big and awkard as it's built, the thing is damn fast while on all fours. The vines nabbing its legs catch hold but snap after it kicks several times. | Fergus' shot is true, striking the DoberMan right in the goddamn head! A loud yelp escapes him and he drops to the ground, having no idea what the fuck is going on. It's enough to get, and keep, him down this round. | Frank proves to be as successful: the cat drops the kid, fluffs up spectacularly and launches into action again, going after the kid once more. This time he's clumsy, almost falling over while running, but is determined to not be downed by a single round of attacks. | Gabriel decides to help out! The winged man puts himself between a group of frightened children and one of the larger cat-men. Wings spread out spectacularly to their full fifteen foot span, he does his best to intimidate his feline opponent. It fails and he soon winds up in close combat. The left wing snaps up to deflect some blows. Blood splatters across the grass, soon joined by handfuls of feathers. | The other animal people launch into action! The macaw woman up in a tree swoops towards a child, wraps her feet around the girl's arms and starts to pick up altitude, trying to fly away! The other cat-person goes after a young mother, only to get inked in the face by Kevin! Buzzard nears the cat-man that'd just got shot by Frank but is back on his feet again! The others assault adults and kids alike: two other dog men, a goat woman and a guinea fowl, whose primary attack seems to be screeching like metal grinding on metal. Ow.

<Buzzard> Before the cat-man can grab for the child again, he wheels in the air, striking out with both taloned feet. He keeps the claws closed, instead jerking both legs forward so his feet strike at the cat-man's chest like heavy fists with a great deal of force behind them. "Run!" He yells to the child, his voice coming through as a fairly hideous croaking rasp. Probably won't have to tell the kid twice after what he's just seen.

<Marcus> Now that the dragon was distracted, Marcus looked around at the kids on the gymnasium, "Come on kids, we've gotta get out of here." He said with a cheerful smile, past the strain of maintaining the 'shield'. He let it fail and would nudge kids away from the area with tendrils of energy. The man would accompany them till thye were in relative safety, trying to make sure that no one attacks them on their way out of the combat area. If some kids were being brats, he'd scoop them up with the same tendrils and carry them away.

<Suzthulhu> Willow's jaws clench as the vines break, their injuries reflected on her own skin, cuts breaking her flesh apart on her arms and legs. Blood seeps into her clothes, but it isn't serious just yet. When the dragon begins to storm off, she dashes for the park, running straight for a tree, which bows obediently to pick her up. She sinks into the bark... and vanishes. Seconds later she reappears, in another tree, in pursuit of the dragon. Using the trees to travel, she gives chase. When she is able to pause, after appearing in another tree, more vines, thorny, and thicker, woodier roots would shoot from the earth as she tried to trip the dragon up, and the vines would whip out at the thing's wings.

<Ahriman> A vein began to stick out on one side of Fergus' head; he peeked to either side, giving him a complete picture of everyone and everything. Had it been yesterday, he would've had to have spoken with Frank after these shenanigans were finished, but after the text he'd gotten today, that wouldn't be necessary. Hopefully he wouldn't be reprimanded for using the gun one last time before the new/proper equipment arrived. ANYways! The DoberMan gets a few more rounds; the rubber bullet equivalent of 'stay'. Then the bird mutants are caught in his sights; flight, amongst the enemy, was bad as far as he was concerned. So the rest of the contents of the clip were sent to the brighter of the two, rubber rounds colliding along the joints and edges of its wings.

<@AnE> Eden went bug-eyed as the creature started to attack -- presumably, "Shit." Her fingers flexed, eyes darting around in search of -- you know, anyone in the way. It was hard to see! Her initial plan was to try and blow out one of the dragon's legs, but as she saw a ...parrot woman trying to snatch a kid up, she decided to hide her kids, hide her wife, and hide her husband -- er, turn on her heels and take chase. Hands thrust forward, gravity! taking hold -- gradually. Her aim was to bring the flying woman down slowly, if that was possible. She didn't really know about birds and gravity but was going to assume that a bird couldn't fly on Mercury.

Frank`Davis caught sight of the buzzard man whom he'd seen on campus earlier and was reassured when he took the cat man down. Gave him the opportunity to focus on another target. That focus went to one of the dogmen trying to attack another group of children. He was on the move now, pausing only to pull the trigger and send three rounds center mass, before moving again. He turned to metal as he moved, preparing to engage these mutants in hand-to-hand; they might be half-animals, but metal hurt. A lot. Especially when it was pissed off. Another group of rounds is fired at the dogman as he approaches to rescue the kids.

[17:38] <MarloCross> Marlo now hears Shatter's plea. Not wanting to leave the reformed villaness by herself, but seeing himself outmatched by the Dragon, he looks up," You Sure you can take this thing alone?" In his head, Marlo began to recite his mantra. I am a storm. I will rage on and on untill the imbalance that created me is gone...It looped over and over in his head until he centered himself. In looking up, he sees Eden dealing with the Macaw. Now what was Marlo to do?

Kraken continued to flash those warning colors the whole while he was fighting, cap and sunglass disguise had fallen away some time ago he was in his full squiddy appearance now! Ink flying, tentacles whipping, reaching to grip and squeeze... but not tear! No, never again. Not after what he'd dnoe to Nick... But he was protecting the children and their parents, this was a necessary attack. Even though it was fish vs cat and did not favor Kevin, especially given the time of the day and how long he'd been without water, the temperature; he was going in for the fight.

<@Lanse> Shatter shot up into the air, not expecting the attack on a wing to do much except maybe draw attention. "I see I need to go... bigger." She stopped and held out a hand, all of the loose already broken glass from the area gathering, floating upwards in a slow, pointed display- ferals and good guys alike apt to notice it as she wasn't trying to hurt anyone with it as it came up to her level. It formed into a jagged sphere roughly as big as Shatter, but rounder. Rising upwards higher, she drew the sphere of glass back behind her and then then thrust it forward as hard as she could, guiding with her glass telekinesis but letting gravity do the rest in throwing it at the Lizard.

<vile> Buzzard successfully kicks the cat-man! Too bad the feline has sharp claws perfectly suited for digging into trees...and flesh! He strikes out at Conrad, seeking to sink those claws straight into the feathers and flesh on the other man's chest while his sharp teeth snap at his throat. But the kid gets away! Or starts to. With this many foes around, the kid isn't out of danger yet! | The kids on the gymnasium were glued in place by mortal fear. And they remain that way! A couple pairs of terrified eyes turn to stare at Marcus but nobody reacts. At least until the tendrils of energy come into play! The sensation of being gently touched by someone, even if it's a mutant power, is enough to make them hop down to the ground and follow the stranger. | Willow's efforts to stop the dragon prove successful! To a point. A vine goes around one leg, the thorns digging at scales but inflict no damage. The thing roars with anger and starts a death roll! The wings fold up at its sides, even as a vine lashes at them and damages sensitive membranes, and it slams to the pavement below. It starts rolling then, barreling to one side and then the other in an attempt to twist, damage or break the vine that holds it. Shatter's attack on the wing was successful somewhere along the way but the sharp vines hold the beast's attention. At least until the GIANT BALL OF GLASS hits it! This incites another fierce bellow! Bones can be heard snapping as it strikes a fragile wing, mangling it. Blood flows and stains the concrete below it even as it continues to roll like a dumbass, desperate to be free from that vine. | The DoberMan can take a hint! He cowers on the ground, curled up into a ball, not wanting to get hurt anymore. The guy's just a pansy, it seems, and has a bark worse than his bite. | As for the macaw absconding with a kid, she gets shot in the fucking armpit! That shit hurts! An ear-piercing scream fills the air, the kid is dropped with roughly fifteen feet to fall! But luckily for her, she's caught by Eden! And the bird spirals down, herself, to land in a heap. After a fall like that, it's possible she won't be getting up again. | Frank nails one of the dog-men and he responds with a loud yelp! And proceeds to charge his shooter, keen on taking this guy up on the desire for hand-to-hand combat! The guy launches himself at Frank and snaps away, his putbull jaws seeking to chow down on some tasty human flesh. | Marlo has his choice of targets: the screeching guinea fowl hybrid or a host of other beasties around. | Gabriel continues to tango with that cat and gives it one calculated slug to the head, knocking it out cold. He works to evacuate the kids, or at least find some other NPC to ditch them with.

<Buzzard> He squawks out in pain as those claws dig into the flesh of his feathered chest. Okay kitty, kid gloves are off now. He beats his wings to push himself backward, away from the attacking cat man, and brings both dangerously clawed feet up quickly, attempting to grasp onto and dig into the mutant's shoulders as he starts to take off, lifting him up with him. Painfully.

<@AnE> Eden caught a little kid in her arms! D'aw. She balanced the girl on one arm while her swirly spheres of supernova death continued to pulse and swirl around her. Her eyes now turned on the dragon. "...may as well." With a flick of her wrist, the two spheres shot across the park, whizzing toward the dragon, one situated at each leg. Sucking in a deep breath, she checked to make sure there was no one hanging around that particular area. Once she was convinced she was clear, she'd snap her fingers, aaaand...! BOOM! THough it wasn't very loud, it was bright and hot, the explosions centered at the creature's front legs. Of course, that was too damn much for her so she stumbled and fell with kid in tow, her heart pounding.

<@Lanse> Shatter was never one to not take advantage of momentum when it was there to be had, and Eden gave the glass mutant the opening she needed. Concentrating, she pulled the glass sphere back up and pulled it together- working quickly it wasn't quite as solid as the first time- nor from nearly as high, but it was still big and made of glass as she attempted to slam it onto the Lizard's head.

<Marcus> Rescues kids. Stuff

<Suzthulhu> Willow shot through to another tree, a tall oak, which lifted her up into its topmost branches, giving her a vantage point. More broken vines open more wounds on her body, causing her pain, but she's far too angry to let that stop her. The dragon is down, and she's going to make damn sure it stays that way. Lifting her hands skyward, palms open, a dozen more roots erupt from the ground to wrap around the flailing dragon, joining the vine that had it sort of stuck now, to try and bind it completely. Near the beast's flailing head, another plant would spring up, growing in size until it became giant, and a single blue, hood-shaped flower bloomed from it. Willow curled her fingers into a fist, and the monkshood bowed, bobbing from side to side for a moment before it would thrust forward, aimed for the dragon's mouth and throat. The plant was quite toxis at a normal size. At this size? Good lord.

<MarloCross> In a move that reflects Marlo's new way of thinking, the Kinetic mutant moves to the jungle gym and starts to evacuate them as fast as possible. If he has to pick a few of them up he will. He just needs them out of danger as quickly as he can." C'mon Kids, We gotta go..Okay?"

<Ahriman> Empty mag ejected and immediately replaced with a fresh one, Fergus turns his attention to the kittie-men. He steps toward them slowly, putting distance between himself and the flailing dragon, firing with each step. He picks a kittieman that looks especially uncuddly, who's also going after a child. He pelts it about the head and head-analogue with rubber rounds.

<Buzzard> Rick is presumably hopping around trying to evacuate the area as best he can.

Frank`Davis continued to fire upon the dogman until he was out, sending another six rounds at the pup before tossing his rifle behind him. By now he was fully metal, so when they slammed into each other, it would be Frank throwing the fleshy mutant to the ground, not the other way around. If the dog really wanted to bite into him, he'd find that his teeth were a lot softer than Frank's metal body. Somewhere, in the midst of all this, he managed to grin; there was something satisfying about taking on someone stupid enough to attack at a disadvantage.

<vile> Marcus abducts some kids. He's successful in running off with them! And he even gets a few angry parents to follow him too! Genius! | Buzzard's talons sink into the cat's shoulders and he screams with agony. The feline continues to hiss, scratch, bite and yowl all the while, trying to do as much damage as he can! One paw swipes at Conrad's face, going after the eye on the scarred side of his face. And he snaps at one of the bird's legs, keen on chewing if his attack is successful. | Eden's attack rocks the beast horribly! The explosions are strong enough to rip scales from its body, showering the area with blood, scales and bits of gore. The beast flails in an incredible way, threatening the safety of anything within its reach! The fifteen foot tail smashes a tree or two, arms swing about along with its long neck and head. A parked car, thankfully with nobody inside it, is crushed beneath its thick skull. It's in no shape to try and run away: the vines successfully bind it up, making its body still, save for the continued wiggling. It won't give up, struggling for as long as it possibly can. | Marlo's attempts to round up kids is successful, getting the ones that Marcus hadn't. Save the children! Except for that one brat that totally tries to bite Marlo's hand. That little shit. | Fergus' shot strikes the cat-man right before that particular foe can get her claws on a target! But the cat won't be defeated so easily! She screams with anger and lashes out at the kid's throat, keen on killing the little boy if she can't abscond with him. | Once Gabriel gets the kids to safety, he puts himself between an iguana man and neko boy. The injured wing lashes out at the scaled foe, smacking him upside the head! It does little good, other than confuse the hybrid, and he retaliates by climbing onto the feathered limb. Once there, he proceeds with the accosting, which doesn't do much good...or bad. With the teeth of a herbivore, there's not much to be done, other than weigh the feathery shield down so he can't use it while the neko boy flings a rock at Gabe's head. | Frank's target isn't stopped by the rounds, but his teeth are stopped by metal! One canine snaps off! Blood flows from the thing's mouth as he continues to struggle and fight. Not bright enough to know when to quit, he continues to snap at the man's...metal body. Sigh. | As for the guinea fowl, the ear-splitting screams continue even as she nabs one of the few remaining kids and takes to the skies.

<Buzzard> He jerks his head away from the cat's attack and sweeps those big wings to start lifting. As he lifts off the ground, he drops his legs below him to keep those slashing claws away from his more tender facial areas. Once he reaches about ten feet off the ground, he shifts position and plummets right back down, driving Heathcliff down into the ground, landing on him with the full weight of his body and force of his clawed feet and powerful legs.

<vile> Shatter's attacks land! The giant glass orb strikes the monster's head! At least it won't be screeching much longer, getting knocked around like that.

<MarloCross> Marlo had just set the biting little asshole next to his mother with a scowl," You're Welcome...lil Turd." When the shriek caught his ear. Looking toward it, Marlo started on a dead run, ready to try a running K-Leap at the Fowl. As he does, he yells out," Eden! Grab the kid!" He rockets toward the bird, feeling the world spin as he takes off. twice in an hour was bad. He shoots toward the guinea fowl, hoping to catch it before it got too high in the air. He was pretty much a bullet at this point.

<@Lanse> Between the plant girl and herself- with an assist from Eden- Shatter figured that the beast was well in hand, if only for a few moments. She lowered some, raising her shifting ball of glass and then letting it spread out, breaking apart into disparate shards that littered the sky, twinkling in the light. Backed up by the display, she spoke up, her voice echoing oddly out of her glass mouth "If you bloody lot don't sod off right the hell now and leave all the bloody kids alone, you are not about to like the weather. And don't think I can't hit just the bad guys."

<Suzthulhu> With the vines holding the beast, at least mostly, she sends one last one up, to wrap about the beast's neck. This one is covered in thorns, lined up like the teeth of a saw. If it did what she planned, it would wrap around the dragon's neck, and with a fierce jerk of her hand, the vine would erupt into motion, very much like a saw, to try to slice through the thing's neck and silence it once and for all. Or at least hurt. A lot.

<Ahriman> Fergus continues toward the attacking kittie, once more replacing magazines. Focus switches to those slashing claws, rubber rounds striking the back of her hands - at least until one of the unknown birdmutants takes off with a kid. With a frustrated grunt, he empties another magazine quickly; competition training for speed shooting, among other things, meant the gun was loaded for very miniscule periods of time. The rest of the current clip was emptied as the others had been, the targets on this bird the same as the one before it.

<Marcus> Relinquished the children to the angry parents and jogged back towards the fight. That's his turn.

Frank`Davis didn't mind the dog trying to attack him. What he did mind, though, was blood all over his gear, and this was starting to piss him off. He let the dogman latch onto one of his arms and used his other arm to ram his metal fist into the dog's head repeatedly, aiming to knock it unconcious. Hopefully he didn't kill the man, but this pitbull mutant wasn't getting the message.

<vile> When the cat is dropped down, he continues to flail, bite and struggle! And then he's plummeting towards the ground! Jaws opening to cry out with horror, it's cut short by getting slammed onto a rock! His back arches, the claws flail randomly, ripping at feathers, as he struggles to get free. But even then, there's broken bones to contend with. Just how bad it is, isn't clear. But from how fluffed up he is, those wide and terrified eyes, he's in quite a bit of pain. | Marlo hurtles through the air at the guinea fowl! There's no way she could see it coming: he strikes her with all the force of something man-sized moving that damn quickly. Delicate bones shatter, a horrible scream fills the air and she goes limp. The kid is dropped and plummets towards the ground! | The vines go around the beast's neck, just as intended! Everything has gone as least until the thing's body shrinks rapidly! Thirty feet tall, twenty five, twenty, keeps getting smaller and smaller and will get free from those vines if she doesn't keep up with it shrinking. Unless she's especially dilligent, it'll skitter away quickly in a retreat! | The bird Fergus aims at, the one with a child, is also the one Marlo just slammed in to. It's more likely he'd hit the kinetic or nothing at all at this point! | The dog goes unconscious but only after his skull is given a sharp crack, fracturing it. He'll live as long as he gets medical treatment quickly. | Gabriel's own fight is wrapped up, somewhat at least. The rock is thrown right back at neko boy and he spends a good several minutes wrestling with the goddamn lizard that's latched onto his wing. At this rate he won't have a single fucking feather left! Grumble.

<Buzzard> "I hate cats." He squawks, before curling up the talons of one of feet and using it to sock the injured beast across the face to knock him out. He flaps into the air, and his eyes widen as he sees the child that the other bird mutant had been holding begin to hurtle towards the ground. He swoops forward with great speed, and just as he is about to collide, transforms back into his human form. He catches the child and lands on the ground, shielding the boy with his body. It's a rough tumble, but he's had worse.

<Suzthulhu> Willow notices when the beast begins to shrink, and does her best to keep up, tightening the grip the vines and roots had on the thing to try to keep holding it down, or at least keep it in more or less one place!

<MarloCross> Having been half unconcious when he took off, Hitting the bird completes the process and sends a limp and now heavily pockmarked Marlo Cross into the very jungle Gym he was just vvacating kids from. Cracked Ribs, Most likely a concussion. But the sad part was once he hit the ground, Marlo would groan and come to slowly. He wheezes and then retches, his vertigo and his stomach not agreeing again. That'll teach him to K-Leap twice in one day.

<Ahriman> Fergus was just fine with having missed the bird thing; though his aim is true, he has no control over other people, and having not expected the kinetic to launch himself as he did, could do nothing about the rubber rounds, once intended for the child-carrying fowl, that now struck Marlo. He'd apologize for that later; right now, there more ani-mutants to shoot at. Back to the cat he'd been shooting previously, stepping closer still. Four clips down, and now another fresh pushed into place, he resumed pelting her with the less-lethal bullets.

Frank`Davis drops the now unconcious dogman to the ground and looks around for something else that needs attention. He catches sight of the vulture catching the child and almost goes to shoot him, but the time needed to load another magazine into his rifle gives him enough pause to recognize him as Conrad, not another feral mutant. He sprints for the dragon, determined to help eliminate that threat before it causes significant property damage or loss of life.

<@Lanse> If there was one thing Shatter hated, it was being ignored. Actually, she hated a lot of things, but being ignored was definetly one of them. The glass formed into blunt cylinders- like javelins without points, only thicker so they weren't as liable to break. She spotted disparate feral targets and shot them forward to help with various fights, one sent at the lizard on Gabe's back, another sent to crack the cat Conrad was fighting across the head, the other sent anywhere that seemed likely, even as she lowered herself to the ground.

<vile> Whack! The cat is out like a light! The kid is saved and is relatively unharmed! He'll walk away with this sporting some bruises, minor cuts and soiled pants. But he'll walk away and that's the important part! But that cat won't, not when that glass struck him in the head so hard. His skull breaks like that glass probably did and he goes limp. | Willow keeps up, for the most part, and at least keeps the thing in one spot. It frees itself from one vine but that's not useful when it's still held by others. Seems the thing won't be making an escape today. Especially not with Frank drawing near. It seems to sense this and goes limp, giving up! | Gabriel is as startled as the lizard when the glass cylinder cracks the lizard in the back of his head! The winged man shakes that limb hard enough that the lizard falls off! The neko rushes him and claws at his face and chest, most deflected by the man's forearms. It'd probably only take a single hit to down the cat if only he was quick enough to land it.

<Buzzard> He gets up off the ground and sends the child away, then stalks, grunting and limping a bit towards the remaining cat that Gabriel seems to be having trouble with. Remaining in human form, he rears back swings with a vicious punch towards the back of its head, hopefully downing it for now. "I really. Hate. Cats."

Frank`Davis raised his assault rifle and aimed it at the dragon's chest, replacing the magazine of nonlethal ammunition with live AP rounds. If it decided to start thrashing around again, it was going to get armor-piercing pain in it's skull until it stopped moving. Frank slowed to a quick walk as he neared, rounding the dragon so that he was to the left of it's head, out of range should it try to snap toward him like an alligator. "Just...don't...move. I don't feel like being a dragon slayer today." was also reaching for his phone with his left hand, so he could keep his right on the trigger, and dialed up 911. They had to get EMS and police here immediately, for two reasons. One, he was certain they'd caused serious bodily injury to the feral mutants and those mutants had no doubt injured kids and adults. Two, they had to cover their ass and look like the good guys. He wasn't dealing with another attack on the campus. He'd use live rounds if it happened again.

<MarloCross> Marlo was slowly pulling himself up off the ground. The world wouldn't stop spinning. He couldn't sort the various concussive resonations of the many heartbeats in the area. His head felt like he'd just been hit by the entire Giants Defensive Line. Why would they hit him, he thought, I'm a fan. He sputtered and spoke in a raspy wheeze," Can...some one get my phone....and call my mom?"

<Suzthulhu> The tree Willow was perching atop of lowered its mistress gently to the ground. The vines in the park nearest the gymnasium withdrew, ground and grass returning to their former state. Only those that held the dragon remained. The shattered trees... she looked around at them, anger fading to sadness. She could not help them now, not all of them. Those that could be helped, that had a chance to live still, would begin to grow back, but not fully. That would take time. She could only help them, not completely heal them. She stepped over the grass to where the dragon was laying... but Marlo's voice caught her attention. "Marlo... don't move. Please..." She went to him, and placed a cool hand on his forehead. "Close your eyes and be still. We will take you back to campus as soon as we can, and then I will see to your injuries."

<vile> The neko boy goes down like a prom queen! Gabriel is saved and nods his thanks to Buzzard. With a heavy sigh he folds his wings up behind his back and steps off to the side, looking down at the kids he'd been protecting. "I'm getting there." he muters and gestures for the kidlets to go join the others, even pointing at where Marcus had taken them. A glance around, he sees there's no other foes, and approaches Conrad. "I hope they give you that position on security." he tells the guy and manages a tired smile. | The dragon monster is soon not much of a monster! Instead of the big, ferocious body, there's a fat naked guy that looks like a bank teller. He whimpers, shakes his head and burbles his apologies. He stays still, of course, even though his arms are bleeding quite badly. | There's bodies on the ground but most still breathe, only knocked out! And they're the ferals, too! The NPCs are healthy...for the most part, some bearing wounds from being manhandled by the bad guys. No orphans today! But soiled undies abound! Surprisingly, nobody runs screaming from the least the ones that look human.

<vile> THE CHOPPA can be heard incoming! Sisip approaches with the helicopter, rarin' to get everyone home! The LRAD would have been useful but too bad it's still busted from the last time it was used in an encounter. Oh well. At least now they have transport to head home, unless they choose to stick around and chat up the police. It lands in an open spot of grass where there's no chance of hitting power lines, trees or people.

<Frank`Davis> But what about...crabpeople?


<Suzthulhu> Ahnold yells from outta nowhere... "GED TO DA CHOPPAH! DO EET NAOW!"

<Buzzard> "Tch." He says, holding out the shredded remains of the white shirt he'd been wearing, slick and reddened by blood from the gashes where the cat-man had tried to Mola Ram him to death. "This was a good shirt." He sighs, looking around the area, and covers his eyes as the incoming chopper kicks up bits of dust and grit. He looks back over at fatty, and clucks his tongue on the roof of his mouth. He had his own ride home, and he'd take that, lest he find it once again covered in parking tickets. "I am going to need medical attention as well." He says to Willow. "As well as whiskey."

<@Lanse> "And that's me cue." She said at the sound of the chopper. The glass mutant lifted off the ground, absently gathering all of the glass she used and putting it into a neat pile so it would be easy to clean up. No doubt they'd have her back in the morning helping with repairs, but until then... she shot off into the air to make her way back to campus.

<Ahriman> With the baddies down, Fergus refreshed clips one last time - coincidentally, with his last magazine. The red dissipates from his eye, the vein at the side of his head fading to nothing at the same time. He winced and stumbled slightly, freeing a hand from his gun to reach shakily into a pocket. He fumbled with a medicine bottle, emptying its contents into the very pocket that held it. He claimed one of the pills, popped it into his mouth, and gave a pained groan as his eyes closed tightly, briefly. He looks around, finally spotting Buzzard - and brings his gun back up, levelling it on the unknown mutant. "FREEZE FUCKER," he shouts, mean muggin' at the same time. He approaches slowly, carefully, but doesn't power back up just yet.

Frank`Davis sighs and replaces the live ammo magazine with the non-lethal ammo magazine, clearing the breech and catching the remaining bullet before loading a rubber one. He finds Gina and they embrace for a moment, but the look on his eyes indicates he's still in combat mode and affection would be sparing for now. When he hears Fergus, he spins around and calls out to him over the earpiece. "He's one of ours. Lower your weapon."

<Ahriman> Buzzard didn't look like a..buzzard, so Fergus didn't freak out! All's kittens and puppies and rainbows and thparkles.

<MarloCross> Marlo groans as he hears some one's voice. He can't tell who. THe sound of the chopper makes him think Willow is actualy Sisip," Oh shit don't tell my mom...I just came ta get a pretzle...How bad am I, Sisip? Did they catch the kid?" Yeah, he was gonna be out for a bit.

<vile> "Whiskey." Gabriel echoes, apparently seconding that feeling. While he could definately be using some medical attention, he doesn't chime in. Red stains his left wing, making it look like pavement in a bloody crime scene. Quite a few feathers litter the ground, leaving empty gaps in the wing. Even some flesh is visible, torn and naked! Some minor scratches are on his face and some crimson blooms across his shirt, leeched from claw marks sustained by the neko moments ago.

<Suzthulhu> "Go to the med center, if you need attention. Tell the others as well." She looks up from Marlo as Fergus approaches, all meanie face. "Fergus no! He's one of us. Are you... alright?" So many were hurting. They would all need her help. It was too noisy here though. "You should come too, Fergus. I can make the pain go away for you." Meanwhile, Marlo thinks she's who??? "Marlo... it's Willow. We met the other night. You will be fine, I promise. Please... one of you help me get him into the helicopter to take him to the medical center?"

<Ahriman> A lie! Fergus did freak out!

<vile> Gabe totes puts himself between Buzzard and the crazy black guy. There! Yeah, take that, backspacing.

<Buzzard> He takes a moment to glance over at the cat-mutant he'd been fighting. Obviously dead, though he was alive last Buzzard had known. Perhaps he struggled and broke his own neck. "Unfortunate." He rubs at his shoulder, where he'd taken most of the impact when catching the child. The fall wasn't too bad, and the grassy parkground was soft enough. He looks at Fergus flatly as the man aims at him, and shakes his head lightly. "I think you are confused, my friend."

<Ahriman> Well, there were enough people yelling at him, so yes, now he was confused. He did indeed lower his weapon, and had he fairer skin, would have had a noticable blush. "My bad," he calls, raising a free hand for a wave. He meanders over to Conrad, as though he hadn't just aimed a gun at him, that very same free hand now offered up. "Fergus - or Deadeye. Glad you're on our side," he nervously chuckled.

<Buzzard> "Yes." He briefly shakes the man's hand. "Conrad." He turns to walk towards Willow and Marlo, aiming to help her get the boy into the transport.
[19:03] <vile> Gabriel stares at the helicopter and takes a step away from it. And he turns to walk away, apparently deciding he'd rather walk home than take a terrifying vehicle! And that's the case: he bolts, spreads his wings and flaps quickly, trying to get in the air despite the shape his wing is in. Rick hops in the chopper, having been there the whole time! He was helping get kids to safety, and staying out of the fighting.

Frank`Davis provided first-aid to the bulldog mutant man he'd incapacitated with a fist to the skull. He was bleeding and likely had a fractured skull, so the most that Frank could do was keep him stabilized and put some pressure on the bleeding to lessen it. Once EMS were on sight, he told them what happened. And then prepared to speak to the police concerning the matter. This was the first occasion that he was glad to mention META. It was a get out of jail free card, for now.

<MarloCross> Marlo even tries to get up on his own but stumbles a bit, bracing himself against the jungle gym that had cracked his ribs to begin with." e-everyth-thing spinning."

<Suzthulhu> "Stop moving, Marlo. Let them carry you to the helicopter so we can get you to the med center." Either that or she was going to plant spray him with something and knock his ass out!

<Ahriman> Fergus thumbs the gun's safety back on, lifts the back of his shirt, and returns it to the holster concealed there. He then made himself useful, helping to secure the badguys and to move the injured good guys.

<Buzzard> "Come on." He says to Marlo, taking the boy's arm and putting it across his shoulders as he braces him with his other hand. He walks him to the chopper, where someone will presumably help him get him inside. "What a lousy day." He mutters to himself as Marlo is secured in the vehicle.

<vile> Gabe gets into the air eventually! Too bad anyone on the street below will get splattered with mysterious blood and feathers from the sky. Man this guy has zero consideration for bystanders. Fuck yo chopper.

<MarloCross> He grunted as Buzzard helped him up," You're telling me...ugh...I face planted into a jungle gym."

<MarloCross> "And I lost my Pretzle"

<vile> <worst. day. ever.>

<Buzzard> Seeing as he doesn't have much choice, he gets in the chopper as well. He'll have to come back for his car later. He continues to fret at his ripped shirt, frowning a bit. "Hmph." Mun goes to grab FUD.

<Ahriman> Fergus also eventually hops in the chopper. He may have had his paperwork with him, but dealing with police where guns were involved was a hassle he didn't care for.