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Rick Calabro [Ricochet]

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 10:01 am
by Brad
Player Nickname: Brad

Name: Richard "Rick" Calabro
Codename: Ricochet
Age: 18
Date of Birth: November 10th

Height: 5'9"
Weight: 149 lbs.
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Blue
Place of Origin: Charleston, South Carolina
Nationality/Race: Caucasian
Classification: Mutant

Status: Trainee
Occupation: Student

Personality Profile: Easygoing and easily excited. Rick is generally thought of as a "good guy, needs to calm down a bit sometimes". He is slow to anger, but frequently prone to saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. His heart's in the right place, but he has a lot of growing up to do.

Physical Description: Rick is a fit young man of average height. He's somewhat on the slim side, but regular exercise has given him a fit, athletic physique. He has large, expressive eyes, and a broad smile. His hair is cropped short, and spikes up slightly naturally at his temples. He typically wears normal fit jeans, skating sneakers, and graphic tees from various online retailers. He's decently good-looking, but with a slightly overlarge, somewhat hawkish nose.



Powerset: Personal Gravitational Field

Ability One: Personal Gravity. Personal Gravity. Ricochet generates his own gravity. He can spontaneously change his own gravitational orientation, thus making concepts of "up" and "down" meaningless. He can utilize this ability to walk on any solid surface as if it was the ground, and can move quickly from surface to surface through a form of "controlled falling". He cannot reduce his personal gravity to zero, but can vastly increase his ability to jump through changing his up/down orientation on the fly. This ability is automatic, and requires little to no concentration on his part. Objects or persons that he is currently holding are affected by his personal gravity, provided they are not too heavy for him to carry. With additional training, Rick has learned how to increase and decrease the effect of gravity on his own form. He can effectively increase his personal gravity to upwards of 5x normal Earth gravity, increasing his effective weight, speed and force accordingly during a fall. Similarly, he can decrease his personal gravity by approximately the same inverse amount, giving him the ability to slow himself during freefall for safer landings and better maneuverability.

Ability Two: Repulsion field. With concentration, Ricochet can create a repulsion field by focusing his personal gravity field in one direction. This field is enough to cushion himself from otherwise fatal falls, or deflect incoming blows (punches, kicks, thrown objects), or to repel an object in his direct vicinity (up to 350lbs). This field can be powerful enough to deflect low caliber bullets (most handgun fire), but only for a very brief period. The repulsion field has no effect on energy attacks, or other incoming objects that are normally unaffected by gravity.

Ability Three: Slightly heightened reflexes. Due to his mutation, Ricochet's inner ears are unaffected by changes in his orientation. This allows him to process movement at a faster rate than most humans. His reaction time is significantly improved compared to an average human being of his build and age, though his actual movements remain at a human level. He is immune to most disorienting effects (motion sickness, vertigo, dizziness).

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: Ricochet's powers do not protect him from the effects of environmental changes (strong wind, earthquake, slippery surfaces). Due to his body's automatic attempts to reassert his orientation, a surface on which he has poor traction can seriously impact his ability to stay upright or maintain a single orientation, potentially causing himself harm from repeatedly falling into a hard surface. Focusing his repulsion field for more than a few minutes at a time causes strain, headaches, and eventual unconsciousness if he does not cease and rest. While changing his orientation requires little conscious effort, rapidly changing from orientation to orientation over a short period can quickly wear him out, much like a heavy sprint. If pushed to the point of serious overexertion, his orientation will return to normal, regardless of his current position.

Because increasing his gravity increases his own effective weight, Rick must be more careful to shield himself from impact with hard surfaces. Moving too quickly with increased weight could prove disastrous, as his personal deflection field will only be able to compensate for so much of the force, and he could injure himself as a result. Additionally, increasing or decreasing his gravity requires focus and concentration on his part, leaving him unable to perform quick orientation shifts and jumps during the process.

He has no particular damage resistance or other physical immunities not possessed by an average human male in fit condition, save for the immunities described in his powerset. His strength and endurance are of the same level as an athletic human male of his size and weight class.

Projected Power Growth & Development: Possible ability to lower or increase his own gravity temporarily. Possible strengthening of repulsion field.

Skills: Due to the physical nature of his mutation, Rick excelled at gymnastics at his previous school. He has parlayed this aptitude into parkour running, but only as a hobby. He has shown an aptitude for playing stringed instruments, and hopes to improve over time and pursue a career as a concert musician.

Background: Rick was born in Charleston, SC to his parents Daniel and Theresa, a pair of displaced New Yorkers. He grew up in an average middle class home, and aside from the occasional fight or tantrum, had a happy childhood. As a boy, he was always something of a daredevil, much to the distress of his mother. He would frequently clamber up and over playground equipment, showing extraordinary balance and poise.

As he grew older, Rick continued living a pretty well-adjusted life. He was a decent student through elementary and middle school, as well as in his first years of high school. As an outlet for his somewhat reckless activities, his father suggested he try out for gymnastics when he was in the 8th grade. He did, and immediately impressed his coach with his ability to quickly learn and perfect maneuvers due to his uncanny balance. He continued practicing into high school, winning several state medals in competitions. He made many friends throughout his childhood, but kept only a few close ones.

Rick's power first manifested at the age of 14, when he fell out of his bed during a nightmare, and woke with a start to find himself on the ceiling. Not knowing what else to do, he screamed in terror, bringing both of his parents running. They were stunned by the sight, but managed to calm him down enough to reverse the situation. After some research, they discovered that their son was a mutant. After a few brief days of dismay, they came to accept the fact of their son's mutation, and reassured him that it didn't change who he was. However, they urged him to keep his abilities secret, for fear of tension in the community.

Over time, Rick found his powers developing further, and he began to practice in secret, sneaking out to the many alleys and side streets of historic Charleston to run and leap across the landscape to his heart's content. He began to foster dreams of becoming a superhero, and confided in his best friend, Jake, about his abilities. Though sworn to secrecy, Jake couldn't help but share the information with others, and rumors about Rick's real nature started to bubble through his school. During a gymnastic exhibition, a call from the crowd of "MUTANT!" caused Rick to stumble during a pommel horse routine for the first time. He lost the event, and fearing an inquiry into his previous victories, he quit the team.

Despondency set in quickly. Rick became more and more visibly depressed and agitated, and his schoolwork began to suffer. After a year's time, and in danger of failing some of his classes, his parents thought it best to take Rick out of public school. After discussing their son's problems, they decided that the best thing for him would be an environment where he was free to be who he was without hiding, and he was enrolled in Cobalt Academy to continue his education in a more suitable environment.

He maintains a good relationship with his parents, as well as his friend Jake in Charleston, and makes every effort to stay in contact.

Criminal Record: One minor charge of trespassing, resulting in official warning.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Rick is an avid fan of music, encompassing a love for many genres and styles. He harbors a secret love for classical symphonies, though he doesn't bring it up often for fear of ridicule. His favorite movie of all time is Jaws. His personal idol is Spider-Man.

(Edit - Age changed to 18 with op approval)

(Edit - Power upgraded with op approval)