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Nina Steele

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 10:07 pm
by Ashe
Player Nickname: Ashe

Name: Nina Steele
Codename: None
Age: 21
Date of Birth: 11 APR

Height: 5'7"
Weight: 145 lbs
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Gray
Place of Origin: Salem, MA
Nationality/Race: Caucasian American
Classification: Mutant

Status: Trainee
Occupation: Bullshit Artist Technology Consultant

Personality Profile: Where others prefer to use brute force, Nina favors subtlety and good social engineering that lets her use her natural charisma and magnetic personality to snatch away victory without ever lifting a finger.

Physical Description: Though somewhat willowy in appearance, Nina always carries herself with the certainty one would expect of somebody much more physically-inclined. Nina prefers to dress to impress, no matter the occasion, and is never seen wearing clothing or jewelry containing any amount of metal.


Powerset: Electromagnetism

Ability One: Magnokinesis - Nina is capable of generating and manipulating magnetic fields for a variety of purposes. Through the use of magnetism she can manipulate ferrous metals and indirectly influence some related forms of energy.

Ability Two: Efficient Electromagnetic Induction - A focused application of her primary ability, Nina is able to use concentrated magnetic waves to induce varying amounts of electrical current into any conductive material, such as a computer's circuitry or the human nervous system. The effects on sensitive electronics can be devastating, while the effects on a human can theoretically vary from being tazed to outright electrocution. Additionally, Nina can effect this process in reverse: if subjected to electrical shock, Nina can channel the energy into her own magnetic field, thus rendering it mostly harmless.

Ability Three: Magnetic Sense - Nina is capable of sensing magnetic fields, which means that she can always tell you which way is magnetic north. Her ability to sense fields is limited to sufficiently powerful fields. This sense is also limited in that it only allows her to gauge the existence and location of said fields - she gains no other information from this sense.

Drawbacks & Weaknesses: Nina's mutant abilities seem to be linked to her own physical condition, with injury and illness progressively weakening her as they disrupt her own natural magnetic field.

Nina's personal magnetic field is stronger than the average person's, and fluctuates in strength depending on her physical condition, whether or not she is exerting her powers, the current state of the planetary magnetic field, and numerous other factors. On occasion, her field becomes strong enough to attract loose metal and cause video displays to distort in her presence.

Projected Power Growth & Development: With practice, Nina should improve both the strength of her magnetic fields and her fine control over said fields. In the far future, she may even be capable of manipulating specific wavelengths within the electromagnetic spectrum. Her ability to sense magnetic fields is unlikely to improve in any way.

Skills: Nina is a skilled negotiator and an expert excrement expeditor.

Background: Formerly a technology consultant working for a con job reputable firm in Salem, Nina's status as a mutant was quickly discovered when the ban on neutralizer devices was handed down. When fluctuations in her own magnetic field began to manifest themselves around clients, and things came to a head when she accidentally fried an experimental processor just by being in the same room.


With anti-mutant pressure throughout Salem steadily growing - and her previous employers considering forming an impromptu lynch mob over the processor ordeal - Nina decided that maybe she should relocate somewhere safer and search for other ways to apply herself.

Criminal Record: Clean

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Nina is a very class-conscious individual, and does her utmost not to be seen trafficking with those of lower stature. Despite her delusions of grandeur and a slight touch of megalomania, Nina is something of a nerd at heart; unlike the average consultant, she has a fair grasp on the concepts she's selling. She also enjoys tabletop role-playing games, a dark secret she guards quite carefully.