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Leon Traist [Junkyard]

Posted: Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:34 am
by Lanse
IRC Nickname: Lanse

Name: Leon Traist
Alias: Junkyard
Age: 20
Date of Birth: June 17th
Hometown: Philadelphia, PA

Height: 6'4"
Weight: 200 lbs.
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Blue
Nationality/Race: American/Caucasian

Occupation: Mechanic/Student

Personality Profile:

Leon is a brusque individual, not prone to many words or facial expressions. While he isn't belligerent person, one could hardly call him friendly. If approached he'll generally answer questions and make an attempt at being sociable, but one shouldn't really expect him to open up or act entirely welcoming at the drop of a hat. Leon's fairly certain a lot of people have had it worse than him, and his past really isn't worth talking about.

Deep down, Leon is a good guy, but having been raised in a broken home has left him with thick skin. While he doesn't show it, he's determined to make the best of his new "home", whether he appreciates being stuck on a mutant campus or not. When push comes to shove he won't let his fellow students down.

Physical Description:

Leon is fairly tall, but not too muscular. He keeps himself fit partially through his job as a mechanic in the school garage, and through a workout regimen that keeps him lean, yet strong. His brown hair is usually cut short with bangs that fall down to just above his eyebrows, although he's been known to let his hair go and grow long from being too lazy to get a haircut. Leon's expression is typically impassive, leaving an impression that he's sullen, or brooding, and one could be right about that.

His wardrobe is fairly simple, usually consisting of simple pocket t-shirts, worn jeans, and Doc Martens. In colder weather he wears his black leather jacket which is in good shape, but has clearly been in his possession for years. He is also given to wearing leather belts, usually with a prominent, if plain, buckle. He can also be seen in his workout clothes and sneakers from time to time, but he typically changes as soon as he's done working out.

Character Picture (Optional):



Primary : Extra-Dimensional Space

Leon's primary ability exists in the form of an Extra-Dimensional space that he has access too. Even Leon doesn't know entirely where it leads, but it has several key effects. The primary function of this ability is storing any non-living matter. The use of this ability manifests itself like a pool of water, rippling the air when things are put in or taken out. Also, things that he takes in are stored at the same temperature he took them in at, letting him hold ice without it melting, or hot food without it cooling. Typically Leon uses it to carry things like snacks, weapons such as bats or a knife, or spare clothes. It can also absorb items moving at high speeds as long as Leon is aware of them, and this includes things like most bullets fired from guns. Items that are moving too fast for Leon to full absorb are still slowed down considerably before they impact him, making even the highest caliber bullets far less deadly, as if he was wearing a bullet proof vest. Leon can carry up to 500 lbs. safely, and up to a ton at considerable strain to himself. The further he goes above a ton the more likely he is to randomly expel items- typically losing the heaviest items first to better decrease the load. Leon can store the items for a full day, and typically empties the extra-dimensional space at night. This ability also has a secondary function that Leon is not yet aware of. He can use it to deflect living matter by opening two simultaneous points to allow it to enter and exit at the same time.

Secondary : Expulsion

Leon can expel anything he's taken in whenever he wants. If he chooses to expel something within several seconds after taking it the object will be expelled at the speed he took it in. If the object is not immediately expelled, then all momentum is taken away and it will later be expelled in a stationary fashion. The exception to this is energy- if Leon absorbs energy and does not immediately expel it the energy is lost. Leon also can not use this ability to absorb ambient light or sound.

Tertiary : Extra-Dimensional Phasing

Leon's third power is undiscovered as of yet, but it will allow him to temporarily displace walls and other structures larger than his space normally allows him to take in. The function of it is that he pulls in a section of a wall, but since he can not truly absorb it his extra-dimensional space will pull him forward into the wall and continue pulling until there is no solid object in front of him. The heavier the wall the more taxing this phasing is on him, especially given his lack of experience with this particular power.

Drawbacks/Weaknesses :

-Leon is unaware of some aspects of his primary power, and completely unaware of his third power.
-His powers can be extremely taxing, as the more weight he takes on the harder it is to do anything but focus on keeping everything in, and will give him intense headaches as he concentrates.
-Leon's powers are largely reactive, and without a lot of practice it is hard to aim his expulsion ability. Also, absorbing something really gives no indication of where it came from without Leon seeing it.

How do you believe this character's powers will further develop in the future?

Naturally Leon will eventually discover all of his powers and their facets. While Leon's weight limit will never increase beyond a ton, he may be able to handle the strain better and phasing may become less taxing.


Leon Traist was born in South Philadelphia and didn't have the easiest life growing up. He never knew what happened to his Mom, and his Dad was drunk more often than not. While Leon worked in and around several autoshops, his broken home led to life in a gang. When his mutant powers developed at age 13, Leon found himself to be both ridiculed and invaluable to his fellow street thugs. He was able to shoplift without ever getting caught, hide drugs, weapons, and even survived several attempts on his life through absorbing the bullets, knives or other weapons used to attack him.

His powers garnered respect from many, but animosity from many others. In the end, his enemies won out, as at the age of 18, he was set up by his fellow gang members and incarcerated. Leon realized that while he could escape from jail, in the end it wouldn't be worth it. It would just mean returning to a life of crime that would sell him out again. As his own crimes were relatively minor and hard to pin down, Leon served two years in jail before being released under the strict terms that he would attend Cobalt Academy and report in to a probation officer once a month.

Recently released from probation, Leon's rehabilitation is supposedly complete. While he may not be entirely sold on Cobalt Academy as a home, he has to admit it is still a better place to stay than most he's had. The meals aren't bad, the beds aren't comfortable, and in general the students smell better than your average gangster. All in all, while it may not be a real home, it's a place worth protecting.

Quirks/Extras (Random fun facts about your character!):
-Leon is trying to quit smoking. It's likely it will take a very long time, as the school is kind of a stressful place.
-Leon may, or may not, own a gunblade.