Daniel Banes

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Daniel Banes

Post by lllithid »

Public Information

Name: Daniel Banes
Alias: None
Age: 24
Date of Birth: April 14th
Hometown: NYC

Height: 9'
Weight: 860 lbs
Hair Color: Light Gray/White
Eye Color: Red
Nationality/Race: Caucasian, with slate gray skin.

Occupation: Student
Personality Profile: He's a gentle giant, the kind of young man who probably says his prayers at night and helps old ladies across the street. A "Good, Upstanding Young Man" to put it blunt. He's no pacifist mind you, but certainly isn't violent by nature and has proven quite adept when force is called for.

Physical Description: A giant man, tall and muscular (though his build is far closer to Collosus for example then it is to the Hulk). His skin is a slate gray tone, not a sickly grey..but like the sky on an overcast day.. His hair is a snow white, despite his young age. His eyes are normal, except for the bright scarlet irises. His clothes change from day to day, but he does habitually wear a simple wooden crucifix around his neck, hanging on a leather cord. He's actually quite handsome, and would be quite dashing if not for his obviously inhuman body.

Restricted Information

(Be detailed!)

Mutation/Powers (Maximum of three):

Primary: Adaptive Evolutionary Biology. Daniel is capable of having his body adapt to situations he encounters. This works in two different ways. One is a passive, "Adaptive Regeneration" as he calls it. To put it simply, anything Daniel encounters which damages him, and assuming he survives and heals; he becomes up a little bit more resistant to. For example, if he breaks an arm and it heals, his bones would become stronger, as would the musculature supporting them. If he were to almost drown, he might evolve better lungs, or perhaps gills or some other ability to prevent drowning in the future. These passive adaptations are never severe. Their main advantage, is their permanent duration. The second use, involves willpower; and is an active process. With concentration, Daniel can force his body to adapt quickly to a current situation, to allow him a better chance at survival. This adaptation only lasts long enough to get Daniel out of immediate danger. An example is him being stranded out during winter. With effort, he could force his body to adapt and grow a layer of fur, which would fall out the second he managed to get out of the cold. Strangely, the second use of this power..prevents the first. That is; if Daniel grows fur to prevent frostbite, but gets it anyway, when he heals, he wont develop adaptations against frostbite.

Secondary: Massive Physical Power. Daniel is strong, very..very strong. It is a side effect of his adaptive power. To put it simply, when a normal person excersizes, they damage muscle tissue and it heals a bit bigger and stronger then before; Daniel does the same..but his muscle fibers also improve to better handle the stress the next time. In the end, it has given him the ability to exert physical power enough to lift approximately 50 tons. This strength applies to all parts of his body, making him capable of great leaps, and very fast sprints. This same side effect has also effected his stamina in the same way, giving Daniel the ability to exert himself at top level for far greater periods then normal people, to handle greater levels of toxins/poisons, and other aspects of stamina (at a level equivalent to his strength). He possess a measure of augmented physical resilience in keeping with his augmented physical power.

Tertiary: Very recently Daniels powers have evolved and from that has emerged another power. His healing has greatly accelerated, enabling him to heal burns, cuts and scrapes and other tissue injuries within seconds, set and heal broken bones within minutes, usually the span of a couple hours for significant breaks, and to accomplish other such acts of self-healing such as limb/organ regeneration and the like. Most likely this is a ongoing adaptation to the school itself; specifically an adaptation to the presence of so many other mutants.

Drawbacks/Weaknesses: His obviously non-human appearance can lead to issues with social interaction. The nature of his power demands he be subjected to dangerous situations before it has any real effect, making them rather tricky to use.

How do you believe this character's powers will further develop in the future? Faster Regeneration time. More/Better adaptations. Greater physical power.

Background: Born in a small rural house just outside of Fort Qu'Appelle in Saskatchewan, Daniel was born to simple folk. Not inbred hicks by any means, they were reasonably wealthy from owning ranch and farmland. Daniel was a difficult birth, a big boy and an obvious mutant right from the start. He grew fast, towering over his parents by thirteen and reaching his current stature at eighteen. He was home schooled and did very well, achieving the equivalent of a high school education by the age of sixteen.

Daniel often enjoyed hunting with his father, and it was while hunting that his life was changed forever. The pair came across an upturned tourist bus, trapped in a ravine and a good ways away from any reasonable chance of help. His father said they should just go back and call for help, but Daniel wouldn't hear of it.

It did not take long at all for Danny to save them; as he was more then capable of hoisting the bus above his head and leaping out of the ravine to safety. What should have been an heroic, selfless act became something else when cries of "Mutant!" "Hulk!" and "Monster!" started from inside the bus. Daniel could have ignored that, and just left..but someone had a gun. The shot hit only grazed Daniel, but the shock and pain was enough to startle him and in a fit of poor judgment..he lashed out and almost tore the bus in 'twain. Thankfully nobody was hurt, but horrified by his own actions..Daniel leapt off into the forest to sulk and think.

It was three days before he returned, his wound healed and his heart heavy. He talked with his parents, and before long had agreed to go off to a little place they found on the Internet. He left three days later again, packed and ready to try again as he left for Cobalt. Sure he was sad to leave, but for the most part, he was excited to actually be traveling. That's how he's starting his new life, full of excitement, a tad nervous..but hopeful none-the-less

Quirks/Extras (Special skills, links, etc.): Having been an avid outdoors man, Daniel is knowledgeable in fishing, hunting, skinning, trapping and various outdoorsy things and survival techniques.

Daniel is also an amateur Theologian, being reasonably well acquainted with the field and its details

Edited on October 15th to add in a few boosts and edits. With permission.
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