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The Future of Cobalt Academy

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 3:13 pm
by Remu
[14:21] <AnE> Elsewhere on campus, the staff was... frazzled. THe majority of faculty and others who worked for the school had been called into the academy's meeting hall behind the school, with security posted outside so that no students could sneak in and snoop. "And I imagine, Dean Sssssantiago, that your phone has been abssssolutely overwhelmed with phonecallssss." The snakelike math teacher remarked from his seat, a frown painted on his scaly face. "Yes. We were-- I was unprepared for this." The dean sighed as he hung his head, another teacher chiming in, "It's ridiculous! We shouldn't NEED militant protection. This is a school. What do the people on the outside THINK we're doing here? If it had been mutants assaulting a normal school-" "But it wasn't, professor. As much as we try to to hide it, we aren't a normal school. And... maybe...maybe it's time we stop trying to kid ourselves." Surprised murmuring could be heard among the staff members.

[14:28] <SisipWork> Sisip had been called into the meeting in Demitrius's absence. She raises her voice, "Dean Santiago is right, this is only getting worse. I was called in for an interview this morning at the local TV station and it's obvious that
[14:28] <SisipWork> the normal community is eating up what they are fed. I will speak with Gains, perhaps I can start running the team through some more ... serious ... simulations. Get them outfitted with anti-riot gear. These children need to be protected." She frowns, looking around.

[14:34] <AnE> "But, Mr. San-" People hushed up as Sisip spoke, and then there were even more confused murmurs! A disgusted sigh could be heard from someone in the back, "Of course. THEY come after US, maim and kill our students and staff all after THEY'VE exposed US, and WE'VE done something wrong." Murmurmurmurmurmur. "You are aware that having thissss... 'them' against 'ussss' attitude issss-" "-probably the only way any of us are going to survive anymore." Santiago admitted this as he stood at the head of the room, arms sliding behind his back. "As we speak, Mr. Gains is on the phone with META officials. Now, the Salem PD may not do anything, but META has an obligation not only to defend humans from mutant dangers but to do the reverse as well. Unfortunately, Ms. Webster, it looks like... we may require more than just intensified simulator training." There was a twinge of regret in his voice as we spoke. "I'm going to request that you all keep yourselves available while we sort this mess out. When I have any more information, you'll all get a call." He raised his hands, then dropped them to his side helplessly.

[14:42] <SisipWork> Sisip blinked at the idea that perhaps something more was going to be required. "I'll give them the heads up." Her tablet comes out of her backpack and she taps out a message, sending it off to phones in her address book. Numbers she'd collected,
[14:42] <SisipWork> numbers given to her by Gains, team members, potential candidates, interested parties.

[14:45] <AnE> And as it had been hinted, the school was being flooded with phonecalls from parents, police, government offices. Answers were demanded! Of course, nobody saw fit to ask the real culprits what happened. It probably didn't help that blood had been spilled on both sides. There were few of the attackers who were in any condition to speak to police or META agents, and even then, their lips were sealed and their lawyers were ever-present. The number of injured on campus had only reaches into the high tens, and the number of dead was even fewer, but every loss was felt. The school had been shaken to the core. Sisip was going to get a phonecall minutes after sending out her message, as Gains had just concluded his phonecall.

[14:49] <SisipWork> Stepping to the back of the meeting Sisip answers the call, speaking quietly so as not to disturb the meeting. She doesn't leave the room, however, deciding that this wasn't something she wanted to hear word of mouth afterwards. She knew the number, she had Gains already in her phonebook. Her voice, full of seriousness and just a bit of determination, rides the phonewaves to Gains.
[14:49] <SisipWork> "Yes Sir?"

[14:52] <AnE> The meeting would be ended soon enough, with teachers skulking out out of the building. Whispers of school closings and lawsuits hung in the air, and not just in the auditorium. Gains sounded ...rather un-Gains-like when he phoned Sisip, the stress evident in his voice, "Those kids who fought off the mob yesterday -- you too, you should all be commended, Webster. I'm just sorry that it wasn't enough."
[14:59] <SisipWork> The native woman freezes. His tone was, by far, enough to unnerve her. Gains never let his stress show. Always sure of himself, at least infront of other people. A breath is taken as she nods, eyes closing. "I am too. I'm going to be making the rounds today, speaking to each of them in turn. I'll pass on your commendations to them, I know they'll appreciate hearing it." There's
[14:59] <SisipWork> a pause as she puts her thoughts to voice, "This is not going to get any better, Marcus." A... first name? "We need this team to be able to do things that we've been told not to do." She meant, of course, kill if need be. Last night was proof of that. ".. I'd like Marlo Cross back .. if that is possible." Normally she wouldn't ask. Hell, she didn't want Marlo on a 'no kill' team
[14:59] <SisipWork> . A team that was a shining beacon of hope. A team that sang 'we're mutants and we're here to help'. It was looking like there was no more room for that sort of team. It was looking like they were going to have to transition into "we keep our people alive and do what we have to do... to do so."

15:06] <AnE> "You don't need to tell me twice. This place... it's always been a target. I knew that much before I was even hired here." Liquid pouring and ice clinking in a glass could be heard in the background. Why wouldn't he be drinking after this? "Now it looks like we're going to have to take extreme measures to make sure that doesn't happen again. And if what my...ex-superiors are telling me is true, they're willing to lend their aid. But I doubt the students here are going to like the conditions under which this aid is being offered. Nothing's set in stone just yet, but... I'll tell you it doesn't look good." He paused, taking a sip of whatever he was drinking. Alcohol? Duh. "...Cross. Normally I'd ask what the hell you were on, but after this, it looks like the gloves are off. I can't parade the 'no kill' banner around anymore and take myself seriously. The team is going to have to take whatever measures it can until this is all sorted out, and god knows how long that'll be."

[15:15] <SisipWork> Aid... that student's wouldn't quite like. Military goons? If META was getting involved that was likely. Perhaps if the team was able to meet this challenge that could be avoided. "You know I wouldn't have even bothered bringing his name up if I didn't feel like ... perhaps we may need his particular ... agression." She sighs. His mother was going to kill her. "I'll get them up to
[15:15] <SisipWork> task, Marcus. After last night I don't think that anyone on the team will question the tactical change. This is their home, these are their family and friends. They'll want to keep them safe." She purses her lips, still tapping on her tablet as she takes a seat on a desk. "I'm emailing you some forms I'd like approved. Waivers to give to the Dean allowing XTeam members with the proper
[15:15] <SisipWork> licensing and training to carry weapons on campus. I don't want anyone to turn around and claim we're doing this under the table, so there's going to be a metric crapton of filing to do."

[15:22] <AnE> "Forms...?" Gains did not sound all that pleased, especially when Sisip explained what the forms were for. But his initial response was nothing but a quiet little grunt as he poured himself another drink. There was a lengthy pause before he spoke again, no doubt weighing his options before saying a word. "Here's how it's gonna be, Webster. You got a few -- and I mean, the bare. fucking. minimum amount of team members. They got their licenses for these fucking things? They'll be cleared to have them." Was he grinding his teeth? "But that don't mean I want every team member packing heat. We're not *them*. If they got the abilities to take out the enemy without resorting to their tactics, they better not even LOOK at a damn gun. You got me? As for Cross..." He hesitated! "...he's back on. Don't make me regret this, I'm only saying yes because we need every man we can get, even if those men are goddamn kids."

[15:34] <SisipWork> "Yes Sir, I understand completely. Sunder is fully licensed as is Max. There is one other that I've got my eye on and he doesn't get through until I've seen that he's not just talking out his ass. I'll make sure they know that their firearms are the final resort. If they pull it and can't justify it they will be off the team in an instant. You have my word on that." As he gives the
[15:34] <SisipWork> approval for Cross the Cobalt Pocahontas actually winces, half hoping he'd say no. "We won't let you down, Marcus, for the very simple reason... we all have too much to lose if this goes wrong."

15:43] <AnE> "Yes. ...we do. And don't go spreading this around, but I think Santiago's considering...closure." A knock on the door could be heard through the phone, Gains swearing softly under his breath, "I gotta go, Webster. That might be him now. You'll be hearing from me." And that ended the call! "...come in." Just as he expected, the dean appeared in the doorway, a troubled look on his face, "...can we talk, Marcus?"

[15:51] <SisipWork> Closure? Surely he was joking. Where would ... people go? "I'll.. keep my phone on." And with that the call ended, leaving a stunned Sisip sitting at the desk. Slowly she pulls herself together. She'd only been here a year and she'd come to think of this place as her true home... close it? They couldn't do that. Standing she grabs her tablet and heads to the door, the room all but
[15:51] <SisipWork> cleared out since the meeting ended. Shaking her head she pushes out into the quad, dark eyes closing against the sun.

[15:58] <AnE> "What's the news?" Santiago asked hesitantly as he walked through the door, taking a seat across from Gains' desk. "META is willing to offer the school aid. But they want some assurance that something like this isn't going to happen again." Gains spoke simply as he leaned back in his creaky leather chair, a half-empty bottle of whiskey resting on one side of the desk. "But, Marcus... you know we can't guarantee anything! I'm getting phonecalls from parents, they're pulling their kids out by the dozens!" The dean ran his hands through his hair with an exasperated sigh, hanging his head, "What do we do? What do I do?" "First off, Matt, you don't let anybody know that you're not 100% confident on whatever decision you make." A finger was pointed in Santiago's direction, eyes narrowed sharply behind his sunglasses.

[16:07] <AnE> "R-right...right..." Lowering his gaze, Santiago sighed, but but Gains jsut slapped a hand against the desk. "I'm serious, Matias! You can't let anyone see you doubting, and don't say you aren't because I know. I'm Marcus Motherfucking Gains." That comment had the dean chuckling a little, and Gains even smiled! "Now... seriously, Dean. This is your school, but it won't be for long if you don't make a decision. What's the best thing to keep the people safe? Our people. Mutantkind." Santiago narrowed his eyes in thought, going silent for a few moments, "...make this longer a target." He sounded unusually sure of himself! Gains just nodded, "Exactly..."

Re: The Future of Cobalt Academy

Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 11:05 pm
by vile
There was nothing but silence across the campus since the attack. Classes had been cancelled, phonecalls were pouring in from across the country, students were being pulled out of school in record numbers. The administration seemed to lack the support of some of the faculty, and META agents in black cars could be seen coming and going at all hours of the day. This was the case from the rather small man who entered the administration building without so much as a nod to Faefae, stalking down the hall with briefcase in hand and black suit pressed. His dark hair was slicked back and a pair of black shades not unlike those worn by Marcus Gains rested on the bridge of his nose. He hadn't even bothered to knock as he stepped into the dean's office, where Santiago and Gains already sat, a steaming mug of coffee held by the former and a half-empty bottle of whiskey sat at the latter's side. "Gentlemen. I hope you slept well last night, because I've got enough paperwork here to keep you up for days."

"Ah, John. Nice to see you made it back alive." Santiago murmured tiredly as he polished off another cup of coffee, rolling his shoulders and leaning back in his chair. Gains merely grunted at his ex-subordinate as he slouched on the corner of the desk. "Thank you, Mr. Santiago. Now, I come once more representing META. As you know, my boss has offered to give aid to your school-" "And we are damn grateful for that. With the mass...exodus off the damn grounds our funds are bleeding like a leaking sieve."

"As I thought. But like I said before, he won't be offering this aid if something like this is bound to happen again in the next few months, or...worse, sooner." Gains rolled his eyes, taking a long drag from his ever-present cigar before blowing a long plume of smoke into the air. "Don't beat around the bush, John. He wants to step in. He's offering to help, but only if it'll allow him to muscle his way in and help this school push out the next crop of META suits. Tell me I'm wrong." He eyed the younger man, who merely smiled.

"No need to jump to such nasty conclusions, Marcus. Now, you'll recall our phonecall from yesterday. I managed to speak with a contractor before coming here last night. The deal that's being offered for this project is, frankly, unbeatable. But it does have an expiration date. He wants an answer before the end of today or he'll be selling off his architect's blueprints to someone else. For the full price. He's losing money by offering this to you."

Santiago rose from his desk and scowled, "The end of-- that's not nearly enough time! I... I have to gather the staff, host a meeting. Do you know what kind of decision I'm being asked to make?" John? He sighed, removing his shades and leveling his dreeeaamy green eyes on Santiago. "Don't you think I tried? The fact of the matter is, this is now out of my hands and into yours. I'll not take up any more of your time. Call me once you've made your decision." The young man stalked out of the office, leaving the dean and Gains to stare dumbfounded at one another.

"What do-" "Don't ask me, Matt. This is your school. Let's take a look at this." Gains clenched his cigar between his teeth before popping open the briefcase, beginning to lay numerous papers down on the desktop. "God...damn." He murmured, looking genuinely impressed with what he was seeing! Whatever that was. "Can't say they don't know what they're doin', at least." "It seems so drastic." Santiago sighed, his brow creased with worry, but Gains was soon snapping, "If you don't can that goddamn attitude, I swear to Christ... look. You know how I feel about it. Ask the rest of your staff how they feel about it. There's plenty of schools in Massachusetts and this new ban means there ain't gonna be any hiding anyway. Think about it." Gains moved
away from the desk, taking his bottle with him, and wandered out of the dean's office. Santiago was left staring at the paperwork strewn across his desk. Soon, he was picking up his phone, "...Faefae. I need you to phone every member of the faculty. Yes, I'm holding a meeting. As soon as possible. Thanks."

Re: The Future of Cobalt Academy

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 1:15 am
by vile
[23:34] <@AnE> The dean had called an impromptu meeting of any available staff. And because they were all so tied up and busy, it seemed that the only time that he could assemble them was at midnight! He sat waiting with Gains at his side in the meeting hall behind the academic building, pacing in silence. He'd managed to get a very, very small extension on that deal, but it would be gone by the morning.

[23:36] <Sisip> Sister Annalisa had been back and forth since the attack to the local churches, calling home to try to make arrangements to get aid for the school. Unfortunately the Church was digging it's heals in, not wanting anything to do with the chaos, claiming it was beyond their reach. She sat in a chair in the meeting hall, dressed in her black and white robes, intent on hearing what was to be said. Sisip had finally gotten back from her 'errands' of picking up riot gear for the team, maxing out her contacts and her 'you-owe-me's. She pushed into the meeting hall, looking up to the Dean and to Gains. A nod is given to them as she stands near the back of the room.

[23:38] <vile> Demitrius, who wasn't present for the last staff meeting and got his info from Sisip later in the day, manages to drag his bum ass in for this one! The Texican shows up, thumbs hooked in the pockets of his jeans, a piece of straw clenched hard between his jaws. A cowboy hat is on his head today, casting a shadow over his dark face. A pair of black sunglasses are worn, shielding his eyes. Clothes are the same as usual: button-up shirt, jeans, cowboy boots. | Nigel also makes an appearance and lingers around. The small man is wrapped in the blackest of shadows, seeming to wear a cloak with the hood pulled down to obscure his face. | They both linger around the back of the meeting hall.

[23:39] <@Lanse> Winter had not been far, having taken a temporary office in the admin building to be close by. She swept into the meeting hall, her customary black trenchcoat on as always, and the room felt slightly cooler for her presence. She was as bright eyed and bushy tailed as ever- which was to say not at all, but she wasn't very tired.

[23:41] <@AnE> "Thank you all for coming." The dean murmured, doing his best to mask the exhaustion in his tone, lowering his gaze and sucking in a deep breath. "Following the... incident from the other day, we have been given very few choices. Students are being pulled out of the school in record numbers, and we're being threatened with lawsuits." He frowned, Gains frowned, but The Man said nothing, leaving Santiago to do the talking for the time being. "I know that there were very few people who had faith in me when I took the job as dean. And I'm ready to admit I may have been biting off more than I could chew. But this isn't about me. This is about the future of this place and the people who depend on it."

[23:41] <@Lanse> Dr. Drake made his way in as well, looking slightly more haggard. He'd been in counseling all day with students, both those on their way out and those that were staying. He wasn't talking to himself, though he did offer a tired glance over one shoulder and a faint nod to no one as he took a seat. And a moment later, Lei Fang appeared in the room and nodded in his polite fashion to the others.

[23:44] <Sisip> Sisip had been one of those who had little faith in Santiago, but over time she began to see him in a different light. She stood quietly as she listened.

[23:45] <vile> For now both Demitrius and Nigel listen quietly, having nothing to chime in with. They both bob their head some. The bit of straw slowly bobs as Demitri worries it.

[23:49] <@AnE> "As it stands, the school is in poor condition, and I don't just mean... you know." Santiago cleared his throat, reaching up to adjust his tie. "I won't try to sugarcoat it. Our funding has been all but pulled. We lack the money to keep running as we are." Gains could be heard grunting from the sidelines as he lit up a cigar, paying little heed to that 'No Smoking' sign on the wall.

[23:51] <vile> "So what'r yeh goin'ta do?" Demitrius speaks up from the back, somehow managing to not let the straw fall out of his mouth. Magic! Or just skills. It's not as hardcore as cigars but hey! It's something. The Texican straightens his back, looking even taller than he normally is. "Yer shuttin' down tha school, makin' it public'ta take in tax dollars?" he adds and goes quiet again, glancing over at Gains before eyeing Santiago again.

[23:52] <@Lanse> Winter nodded faintly, as stoic as ever. She folded her hands one atop the other. One might have thought Dr. Drake was nodding off, but his shoulder shook of it's own accord and his eyes blinked open, alert again. The Assistant Dean spoke up after a moment. "I have been looking over all the reports as such and I have to concur. I have some funds to contribute as a benefactor... but it would hardly be enough- and futile at that. As much as it pains me to say so..."

[23:53] <Sisip> Sister Annalisa couldn't get funds from the church, it would never have happened, and Sisip had done as much as she could by getting the HighLife Student Funding program up and working to help pay for tuition, but she certainly didn't have enough money to donate.

[23:55] <@AnE> "This is why I've called you all here. This decision is far too big for me to make on my own, and it would be unfair of me to do this without consulting the rest of the staff." Hushed murmurs from numerous teachers scattered throughout the hall. "At this point, we have two options and only two. One of them is a offer. Very limited. I'll need to have an answer by tomorrow. Mr. Gains, the projector?" Marcus grunted again, rising to his feet and beginning to assemble things, having little to input -- he'd already been involved in a lengthy conversation with Santiago this afternoon. Many, in fact. "Our first option... is to close the school down. Permanently."

[23:57] <Sisip> Sisip had been forwarned by Gains that this was a possibility, so the gasp of shock that would have slipped from her lips normally never sounded. She simply stood, watching and listening. Annalisa, however, did make a noise, a soft 'oh no'. Her eyes wide. This was worse than she'd initially thought.

Re: The Future of Cobalt Academy

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 3:11 pm
by vile
[13:52] <vile> Demitrius and Nigel remain silent! The Texican already spoke up once and he's not going to do it again. A shake of his head and his arms cross over his chest. He leans backwards against the wall, watching Santiago with an irritated look on his face. He's not pleased about the news, of course, and he anxiously waits for the second plan, presumably the one they'll be going through with. | One of the nearby cameras whirrrrs as it turns, watching the meeting as well, controlled by some technopath.

[13:55] <@AnE> Goddamn technopaths. Anyway. Gains hoisted a projector onto the podium and went about fadiddling with a screen, soon pressing a button which sent light beaming onto the curtain. "The other option... I've thought long and hard about this. I know many people will probably disagree, as it will shake the lives of the students here, no doubt. But META is offering us something invaluable." Beep! The image that was flashed onto the screen was... a building. A very large building, in a draft stage. "Until a decision has been made, no one in this room is to speak of what they see here." The building was about three stories high, circular in nature. The measurements that were marked down on the paper indicated that it took up almost the size of the entire campus, if anyone was familiar with just how large it was.

[14:01] <Sisip> Sisip leans forward, eyes narrowing as she looks at the screen. Sure she was a subsea engineer but she still had to take SOME general engineering to get there. She whistles, softly, then shakes her head, realizing what that could have meant. "META's not interested in school... so what would they want from US?" Sister Annalisa just blinks, watching, listening, not knowing what to think of any of this. When she speaks her stress can be heard in the slip back into a more Italian accented soft voice, "Will the children be allowed to stay?"

[14:06] <vile> Demitrius glances over at Sisip at the noise and wanders towards her, still keeping the unfriendly air about him. A cowboy hat and dark glasses? At least it matches the dark mood going on in the room. Kind of. Anyway, he keeps quiet save for an audible sigh drifting through his nostrils. Once beside the injun, he eyes the image spat out by the projector and shakes his head. His mouth opens to talk but he promptly shuts his trap, not wanting to interrupt again.

[14:08] <@AnE> "Exactly, Ms. Webster." Santiago folded his arms across his chest, his gaze narrowing a bit as he looked across the room. "I realize how this must look. But we are... out of options. This school has been a target of too many attacks in too little time. We've managed to pick ourselves up by the bootstraps, but I know every one of you can feel the leather starting to wear down." Hushed mumbled of agreement from a few individuals while some other teachers scoffed in agitation. Gains was unusually silent and lacked his usual array of snide comments. "The ch-" "Of course, Ms...Webster, was it?" Another man rose from a seat, taking a few steps up to stand beside the dean. "Ah. Everyone, this is Johnathan Woodard, he was the one who brought these plans to us." "And I assure you, META's intentions are nothing but positive. But we have to stop kidding ourselves. A mutant school is nothing but a giant red X on any map."

[14:13] <Sisip> That hadn't answered her question. She sits back, arms crossing in front of her chest, watching Johnathan Woodward speak. She doesn't interrupt him, still waiting for her answer. She does, however, nod. Annalisa watches, hand gripping the silver ornate cross hanging around her neck.

[14:16] <@AnE> "As for your inquiry, Sister. This place will be run... very much like before. Mister Santiago here will head things, Mr. Gains will be in charge of the, Anyone will be welcome here so long as they are capable of pulling their own weight." The dark-haired man's words made a few people chatter in confusion, but he was soon holding a hand up. "There are many schools in this country. There are a few that cater to mutants. They've all made themselves targets in doing so. What is needed now is not a school, but a real and true safe haven for mutants where they can sleep in their beds at night and not worry about their house being set ablaze or bricks hurled through their window. They need a true sanctuary. But nothing runs in kindness alone."

[14:20] <vile> Quiet! That's what Demitrius, Nigel and that mystery technopath are. Not a word from any of them, wondering what the fuck is up. The big guy continues to gnaw on his straw, making the thing bob up and down. A shake of his head and he speaks again! "So yer doin' META a favor. Buildin' tha new buildin' fer them. So what's in tha buildin? We holdin' more'uv their criminals? Er are ya givin' 'em a trainin' facility? Ain't goin'ta be bakin' no cookies fer no bake sale'ta fund tha school."

[14:26] <Sisip> Sisip and Annalisa both remain silent, the injin's eyes flicking over to her boss as he finally speaks. No bake sale? That was too bad. Not that Sisip could have helped on that at all, nobody liked to buy charred disks of former cookie batter.

[14:31] <@AnE> "This offer is being extended as a gesture of good will toward the school. In light of recent events, this was the first place that the offer was extended to. Keep in mind that the contractor has gracious given us an extension of this offer. The Dean must present him with an answer by morning. Now." Click. Slides! The interior of the building was pristine with thick walls, its atmosphere not terribly uninviting though one might argue that it was boring. Then again, this was a draft! "The facility is meant to be both a haven for mutants -- a true safe place... and a training center. Some of you may roll your eyes at this idea. We are not interested in being an assembly line for mutant soldiers, so you may as well get that idea out of your head right now and that scowl off your face, Mr. Solomon." He pointed toward the snakelike teacher in the back, who just sort of...shrank down.

[14:40] <Sisip> Dingdingding we have an answer. A training center with META involved. Sisip nods, at least getting a bit more of an answer. She couldn't help herself, part of her wondered if this wasn't, actually, what they needed right now. Maybe less META involvement but at least some sort of structure that could be easily defendable.

[14:41] <@Jeem> Jack's dreams of getting to punch children and say it's for their own good have finally come to fruition.

[14:41] <vile> Demitrius quietly sighs and shakes his head, reaching up to massage his temples. Frustrated! Like so many other staff members around. Nigel doesn't move or say a damn thing, just watching from the sidelines, not moving an inch.

[14:47] <@AnE> The cries come from every inch of the room. Protests, mostly. Those who agreed seemed willing to keep silent. "I'll be letting Mr. Santiago speak now." Now that everyone was getting riled up, of course. Santiago cleared his throat, "Please. Please. Calm down. Now, if you don't think I've thoroughly discussed this before bringing it to you-" "You want to turn the school into a damn META outpost, that's what it is!" Gains rolled his eyes, arms tightening as they folded beneath his chest. He was struggling not to punch every one of these people into the sun. "That is not the case at all. I have been assured that META will be an outside face in this project. Even if they did become involved, it's time to stop treating META like the bad guys. They have aided us numerous times, provided things for our team and kept students from being sent to prison!" THis made some people in the room hush up, but the chatter could still be heard. "Now. I need an answer. We build this facility where this school is now, or... we send these children home before the end of the month."

[14:55] <Sisip> Sisip stands slowly, part of her wishing Jack were here, but knowing he'd most likely agree with her. At least she hoped he would. "I say we go along with this new build. If we don't then these children are going to be sent home to towns that will not protect them, or worse to other schools that are just as at risk." Sister Annalisa, unknowing what to do, stays quiet for a moment as she thinks things through. "Perhaps this .. is a good idea. We can do more good for mutants like this then we can if there is no establishment at all."

[14:57] <vile> A quick glance over to Sisip and Demitrius shakes his head. "Ain't nuthin'ta lose. Turn 'em down, school's gone. Let 'em in an' it fails, school's gone. Only one way'ta keep tha place open. Might as well go fer it. Only other option's failure." he mutters and continues to rub his temples.

[15:04] <@AnE> The Dean was calling for opinions. The majority seemed to agree, while the rest were convinced that this was some kind of scheme by META to take over. "All right. I'll be putting in that call first thing tomorrow. Thank you for your time, everyone. There will be an official, school-wide announcement about this once I've finished signing off on the deal." Santiago spoke with a sigh, turning and stepping down off the podium. They were then free to leave, stepping out the door and into the present day. Woosh!

Re: The Future of Cobalt Academy

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 9:27 pm
by Remu
20:14] <AnE> DING. DING. DING. DEEEEENG. The P.A. system chimed to life, followed shortly thereafter by a loud SCREEEECH of feedback. Then? The high-pitched, ever-too-cheerful voice of Faefae rings throughout the campus, "Attention, please! All students, staff, and residents of the academy who are able-bodied are to report to the C.A. Meeting Hall, located just behind the academics building. I repeat, all students, staff, and residents of the academy who are able-bodied are to report to the C.A. Meeting Hall, located just behind the academics building. This is not optional! Thank you!" Chimes signalled the end of the announcement
[20:15] <Tagert> Jordan, Merlin, Tobias and Marcus all made their way to the meeting hall. Wheeeee
[20:16] <Gina_Stone> And Gina almost falls over backwards. "Frickin' A that woman's voice is grating." She scowls. "Not optional? Are you kidding me?" She glanced from Marlo to Frank and sighed. | Sygny is also just arriving on campus, parks, and heads to the meeting hall. Chloe, meanwhile, is holed up in her house hiding and will stay right the hell there.
[20:17] <Sisip> All of Sisimun's roster of characters report to the meeting hall. Sister Annalisa, Vivian the great goat girl who was still trying to wrap her horned head around everything that had happened, Ashlynne who'd been confined to her dad's house since the attack (along with her brother and sister), Mikhaila who was never more than 10 feet from her brother now that her SND was off (she, of
[20:17] <Sisip> course, hung out at the back of the room, gritting her teeth against all the mutants around her crowding her 'feely zone), and last, but certainly not least, Sisip. The woman had been absent since the staff meeting doing who knows what.
[20:18] <Ahriman> Fergus had been in his room all day, cleaning and otherwise fiddling with his pistol. With the unavoidable announcement, he opted to leave it behind, and left for the designated place. | Maksim, who had been on campus and being generally helpful in generally out of the way areas on campus. He, too, went where he was told.
[20:18] <Gina_Stone> "Let's go." She stubbed her cigarette out and hauled herself to her feet, waiting on Frank and Marlo and then heading to the auditorium.
[20:19] <Rowen> Every one of this mun's damn characters pile into the meeting hall as well. Demitrius and Nigel don't look particularly interested, as they'd attended the crap the previous night. Jameson doesn't show up physically, instead opting to watch via the security system instead.
[20:19] * Angel`Pearson ( Quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
[20:25] * Frank`Davis looked at Gina, then Marlo, then the auditorium, shifting back and following them to the auditorium. "What the hell is going on now?"
[20:25] <AnE> The Dean stood at the head of the hall, nervously lingering behind a podium while Gains stood off to one side, scowling as usual, but remaining mostly silent except to make the occasional remark to Santiago. You'd think the teachers from earlier had never left the room, though something was odd -- none of them seemed at all concerned about this schoolwide assembly. The projector was set up, and the dean was sifting through some papers as he waited for the hall to fill.
[20:26] <Gina_Stone> "No idea... but whatever." She headed that way, made her way inside, and had a seat, leaving room for Marlo and Frank to join her.
20:27] <Jeem> Jack stood with Sisip, his arms folded across his chest, staring up at the podium. Gavin stood with Kay in the back, holding her hand. He was often holding her hand these days when they were together, giving her a bit more comfort now that she didn't have the choice of whether or not she could feel aaaall those mutants around her. Professor Ishikawa sat with other teacher, looking
[20:27] <Jeem> concerned.
[20:27] <Gina_Stone> Sygny also took a seat, etc.
[20:27] <MarloCross> Sure, Why not, Marlo was there with the rest, finding a spot with Kay;a if there was one," hey, what goin' On?"
[20:28] <Ahriman> Fergus sat chatting with some random NPCs. Maksim opted to stand, not socializing very much. Both waited with wary curiosity.
[20:31] <Tagert> Marcus, Merlin and Tobias all took seats. Jordan leaned against a wall, eating an apple. Mmm. Crunch, crunch.
[20:31] * Karys is now known as Krys_Gallagher
[20:31] <Sisip> Sisip slips her arm into Jack's, leaning against him. Kayla is almost as close to Gav as Sisip is to her beloved, the redhead holding his hand tightly. Looking over as Marlo approaches she gives a bit of a shrug, "Guess we're about to find out." She looks up to her brother, worry in her eyes, before turning them back to the Dean.
[20:31] * Krys_Gallagher stood along the wall at the side, arms crossed as she waited for things to gte rolling, a small frown knitting her brow, as if sensing this wasn't good news.
[20:32] <AnE> When all the seats seemed to be filled, Santiago cleared his throat, prompting much of the chatter to die down. "Good evening, everyone. Please, if-- everyone could settle in. Thanks." Sucking in a deep breath, he lowered his gaze, straightening up. "As you are all aware, this school has suffered numerous attacks over the years. Many even before I was hired as dean. It has become as routine as a rainstorm. But... every attack has worn away at the foundation of this place."
[20:35] <Ahriman> Routine as a rainstorm? Bad analogy during a drought. Meanwhile, rather than attend the assembly, Miles ws vegging out.
[20:36] <Jeem> Jack grimaced at Santiago's words, pulling Sisip closer to him. Gavin just stood there holding Kayla's hand, giving Marlo a little wave without much of a word.
[20:36] <Gina_Stone> Gina pressed her lips together, brow wrinkled.
[20:37] <AnE> "I ask that anyone with questions hold them until I've finished... we have a bit to get through." Don't let anyone see a lack of confidence, Gains told him. But there was nothing left to NOT be confident about. The decision had been made and the staff backed him. He wiped his brow before nodding his head, "And you're all young adults here, so there is no point in me beating around the bush. The school's funding has been pulled. We're being threatened with lawsuits. Students are being pulled out left and right." A heavy sigh was soon passing his lips. "As it stands, we cannot protet you. Cobalt Academy, as you know it, is closing down."
[20:38] <Gina_Stone> A dull roar rose up in the crowd as everyone began talking at once.
[20:39] <Sisip> Sisip tenses up just a bit against Jack. Closed? She'd thought they'd come to an agreement.. they were going the.. oh wait.. the dean was just building dramatic suspense perhaps. Kayla's eyes widen as she draws a breath, mouth falling open. Her grip on Gav's hand tightened and she also reached out to take Marlo's. She knew he was worried about being sent back to his old school.
[20:41] * Frank`Davis decided to stick with Gina, seeing as there wasn't much point to sitting alone with no familiar face. And the news hit him like a brick. His mouth dropped open. He didn't have a huge emotional attachment to this place but this was his first step in pursuit of higher education outside of the Army. And now it was closing down?
[20:41] <Krys_Gallagher> Closed? What? SHe stiffened, glancing across towards Sisip, her expression incredulous. This couldn't be happening. Where would they go? Sure, it was easy for people like her, but what about those like Kevin?
[20:41] <Jeem> Kayla could feel Gavin tighten with nervousness all of a sudden. Oh no. His old school. They'd call him a Turtle. Jack just frowned as Sisip tensed beside him, his eyes narrowing slightly. There was more going on than what Santiago'd gotten to.
[20:42] <MarloCross> Marlo looks in shock at the dean. He stops breathing as his hands shake. Closing? Leaning forward, marlo put his head in nhis hands. Where was he going to go now. Then, Kayla's hand took his. There was atleast some comfort there.
[20:45] <AnE> "Please, let me continue." Santiago seemed to care little about the murmuring amongst the crowd, rather determined to be heard this time. "We were presented with two options following recent activities. The first was to close operations entirely and send everyone home. We did not choose that option." He gestured toward Gains, who nodded and began to set up the projector. "The option we chose may not appeal to everyone, but you have to understand that we had no choice. Private benefactors could not support this school, nor could donations. Not anymore. We have been offered enough aid to continue running, by META. But...not as the school you all know." Click! The projector beamed to life, displaying the blueprints for a three-story building, mostly circular in nature, surrounded on the outside by thick walls.
[20:48] <Sisip> Sisip stays quiet, that familiar circular building appearing again infront of her. Run by META. She hated that idea but she hated, even more, the idea of sending the people living here out into the world that was quickly rising against them. Her arm slips around Jack's waist, eyes closing for a moment. Kayla squeezes Marlo's hand gently as she leans up against her brother. She had no
[20:48] <Sisip> idea the history behind META, all she knew was 'hey! we're not being sent away!' which was always good to her.
[20:49] <Gina_Stone> Gina looked over at Frank, confused. 14"META? That's not necessarily good..." She shook her head.
[20:51] <Gina_Stone> Sygny's face remains stoney and expressionless. Yes, she'd been part of the decision to go to this option, but neither she nor quite a few others had really liked the idea. They just didn't have much of a choice. There were too many innocent lives at stake.
[20:51] * Frank`Davis looked back to her and shook his head a few times. "They're suits. I don't particularly like suits."
[20:52] <Gina_Stone> 14"They're suits with an agenda." She'd heard the stories and rumors; who hadn't?
[20:53] <Krys_Gallagher> "META? Are they serious?" she muttered to whoever was near, shaking her head, lips pressed in a firm line. No, she did not like this idea much at all. They must want something in return.
[20:53] <Tagert> Merlin, Marcus and Tobias looked really surprised by all this. Jordan, however, continued to eat his apple. He finished off the apple finally and tossed it into a nearby bin, wiping his gloved hands on his hands uncaringly.
[20:56] <Jeem> Jack didn't look particularly surprised as his arm slid around Sisip, murmuring, "It'll be alright."
[20:57] <MarloCross> Looking up, his hope lay on the giant structure seen on the projector. He had no other outs. His mother was working two jobs just to keep him in Cobalt. Now, what was to become of her if this Haven wouldn't take her?
[20:57] * Rowen ( has left #Cobalt*Hill
[20:57] * Rowen ( has joined #Cobalt*Hill
[20:57] <AnE> "This school is to be repurposed. Rebuilt from the ground up as a dedicated mutant haven and training facility. This means that, yes, people who have come here for schooling will have to seek out other methods of education. I am sure that we will be able to set up some kind of program, but..." With a shrug of his shoulders, Santiago pursed his lips, "Behaving as a school and a place for mutants to gather is just asking for disaster. We used to promise that you would be safe here, but no longer can we guarantee it. META is offering us the funds and whatever resources we need. However... staying here means that you will be expected to pull your weight."
[21:01] <Krys_Gallagher> Crunch crunch. She cast an annoyed glance behind her ontly to spot Jordan. Oh yes, how at ease he looked. She frowned, then turned back to watch the Dean and Gains. Pull their weight? Were they to be META agents then? Or their watchdogs? Puppets to be used as they saw fit?
[21:02] <Gina_Stone> Gina let out a breath she wasn't completely aware she'd been holding, but it sounded annoyed. 14"So... what the hell does that mean? Some of us -do- pull our weight. What about the kids?"
[21:03] * AnE is now known as AnE|Away
[21:03] <Jeem> 'They will be sacrificed to Dormammu in a profane ritual. Any questions? Anybody?'
[21:04] <Tagert> Marcus wasn't too concerned. Merlin and Tobias would likely be pulled out of the school.
[21:04] <Frank`Davis> 'Wouldn't it benefit us to sacrifice them to Cthulhu instead?'
[21:04] <Gina_Stone> Somewhere, Blatant Boy gets dragged down into an open sewer grate.
[21:04] <Frank`Davis> They all float down there?
[21:04] * Angel`Pearson ( has joined #Cobalt*Hill
[21:05] <Tagert> Jordan just smiled back at Krys and winked towards her. Just then his phone went off with quite a loud tone, interupting. He waved his hand in apology and answered it, "Masen." Not leaving the room. How rude.
[21:05] <MarloCross> Marlo looked over at Kayla, frowning," I'm gonna have to go back to New Brenton High..." it was not something he wanted to do. New Brenton had all but expelled him after he'd busted up some other kid.
[21:06] * Frank`Davis frowned. So, the Dean's solution was at last evident. This isn't what he wanted. He wasn't going to support any idea that turned a school and a safe haven into a gestapo recruiting center. These kids didn't have a choice but enter government service. " have to be fucking kidding me. I can't believe this. They're turning this into a fucking forced recruiting station."
[21:06] <Sisip> Sisip nodded. It would be. It had to be, afterall. They would do what they needed to do to keep their people safe, she'd promised as much to Gains. Kayla pressed against her brother. What could she do? She could ... uh.. figure something out! Looking up to Marlo she frowns, shaking her head. "Don't say that, you don't know that."
[21:09] <Gina_Stone> "I don't think they saw any other way. Or hell I don't know. I mean, were you here the other night? Did you see what... what they did? What they were going to do? I don't even know if there's really any choice. There is no live and let live anymore. They're not letting -us- live." Gina furrowed her brows, and for a moment, there were two of her, side by side, a spectral second sitting
[21:09] <Gina_Stone> in the chair next to her, connected by tenuous silver threads. It looked just like her, only angrier and more malevolent. Then, it was sucked back into her and vanished.
[21:11] <MarloCross> "You heard them...I'd have to find another school. If this won't be a school then I have to be somewhere that is." And with his name being on the news for being shot already this year, it was unlikely he could pass for a non-mutant.
[21:11] <Gina_Stone> And somewhere, tucked up out of sight, a pair of blue eyes glowed silvery. Shrouded in darkness, the figure's lips peeled back into an angry rictus smile. So. There it was. Black wings whispered velvet against each other, and a pale hand reached up to absently pass over a shiny, obsidian horn.
[21:13] <Jeem> "God, just shut up for a sec and let him finish, Marlo," Gavin mumbled, giving the other boy a frown. "You don't have to go anywhere yet!" Jack turned to kiss the side of Sisip's head, muttering, "I'll finally get to punch kids. There's an upside to all this!"
[21:14] <Sisip> Sisip laughs softly, sadly. "Don't think this will change -our- plans, Rex." She hoped, at least. "Yes, you can punch kids."
[21:15] * Frank`Davis looked at Gina and blinked when he saw her spectral other self visible for a moment. She looked pissed. Then again, so was he. "I was here the other night. Hell, I dragged the driver of the first truck out and made sure he'd live for questioning. But this..." He suddenly felt the urge to have a cigarette, but he subdued it. "Kids with nowhere else to go are going to have to work
[21:15] * Frank`Davis for META. <>
[21:15] <Frank`Davis> <> Maybe not directly, but we're forcing these kids to do something. This can't be legal. Fuck legal, this can't be ethical." <>
[21:17] * Frank`Davis is now known as Frank`BRB
[21:17] <Jeem> That's why it was said kids could leeeeeave.
[21:19] * Angel`Pearson was there ofcourse! what with it being mandatory and all. Looking faaabulous as always, and also stoned off his gourd. It was his usual stress response, and his respose to just about everything. He frowned a little as he listened, this didn't sound good atall.
[21:19] <Frank`BRB> And if they don't have anywhere to go? :P
[21:19] <Sisip> Sisip scowls at Frank. For someone who stepped up and wanted to help out he sure was whining a lot about what was going to have to be done.
[21:22] <Gina_Stone> Gina put a hand on Frank's knee. "I guess we have to wait and see. I don't like it either."
[21:27] <Sisip> Kayla shuush's Marlo and gives his hand a reassuring squeeze. It didn't do anyone any good to panic right now. They weren't being run off, and that's what mattered the most.
[21:34] <AnE> "META's involvement in this will be minimal at best. They are offering these resources to us, but they are not willing to to do so if the same thing is going to happen that has been happening. This is why the decision was made. No one who does not want to be here will be forced to stay, but those who do choose to stay will have to assist. Whether it be by performing activities assigned to the school's current X-team, volunteering to teach training courses, or whathaveyou. We will find a place for everyone. Unfortunately, it does look like this new situation will not appeal to everyone. What we are not doing is pushing out a fresh crop of META agents." Santiago assured quietly.
[21:35] <aslkdfj> Vassi tilts his head and doesn't seem to comprehend wtf is going on. The beast glances around to the others present and resumes listening. The frown says enough: he doesn't like this! And he glances at the door pretty often, not quite sure if he wants to stick around or not.
[21:37] <Tagert> Jordan nodded and finished his call. The phone was placed back into his pocket. The man then began to walk along the back of the room, looking at all those in attendance and taking the measure of their reactions.
[21:40] <Jeem> Jack snickered at Sisip and nodded, hugging her closer as he listened to the remainder of Santiago's speech. Things were getting tough, much more harsh out there in the Real World than anyone wanted to admit. Maybe this was for the best.
[21:43] <Sisip> Sisip stays quiet, arm around Jack, chewing on her lower lip. Tomorrow was the day her 'team outfitter' arrived at HighLife, flown in from Australia, so that she could get the team outfitted. At least that wasn't changing. Kayla, mind racing, tried to put things into perspective. She COULD be of use, somehow. She just needed to.. practice more? Yeah. Ashlynne's mind boggled, not
[21:43] <Sisip> quite sure how to help. What COULD a glowy, stretchy pastry chef do? She'd think of something. Sister Annalisa sat quietly, calmly while Vivian stared with her strange horizontal pupils, a finger twisting some of her blonde hair around the tip of one of her curved ram horns.
[21:44] <AnE> "Now, I'll be taking questions if anyone has them." Hands shot up across the hall, naturally, Santiago pursing his lips and straightening his posture. Gains had gone off to take a seat in silence, smoking a cigar.
[21:44] <Gina_Stone> Gina raised her hand.
[21:46] <AnE> Gina was picked out out the crowd, the dean pointing to her, "Ah, yes...?" It was going to be a very long night.
[21:46] <aslkdfj> Demitrius stays quiet but heads towards the door, walking with his usual slow steps. No questions, apparently, or anything to contribute. His jaw tightens and he removes the cigar from his pocket that he'd snubbed out earlier, along with a lighter, getting ready to fire it up once he gets outside. | Nigel stays cloaked in darkness, concealing himself but also standing out like a sore thumb.
[21:47] <Gina_Stone> "I know you said no one has to leave. But what about the kids who really have nowhere to go? No SNDs, no holowatches... you can't expect the little fish girl or the dog boy to go to a regular school, can you? But what can they possibly do for META?"
[21:48] * Angel`Pearson thoughts pretty much ran along the lines of Ashlynne's. What use could he possibly be in something like this? as Q&A time started he looked up and began listening again.
[21:52] <AnE> Santiago's expression softened a bit as he listened to Gina's question, a soft sigh passing his lips. What could they do for META? "These questions have all been asked before. By me, by Mr. Gains. We will be keeping doors open for those incapable of taking care of themselves. But, caretakers will be required for this to work." He looked around and folded his arms, hoping that the scope of the situation was being properly laid out, at least a bit more. One didn't NEED super blasting powers to help the mutant community.
[21:53] <Gina_Stone> "And educators, I assume, so they don't lose what they're trying to gain?" And with that, she sat down.
[21:54] <Sisip> Sisip finally speaks, "What about tuition? Will residents be required to pay for this protection, or is the work they contribute to good enough?" It had been weighing on her mind for a while now.
[21:56] <AnE> There was a nod given to Gina, "Of course." And then as Sisip spoke up, Santiago's gaze wandered in her direction, "Those who contribute significantly will not be required to pay. But, because the facility will still require monetary aid, we will not be turning down anyone who wishes to forgo volunteering and instead pay to reside here." He shrugged his shoulders, looking out across the crowd. "Anyone else?"
[21:57] <MarloCross> Marlo raises his hand. His hand was shaking just a bit.
[21:58] <AnE> The dean was soon pointing to Marlo, "Go ahead."
[21:59] <MarloCross> standing as best he could, Marlo cleared his throat," So, you said we'd hafta get out education elsewhere...Well the only reason I was here was fer the high school...Does this mean I gotta go back ta my old school?" You could hear the worry in his voice. not a welcomed option for the cross Family.
[22:05] <AnE> "You will notice that many students have been pulled out of this school. Now, while we will not be offering full-time college courses any longer or a high school curriculum, those of appropriate educational level who remain here will have access to a private tutor. Now that our numbers are, unfortunately, dwindling, this also means that those who choose to continue their students can do so in a much smaller and personalized environment." Santiago nodded his head slowly, hands sliding behind his back.
[22:07] <Sisip> Sisip nods a bit, that sounded good enough. She would, most likely, continue to pay.. just because she did agree with what the school... or. whatever it was becoming. Kayla watches Marlo as the answer is given, a look of relief in her eyes as she turns back to her brother, nodding a bit. Annalisa thought on this. It was a tough choice for her.. return to Vatican City and safety... or
[22:07] <Sisip> stay. With the new need for private tutors the Sister could certainly stay on and help pull her weight, while helping the students at the same time. She knew more than just religious studies, thankfully.
[22:07] * Isaiah ( has joined #Cobalt*Hill
[22:08] <Tagert> <Jordan> Jordan stepped up beside Jack and Sisip, and looked across at the two, "So I take it both of you will be staying?" He fished a chocolate bar out of his pocket and broke off a piece, offering it across to them. "Chocolate?" He, of course, was not at all surprised by this news.
[22:08] <AnE> ...STUDIES derp English.
[22:08] * Angel`Pearson relief sigh. Okay, tutors....That....didn't sound all that bad..
[22:09] <Jeem> Jack's arm still around Sisip, he nodded as Jordan wandered up, taking a piece of the chocolate and popping it in his mouth. "This place needs people that want to take care of kids." Chuckling, he tugged Sisip against him a bit. "We'll get some practice in."
22:10] <aslkdfj> Demitrius and Nigel both wonder if they have a job there! Well, the funds aren't exactly necessary to either of them so they don't bother ask if they'll have a job to go back to tomorrow. As for Vassi, he frowns and scratches his side, glances around and grunts. Well he doesn't have much of a reason to stay, does he? A security cam whirrs, sweeping across those present to see who all's in
[22:10] <aslkdfj> there and turns back to watching the Dean.
[22:11] <MarloCross> As he sits back down, Marlo looks, still worried, at Kayla. he didn't look like the answer was going to be helpfull. He whispered," mom will never go for it. I'd have to get a GED after the tutor. Dad only had a GED...They both want me to graduate from a school...THis isn't good." His phone came out and a text was sent.
[22:12] <Sisip> She laughs softly and nods, taking a piece of her own. "No better place to learn to raise a little mutant of your own.. then a school turning into a compound." She finds this slightly amusing and in her mind prepared the purple koolaid. Kayla frowns at Marlo and shakes her head, "You don't know that unless you talk to her. Stop being doom and gloom."
[22:15] <Tagert> <Jordan> "If you have any questions, I'll do my best to get an answer." He popped some more chocolate in and chewed thoughtfully. His eyes, as ever, seemed to glaze over as he was chewing - But unlike before, he didn't freeze at the touch. Gotten used to it. "We're not evil bastards, you know." In regards to META, that is.
[22:16] <Jeem> "-We're-" not the ones that need convincing of that, Jord," Jack said with a frown, glancing out across the crowd of assembled students and teachers. Gavin offered, "Maybe the Dean can call her."
[22:16] <AnE> "Now. If there are no more questions--yes? Building will commence on the first of September. Numerous mutants capable of working with the building's particular materials are being hired for this, so it should be done in a timely manner. Yes, things will become quite cluttered and chaotic during that time... " The dean addressed people! Answering various questions and such.
[22:20] <Sisip> Sisip would have to ask for some of the plans. She wanted to see if they were going to include a 'danger room' of sorts. Like the sims, but some place for people to go when the sims just aren't enough .. training wise. "I know you guys aren't. We have to do what we have to do to survive. It's not META's fault it's come to this." Kayla nods at the idea of the Dean calling Marlo's
[22:20] <Sisip> mom. That may help!
[22:21] <Tagert> <Jordan> "I know." Jordan sighed. "Anyway, as I said. Give me a call if you need anything." He nodded to them, "Now I have some work to do." Since the Dean had finished his speech, jordan made his way towards the door and out
[22:21] <Gina_Stone> "Lovely. Well, I guess we'll see." Gina stood up and made her way out of the auditorium. Frank presumably followed.
[22:22] <Gina_Stone> Annnnnd Sygny departed too.
[22:22] <Tagert> Merlin and Tobias went to call their families. Marcus looked thoughtful, and went to walk the grounds.
[22:22] <Gina_Stone> 10The blue glow hidden... somewhere, left too, wings silent as an owl's as the creature departed.
[22:24] <AnE> With the assembly concluded, the Dean stepped away from the podium and went to converse with Gains.