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Team Transport

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 9:43 am
by Sisip

Carries: up to 11 people
Add-Ons: None

Westland Lynx
Carries: up to 7 people and lightweight cargo.

LRAD: Long Range Acoustical Device (a crowd control and distance hailing device used to send messages, warnings and deterrent tones over longer distances than normal loudspeakers.) This is stored in the underbelly of the Lynx and drops down when activated, controlled by the pilot by means of a joystick and panel inside the chopper.
*What is an LRAD:
* LRAD in action:

TearGas Canister Launcher: Tear gas works by irritating mucous membranes in the eyes, nose, mouth and lungs, and causes crying, sneezing, coughing, hard breathing, pain in the eyes, temporary blindness, etc. Launcher is affixed to the left side of the chopper.

UStay Gel: UStay was created in the Cobalt chemistry lab. This thick gel hardens quickly on whatever it touches into a porus mass that allows the passing of air through it and is nontoxic and nonflammable. The binding agent in UStay gel can be released with another nontoxic, nonflammable liquid called "Unbind", also created by the Cobalt chemistry lab. UStay is deployed from the underside rear of the chopper.

Bean Bag Round Gun: Affixed to the right side of the Lynx, the barrel of this nonlethal weapon is a combination of bright yellow and green. The bean bag round consists of a small fabric “pillow” filled with #9 lead shot weighing about an ounce and a half (40 g). When fired, the bag is expelled at around 70–90 metres per second (230–300 ft/s); it spreads out in flight and distributes its impact over about 6 square centimetres (1 sq in) of the target. It is designed to deliver a blow that will cause minimum long-term trauma and no penetration but will result in a muscle spasm or other reaction to briefly render a violent suspect immobile.