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Mayhem on the campus!

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2011 11:18 pm
by vile
[18:37] <vile> VROOM VROOM! The sound of a souped up engine can be heard roaring to life a ways up from the school. More gas is fed to the hungry engine. Tires squeal and the old steel truck tears out of a parking lot, blooming out of a grouping of loud people. There's some bullshit going down and the good ol' boy behind the wheel can't wait to get started. Ray leans out the window and hoots, a fist thrust into the air. Foot down on the gas, the truck flies forward, swerving, narrowly missing some slower vehicles out on the road today. Zig, zag, clip an elderly old woman shuffling across the street. Instead of apologizing, he hollers back at her and flies down the street. The thing hurtles down the street, heading quickly towards their target. There's one indicator of where they might be headed, just maybe. Trussed up to the hood of the car is a mutant: the poor bastard looks like a humanoid chamelon, eyes swinging in every direction, jaws parted in a strangled scream of horror and pain. The ropes holding his hands and feet down bite into his scaled flesh and a stream of blood flows up onto the windshield, blown by air and physics up onto the glass. It gets smeared by the wipers with each stroke despite the jets of fluid pumped out to clean it off.
[18:40] <@AnE> Twisting around, Eden tilted her head as she heard a familiar voice. Her eyes lit up a bit when she noticed who it belonged to, and a hand was lifted to wave cheerfully to the redhead before she began to descend back to earth. It was a slow process, as she floated downward like an angel from on high (...but not really.), and soon her feet were touching the ground and she was strolling
[18:40] <@AnE> on over to Kayla. Of course, she heard the loud revving of an engine in the distance, but chalked it up to rowdy Bros taking the back road to whatever party they were attending. Yes. On a Tuesday. "Y'know. Warm, windy, a little stale, but no complaints."
[18:42] <Gina_Stone> Gina was just finishing up some post-class studying in the class building and emerged from it with her backpack over one shoulder. She had on a pair of low rise grey skinny jeans and a black t-shirt with a red and white electric guitar on the front and the words, "WE ARE SEX BOB-OMB!" on the back. She had on pink and grey Nike's with the breast cancer ribbon molded into the sole, and
[18:42] <Gina_Stone> her hair was down loose down her back. She was heading along the quad, debating on whether she wanted to hit the cafeteria or the gym first. She stopped at a bench and dropped her backpack down onto it, sitting down next to it and fishing out a pack of cigarettes. She'd smoke while she decided, one of, oh, two whole cigarettes she'd probably have today.
[18:42] * Jeem is now known as Jimafks
[18:43] * Rayna ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[18:52] * Thomas`Marshall ( Quit
[18:55] <Sisip> She laughs softly and nods. "No complaints is good. I gotta say, I've very few of them myself." She smiles brightly as she stands and gives Eden a hug. "I got an A on my test and it's been pretty quiet in my head."
[18:55] <vile> The truck, of course, won't be stopped by nothing. Especially not a goddamn gate! The monster of a truck, a damned old thing made out of solid steel, and one of the bigger models meant to be a workhorse, roars into the scene. It strikes the gates, buckles them and blows the things wide open. It's as loud as one expects, as if someone set off sticks of dynamite to gain entry. The thing barely even slows down from the collision, the only damage done affects the fender and hood...and the poor mutant strapped to it. The creature's legs are properly torn up, crushed, and bleeding profusely. The blood pelts the cracked windshield, making the truck look like a beast out of Hell. Good ol' Ray leans out the window again and lets loose another hoot. "Darla, you git'ta firin'!" he shouts at the wite trash on the passenger's seat. The blonde bimbo complies, leans out the window and pulls out a shotgun and gets to searching for a target. Meanwhile, the guys in the bed of the truck polish off the rest of their beer and toss the empty cans out the back right at the guard house.
[18:58] * Karys is now known as Krys_Gallagher
[18:58] * Isaiah ( has joined #Cobalt*Hill
[18:59] <@AnE> Hugs! Yay! She wrapped her arms around Kayla and squeezed ever-so-gently before -- WHAMSCRRCCGGHHHCHH. What the fuck? "...what the fuck?" Releasing the redhead, she took a single step away from the other girl and narrowed her eyes on the gate, plucking her glasses from the collar of her shirt and sliding them up onto her face to get a better look. Was she seeing what she thought she
[18:59] <@AnE> was seeing? Gate -- destroyed again. At first, her only reaction was a soft sigh until she she saw red. Literally! was that-- "Do they have a GUY attached to that fucking truck?!"
[19:00] * Frank`Davis just wanted to go for a walk around the campus to clear his head, and smoke some cigarettes. Instead, he had to witness something horrible. A souped up old truck with what appeared to be a mutant strapped to the front tearing across the campus. "No fucking way." Granted, he probably wouldn't catch them, but that didn't stop the cav scout from sprinting towards the vehicle to try
[19:00] * Frank`Davis to cut it <>
[19:00] <Frank`Davis> <> off. If he could just get close enough, he might be able to damage it enough to stop. <>
[19:00] * MarloCross ( has joined #Cobalt*Hill
[19:01] <@AnE> [Security] The triplet known as One let out a sharp cry as the gate was rammed through! "Oh, god." He pressed a button, and the P.A. system was suddenly blaring to life with a pre-recorded message. "SECURITY BREACH. SECURITY BREACH. PLEASE ESCORT THE YOUNGER STUDENTS TO THE AUDITORIUM. SECURITY BREACH. SECURITY BREACH."
[19:02] <Ahriman> Fergus was just trying to get a nap and wait out his headache. But apparently someone decided demolition would br a better idea. With an annoyed grunt, he angry-opened his window, stuck his head out, took a deep breath, and just before releasing a colordul string of obscenities, saw what was happening. Well shit the bed.
[19:02] * Isaiah steps out of the dorms, rubbing a hand over his bald head slowly as he looked around. Tonight would find him dressed in a pair of multicam combat pants, sand colored marauders, a compression fit olive green T-shirt and what looked liked a pistol belt with a tazer slung in the place of a regular sidearm. Slipping his baseball cap on his head he blinked as his ears were suddenly
[19:02] * Isaiah assaulted by the announcement over the PA system. Looking around, he moved to do exactly that, taking a couple of students that he recognized from his time as a teaching assistant (extra college credits!) towards the auditorium
[19:02] <Gina_Stone> "Holy FUCK!" She sprang to her feet as the truck came crashing through the gate. "Shit, they've got guns!" She shouted to no one in particular, but loud enough to hopefully alarm -someone-. She dove down behind the bench and pulled her cellphone out of her pocket. Then, the security alarms went off, saving her the trouble. Oh hell, the kids! Gina stood up again and raced toward the
[19:02] <Gina_Stone> dorms, warping nearly 100 feet at a time.
[19:04] <Krys_Gallagher> Her taxi had arrived the same moment as a truck crashed through the front gates and Krys leapt out, tossing a fistfull of bills at the driver, sprinting towards the quad. SHit, she was going to ruin another outfit, she just knew it. Slacks and a silk camisole tank in a deep blue color, with black high-heels that had been kicked off before she left the taxi and were probably in the dirt
[19:04] <Krys_Gallagher> near the security shack now. The PA announcement spurred her on faster, keeping the truck in sight as it drove straight over the grounds.
[19:04] <Sisip> Kayla's eyes widen as she loses her voice, gripping tightly to Eden's arm. "E.. Eden... " She obviously doesn't know what to do, the normal creamy colour of her skin draining away. Sisip was going to be pissed she wasn't here, the woman out in the Lynx. She did, however, head back as soon as she got the call over the radio.
[19:04] <Frank`Davis> Just to be clear, Frank is running -at- the truck.
[19:05] <Ahriman> An existing headache. A bunch of drunks in a truck. And now a loud-ass alarm. It was gonna be a shitty night for Fergus. But somr things were more important. He picked up a small black case and trotted out of his room, his right eye already starting toward red.
[19:06] * Isaiah hustled those students at a dead run towards safety, turning to face the commotion only after shouting "Get inside the Auditorium!" to an other kids in the immediate area. taking off at a sprint, he moves in the direction of the truck, concentrating on overloading the alternator (hopefully killing the engine without causing much in the way of other damage, or potentially harming
[19:06] * Isaiah anyone in/on the vehicle)
[19:07] <MarloCross> The Security warning has Marlo Cross heading outside, ready for a fight. MMA Gloves are strapped in place. Nervousness sets in as he slipps from Bryant Hall. Could he fight without seriously hurting some one?
[19:08] <MarloCross> He'd have to figure that out as he went<damn it enter key)
[19:10] <vile> The alarms make the drunk hillbillies squeal with glee! Ray fires off a loud, "YEE HAW!" like a stereotypical redneck. The truck's motor roars like a goddamn monster, wheels tear through the grass. Upon sighting Ray, the driver yanks the wheel sharply to the side, not just to avoid hitting Frank for some reason but also to tear up the pretty fucking flowerbeds. The heartless bastards! As for Darla and her gun, she points the thing right at Frank the second that the vehicle turns and gives her a clear shot. Her finger pulls hard on the trigger and fires off a load of steel pellets right at the guy. The drunks in the back holler and flail, one falls onto his ass on the bed and scrambles over to the cooler to yank more beers out of the thing. "Hoo wee! You make sure you run over a couple, Ray. Twenty points each! Fifty if they look worse then yer maw do."
[19:12] * Frank`Davis wasn't going down that easy. His body shifted into his composite alloy substance, deflecting the metal pellets harmlessly. That just pissed him off. Despite the fact his lungs were starting to tighten up from sprinting and smoking, adrenaline was pumping into his system and pushing him onward. He rushed headlong at the truck and dove forward, grabbing a hold of the door that Darla
[19:12] * Frank`Davis was trying <>
[19:12] <Frank`Davis> <> to shoot him out of. And with his grip, the only way they were getting him off was by dropping the door. <>
[19:13] <Sisip> Eyes flick around and she spots Marlo. She screams, almost frantically. No time for phones! She waves her arms in the air and points, not like she had to tell him what was going on. "MARLO!!!" It wasn't quite a 'save us Marlo' but more a 'holy shit don't let us die, Marlo!'.
[19:13] <@AnE> Teachers without particularly combat-oriented powers were already helping the younger students around the other side of the school toward the meeting hall, which probably also doubled as a bomb-shelter. Eden, meanwhile, heard Gina's shout and gave a quiet swear before her gaze turned on Kayla, "It's all right, Kay. Just some pissed off hicks." A hand cupped over her mouth, a loud
[19:13] <@AnE> shout called out to anyone nearby who would listen, "GUNS AT 12 O'CLOCK!" Okay, she didn't know what their actual position was, but she could guess. She was in a rush, now, to take off her glasses and pop in her contact lenses. She needed Lasik, dammit! All while trying to reassure Kay... and herself. "Don't worry. It'll be fine. I bet they don't even know how to use those stupid
[19:13] <@AnE> wea-" Shots were fired. Shots were fucking fired. There was but a glance back toward Kayla, a weary sigh passing the silver-haired teens lips before she smiled apologetically and broke off in a mad dash toward the gate, a colorful list of swears running through her head while silvery spheres of explosive death began to build up in her palms.
[19:14] <Ahriman> A vein or two pop out on Fergus' forehead, taking only as many steps into the courtyard as he needed to to see the truck as clearly as the courtyard's landscaping allowed. He dropped to a knee, loaded his pistol, and with his left eye closed, zeroed in on the vehicle. He pay have to pay later for the use of live rounds, but it'd be worth it.
[19:14] <Krys_Gallagher> Ever since joining the team she had taken to keeping a few items on her at all times, and as she was running she was also digging into her purse, pulling out a pair of sunglasses and pushing them onto her face in case Jameson was on scene and had info to relay. "Tesla on scene, what the fuck is happening?" she called over the built in comms, ducking behind a tree when she saw a
[19:14] <Krys_Gallagher> gun pointing out the window. "Gun!!!" she yelled out loudly, warning anyone in the vicinity, right hand alight with sizzling electricity. She steadied herself, recalling her training in firearms for aiming at a moving target since the premis was the same, the let loose a bolt towards the truck's tires. She needed to stop the vehicle before they ran someone over.
[19:14] <Gina_Stone> Gina reached the dorms as Fergus was walking out, case in hand. She blurred past him, moving fast enough to leave a breeze in her wake. "Hurry!" That was all she said as she entered the boy's dorm first. Students in the hallways, looking confused and scared, were quickly shoved into rooms, any rooms. "Lock your doors and stay down on the floor! Do NOT go near the windows!" Keeping
[19:14] <Gina_Stone> them inside was probably the safest thing to do, rather than trying to herd them to the auditorium out in the open. She moved quickly through the first floor, then the second, and then the third, barking the same instructions as she went and shoving kids inside any open room she could find. Once she finished there, she scrambled out onto the third floor fire escape. Judging the distance,
[19:14] <Gina_Stone> she took a deep breath and -jumped-. Her second self his the ground first, cushioning her fall. It still hurt like hell, but nothing was broken. She headed for the girl's dorm next.
[19:19] <vile> "Ray! One'uv dem gots on tha door!" the woman shouts as she fires off another round right in Frank's face. "Gun ain't doin nuthin! Hit somethin', you lug!" Darla snaps and kicks open the door right as Ray complies. The vehicle speeds across the quad, heading straight for the fountain. He aims, of course, to slam the car door straight into the thing and likely knock off both Frank and the door, unless he moves fast enough to prevent it. The two guys in the back finally do something useful. Instead of tossing empty beer cans out the side, they guessed it! Molotov cocktails. Bottles of cheap grain alcohol and gasoline, mixed, are tossed out of the flying truck. One is tossed at each person there and close enough to even remotely come close to hitting. As for Isaiah's attack on the truck, it's going to take more than that to stop the beast flying at a good 80+ miles per hour. The engine in the thing is an oldie and built to take all kinds of stress, not being a too-fancy thing overloaded with delicate electronics to mess up.
[19:19] * Isaiah ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[19:20] * Isaiah ( has joined #Cobalt*Hill
[19:22] * Isaiah frowns as he realizes that his approach is wrong, this truck is too old to just have its electrics overloaded like that, so he plants his feet firmly and concentrates harder, seeking to short out the distributor cap that delivers the spark to the engine, make the thing missfire and flood the carb so that the engine stalls completely. "Mr. Clean to Team, am attempting to short out
[19:22] * Isaiah their vehicle..."
[19:23] <vile> As for the attempt to blow out the tires, Krys is successful! Sort of. One explodes violently with a thunderous blast! Rubber is thrown around like confetti. The vehicle keeps flying on forward though now Ray gets to struggle with the wheel to keep from, uh, crashing into...something. As if that stopped him before.
[19:24] <Gina_Stone> She ran through the girl's dorm, doing the same thing, making sure the halls were clear before proceeding to the next floor. On the third floor again, facing out toward the quad, she backed up against the door and took one, two, three steps before launching herself. This was going to leave a mark... her semi-solid second self hit the ground first, but tucked and rolled just as she did,
[19:24] <Gina_Stone> cushioning her fall. She was going to have some pretty nasty bruises. She did not have her earpiece in, and thus did not hear the other team members. Once she recovered, she sprinted across the quad, towards the fountain.
[19:24] <Ahriman> Shotgun. At least he was familiar with that weapon. At the end of a steady exhale, he flicked off the safety with his thumb, but with people approaching the truck, as well as its erratic driving, he held off for the moment.
[19:25] <MarloCross> Marlo heads toward the gunfire, racing actualy. If there are ballistics, he could absorb the impact. Even the vehicle racing at him could be absorbed. From Bryant hall, Marlo raced to get in front of the Truck. His aim was to absorb the kinetic force of the Truck's forward momentum and then put a fist into its grill. His Kinetics is in full swing. If it's got force behind it, He's gonna try to absorb it.
[19:25] * Frank`Davis held on firm. The wonderful thing about physics was that the door swung right back at the woman with the shotgun. Metal Frank used the momentum to toss himself up and over the edge of the window, rolling him into the cab. Once he was in the cab...well. Can a mere human stop a man made of composite allows that could deflect buckshot at point blank? Not so much. Fist was aimed at
[19:25] * Frank`Davis Ray's face to <>
[19:25] <Frank`Davis> <> knock him out, preferably for a long amount of time. The second motion he did was to shove the shifter, assuming it was a stick, into reverse to destroy the transmission and force the truck to stop. It wouldn't stop immediately, but it would cease to move forward under its own power. <>
[19:25] <Frank`Davis> *alloys.))
[19:26] <MarloCross> Ok He's not Punching it....
[19:28] <Sisip> Kayla bolts for the nearest tree to hide behind, like the superhero she was. She does, however, look over to Eden and holds out a hand. "Eden? I can.. I can amp you up!" And without waiting for a response the redhead lunges forward to chase after her friend. If Eden could do this so could Kayla! Just a touch, it was all she needed. Well, a touch and a vice like grip of death.
[19:29] <@AnE> The pair of silvery spheres circled Eden (hurhur she has an orbit) as she began to head in the direction of...oh, the truck! Things were flying out from all sides, it seemed, and soon the grass itself was on fire as nasty shit exploded at their feet. Best to stay back for now. Krys had managed to take one of the tires out, maybe she could get another! ...probably not, there was a mutant
[19:29] <@AnE> on the front of the truck. And now there were mutants lunging themselves AT the truck! Welp, time to stand back and look pretty and wait to do something useful. But then Kayla was running up, and the silver-haired girl turned around to face her, a hand held out -- the initial idea wasn't to be ampled. She was scared of that, to be honest, but the gesture of 'wait!' could easily be
[19:29] <@AnE> misconstrued.
[19:31] <Krys_Gallagher> She swore as the truck continued to barrel on, and swore even louder when no one answered back on the comms. That was going to need to be addressed at the next meeting. She didn't dare risk trying to fry the men in the bed of the truck, not when there was a mutant strapped to the front and Frank hanging from the door. they'd only be electrocuted. Crap, crap, crap! She sprinted
[19:31] <Krys_Gallagher> from behind the tree, only to find a molotov cocktail flaring directly before her, but she couldn't stop in time, pain lashing out as she got sliced by flying glass and burned by the following explosion which she had to leap through. She dropped to the ground, rolling to smother any flames, then was back on her feet trying to get closer to the truck, shooting off another bolt at the other
[19:31] <Krys_Gallagher> rear tire.
[19:35] <vile> There's a metal fist flying at Ray's head, one wheel is blown out and the truck, moving at almost a hundred miles per hour, is almost impossible to steer. Now there's some jackass lined up in front of his truck. On purpose. Good ol' Ray knows this is going to end quickly and it's not gonna be pretty. A toothy grin crosses his face and he sneers at Frank just as he whips the wheel to the truck around. Everything goes to hell at exactly that moment: another wheel is blown out by Krys's bolt, the vehicle strikes a one of those damn decorative stones, loses balance from the two things happening at once and flies onto its side, rolling violently. Parts of truck, Ray, Darla and the two hillbillies fly everywhere, as do the rest of the load they were carrying. This includes, but isn't limited to, multiple grenades and more of those flammable gas filled bottles. They all fucking ignite and the thing turns into a fireball of metal and death, all flying straight for Marlo.
[19:35] * Isaiah ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[19:36] * Isaiah ( has joined #Cobalt*Hill
[19:37] <Ahriman> Live rounds? On a campus? That's crazy! Fergus is of course loaded with rubber rounds. Especially after Sisip yelled at him. Totally. Rubbers. So with that in mind, he lets out another slow breath, checks perifery that no one will immediately be in the way, and..stares, fairly horrified, as the tuck loses control, begins to roll, and catches fire. So much for those guys, yaknow, living.
[19:39] * Frank`Davis was less concerned about the hillbillies inside the truck at the moment, and the rolling chasis wasn't going to do much more than give him a headache afterwards. Hopefully there would be enough left of Ray (probably) and Darla (not so much) that he could keep them alive to face what they'd done. Or at least, that was a thought in his head, right next to I'M TUMBLING IN A BURNING
[19:39] * Frank`Davis TRUCK! <>
[19:39] <Frank`Davis> <> Military calm. Wonderful thing. Thankfully, the rolling along the side was eating up the trucks momentum and slowing it down very quickly, and the angle was saving the poor chameleon on the front from terribly severe damage. <>
[19:41] <Isaiah> "shitshitshitshitSHITSHIT SHIT!!" he curses over and over and over again as he starts running towards the mayhem... How do you tell the difference between a hero and a madman? answer: the hero usually dies trying to save people... "Someone with water or air or something get over here and help smother these flames, I'm going to try to pull anyone who survived out of the wreck!" looking
[19:41] <Isaiah> for a hydrant (there's GOTTA be hydrants! I mean, fire code!) Assuming he can find a hydrant semi-sorta nearby, he is going to pull the cap off it and try to douse the flames with whatever water pressure is still in the lines, if any
[19:41] <Gina_Stone> She arrived just in time to see all of this hell breaking loose... including the deadly fireball of, well, fire, and metal hurtling straight at Marlo. She swore, violently, and shifted, warping in a greyish silver blur, to where Marlo was standing and getting ready to get all sorts of fucked up. If she could, she would shove him out of the way, the force of two of her hitting at once
[19:41] <Gina_Stone> and hopefully throwing him safely away. She would let the momentum carry her out of the way as well, yanking Marlo with her.
[19:44] <Sisip> Kayla DOES, indeed, misconstrue the gesture. Reaching almost in slow motion she, thankfully, trips and stumbles, grinding into the dirt with her face. Damnit! Sisip's chopper can be heard. The 'thupthupthup' of the blades cutting through the air at a much higher rate than normal. Someone was in a hurry. She didn't have ammunition but what she had was almost better... well.. if her
[19:44] <Sisip> friends had hearing protection. She flicks a few switches as she bears down on the campus, the LRAD lowering from the belly of the Lynx, armed and ready to go.
[19:45] <Krys_Gallagher> Explosions everywhere! Krys went flying back, blown off of her feet and hitting the ground hard on her back, stars dancing before her eyes. Everything hurt!! She dizzily sat up, singed to all hell, covered in dirt and soot and probably a fair amount of blood, ears ringing from the crack to the head when she'd fallen. But there were people in that truck and she had to try and help
[19:45] <Krys_Gallagher> if she could, so she stumbled up to her feet, collapsing once before pushing back up again and staggering towards the truck's hood. Was anyone alive? Was poor mr lizard mutant still breathing? Either which way she would grab a gerber from her purse and attempt to cut him free. Dead or alive, he needed to be gotten away from the fires.
[19:46] * Isaiah ( Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[19:47] <MarloCross> Marlo Felt the kinetic surge. His hand reaches out to get closer to the delicious source. Then...Gina. Ruins. Everything. Her hitting him would take him out of the way. Feeling it ripped away, Marlo screamed," NO NO NO YOU IDIOT!!! I NEEDED THAT!!!" With not kinetics, he cannot power his punches. Gina would successfully, i hope, knock him free. If Not, He'd suck up the kinetics before it hits.
[19:47] <@AnE> The sudden glare of FIERY DEATH caught Eden's attention once again, and she turned around to see -- holy shit. "...holy shit." Muttered under her breath, she could only stand there in shock for the time being! So much that she didn't even see Kayla falling! Not at first. The sound of the chopper's arrival incited a small feeling of relief, but then she turned, eyes widening, "K-Kay!"
[19:47] <@AnE> And she hurried over, deciding that helping the girl away from potential firedeath before something worse happened. There was nothing she could do right now about the flaming ball of death. Not while there were people still around it, anyway.
[19:49] <vile> But things aren't going to be that easy! Ohhhh no. The rest of those hooting morons that had assisted in tying Mr.Lizard to the hood have the same idea. More engines can be heard tearing down the street, hurtling towards the school. This round there's three vehicles: another old truck, a newer car and some idiot on a motorcycle. It doesn't take them long to cross the threshold of the school, easier since the gate has already been ripped clear off its hinges. | The truck heads straight towards the buildings, at some people still filing inside. A couple NPCs, of course, have to stick around and rubberneck and get footage to post on youtube. For now, it's just out to score some points by running over some innocent bystanders with no idjit leaning out the window to pop off some shots. | The car, on the other hand, has the driver leaning out the window, trying her best to hold the rifle out the window and steer. This doesn't go so well, as one would expect. | Fire hydrants aren't exactly going to be found in the middle of a campus! But to make things marginally easier, he gets to find some hydro NPC that's willing to hose down the wreckage. But considering the fact there's lit gasoline flowing out of the vehicle, the efforts to stop the flames could potentially make things far worse. As for Marlo VS the flying truck, he would glean some kinetics from it before the thing rolls to a stop riiiight outside of the cafeteria, narrowly missing both the rescued Marlo and heroic Gina.
[19:53] <Ahriman> More people? Fantastic. At least one of them was super easy. Deep breath. Slow exhale. Trigger squeezed, and a rubber round sped toward the guy on the big, destined for his helmet.
[19:53] * Frank`Davis manages to drag Ray out of the truck in something resembling one piece. He is definitely unconcious and beat to all hell, more than likely has a fractured spine and many broken bones. Darla he's not so lucky to save. But now that Frank's out of the truck, he gets to see how there are more idiots. He sighs and makes a sprint for the car, hoping to catch its attention so that it will
[19:53] * Frank`Davis aim for <>
[19:53] <Frank`Davis> <> him and he can do enough damage to it to stop it cold. The rifle was more important than the other vehicles trying to hit the rapidly thinning crowd. <>
[19:53] <Ahriman> *bike
[19:55] <Gina_Stone> She took them both down to the ground, and Marlo courageously, or rather by default, broke her fall. Wait, was he -yelling- at her for just saving his ass? "Idiot? I just saved your ass from being burninated all to shit. You're welcome, asshat." The piece of her mind she was about to let him have was rudely interrupted. "What the shit is this? When rednecks attack? Fuck me gently
[19:55] <Gina_Stone> with a chainsaw." She got up off of Marlo with a grunt. The motorcycle was the first thing closest to her, and hands that were not entirely hers flooded outward for a short distance, reacing out to grab the motorcycle's handles. She'd be yanked along with it, but if she grabbed it, she'd wrap her legs around the driver and yank violently to the side, trying to take him and the bike both
[19:55] <Gina_Stone> down.
[19:56] <Sisip> Kayla, without superzortpoweramping Eden stands, nose bleeding and looking rather terrified. "We gotta go.. we can't... maybe.. maybe I can .. do something...!" A girl with a plan! Sisip, however, is a girl with an LRAD, and as the chopper breaks over the treeline . A loud "Bweep Bweep Bweep" warning filled the air, combining with the chaos down below. The LRAD under the chopper
[19:56] <Sisip> twists and turns, angling down towards the car, the one with the rifle, to be exact. With only the 'bweep' warning given the highpitched sound of the LRAD tears through the quad, the chopper hovering over the quad.
[19:59] <@AnE> Eden plucked a hanky out of her pocket, a sympathetic smile on her face as she reached out to dab the other girl's nose. She didn't know what to do, and now? Now there were more of them. They were out for blood. They'd already damn near killed a guy and were trying to kill people as. they. spoke. This wasn't going to work. "Kayla..." There was a twinge of regret in her voice, and she
[19:59] <@AnE> could feel the lump forming in her throat, pulling the hanky-holding hand away and extending a free one, "...we're gonna blow that motherfucking truck to high hell." The silver-haired girl spoke through gritted teeth as she squared her gaze on the other vehicle that roared onto th campus.
[20:00] * Isaiah ( has joined #Cobalt*Hill
[20:00] <@AnE> ...also, fuck that was loud. AND VERY UNCOMFORTABLE. YEAH I POSTED TWICE.
[20:01] * PhoneSho ( has joined #Cobalt*Hill
[20:01] * PhoneSho is now known as ShoPhone
[20:01] * Sunder (lgjc2@14055ab6.6ca5ed7c.70.230.imsk) has joined #Cobalt*Hill
[20:02] <MarloCross> He was fuming at the denial of Kinetics. He got a little, but not nearly enough. Getting up, Marlo stalks over to the truck, not yet hearing Eden's intent to destroy it. Last he knew there were people in it and some poor guy on the grill. He might as well try to help out.
[20:05] <Krys_Gallagher> She pulled the broken lizard man from the wreckage, calling for help, and spotting Marlo. A SNDless Marlo. Crap. "Get this guy inside, will you?" she called out to the kinetic man, trying to pull the lizard mutant away from the wreckage.
[20:15] * Isaiah runs over to make sure that everyone is as alright as they are going to get over at the wreck
[20:15] <vile> Frank gets his prize: a mangled but still somewhat alive Ray! Darla gets to die in a fire and the two guys that had been in the back of the truck are now scattered across the quad in the form of meaty chunks, some served flambe. The waist-up of one drags himself across the ruined grass, likely in search of his better half. The man's jaws are agape in a shrill scream, interrupted occasionally with a wail or some other nightmare-worthy scream. | Gina successfully grabs the grabs the bike and molests the driver. Normally he'd be making excited noises about something like this happening...if he weren't driving a fucking Harley. Then thwap! Beaned in the head by a goddamn rubber bullet. The woman and bullet are enough to make him lose control. The bike falls to one side and scraaaaapes along the concrete, crushing one of the man's legs and mangling the rest of him. Clothes are shredded and his screams fill the air. | Marlo can see that yes! The lizard man is still alive but being rescued by Krys! Blood flows profusely from his legs and the stump of a tail, his wrists and the myriad cuts and scrapes covering his body. The prognosis is grim. If only they had a medic that could handwave injuries away! They do but he's not on the scene yet. Aaand the other is feral and strapped to a secure bed. Marlo, Krys, Gina and any others around the burning truck had better vacate. Water saturates the truck but also aids in the flow of burning gasoline that spreads, threatening those nearby. But not quite as much as the gas tank when it ruptures. The truck explodes in a fireball of doom and death, showering the cafeteria, those within and outside of it, and the whole fucking area with giant shards of shrapnel. KA BOOM!| As for Frank VS the car, the genius in the vehicle just keeps driving, oblivious to the approaching mutant. The trigger is squeezed off the second it targets someone: some poor bastard that was filming the event. The NPC goes down, a bullet tearing through his chest. | The remaining truck, having not been stopped, plows through the geniuses that were also filming the event. Bodies sail through the air like grotesque ragdolls! The windshield shatters, some girl gets embedded in the glass, legs kicking in an almost comical manner onto the hood of the vehicle.
[20:19] <Ahriman> Sweet mother of Smith and Wesson. Fergus set the pistol down, jammed a couple of foam plugs into his ears, and went back to aiming. Damage done, though; that ringing wasn't going away soon. With both the bike and car occupied, he fired off several rounds at the new truck's windshield around its recenty acquired mutant hood ornament, after a moment to shield himsef ineffectively from the explodey truck of doom.
[20:19] * Isaiah shields his face from the flying shrapnel, seeking to disable vehicles that look a lot more modern than the redneck truck did, knowing that their computers are a lot more vulnerable to electrical attacks... if he can stop them from driving, he can perhaps limit the amount of death and destruction
[20:20] <Gina_Stone> As the Harley began to wobble and go down, Gina let go of the driver and threw herself to the side to avoid getting crushed. Her second self warps around her unteadily as she falls, totally ungracefully, onto the pavement. Gravel scraps down one arm, gouging it pretty good, and manages to also find its way up her shirt as the pavement catches it and shreds part of the back of it. Son of
[20:20] <Gina_Stone> a bitch! She just bought that! Gina gets the distinct feeling that her left shoulder may have come partially dislocated, as searing pain shoots across her collarbone. Luckily though, she rolls to her feet and darts away from the explosion, the concussion propelling her forward. Shrapnel rains down on her, but she ducks and puts her arms over her head for protection. OW. As soon as she
[20:20] <Gina_Stone> raises her left arm, she hears a distinctive pop. Not broken, but something has certainly come loose.
[20:20] * Frank`Davis gets angrier as another bullet cross the campus and finds another target. As the vehicle approaches, Frank jumps into the air and slams his feet forward toward the hood of the car. Crunching metal and squealing gears accompany the massive damage that the much stronger than steel Frank does to the poor compact car. It was almost picture perfect. Except for the driver being shoved
[20:20] * Frank`Davis forward into <>
[20:20] <Frank`Davis> <> the steering wheel from the impact and suffering severe trauma to his ribcage. Still, he was alive, and the car was disabled. <>
[20:21] * Sisip is now known as SisipDinner
[20:21] * Frank`Davis is also in some severe headache territory from the LRAD, but he'd survive. It'd hurt, but he'd live.
[20:25] <@AnE> Kaya was escorted toward a bench -- that was about as 'out of the way' as Eden could get her right now before she went rushing headfirst into danger. The bike and the car were both taken care of, and someone was shooting (?!) at the newly arrived truck. And she had a migraine. Urgh. "Motherf-" A little prayer to who knows who was muttered under her breath before the silver haired girl
[20:25] <@AnE> rushed forward and thrust out a hand. Gravity seemed to release entirely in the area that the truck was speeding toward... everything. Mowing people down. She wasn't going to stand for that shit, no way, no how. If the truck drove through that invisible 'globe' where grass seemed to sway a little freer and bits of litter floated aimlessly above the ground, it would be suddenly, sharply
[20:25] <@AnE> HOISTED into the air! Whee! The little spheres that orbited Eden began to pulse and glow a little brighter.
[20:26] * ShoPhone ( Quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
[20:27] <MarloCross> Explosions were merely bursts of Kinetic Energy. As he was close to Krys and the injured Lizard man, he could-hopefully- suck up the force of the explosion as he tries to assist the Lizard's Savior in his rescue. THe fire might burn the shit out of him, but a piece of shrapnel will wind up in the back of Marlo's left calf.
[20:27] * Frank`Davis edits his post. The condition of the driver is unknown, but given the velocity of the car and the fact the driver wasn't paying attention to Frank, there isn't much way for the car to avoid being torn apart.
[20:29] <Krys_Gallagher> Shrapnel, the LRAD, it was a huge clusterfuck and there was still no one on the comms. Not that it mattered since she'd lost the glasses when she'd been blown back by the explosion. Lizardman was left in Marlo's care, she'd managed to pull the busted mutant to the wall of one of the buildings at least amidst a clump of bushes. Her head hurt, ears ringing even more now, but there wasn't
[20:29] <Krys_Gallagher> much she could do about that. Something sticky was running down the side of her face, a hand lifting to rub it away from her eyes, palm coming back red. A piece of shrapnel had sliced a cut along her hairline. She moved towards Eden, hoping to get a better look at the situation and see where her powers would be best put to use.
[20:35] <vile> Isaiah's attempts to stop the vehicles succeedes! Well, with the car at least! The thing's motor shudders and craps out, leaving it to cruise at a good sixty miles per hour. It will take a moment for the thing to slow. But that doesn't really matter, not when the driver is suffering under the effects of the LRAD unit. The woman drops the rifle and screeches with anger. The wheel is released and the vehicle goes wild! It swerves, winds up with a Frank hood ornament and careens straight into the pool. Too bad it didn't interrupt a party going on in said pool. | The motorcycle is down! And so is the driver, who won't be getting back up. That leg is gone for good! The thing's sliding ends soon enough, leaving a trail of red and gore in its wake like a morbid red carpet. The driver, as wasted and in shock as he is, suffers under the LRAD's assault as well, groaning with discomfort, a hand clamped to the side of his head under the helmet. | Marlo takes the hit! And he saves the lot of them with his powers but not the cafeteria. The building is soon up in flames, at least that portion of it, and it doesn't seem like anyone will be enjoying Marge's sloppy joes this week. | As for the remaining truck, it gets an imprompteau flying lesson courtesy of Eden! The thing's driver is shocked and has no idea what to do! He leans out the window and glances around, confounded by the witchery going on.
[20:38] <Ahriman> Aaand switch. As the red fades from his right eye, it closes, an already reddened left eye opening, head tilting as he adjusts to the other side. At the same time, he ejects thr current mag, reloads with a fresh, and waits for a new target. Thankfully, the truck driver provides just that! Ever take a rubber round to the forehead?
[20:38] <Isaiah> "Is anyone listening?? Damnit, whats the point of Comms?!" he growls as he looks around at the bedlam, suddenly feeling like a hammer without a nail to strike
[20:42] <Gina_Stone> Gina shrieks in pain from the LRAD, hands going to cover her ears. She struggled to her feet, and head screaming, hauls her ass out of the direct line of fire. She winds up near the bench where she'd originally set her backpack, and hears, just barely, the sounds of... talking? Oh shit! She digs frantically, putting the comms bud in her ear. "Yes! I hear you! Doppleganger here... who
[20:42] <Gina_Stone> is this?" She was yelling, since she couldn't really hear herself talk. Blood was running down her arm in thin streams from the gravel damage, and an ugly bruise was already beginning to swell around her shoulder and collarbone. | Frank, meanwhile, would unsteel himself and crawl out of the pool, hauling the driver out of the vehicle with him. He throws her ass over his shoulder and
[20:42] <Gina_Stone> hauls her straight to the nearest security person.
[20:44] <@AnE> Ears were ringing, stomach was churning. She felt ready to puke, and as soon as she put that damn truck down? She probably would! Eden might have had something to say were she actually on the team and in possession of a communicator, but alas, she was just a good samaritan at this point. Sweat trickled down her face, teeth grinding as she looked around. Someone needed to take this guy
[20:44] <@AnE> out somehow. If she tried, he would probably die, and they needed at least one of them in enough shape to talk! THings were on fire, shit was being blown up, and all that Eden could do was keep the truck airborne. Everything seemed to move slowly in that sphere of zero-G, objects within the truck floating around the driver while the silver-haired girl below stood with an arm lifted into
[20:44] <@AnE> the air. Her eyes darted toward Krys, widening at the sight of blood, "You okay? The other ones... what's going on?" Could she even hear? Everything was buzzing and she felt like passing out, but doing so would result in a splattery crash for the truck driver. Security was everywhere! Mostly working on dousing fires, but they were also lining up with medical personnel to collect the
[20:44] <@AnE> injured (and dead...) as well as the offenders.
[20:44] <Krys_Gallagher> "Nice, Eden." she said bretahlessly, seeing the car lifting into the air. She'd lost the glasses but she had a few earwigs in a small pouch in her purse which she promptly dug out, passing one to Eden and putting in her own. "This is Tesla, is anyone on? Skieweaver, can you read me?" Then, finally she heard voices talking back. "About bloody time!" She'd be keeping an
[20:44] <Krys_Gallagher> eye on the driver in the floating vehicle, ready to zap if a gun made an appearance.
[20:47] <Isaiah> "This is Mr. Clean, I hear you Doppleganger! We need to get some sort of a game plan together, this is just chaos!" He was thankful for the sound dampening built into the coms that he'd had in his ears since this madness started Looking around he seeks to find another target, or to start with the cleanup operation if things were under control
[20:48] <Nightmare_Ashe> There's a lot of static in one of the replies coming back over the comm system, indicating that the other person might be on the extreme end of the transfer range. "Firefly here. ...situation...campus?"
[20:49] <Gina_Stone> "Situation is.... very fucking hostile." Gina was starting to run out of steam. She needed to eat, but she could keep going on adrenalin for now. Yes, I made another post!
[20:50] <MarloCross> Marlo heads to the Med Center, Carrying the injured Lizard Man on his sliced leg. "
[20:50] <MarloCross> Who ever you not be an asshole."
[20:52] <Nightmare_Ashe> "Roger, <long static> minutes," comes the reply. Somewhere on the other end of town, a motorcycle roars to life and takes to the streets at far less-than-legal speeds.
[20:53] <vile> The car driver is successfully saved! Kind of. She's pretty waterlogged, including her lungs. Considering all the bullshit that happened to her, she wasn't in right enough of a mind to not breathe while underwater. Hopefully someone gets on the CPR before it's too late. | Fergus' attempt to shoot the truck driver goes sour for the same reason that his own does! Zero-g does not mix with firearms very well. A shotgun is pulled up and pointed at Eden, the trigger pulled...just to have the pellets harmlessly float around. This does not make for a happy angry redneck! He swears, points at Eden and fires off all kinds of horrible insults at her and her family. And demands to be let down but doesn't specify she should do it gently. | The lizard man is in no health to fight with Marlo. And so off he's hauled! | As for the rest of the situation, the cafeteria continues to burn to the fucking ground.
[20:55] <Ahriman> Fergus had given back his earwig after that night with the spiders; he was made aware that he was ill-prepared to be on the team. Plus he hadn't yet auditioned, and only recently procured the fancy rubber rounds he was using currently. So he, like several others, was good samaritan-ing. | Meanwhile, in the cafeteria, Miles was all D: with all the fire.
[20:59] <Gina_Stone> "Mr Clean, Tesla! Holy shit this got bad fast. I didn't even have time to put this thing in..." She was loud, hearing impaired and all. She couldn't do anything about the cafeteria herself, but managed to round up a couple people and start demanding ice users and water sprayers, hell, even sand people for fuck's sake. She directed them to the cafeteria and headed there herself. "Cafeteria
[20:59] <Gina_Stone> is on fire... I am going to go in and look for anyone trapped in there." And she would head that way, waiting until the heat became painful before she summoned her energy and warped inside. She kept moving to avoid being fried crispy, and, spotting Miles, grabbed him and darted out. She dropped him on the ground, took a deep breath... and promptly fell to her knees, coughing from all
[20:59] <Gina_Stone> the smoke. | Frank, meanwhile, having dropped what's her name off with the security guys, who reluctantly did CPR on her before cuffing her, turned himself all shiny metal again and also ran into the cafeteria, grabbing a couple of the cooks and hauling them out.
[20:59] <@AnE> He was a bit too high up for Eden to see that he was shooting at her. Harmlessly. He was swearing like a damn sailor, he was. Put him down? Fine. His being in the air was preventing whoever tried to shoot him from doing that, anyway! The truck began to lower. Slowly! Surprisingly gentle, considering that the vehicle was currently housing a guy who wanted to blow her fucking brains out.
[20:59] <@AnE> However, several feet above the ground -- probably enough to shake up the car's interior and all -- she'd let gravity take control, the truck more than likely in the process of landing with a loud, metallic WHUDcracketc. Shocks? WHAT SHOCKS? She had no intentions of letting the man drive off, even if she didn't want to hurt him...not right now, at least. Trembling free hand took the
[20:59] <@AnE> communicatormabob, a heavy sigh passing her lips, both hands now falling to her side.
[21:05] <@AnE> Security and other staff members were, naturally, rushing around to help try and put out the fires, with a large number gathered near the caf. While pulling people out of the building was easy, stopping the fire was not, and the fire department was unlikely to reach campus before the building was ruined. YEAH I POSTED TWICE AGAIN WUT WUT.
[21:05] <vile> <FUCK YOU CHEATER>
[21:07] <Nightmare_Ashe> Hopefully, local law enforcement knows enough by now not to pull Ashe over when she's blasting across town at ludicrous speed. She doesn't exactly do so without a good reason, after all. Thankfully, the highways weren't very congested, and weaving through traffic meant that she would be back on campus in just a few more minutes...
[21:07] <vile> Oh look! Someone useful shows up! The professor, Demitrius, bolts out of the rec center to assist in taming the wild fire! He joins in with the hydros, cryos and whateverthefuckelse showed up to stop the fire from murdering the entire building. Of course, there's not a whole lot he can actually do to help, seeing as he has virtually zero experience with his powers, thanks to being dampened virtually his entire life. | The car driver is revived! Aaand drug off in handcuffs. As for the idiot who was on the motorbike, he's nabbed by the medics and security, managing to survive the ordeal. The driver of the first truck is hauled away as well while the others who had been in the vehicle are worm chow. | As for the genius in the truck, he points his gun at Eden again...and gets interrupted by the land! The truck jerks, his body is tossed upwards from fucking gravity and all and given a good crack on the roof. He swears louder and fires his goddamn shotgun at Eden again, aiming for whateverthefuck he could hit! At least he's using smaller pellets. Maybe one or two will hit. He hopes for more.
[21:09] <Ahriman> Fergus had let off a couple more rounds, not noticing what was stopping them, but not quite giving up the effort. But now that the truck was back on the ground, and another shot was fired, *this* time rubber would meet forehead..right? | Sure Gina could warp. Miles, though, had enjoyed all that smoke for much longer, and at the moment, didn't seem to have the luxury of coughing.
[21:13] <Gina_Stone> Gina finished hacking, more or less, lungs still burning. "Hey, you ok? Hey!" She shook Miles, and when he was unresponsive, rolled him onto his back and checked his breathing. Which he was not doing. Gina pinched his nose shut and propped his chin up with her other hand. She took a deep breath and leaned down, clamping her mouth over his and giving him mouth to mouth. Giggity. Only
[21:13] <Gina_Stone> not so much.
[21:13] <@AnE> Thudwhud. So much for driving away. Haha. HAHAHAHA. HA.Things seemed to be calming down -- except for that damn fire. Where would they eat now? ;_; Eden shook her head and began to take a step backwards, lowering her guard being the dumbest thing she could right now, but she was steadily running out of energy. And then she COMPLETELY ran out of energy when she heard the blast of a
[21:13] <@AnE> shotgun and something warm splatter her face. Blood. She was staggering before she even noticed what had happened, and the grass below was painted red. Her shoulder was torn quite splendiforously. Thankfully, the change in gravity had disoriented the driver enough to throw off his aim (...right?), but the silver-haired girl was hit! And how. So much for keeping the contents of her
[21:13] <@AnE> her stomach. Bleeding profusely, she landed on her back, immediately turning over onto her side and heaving loudly before emptying her guts in the grass as the black of her shirt seemed to get even darker, her left arm hanging limp at her side as blood ran freely down it. She collapsed again shortly after.
[21:17] * Lanse[Werk] is now known as Lanse
[21:18] <Krys_Gallagher> Standing near to Eden she watched in horror as the girl got shot, a sizzling bolt or electricity soon zapping towards the man in the truck who'd fired. Not enough to kill but he'd definately be tazed good! Then she was kneeling down at Eden's side, helping her to turn so she wouldn't choke on her own vomit, checking the severity of the damage done by the shotgun blast.
[21:23] <Nightmare_Ashe> And the cavalry arrives on campus! ...just in time to watch Eden get gunned down by some bozo in a truck, then said bozo get tased by Krys. Gunning the engine on her bike, Ashe races across the quad towards them, dropping on the brakes and skidding to a halt to place herself and her wheels between any further attacks. "Get her to the med center, pronto! I'll mop up here!" she
[21:23] <Nightmare_Ashe> yells to Krys. A few motions with her eye, and her shades display a tactical overlay of the situation based on campus security.
[21:26] <vile> The engineering professor continues to try and help conquer the fire, working with other various NPCs around. And soon it dies down, save for the flicker and smouldering embers around the area. Once the situation is taken care of, with what remains of the building still getting soaked by the various hydros around, Demitri heads in to help recover whoever else is still in need of assistance. That includes hauling out any other geniuses that stuck around despite the billowing smoke and such. | The bozo in the truck's body flails and freaks out thanks to all the electricity surging through his body! The door is knocked open, he flops out and tries to drag himself away from the vehicle and...escape? Well, he seems to think he'll be able to! That's nooot very likely considering the attack kinda failed and there's still plenty of mutants around to ensure nobody's making it away tonight. But he can still try, dammit.
[21:27] <Ahriman> Fergus had a mind to empty the rest of this clip, as well as another, into the same head. But when a zolt of electricity zapped the vehicle, he instead went to looking for other targets. | How many guys on campus would take a shot to the gems to be where Miles currently was? They'd probably rather be breathing, though, since the mute wasn't so much. At least he was already hickory cured, so Gina could enjoy that, if nothing else.
[21:30] <Gina_Stone> "Come on dammit, breathe!" She laced her fingers through one another and straddled the big Samoan, placing the heels of her hands in the center of his chest, below the breastbone, and leaning into each chest compression. Over the comms, she yelled, "Get me a medic over by the cafeteria, pronto! The mutey isn't breathing!" Leaning over, she gave Miles mouth to mouth again, filling his
[21:30] <Gina_Stone> lungs with air.
[21:31] * SisipDinner ( Quit (Quit: At six o'clock their mommies and daddies will take them home to bed because they're tired little teddy bears.)
[21:31] * Lily ( Quit
[21:32] * Isaiah ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[21:32] <Nightmare_Ashe> Yeah, he wasn't going to get away from Ashe that easily. Killing her bike and dropping the kickstand, she dismounts her ride and starts walking towards the "escaping" redneck. Holding her left hand away from her body, she conjures up her laser version of the Masamune. Once she reaches him, she plants a boot firmly in the center of his chest/back and holds the business end of the blade
[21:32] <Nightmare_Ashe> just inches from his throat. "You so much as twitch, and I'll cut your fucking head off. Understand me?"
[21:33] * Isaiah ( has joined #Cobalt*Hill
[21:34] * MarloCross ( Quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
[21:35] <Isaiah> "EDEN!!" he shouts as he spots the chrome haired girl get blasted by the redneck's shotgun. Throwing another bolt of tazery goodness at the jerk for good measure, he sprints (like... collegate class sprinter on the 40) to where she lay on the ground. ripping his shirt off, he improvises a bandage for her arm and tries to pick her up... derp... omg, thank god he lifts with his knees,
[21:35] <Isaiah> cause otherwise... BACK SPASM! no but really, he starts tending to her wounds as best he can and calls for a medic through the comms
[21:37] <vile> The medics, of course, are already on the scene and hear Gina's cries for help! A group of them trot over to her and the downed Miles, all wanting to help revive the guy. And they're equipped to do it. Certainly he'd love to wake up making out with one of the hairy EMTs instead of Gina. | Demitrius stays completely silent and works to put out the remaining flames, focusing on keeping himself calm despite the carnage and wtf surrounding him. | And as for the pinned redneck, he stares up at Ashe, sneers and opens his mouth to spit some hate in her direction in the form of horrific language. But he's cut off by the second surge of elecricity through his body! It's enough to overwhelm him: his body arches and he flails, twitching. And he suffers cardiac arrest from all the strain. Seems Ashe won't need to cut his throat to end things! Maybe. But he sure is twitching a lot!
[21:39] <Ahriman> Fergus finally closes his left eye, flicking the gun's safety and setting it on the case it came from. And then he lurches forward, one hand holding him upwhile the other gripped his face. Pain! | Miles got a lung full of air, and Gina got a face full of smoke as thanks. And then lots of gross coughing. But that meant breathing!
[21:39] <@AnE> Eden's shoulder looked a bit like it had gone through a meat grinder! No, it wasn't quite that bad, but it was torn up something fierce, there were a couple of sizable gory holes and she was losing a lot of blood. Several factors were seeing that she was slowly going fucking insane -- blood loss, lack of energy, seeing all that blood, and... well, everything else. Glassy eyes stared
[21:39] <@AnE> up at Krys, though they seemed to be looking through her at that point. "Ha... I'm bleeding..." She almost sounded amused! Arm lay limp, covered in bloooood, eyes rolling toward Isaiah, now only managing a weak, chunky cough. ohgodshewasgonnapukeagain.
[21:40] * Frank`Davis rescued a few others from the cafeteria before offering assistance to the med and security teams. His first-aid training came in handy and he ended up doing some good checking over the singed mutants and helping bandage the others. He was fairly familiar with fire and explosion related injuries, so he was able to work quickly. He turned to Gina and the guy she had, looking around
[21:40] * Frank`Davis at the <>
[21:40] <Frank`Davis> <> devastation and cursing quietly, reaching into his pocket for, what he hoped, were still viable cigarettes. And, lo and behold, there was one that wasn't broken in half. Spark, light, inhale. <>
[21:41] <Gina_Stone> She jerks back as Miles coughs up lungfulls of smoke, right into her face. But he was alive, and breathing!! "Oh thank GOD. You scared the shit out of me!" She planted a big ol' smooch right on Miles' forehead and rolled off to one side, whole left arm bloody and gashed from the pavement before. Oh, and swollen. And bruised. And -really- painful. Gina groaned, and waited for the medics
[21:41] <Gina_Stone> to tend to Miles before she'd let them even look at her. "I'm fine. Take care of him first. I just need a bandaid and someone to haul my shoulder back into place."
[21:42] * Isaiah is applying direct pressure to the wound to help slow the bleeding, its on a joint which immediately ruled out a tournequet... reaching to his belt, he ripps open his first aid pouch and produces a baggie of quick clot. tearing the bag open, he presses the hemostatic bandage against Eden's wound with one hand, and holds her other hand with the err other hand. "Shhh, its gonna be
[21:42] * Isaiah alright Eden, I've got you... you're gonna be okay, I promise... just stay with me okay? if you gotta puke, aim it over your right shoulder, okay gorgeous? just keep your eyes on me alright? " looking around, he again calls out for medical assistance
[21:42] <Nightmare_Ashe> Well, that makes things considerably less complicated. Fortunately, the soles of her boots keep her from sharing the pain of being electrocuted again. Raising a hand to the side of her head, she flips her earbud back to receive/transmit mode. "Firefly to all remaining team members: everybody report in, and give me your status." There aren't any team leaders on the channel, so
[21:42] <Nightmare_Ashe> it looks like she's going to have to take control of things.
[21:42] <Krys_Gallagher> Thank goodness for IUsaioah's arrival because she was in no shape to drag Eden to medical, bloodied up herself.
[21:43] <@AnE> There were probably few people who were in any shape to drag Eden anywhere, sadly. :|
[21:43] <Gina_Stone> "Doppleganger. I'm fine. Little banged up, but fine. Over by the cafeteria." She was loud, but that's because her ears were still ringing.
[21:44] <vile> Demitrius is! The guy has a robotic arm, after all, and can actually assist in carrying Eden's fat ass to the medical center! And he does, too! All without saying a goddamn thing. He'll gesture for someone else to give him a goddamn hand because, while he's built like a truck and has that 'bot arm of his, he prooobably can't shoulder her weight all by himself.
[21:44] * Isaiah ( Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[21:44] * Isaiah ( has joined #Cobalt*Hill
[21:44] <Isaiah> "Mr. Clean, need a medic here on the quad, Eden is down with a gunshot wound, she needs evac asap."
[21:45] <Nightmare_Ashe> Ashe isn't all that far from Eden. She's well aware of this. :P
[21:45] <Isaiah> ((well, tough)
[21:52] <@AnE> Even a seven foot tall giant with a robotic arm couldn't help! Foreveralone.jpeg. But, no. She was slowly approaching dilirium! Krys' face, Isaiah's face, they were all beginning to blend in. She didn't even bother to warn anyone about not getting her blood in their blood, because...fuck, she couldn't! She just mumbled incoherently and kept bleeding...until the bleeding had stopped!
[21:52] <@AnE> It probably wasn't enough, though. The grass was stained and her face and clothes were splattered. She looked a bit like a slaughterhouse employee, actually. Before Demi did the heroic thing, she twisted, violently puking onto the ground again. When she did, the truck that had fallen, despite being relieved of its driver, was suddenly put under immense pressure, its roof caving in and
[21:52] <@AnE> denting. RAGE. And more puking.
[21:54] * MarloCross ( has joined #Cobalt*Hill
[21:55] <Nightmare_Ashe> "The attack seems to have stopped. All able-bodied team members assist with transporting the wounded to the medical center, then meet me in front of the med center for debriefing." she says, pausing to look around at some of the less-than-fortunate ones. "Ignore the deceased for now. There's nothing we can do for them. Oh, and if any non-team students were involved in the
[21:55] <Nightmare_Ashe> fighting, bring them to the debriefing as well. Firefly out." She killed the comm channel, then moved to assist Demitrius with moving Eden. Hopefully this won't end in tears or a hernia.
[21:56] <Krys_Gallagher> Befuddled as she was, the virus aspect hadn't even crossed her mind as she had tended to Eden with her own cut up hands, let alone to warn Isaiah. Oh no, possible infection spreading here!! The professor came to lift Eden and she didn't even think to warn him either, dizzy and head ringing. She moved to Eden's other side, trying to help get the girl to medical and a waiting stretcher.
[21:57] <Ahriman> With trembling hand, Fergus took a medicine bottle from a pocket, struggling briefly with its safety cap. Once freed. he dumps the contents into the gun case. He pushed a pill passed his lips and swallowed it with a dry throat, then let himself roll to his back, both eyes clamped shut. At least his earplugs were in.
[21:57] * Isaiah assists as best he can with moving Eden to the med center to get treated, holding her hand the entire way
[21:58] <vile> Demitrius glances briefly over to Ashe, Krys and whoeverthefuckelse is going to help move Eden's outrageously dense ass over to medical. Hopefully they have a bed or concrete slab strong enough to hold her so she can get medical attention! One of his boots steps down on a dismembered hand, crushing the bones with a loud pop. His footing slips but he stays upright, swearing quietly under his breath. | As for the truck, yes, it becomes a sandwich! Crunch! Now the campus has several new statues! A car toy for the pool, the crushed truck and a new fixture in the cafeteria: the burned-out husk of an old pickup decorated with the skeletons of dead hillbillies!
[21:59] <MarloCross> Marlo was now getting sharapnel removed from his leg by random medical peronel #5
[22:02] <Nightmare_Ashe> Once she's finished helping transport Fatty McLargehuge to the medical center, Ashe returns to the walkway in front of the hospital's front doors and does her best impression of Old Man Gains. That is to say, she stands around with her arms crossed and somehow glaring angrily at everything simultaneously."First CAMO, and now these people..."
[22:03] * Isaiah ( Quit
[22:04] <@AnE> Were she not currently in the grips of delirium, Eden probably would have been mortified. IT TOOK HOW MANY PEOPLE TO MOVE HER? Why was it so cold? She couldn't even feel cold normally! Everything was spinning, and she still couldn't hear correctly. "Tired..." Everything was a wacky buzzing mess. "Ggrgh." Her head rolled back, hand twitching a little, the entirety of her left
[22:04] <@AnE> arm a red sticky mess. The medical center, had they received word about this earlier, would probably be reinforcing a stretcher as we speak in order to accomodate dat ass. Or they'd, you know, have some appropriate medical equipment on hand already. Kid Blob DID go to school here after all. Either way, poor kid's getting dragged off to try and stabilize her condition. Meanwhile, security
[22:04] <@AnE> personnel are soon meeting up with the Salem PD at the remnants of the front gate! How fun! Other staff members are working on more cleanup, the medical center a huge mess, a building burnt to the ground, patches of the courtyard seared to a crisp.
[22:05] <Gina_Stone> Gina grunted. She hauled herself to her feet and checked to make sure Miles was going to be alright. Shooing the medics aside, she took a bottle of alcohol and a roll of gauze and headed over toward the med center. When she arrived, she spotted Ashe and the others hauling Eden to help, and briefly cocked a brow. Yeah, she wasn't going to ask why it took like, four people to move one
[22:05] <Gina_Stone> woman. She just assumed there was a good reason. "Yeah... these people. You missed the opening number. Firefly, I take it?" She unscrewed the alcohol bottle cap with her teeth, spitting the cap out. She dumped the bottle over the gashes, scrapes, and road rash on her arm, hissing and stomping a foot as the burning shot through her already frazzled nerves. "If I wasn't so pissed off
[22:05] <Gina_Stone> and asswhipped right now, I'd say you're a site for sore eyes. I almost wish I'd quit breathing, in hopes you'd find me."
[22:05] <vile> And cleaning up the dead bodies, and gore from the dismembered ones, that litter the ground!
[22:09] <Nightmare_Ashe> "Hey, you're not exactly hard on the eyes yourself," she says, somehow managing to remain Ashe-like despite being rather irritated about what all is happening. "And yeah, name's Ashe. Cobalt Special Ops. I was on the other end of town when all this..." she pauses to make a sweeping gesture towards the post-apocalyptic campus wasteland. "...happened. Since Sisip's not
[22:09] <Nightmare_Ashe> around, go ahead and fill me in on what happened here tonight. I'll put it in a report to Gains and make sure the appropriate asses get kicked in the next few days."