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Mayhem on the campus! 8/23 News report

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2011 11:11 pm
by vile
A newscast abruptly interrupts an episode of Sex in the City, heralded in by a close-up of none other than Blonde Bimbo. Today her make-up team was clearly rushed: she looks like she stuck her tongue in a live wall socket. Blonde hair frazzled to the point where she could pass off as a female Einstein, makeup shoddy and almost nonexistent. A smudge of red is on her lips, mismatched with some unflattering blue eye shadow. As for her clothes, it seems she nabbed a change of outfit from the wrong wardrobe: it looks a size too small and fits in the most unflattering of ways. Eyes wide, she scrambles through the papers on her desk and squints at the teleprompter. It's clear everyone was rushed.

"We have news that a major terrorist attack is occurring on Cobalt. Eyewitness reports and streaming video feeds posted on YouTube confirms it. Late in the afternoon, a band of anti-mutant protestors, one identified as Ray Spencer, were spotted at the outskirts of Crowley's Row, tying their victim, a mutant with the appearance of a chameleon, to the hood of Ray's truck. The band of two trucks, a car and motorcycle sped from Crowley's before anyone could stop them.

"Their rampage began by striking one Evelyn Harris shortly before bursting through the Academy's main gates. Ray enjoyed a joyride through the grounds, thoroughly ruining the scene while brave students brought a quick end to the vehicle. We have reports that one mutant, identified as Frank, changed his body to a metallic composition and took hold of the vehicle's door while a rear tire was blown out by a bolt from another mutant. The passenger, one Darla, fired off several rounds from a shotgun but no wounds appear to be inflicted. From the bed of the truck, two more individuals were sighted throwing Molotov cocktails at random targets. The truck soon lost control and barreled into the cafeteria, where it caught fire and exploded shortly thereafter, setting off the grenades, gasoline and remaining grain alcohol Ray and his riders were drinking.

"We just got a call in saying that three more vehicles are speeding towards the campus: the rest of the troupe, who broke off to approach from a different route." the newscaster glances off to the side and nods to someone off-screen. "We have someone live on the scene now!" she announces and whirls a hand through the air, motioning for the feed to be patched in. Blondie is replaced by a grainy view of the campus, the cafeteria up in flames, mutants scattered across the grounds, as seen from a helicopter overhead. A second chopper appears: a giant Lynx, an aircraft clearly not owned by any news station.

"There's another chopper on the scene! It's not one of ours--I hear that it belongs to High Life, owned by one Sisip Webster, and is likely manned by her. It's equipped with...what? LRAD? Long range acoustic device? Oh! Well, it's a good thing it is!" Blondie goes quiet for a second, likely studying the footage. "The vehicles have breached the campus walls: the motorcycle is...going down! Someone tackled the driver, he's skidding out and down. Whoever did that is darting away from the wreckage but the driver is not.

"It appears that whoever is in the car has a firearm: a rifle. But it's wobbling badly: the driver seems to be unable to steady it long enough for a shot. that the--yes, that's Frank!" in the footage, a man can be seen throwing himself onto the hood of the car as the vehicle spins out. It weaves one way then another before crashing into the pool. Frank soon emerges, the driver hanging from over his shoulder. "And Frank appears to be doing CPR on one of his attackers. I bet they didn't see that coming!

"There's still a truck rampaging." she points out as the camera swivels around, zooming in on the thing just as it careens straight into a crowd of gawking students. Bodies fly like ragdolls, one student is embedded in the windshield. Blondie gasps in horror. "Oh no!" she mumbles, taken aback by the footage. "That's just..." and she abruptly shuts up when the truck is lifted off the ground and held a good twenty feet up in the air. The driver leans out with a shotgun, aims it at the floating Eden and fires off a round at her. "He missed!" Blondie cries, sounding relieved. But after staying in the air for a good ten or so minutes, the vehicle lowers to the ground, slowly until the last couple of feet where it's allowed to drop. The shotgun goes off again, Eden falls to the ground.

A motorcycle can be seen roaring into the scene, "A fifth vehicle enters the scene..." the reporter can be heard narrating. "One of the people on scene reports that's a member of the X-team. It appears she's too late..." Blondie says, a sad tone in her voice. Ashe can be seen getting off the bike, heads over to the driver of the truck after he drug himself out and steps on his back to pin him down.

The cleanup crew can be seen bolting around: people from the medical center bolt out to collect the wounded and doll out triage to those in true need. Hydro and pyrokinetics kill the fire in the cafeteria with some effort. Four people lift the downed Eden to carry her to the med center.

"The attack seems to have ended and efforts to rebuild the campus have begun again. After a similar, but much more thought-out, attack earlier this year...they have been through this song and dance before." the footage cuts and Blondie looks into the camera, a somber look on her face. "And this is not the last attack. We've heard reports that there have been threats placed against the school, including ones from headed by Martha, who appeared a couple of weeks ago, sharing her views on the spider attack on the city.

"As the imminent danger seems to be done with, we will return to the usual programming. Please tune in tomorrow for more in-depth coverage on this event, including some interviews with people from the campus."

Re: Mayhem on the campus!

Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2011 11:18 pm
by vile

Interview with Sisip+cleanup efforts

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 10:50 pm
by vile
Once again Blondie pops up on the screen of TVs across the city, having something else exciting to report. "We're joining Kyle on scene on Cobalt Academy's grounds, or right outside of it. Kyle, what's the scene like, following the incident last night?"

The screen changes, Blondie is replaced by a black man in his mid thirties, dressed in a dark suit. A hand is lifted and he gestures for the camera to pan and show the clean up efforts going on in one of the buildings. "Where once a cafeteria stood, now lies a pile of rubble and burnt debris. It appears that the vehicles used as weapons have been removed already, as have any remains of the victims and perpetrators alike. Tents are set up outside the medical center to tend to the overflow of the injured.

"The only thing that remains is to start rebuilding. And that's what the residents of the campus are already doing. It hasn't even been a full day and florakinetics are already hard at work restoring the grass and flower bed. Hydrokinetics help as well, giving the plants the water they desperately need. Geokinetics clear out the rubble while ferrokinetics assist in the removal of the cafeteria metal supports. The atmosphere is still grim but hope glimmers on the horizon. This is not the first time the campus has been ripped asunder by violence: roughly a year ago some brainwashed students destroyed part of the campus and only a few months ago, CAMO stormed the gates and slaughtered dozens with their dampening field.

"And that's the state of the campus. Saint Mary's Church has organized a candlelight vigil for this weekend and are accepting donations to aid those affected by the terrible loss experienced by the victims of this event. Back to you, Blondie." he ends the segment with a bob of his head and the faintest of smiles.

After featuring some interviews with various rubbernecks and complete morons who had been on the scene last night, the Blonde Bimbo, with her frizzy hair and horrid make-up, dolled up in a red and white suit that fits in the least flattering way, announces they have another interview to conduct! She turns in her chair and gestures to one beside her, featuring the guest! "And now to hear from one of the courageous students that rallied together to fight the terrorists that attacked Cobalt last evening. Sisip Webster, the unofficial leader of the X-team, who piloted the helicopter utilizing LRAD technology to help neutralize the threat."

Sisip is wearing what she'd been wearing that night, her black skintight catsuit. The combat ready one. Dark hair is pulled back into a ponytail as wisps of bangs curl around her face. She doesn't look pleased in the least. She was only here because someone had to defend the actions of the students who were attacked. She gives a bit of a nod.

"So, Miss Webster, do you have any idea what sparked the attacks last night? We got wind of a threat pointed at the school from the leader of one of many anti-mutant groups situated in the city. Do you believe they had anything to do with the assault?"

Shaking her head the injin woman sighs softly, a tired sound. "Tension has been fairly high these days. The government's implementation of the anti-SND and Holowatch regulations has everyone on edge. We've been hoping it would smooth out, that things would return to normal soon but unfortunately it doesn't look like that is happening." She pauses a moment, head shaking once again in a negative fashion, "Though I do not believe that last night's ruthless, callus and deplorable attack against school children in such a cowardly fashion was something that the group headed up by Martha Smith was responsible for. She believes in the freedom for peaceful protest, I will not believe she would condone something like this."

"Yes, but a threat is a threat." Blondie points out with a nod of her head, lips pressing together into a thin line. "This is the second major attack on the school grounds this year. Do you expect to endure any further ones? Do you think there will be a campus to defend after the next one, should it break out?" she asks and glances at a teleprompter before turning her attention back to her guest. "And is there any talk going on about temporarily shutting down the campus or ramping up security?"

Sisip shakes her head, "Making a threat and following through with it are two different beasts. Again, I do not believe, and sincerely hope, that Martha Smith's group was not behind this." She reinforces her belief sternly before clearing her throat. "I really hope this will be the last, but if it is not I know the school will be prepared as much as one can be for something like this. Yes, there will be a campus to defend. We won't let intolerance and ignorance be the downfall of all the good that Cobalt Hill Academy has created." She smiles softly, "I'm afraid I'm not nearly important enough to know what Dean Santiago has in store for the school right now, but I'm sure whatever steps he takes to recover from this disgusting attack will be in the best interest of the school."

"Quite true, Miss Webster." Blondie replies with a nod of her head. "And that's the fighting spirit we expect from upstanding citizens. But not everyone at the campus can be called a 'good guy', like those that made attempts to save the very people who attacked them. Given the fatal blows that have been given by the X-team in the past, do you believe this attack could have been revenge for such an action? Retribution from a family that was impact by one of those deaths?" she asks and leans forward, forearms settling on her desk, as she watches the other woman intensely. "Given the outcome of an encounter with the X-team ending with death, it's surprising that the rescue attempts were made at all. Is that something taught during training? To execute one's foe in battle? Is murder in the best interest of the school?"

"Well I certainly cannot begin to speculate as to the how's and why's when it comes to the motives behind this attack, nor will I comment on the actions of the team in the past except to say that the team is called out to handle crimes and go up against violent criminals, they do not target school children in their homes." Sisip gets a look of 'wtf' as the reporter asks if murder is in the best interest of the school. "Are you serious? Murder is never in the best interest for anything and to suggest that it is a surprising thing that a rescue was attempted outlandish, inflammatory and bordering on slanderous. Wanting to save lives is not something you teach, it's something that every human being - mutant or not - should have inside them naturally." She frowns. "Those on the team who ignore that are reviewed, in a similar fashion to that of military or police departments, and if warranted, removed from duty."

Blondie nods, not reacting to the look or accusations of slander. "But you can't deny that the X-team acted more like an execution squad than a group committed to save people, in the past at least, review or no review. The mortality rate is astonishing, with someone going home in a body bag each time the team was sent out. If the reviews were anything like what any formal agency undergoes, there must not be much of a team left." the woman states in a flat tone, giving off absolutely no emotion during her line of questions.

"Yes, I can deny it, and I do deny it. The media likes to focus on the deaths of lawbreaking criminals, turning them into some sort of martyr, rather than all of the times the team has cleaned up situations that would get even worse. Even -in- the past. I also believe you are mistaking general events with times the team has been sent out. Simply because a group of mutants is involved in an affair does not mean the X-team has been called out. More often, in fact, it is that sort of situation that occurs and media, trying to raise ratings, attributes it to a team.. because that's more interesting than 'a group of people on the street'."

The woman's look of indifference remains! "Is the X-team affiliated with any law enforcement group, such as META? Or is it just another group of vigilantes endowed with mutations?" she asks, completely ignoring...most of what Sisip said. It seems this interview is nothing more than to boost ratings! How surprising. Not really.

Realizing this had gone from 'tell us about the attack' to 'uguyzaremutants' Sisip gives a soft smile, a pleasant one. "I'm afraid I do have to cut this interview short. We've gone past time and I promised the school I would help in cleanup from the attack. Quite a few of the children were sent to the hospital because of it and I also need to swing by and cheer them up." She laughs sadly, "A lot of work to do and so little time to do it, but I do want to thank you for having me on to discuss last night's horrific attack on the school."

In a turn of events, Blondie smiles juuuust as sweetly! "Thank you for joining us, Miss Webster." she turns to the camera and smiles just a bit more. "And there you have it: the presence of mutant vigilantes doesn't necessarily mean the school's X-team is that group responding. The school is that: a school. And it suffered a terrorist attack last night. St.Mary's Church has arranged for a candlelight vigil to take place on Friday outside the grounds to mourn those that passed on last night. If there are any donations to be made, please see Father John at the church. We have attempted to contact Martha Smith but she has been unavailable to attend an interview."