Wilber Obed Whately. [Mythos/Korrock]

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Wilber Obed Whately. [Mythos/Korrock]

Post by lllithid »

Public Information

Name: Wilbur Obed Whately
Alias: Mythos or Korrock
Age: 25
Date of Birth: October 31st
Hometown: Arkham, Massachusetts.

Height: 6'10"
Weight: 290 lbs
Hair Color: None.
Eye Color: Glowing Yellow.
Nationality/Race: N/A

Occupation: Other.
Personality Profile: The new Wilbur, with his flesh altered into a shape more comfortable for him; has overcome much of his inborn awkwardness. He still speaks with an extremely intelligent tone, eloquent and soft spoken. He seems much more confident now, though never touching quite on gregarious. There still seems to be something “wrong” with him in turns of his mental state, but it’s hard to put a finger on it now, as it doesn’t seem to “wrong” anymore.
Physical Description:
The new Wilbur, is more monster then man. His shoulders towered about 6’10” off of the ground, though he rarely stood that high anymore. His body was hairless, the skin now an ink black hide, covered in eel-like, nearly invisible scales. The face was elongated into a vaguely reptilian/canine muzzle; three solid-yellow eyes on each side shone brightly, giving him a strange 6-eyed stare. His mouth, filled by thousands of needle like teeth was usually kept closed, but in lapse moments his smile is truly an awful thing. His body was long and lanky; legs backwards bending and almost digitigrade, as his feet had been altered into three toed, birdlike talons. His arms were just as different, featuring as they did an extra joint, making them twist and move in wholly inhuman ways. His hands were 6-fingered now, having two opposable thumbs, with each finger longer and extra jointed. They were tipped in long heavy claws, the sort made to tear into stone and meat. The entire form was layered in muscle, giving the beast a sinewy, but powerful grace to its movements. His smell is also off, overly musky, but not sickeningly so. His clothes are even more concealing than ever, although with his body there is only so much possible. His classic oilskin coat concealed him for the most part, with layers of shirts and such obscuring his torso. Legs covered by black jeans, his feet left bare due to their shape. His voice remained the Very-Deep bass tone he used to have, but a very subtle undertone of high pitch gives it a subtle reverb effect now.
Character Picture: None.

Restricted Information

(Be detailed!)

Mutation/Powers (Maximum of three):

Primary: Psuedonatural Horror! Wilbur isn't what he seems. While he used to seem human, now he resembles the monster he is at heart; though do not be fooled, for even under the new monster, is yet a more terrible beast. At will, Wilbur is capable of sloughing off his “normal” form, and assuming the shape of a multi-Eyed, multi-Mouthed, tentacled, clawed, and well, grotesque monster right out of the most fervent nightmares of H.P.Lovecraft himself. The exact details on the form change every single time Wilbur assumes it, but in general it has the following traits.
-Multiple Limbs. Be they arms, tentacles or weirder. Wilbur possesses more appendages then he should.
-Multi-Senses. Possessing more eyes, ears, mouths, noses and such.Wilbur is capable of perceiving the world all around him at once. Sometimes these senses extend into ranges not normally available, but other times he ends up worse off than normal. A residual of this power now remains in his normal form, enabling him to perceive higher and lower wavelengths and such then a normal human; along with improving his sensory acuity to that of a wild animal. Though his monstrous form gains yet greater senses.
-Protoplasmic Horror. The body, although looking weird, is mostly homogenous (made the same material throughout). This means that it possess no notable "Weak Spots". While no more durable than normal flesh (or bone, or chitin..), it proves quite resilient simply due to this. With his new monstrous body being more in-tune with this, his healing has altered a bit to be more in tune with his protoplasmic self. That is, his body heals as if it were all one mass, enabling him to regenerate lost limbs and repair otherwise “fatal” damage as if it were no more than a bruise or cut.

A side effect of this power is that elements from it occasionally bleed over into his “normal body”. This is random, but occasionally his other self will bleed over and momentarily make him a tad more grotesque then was before.

Secondary: "Summoning". Wilbur possesses an innate ability to perceive worlds and spaces not kin to ours. With great effort, he is capable of reaching into these other places, and drawing forth what he finds. This takes the form of him tearing open short lived "Holes" in space, and from them bringing out monsters every bit as awful as what he can become. These creates, due to them not being native to our world.only can exist here for so long, before the pressures of our reality force them back to whence they came. (Taking about 20-30 minutes). The largest creature Wilbur has been able to summon has been about 50% larger than the size of a large horse, although it bore no resemblance to a horse.

Tertiary: Not Human Anymore. A holdover from his Monster-Self, and now an aspect of his new self; is that Wilbur's internal structure is no longer “Human” by any sense of the word; not even as a “Mutant Human”. While this makes it very hard for doctors to treat him, it makes it largely irrelevant. No terrestrial pathogen or toxin is capable of affecting him. He remains a carrier though, with the disease or poison still in his system. Recently, his body has undergone even more drastic changes, endowing him with low superhuman attributes; he is faster, stronger, tougher then he had ever been before, operating at roughly twice human potential.

How do you believe this character's powers will further develop in the future? Larger Creatures Summoned. A more potent "Other" form. Maybe being able to travel via the portals.

Background: The less known about Wilbur's family and upbringing, the better. Oh, it wasn't anything truly monstrous. He isn't inbred; he doesn't come from a family of cannibalistic mass murderers. He comes from a nice, upstanding family in the small farming down of Arkham Massachusetts. Well, upstanding on the surface. It was a physically and mentally abusive home. His father was violent and his mother was fond of elaborate head games. This lead to a "Disturbed" young man, growing into adulthood while growing further and further away from "normal". Oh! He was never violent, he got -fantastic- grades in school and put on all the proper facades in public, but something in him was festering and slowly growing more and more awful as time passed.

And suddenly, it wasn't on the inside anymore. It happened on his 17th Birthday. He had been forced to move out at the age of 16, and was living in an Illegal basement apartment. It was late, he was watching the late-show and eating dinner, when he suddenly realized..his fingers had been replaced by tentacles. A normal man would have screamed and reacted badly.

"Huh. Well..look at that." was his response. He finished his dinner, and began to contemplate this. He spent three days holed up in his place, learning about his other form. How to turn into it, and how to turn back from it. It was during this time he first "Saw" or "Felt" things beyond his perception. Things outside the world..and he felt he was somehow able to touch them. It was during those same days he learned to draw them forth, and learned of their limits.

He wasn't sure what to make of it all. He had long ago realized he was a mutant, but was yet unclear as to the implications of that. And where does one go when one doesn't have information? The Library! He went, and via the Internet..found the name "Cobalt".

"A remarkable coincidence really." He thought to himself, smiling as fate seemed to draw him to this place. He wasn't sure what to make of it, but it has to be better than being a Monster in a basement right? Exactly.

Very recently, while attending Cobalt Academy and working to solve the riddle of a power boosting chemical known as “Amp-X” Wilbur accidently exposed himself to an extremely pure, concentrated form of the active ingredient, giving him a rather impressive power boost, but altering his form into something entirely inhuman.

Quirks/Extras (Special skills, links, etc.): Wilbur is by any terms, an out and out genius. Although not superhuman n terms of mental ability, he is easily in the top 1 percent of normal human intellect.
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