Thomas Marshall [Skylight]

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Thomas Marshall [Skylight]

Post by Thomas`Marshall »

IRC Nickname: Thomas`Marshall

Name: Thomas Marshall
Alias: Skylight
Age: 30
Date of Birth: October 31st, 1985
Hometown: Phoenix, Arizona

Height: 6 feet 2 inches
Weight: 200lbs even
Hair Color: Red
Eye Color: Hazel, faded red when using pyrokinesis
Nationality/Race: Caucasian
Occupation: Was a firefighter

Personality Profile: His powers have had an effect on his personality, making him brighter and more outgoing. He's actually proud to be what he is and isn't afraid to show everyone what he can do. *Note: He does keep safety in mind while doing demonstrations.*

Physical Description: Look to picture

Character Picture (Optional): Image


Mutation/Powers: Fire-related

Primary : Fire Generation: Thomas has the ability to create a flame in his hand from nothing. Able to throw fireballs (unlimited in amount until wore out), as well as keep a continous stream of fire coming from his hand for short bursts (3 seconds at a time, a 2 minute time lapse before he can stream again). This ability does draw from him physically if used continously for a vast amount of time.

Secondary : Fire Manipulation: Thomas is able to, not only control the direction of the thrown fireballs and the stream of flame coming from his fire generation, but he also has the ability to move, and continously move, any already created fire. This power takes more concentration and he normally stays still while using it. He can continously control any already created flame for up to 3 minutes, depending on the size of the fire.

Tertiary : Flight: His unwinged flight leaves a small trail of flame behind him. Not a long tail behind him, but it is enough to be visible. Right now, he is topped at around 95-100 mph in flight. He can remain in the air for around 2 hours if needed until it starts to weaken him and he needs to rest or get a full meal to recover.

Drawbacks/Weaknesses : If he uses his fire manipulation or generation for too long of a time without taking a break and resting, it can completely weaken him to a point where he cannot move on his own. The weakness for his flight ability is if he stays in the air over 2 hours, it could possibly have fatal consequences, depending on how high in the air he is when he starts getting weak.

How do you believe this character's powers will further develop in the future? With training of his powers and focusing on bettering them, he should be able to engulf his entire body in flame safely. Over time, he should gain more speed in his flight, as well as the ability to stay in the air longer without using up so much energy.

Background: Thomas grew up like any normal kid would... Nothing major happening in the early years of his life... Until he hit his teenage years...

At the age of 14, while out with a group of friends from school, he found out he could fly, or what he considered floating at that time, and shoot fire from his hands. His friends talked him into climbing up an incredibly sketchy tree. First mistake, listening to a group of friends that wouldn't even do it themselves. Second mistake, not following his own instincts, which told him to leave and not look back. After getting about 15 feet up in the tree, a branch snapped below his feet. Emotions hit on the way down and he never touched the ground. He found himself looking between crossed arms at the tree he just fell out of, which was a nice charred black, with his friends circled around him. He wanted to experiment with this some more.

As he got older, he would learn that he could not only create fire from his own hands, but control already existing fire. He started with lighters, then moved to campfires, then bigger fires later in his life. He would concentrate of the fire, using the fire manipulation to completely move an entire fire, even put them out on certain occasions.

He figured the ability to control fire, put fires out without need of water, and fly would help in a certain job. He applied at a volunteer fire department and started working there. His knowledge of fire was a big part of what kept him there and got him a full time job at the fire department. He was having fun working at the fire department and wanted it more and more. He began starting fires on his own and would call the fire department, "meeting" them there in his own car, suiting up on site, and fighting the fire. He wouldn't burn buildings or anything important, only brush fires in the deserts.

He decided he would quit his job at the fire department before someone got suspicious of him. He did some research on his abilities and found out about Cobalt Academy. He paid for everything needed with the money earned from his firefighting job. He hadn't spent a penny of it on anything. He lived at his house and the fire department. Food and clothing were provided.

Quirks/Extras (Random fun facts about your character!): His body temperature is normally always higher than normal. He isn't affected much by the cold unless it is raining. In rain, he stays bundled up in as much clothing as possible.
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