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Evelyn Chambers

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 11:58 pm
by tumbleweed
IRC Nickname:

Name: Evelyn Chambers
Age: 28
Date of Birth: 2/24
Hometown: Chicago, IL

Height: 5'9
Weight: 144
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Hazel
Nationality/Race: African American

Former Occupation: Professional Women's MMA Fighter
Current Occupation: Law Student

Personality Profile: Evelyn takes a pessimistic view of the world but is otherwise friendly and sociable, loyal to a point, and sometimes incapable of expressing her feelings and thoughts with words. She's quick to excite but isn't very people oriented or savvy when it comes to making friends that aren't into athleticism and sports.

Physical Description: Generally, Evelyn has always sported the build of an athletic female but has never been so muscular that she seems more masculine than female. Her figure is proportionate with exception to increased mass and muscular definition in the thighs, though her legs are long and and shapely. Her overall figure has a comely silhouette thanks to rigorous exercise and workout, complete with a complexion as brown as butter toffee. She has no shortage of hair and has never worn 'weave' though her natural brown curls reach her collarbone and she has a tendency to dye them pretty shades of red. A tail roughly three feet in length is everpresent and possesses a spaded 'Devil' tip that she is capable of obscuring beneath skirts, dresses, and baggier pants or bottoms--otherwise, she's had the majority of her wardrobe altered to allow for its comfort. It is covered in a light layer of plush silver fur.

As the full moon approaches
Evelyn undergoes change as the moon completes its phases. Her warm brown skin color gradually attains a silvern overlay during the final days before the full moon. Her teeth, ears, and nails elongate and sharpen unnaturally while her eyes and hair darken. The worst of this occurs the day prior to the full moon, the night of, and the night after. Before and after that, its present in varying degrees.

Character Picture (Optional):



Primary : Lunar Absorption
Evelyn's abilities are fueled by moonlight and lunar rays. In summary, she is like Superman but incapable of drawing her power from the sun. Without exposure to unfiltered moonlight, Evelyn's ability falters and fails, reducing her power that night, and of course, the following day until she is able to 'recharge'. While her powers will work during the day, she cannot hold it in like a 'battery' by simply refusing to use her powers. She must receive direct exposure to moonlight each evening for at least a reasonable amount of time. (An hour or so.) What this allows her to do is operate at maximum efficiency for a human being beyond the limits of what is considered 'normal'. She sprints faster, leaps further, heals more quickly, and lastly, her body is capable of recovering rapidly from muscle overexertion. Typically, if a grievous injury might take someone 5 weeks of recovery time, Evelyn might recover in 1 week if it occurs around the time of the full moon for her to receive the maximum benefit of her power. if not, it could take as long as 3 weeks time, recovery slowing to a crawl as the moon decreases in size.

Secondary : Lunar Energy Projection - Lunar Kick
While she is not a battery or capable of storing excess energy, she can choose to rapidly deplete and use what already exists in her body if the action takes place during the day, or she will constantly draw strength from the moon at night. She usually channels this into her feet via a kick to the face. The force of it is directly equivalent to a person being hit by a mack truck speeding 100 miles an hour down a highway and creates shockwaves that ripple for many yards. :3

Tertiary : Animal Shape Shifting - Beast of the Night
Evelyn has the minor ability of taking the form of another creature, though it is strictly related only to animals viewed as 'dark' or 'night creatures'. She has no control over the ability and the result of her transformation is entirely randomized. While occupying these forms, she retains her mental awareness, intelligence, and ability to comprehend her surroundings. She cannot communicate with humans unless the form itself has a natural ability to speak or the other party has telepathic abilities or the talent of speaking with animals.

In differing shapes, her body remains affected by the state of the moon and strength and speed are enhanced as what would be expected for that particular animal or beast.

Randomized rolling is a d3 : 1) Wolf 2) Bat 3) Raven

ImageWolf - Heightened senses of smell and hearing. The wolf is darkly furred and black, yellow eyed and weighs roughly 120 pounds. A typical wolf is capable of running almost 34-38 miles an hour for up to 20 minutes without rest. "The animal can develop a crushing pressure of perhaps 1,500 lbf/in2 compared to 750 lbf/in2 for a German shepherd. This force is sufficient to break open most bones,[39] as well as cut through half inch lassos with one snap."

ImageGreater Noctule Bat - Outstanding manueverability and speed in mid-air as well as echolocation, but poor visual sight. "Echolocation allows bats to compare the outgoing pulse with returning echoes which produces detailed images of the bat's surroundings. With echolocation, bats are able to detect, localize and classify their prey in complete darkness."

ImageRaven - The form of a common raven is roughly 3.9 pounds in weight, covered in glossy black feathers and possesses a 58 inch wing span. In this particular body she appears no different from the average common black raven but is capable of mimicking all variety of sounds and human speech.

Drawbacks/Weaknesses/Side Effects : The strength of Evelyn's powers are equivalent to the current phase of the moon. During the full moon she attains the very maximum potential and during the new moon she is no different from any other human woman of exceptional athleticism. As the amount of moon decreases and eventually becomes a crescent, her potential and ability decreases proportionately, at half power and strength during a half moon until eventually she is a normal human woman during the new moon although she will still register as a mutant during screenings, scans, tests, and any sort of scans held by mutants with x-gene seeking/reading powers.

Likewise, her powers enable her to perform better than the typical human being in most circumstances however she is not bullet proof, bleeds, and receives injury as much as any other person. It simply behooves her to avoid taking injury at all if possible. She is not flame proof, impervious to daggers, ice shards, weird mutant telepathic assault, and other such things.

How do you believe this character's powers will further develop in the future? (Note: Not required for staff members.) She is an adult mutant and her powers are very likely at their maximum potential for her lifetime.

Background: A childhood of athleticism, girl's basketball, soccer, track and field, kickboxing lessons and a college scholarship created a bright future for Evelyn Chambers, youngest child of five. As the first child of her family to receive a full-tuition paid scholarship to school, both parents were very proud to call Evie their daughter. Four loving older brothers watched over Evelyn over the years and naturally she became more of a tomboy thanks to their influence.

Evelyn's popularity as a mma fighter grew as she finished school and developed a natural affinity for demolishing her opponents. She was always a very athletic girl, but it wasn't until the past year that things went absolutely wrong. During a fight, Evelyn's powers manifested for the first time, resulting in a kick that not only defeated her opponent, but left the woman crippled for the rest of her life and in need of a ventilator. Her career was in shambles, she was hated, her titles stripped, and Evelyn left her home city to flee to Cobalt in the wake of new mutant legislatures and hopes of rebuilding her life. Ever since the day of their first manifestation, she has begun to take on physical changes and Chicago has since become unsafe for her as well as other mutants.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts:
Evelyn also plays the piano, likes aquariums and fish, and enjoys surfing.
Paint by Numbers is fun
So is Black Ops, which she's known to login to PS3 to play from time to time when recovering from a particularly difficult workout
P.S. Her family still loves her.