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The Building That Lived

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 10:20 pm
by tumbleweed
[18:22] <Mask> 14"Well, not that dense of an urban area. Seems a little bit out in the boonies to me," 6he said as he looked out a window. Denton would glance among the western massachusets terrain, which knowing the state should be an abundance of tree covered hills. Making his way off of the plane, he'd glance around the area. He could feel the pull of the wild on him, feel it's 6<>
[18:22] <Mask> 6<> strength coursing through him. He was definatly going to be of some use here. Taking the long bow off of his shoulder, he'd pull an arrow from the quiver and notch it on the bow string. His eyes would scan the area while his he'd tilt his head towards the direction of the wind. 6<>
[18:22] * Sean ( Quit
[18:22] * Fiction unbuckles himself from his seat. He sighs softly, and keeps his yellow eyes open. He wasn't shifting yet, there wasn't a chance in hell of that. He wouldn't shift until the time was ready.
[18:23] * Bess ( has joined #cobalt*salem
[18:23] * Bess is now known as Sean
[18:24] * Melody` was quiet most of the trip there..she didn't find much reason to talk unless talked to. So as the jet comes in closer to their destination, she unbuckles her seat belt and immediately looks to Blank, their leader, for orders..directions, whatever one might call them. Either way..she was going to follow them and not be stupid..she wanted to return home and wanted to make sure that most here did so as well.
[18:24] <Isis> Its definitely out in the boonies, for secrecy and security measures. There are all of the expected securities up, poles with cameras sitting quite blatantly in sight. But of course, nobody is rushing out to shoot you, or bomb you. There's no sentinel rising out of the rooftop and spelling out your doom. It's eerily quiet and only the thrum of too much machinery and possibly, power generators, 6-
[18:24] <Isis> 6- though one can't be too sure. Phantasm remains *behind*, as she's there to protect any students that change their minds, or come back with injuries, not to lead the main group.
[18:24] * PinballQueen (dfgldjfg@6ca5ecfa.6ca5ecc1.70.23.imsk) Quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
[18:25] * SarahWalker is now known as PinballQueen
[18:25] * Jubal let the straps loose on his chair. He would wait for everyone else to get off of the jet. He wasn't going to be the first one out. Let them all set off the alarms and get stuck in fighting trained soldiers.
[18:25] * Merge`Bess was ready to leave. "If anyone has some material I can absorb that you think may come in handy for me to turn into, please give it to me now." She said, standing up and moving to leave the plane.
[18:26] * PinballQueen has some brains, but decides not to offer.
[18:26] * Blank probed outward seeking to sense the metal intertwining that would tell of pipes, doors, and structure. The facility was plain from the surface, but if it had depth to it, there would be issues. He sought to determine how far into the ground the facility went, and especially any areas that were conspicuously empty of metals within the building structure. A hand gesture to move foward was
[18:26] <Blank> given, and he began to hover feet a few inches off the ground as he moved foward in silence, finally speaking. "Keep your heads on a swivel, for camera's, trip wires..turrets, mines. There are no visible personel and that is suspect."
[18:27] * Melody` checked her pockets on hearing Merge's words and offered a screw, one of those that would fit into the wheel of her skate board, an extra just in case. Easing out of the jet, she doesn't really speak, trying to get into that mental focuse, but moves closer to Blank while searching the area.. it was too quiet...way to freakin quiet.
[18:28] * Fiction ( Quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
[18:29] * Iyala sighs and looks around at everyone she lowers her head and begins to transform into her less then pleasant wraith form ( to save people the purple I will post it in message if you ask or you can look on the board )
[18:29] * PinballQueen slips on the gear from her bag- nothing terribly exciting, just protective gear suitible for, say, rollerblading or plunging around at breakneck speeds with mutant powers. Slips on her wraparound safety glasses- if there was one thing Norm Abrams of the New Yankee workshop had taght her, it was to ALWAYS WEAR SAFETY GLASSES.
[18:29] * Dove_Fireclaw ( has joined #cobalt*salem
[18:30] * Jubal carried himself out of the jet. He didn't bother trying to sneak. It'd be hard with everyone else for him to sneak, anyway. He stayed back, however, trying to keep from being noticed by . . . well, anything on or in the building that could notice them.
[18:31] * Fiction ( has joined #cobalt*salem
[18:31] * Sean would move next to Jubal. "Don't get stupid, Jube." he said worriedly, eyes glowing as what appeared to be heat ripples rose from his hands.
[18:31] <Mask> 6Denton would go to aim the arrow towards one of the cameras, squinting his left eye. Something didn't seem right to him about this place at all. However, realizing that if there were people inside, that they'd know the group was here, he lowered the bow and eased the string. 14"So, what's the plan of action," 6he asked.
[18:32] * Merge`Bess shook her head at Melody. "I can't fuse with metal, the screw won't work." She remained rubber, moving to stand next to Blank.
[18:33] * Fiction remains silent and in the back of the group. He was just watching, watching and waiting. He's learned his lesson through broken skin, and broken bones. He would be taking his time on this mission
[18:34] * Micromax ( has joined #cobalt*salem
[18:34] * Blank lashed out violently, seeking to crush the delecate electronics of the camera's in place to monitor approaches with magnetics, simply put they'd just stop working with no overt signs of destruction, though the interior would show an entirely different story. "Plan of action is that we find an alternative entrance...main doors are obvious, as is sewer system, skylights. They know we are here,
[18:34] <Blank> they do not know where we will enter from so we keep that as an advantage...the building has..." he paused concentrating for a minute "At least two sub basements" he nodded to the wall. "We go in there, the cameras are someone...tear a hole in the wall..."
[18:35] * Melody` nods and shoves it back into her pocket, 14"what else can't you fuse with? I have a gum wrapper in here too."6 she unfolds the gum and offers Bess the shiny paper, before looking to Blank, 14"I can create some fog if that'll help, but then again..maybe that's noticeable.."6 she kept her voice down and moved quietly with the others, though paused in her talking to listen to Blank.
[18:35] * Dove_Fireclaw stood, rubbing his non-SND'ed arm nervously.
[18:36] * Iyala places a hand on Blank's shoulder she asks "prehaps we should be subtle? they have commited no legal crimes so we should be careful about running around wrecking up the joint"
[18:36] <Isis> If someone realized their cameras and a vital part of their security system had fizzled, they gave no indication of it. There's ominous silence.. and a nothingness which seems extraordarinily suspicious in these circumstances.
[18:37] * Fiction looks at the wall for a moment. He could possibly change wouldn't work. it wouldn't work at all. He frowns and watches everyone.
[18:38] <Mask> 14"I could get on the roof if need be," 6said Denton as he looked up towards the top of the factory. He was out in nature, where even the vileness of the factory couldn't stop his powers from running strong through his blood. Out here, he wasn't just quick, he was the wind.
[18:39] * Micromax looked to the other."umm perhaps if you can find a small opening i can get in and open the door."he wasnt sure of all this but he came along anyway.
[18:39] * Merge`Bess moved foreward. "I can make a door." She said, sinking her hands into the wall and absorbing matter, making a small, growing hole. She ran her hands along the hole she made, sucking up mass as fast as she could, turning into the same material as the wall. Soon she had absorbed too much and dropped one arm to eject crumbling chunks of wall to fall at her feet in a continuous stream as she 6-
[18:39] <Merge`Bess> 6- went on sucking up matter.
[18:40] * Jubal looked over at Sean, his smirk returning. "Don't try to be a hero," was his only response to the man's advice. Do anything stupid? Wasn't getting on the jet in the first place stupid for him?
[18:40] <Meryl> 3<5Caroline3>14 "Right then... If anyone gets hurt, just call my name, okay?"
[18:41] * Blank shook his head "No fog, that would obscure our vision as much as theirs...and they know the lay out here." he nodded as Bess made a hole in the wall, her method was crude and less broad than his but it would offer some subtlety. "Kids...this is either a trap...or we have the worst timing ever." his statement hung in the air as he slipped throug Bess's doorway.
[18:41] * Sean sighed and resigned himself to staying at Jubes side for the mission, making sure his dumb ass didn't get lazer-Julienne'd again.
[18:41] <Isis> (hold up blank)
[18:41] <Blank> ((kk))
[18:43] <Isis> Bess begins to suck up the mass..and suck it up.. the hole steadily widening to allow her to make an entrance for those present, however, as she should be able to reach all the way through it, she cannot. Something hinders her progress past those first exterior layers of stone and mortar. If sensation remains in her fingers due to her change in form, she'll feel moisture. It's wet, warm... and 6-
[18:43] <Isis> 6- she'll find that the barrier which prohibits their entrance further into the building, is of noticable thickness but is easy to penetrate and tear through to get inside. Upon the interior of the building is a grisly scene. Dismembered limbs and bone matter that are likely human in origin lay on the floor. The corridor that you have entered houses little more that.
[18:43] * Iyala moved with the group her dark shadowy smoke hovering metal long blades and her face 8 feet above the ground while her pale human face swiveled around looking behind her she noticed Dove and slowed to keep pace beside him
[18:44] <Meryl> 6Caroline stops dead in her tracks when she sees the body parts.14 "H...holy shit..."
[18:45] * Dove_Fireclaw looked at Iyala, a little surprised to recognize her... "Umm.. N-nice?"
[18:45] * Fiction frowns at the body parts. 14 14"We should tread carefully....those might be the people the X-Team heard screaming..."6 he frowns deeper. He wasn't liking this, at all.
[18:45] <Isis> The ground is moist, and very slippery, what should be facility sterile tile for an expensive laboratory has an unidentified fluid spilling out over the floor that spells suspiciously like floor. Its source cannot be identified just yet.
[18:45] * Merge`Bess bit back a shriek as she pulled away her hand, it was covered in blood. "Christ!" she hissed, wiping it furiously on the wall, scraping stone on stone.
[18:46] * Melody` widens her eyes seeing the grisly mess and swallows back the bile that rises in the back of her throat. Taking a breath, she moves in after the others, moving quietly and slowly.. 14"This cannot be good..this is like outta a movie or Resident Evil or something.."6 she felt a shiver run down her spine, but she was already here and like hell she'd be turning back now.
[18:46] * Iyala frowns for a moment at Dove's reaction and her lips streighten she says "its my mutation... now you know why I don't go showing it off, anyways lets stay focused" she looks back to the wall and then to Dove for a moment and then follows everyone
[18:47] <Isis> smells like blood^
[18:47] * Micromax is now known as Solaris
[18:48] * Dove_Fireclaw smiles. "N-no, I-I l-like i-it.." He said even as she turned, picking up his pace and attempting not to go green at the sight before them.
[18:48] <Mask> 6Denton, who had spent most of his life as wolf kin, would give the body parts a look over before just shaking his head. 14"Sad waste of meat, whoever these parts belong to," 6he says as looks over the floor. His nose would pick up the familure coppery scent of blood, something that he didn't need enhanched senses to identify. 14"Blood, everywhere," 6he said as h 6<>
[18:48] <Mask> 6<> e looked the scene over, trying to find bite marks on the limbs that he saw. 6<>
[18:48] * PinballQueen stays BACK.
[18:49] * Fiction 's hand twitches. He tries to remain calm, this was, a massacre. This was not right, not for any reason, and the rage boiled up inside, even if the outside remained calm.
[18:50] * Blank grunted as the smell of death hit his nose, bowel and blood filled the air as severed limbs and gutted torso's littered the floor. He said nothing, those with good sense would stay the hell away from the scene of mass violent murder with whatever killed them possibly still lurking around. He opted to go in, drawing on nearby metals, liquifying a girder or to to shadow him, a thin disk shape
[18:50] <Blank> hovering beneath his feet. "Right...bodies ripped, not cuaterized...not Sentinals. Lets assume that whatever did this is still here,"
[18:51] <PinballQueen> "How do we know that there's no biological agent... disease... getting all over you guys RIGHT NOW?
[18:51] <PinballQueen> "
[18:51] <Isis> There are no visible bitemarks. The limbs seem severed but rather jaggedly in fact as if someone used a hatchet and required multiple swings for removal. Further inspection as some look over the scene would note that there were usual AC ventilation grates and that the floor is spilling from *it*. The halls are strangely vacant, and no one rushes to kill you. No one rushes to apprehend you. It's 6-
[18:51] <Isis> 6- a ghost building despite the numerous cars parked outside. Suddenly, the floor beneath you, that nastily stained floor with body fluids and gunk opens, like some sort of sphincter beneath those in the lead, primarily Blank and Bess would go tumbling in.. to destinations unknown (Pause. To be continued.)
[18:52] * Melody` frowns, 14"What cha mean they can't be Sentinals...those sen thingys had this crossnet thingy that made chucks outta people.. maybe this was a test or sumthin."6 she keeps her voice down, frowning, though trying not to breathe in the thick stench even though her sneakers were already being stained by the blood she had to walk through to move around in the lab. 14"Do ya gotta shout?"6 she looked back at Pinball,6 ...
[18:52] <Melody`> --6146146 14"sheesh."
[18:53] * Fiction would curse outloud. 14 14"Merge! Blank! Fuck!"4 6 He was too far behind them to do anything, so all he got to see, was them fall...
[18:53] <Meryl> 3<5Caroline3>14 "Shit! What the hell!?"
[18:53] * Dove_Fireclaw reaches forward as the ground opens up, grabbing for Iyala's wispy form without thinking, a shimmer of electrical energy glazing his skin.
(At this point we had a break - Intermission cause the DM had to do something)

[22:35] <Isis> 4(RESUME)
[22:35] <Iyala> ( I think we have some wrangleing to do )
[22:35] <Morgana`> yay!
[22:36] <Shannon> last time on Cobalt Salem; .... >>
[22:36] * Melody` (shhhhh@6ca5f081.6ca5ed78.99.194.imsk) has joined #cobalt*salem
[22:36] * Morgana` (shhhhh@6ca5f081.6ca5ed78.99.194.imsk) has left #cobalt*salem
[22:38] <Isis> (i'll give everybody time to get back together)
[22:38] * Chance` is certainly here.
[22:39] * Bess is now known as Merge[Bess]
[22:39] * Merge[Bess] scrabbled and squaawked as she tumbled into the floorsphincter. "YAAH!" she tried to get a grip on something.
[22:43] * Iyala shifts back to human grabbing Dove she pulls him out of the hole and sends him back to the plane if he player does not return
[22:43] * Chance` doesn't know what to do, but he keeps his eyes open in case something were to go down beyond this, watching his own feet just incase as well.
[22:43] <Isis> Try as she might, the innards of it are ridged and... slippery. It spells rotten within it, blood and sweat, bile. If it were possible to imagine every sour and rotten bodily fluid combined that would be an apt description of this tunnel. Of course, now that one has seen the 'opening' its quite possible to tell others like it. They attempt to camouflage into the floor but like most hidden 6-
[22:43] <Isis> 6- objects, once you know them for what they are, they are easily discernable by a very good eye.
[22:44] <Meryl> 6Caroline tries to run over to Merge and pull her to safety, if there is nearly enough time to do so.
[22:45] * Melody` widens her eyes as she sees Bess and Blank starting to slide towards the opened floor, 14"Ack!"6 she immediately concentrates and through the opening they made, creates a gush hopefully to push the pair away from the opening and back towards the group.
[22:54] <Isis> The 'gust' has an irritant effect on the 'hole'. There is a slick sound effect as it contracts, slowly at first closing in on Bess now that Dove was saved, and Blank had his hover disc of metals. It squeezes her, and... seems to attempt to suck her in.
[22:54] <Mask> 6As the other students would try and save the falling duo, Denton would notch the arrow once again and pull the bow string back. Aiming around the room, one eye squinting while the other would gaze down the arrow and towards the interior of the room. His eyes didn't have any enhanched senses for the dark, however years of living by the light of the moon had sharpned 6<>
[22:54] <Mask> 6<> his night sight to a degree that if something moved in the dark he'd notice it. 6<>
[22:55] <Blank> Thankfully precautions for him paid off, his feet were not in contact with the floor at all, so when it opened he stayed put. His gaze followed the path as it took Bess in, and he immediately began processing information. "Shit, its alive....out now!" his words were for the students who would charge in recklessly to try and save Bess, if he was right she was headed deeper into whatever the hell
[22:55] <Blank> they were in.
[22:57] * Iyala would turn her attention once Dove was safe to move twords Bess she shifted back to her wraith form and concentrated trying to take aim and carefuly cut her free with one of her claw wings stabing into the surface
[22:58] <Blank> For his part Blank manipulated extranious metals that still existed within the building creating a lifeline of sorts to lower into the pit that contained the fallen student. Though magnetic manipulation would hardly be doing the job of pulling her fat ass up alone. He would need assistance, thats if she was even in a condition to be able to grab the rope...then there was the fact that she
[22:58] <Blank> weighed a hell of a lot.
[22:58] <Isis> SHHHHHHHWICK.. Out? What passage way might lead them out? As there is none.. and it becomes apparent how much 'shit' they are in once that opened passage way began to scab over and reform, the once fleshly membrane is now solid muscle, and wall again only the rubble on the floor remains as proof that they had entered this way. The walls themselves seem to pulse, glistening now with fluids. 6-
[22:58] <Isis> 6- Stabbing the 'thing' in the floor is a successful venture. It belches and releases Bess, slick and gooey from the waist down. One would notice her boots up melting, and fast. Steaming as if dipped in acid, and the burn is almost to her feet.
[22:59] <Meryl> 3<5Caroline3>14 "Jesus fuck! What the hell is this thing!?"
[23:00] * Chance` frowns and looks around them, and smells bess's boots burning. This is not good, this is definitly not good. Was the building alive or something?
[23:00] * Melody` looked towards Blank, 14"Ummm..."6 she looked left..then right..then up and down.. 14"Any clue on what ta do would be freakin nice right about now.."6 she backs away, eyes wide and unsure.
[23:00] * Isis is now known as Building
[23:00] <Building> "Feast..."
[23:01] * Merge[Bess] had stony feet that were reasonably resistant to acid, at the moment. She clambered away from the hole, slimy and unhappy. Noticing her boots being eaten away she absorbed her glass bead to transform her body into glass, the only thing she could think of that didn't react to acid. "Weather girl! Could you rain on me please?" She held out a foot with a half eaten boot on it.
[23:01] <Mask> 6Denton might be the lucky one to have not stepped inside the building, having surveyed the room from outside the hole. However, as the hole would close up on them the native american man would go to shoot an arrow at the closing membrane, searching for any type of weakness.
[23:01] * Jubal blinked, his attention snapping down to Bess. He looked around, and stayed planted where he was, not taking a step. "I'd suggest not moving in case there are more of those things that will try to eat us . . . " Then again, getting away from it would be a good idea.
[23:02] * Melody` blinks, 14"Feast? Umm..lesseee."6 she digs in her pocket and begins to toss out random sweets, 14"Here ya go! Eat! Sweets are better and taste better and um.."6 she looks to Bess and nods, 14"I can try."6 she concentrates and slowly creates a small rain shower over Bess, nothing too grand, just a nice spring rain that washes away the acid that dripped along her boots.
[23:02] * Iyala says "get her boots off! I don't know how many times I can shift please!" incase someone was'nt paying attention Iyala started moving her long blades over the shoes but hesitates to actualy touch until se hears "feast" she looks around and smirks then back to Bess as she turns to glass and slides blades down her legs stripping away the material in clean slices the glass skin hard enough to keep her from scratching Bess
[23:02] <Building> It echoes from 'somewhere' but seems to be from all around at once. It's too difficult to guess from any direction but its followed by a deep rumbling, the sort that one could interpet as a growling belly.
[23:03] <Iyala> ( sorry, I like Mel's better scratch my post about trying to get the boots off )
[23:04] <Building> As Jubal looks over the floor, you can see little circular indentations which *may* just be more of those esophagal holes. Shooting an arrow at the membrane, it sticks within the thick muscular plane and blood begins to well from the entry hole, injured.
[23:04] * Blank clasped his hands together hovering above the faux floor of the room his mind racing and focusing as things became clear, in his mind. A living entity obviously a result of scientific experiments gone awry, unfortunately it has hyper regenerative properties, and it simply consumed all the employees within the building already now it is trying to do the same to us." his voice was utter calm
[23:04] <Blank> as he was not worried about himself being disolved in acid as things stood. He extended his sense of metals which had existed inside the structure, to test for their presence still. If they were in fact still present he would attempt to draw them towards himself in a liquid form naturally, to create a actual floor of sorts by violently shooting spearlike rods into the 'walls' of the room with as
[23:04] <Blank> much foce as he could muster.
[23:04] * Iyala turns her attention to the building itself and she says "we mean you no harm if you mean us no harm, includeing... well just don't eat us, arlight?"
[23:05] * Sean did not like being in a living building. This was a bad day. His eyes were glowing brightly with his nervousness. He clenched and unclenched his hands, staying close to Jubal.
[23:05] <Building> There are still metals in the building, but Blank can sense that they may not be that way for long. As he searches, less and less of the building feels like metal, a slowly spreading transformation. There is perhaps a single area of the building where there isn't so much as a single sign of this odd phenomenon, and that would be in the lowermost basement of the facility.
[23:06] * Chance` slides his eyes back and forth. This thing was alive right? 14 "Maybe we should try and cause it pain and it would let us the fuck out?"
[23:06] * Merge[Bess] turned to granite when all of the acid was washed off of her boots, then absorbed the material of the boots into her body for storage and later use. Now she was barefoot. "Thank you." She told the rainmaker girl.
[23:06] <Mask> 6The result was one to Dentons liking as blood started to bleed from the building. Because indeed if it bled, you could kill it. Unstringing the arrow with a blur of his hands and setting it back along the carboard tube like sheeth that he made for it, he'd grab the sharpened hatchets from his belt. Twirling them in his hands, he'd go to strike out at the bleeding ho 6<>
[23:06] <Mask> 6<> le with a blur of fleash, deer skin sleaves and steel. 6<>
[23:08] <Meryl> 3<5Caroline3>14 "What about the chunks of corpses we saw? Huh? Those weren't eaten. What if has some kind of way to kill us without eating us?"
[23:08] * Iyala turns to watch Denton and Blank for a moment she says "well, it is diffrent from most buildings prehaps we should kill it" with a dark smirk
[23:10] * Jubal slid his hands into his sleeves, pulling out the two knives he kept there. He had them because they were easier to hide then guns. And made less noise. He didn't move to use them, of course, just kept ahold of them. He crouched down, moving around one of the holes. "Do we have to try to piss this thing off?" he questioned, frowning.
[23:10] * Chance` is sitting to watch the reaction to the attack that it gives the other students. He isn't going attack the damned thing blindly.
[23:10] <Building> Muscle does give away easily enough, resulting in the splash of warm crimson fluid against Denton's face as he tries to make himself a door. The building gradually rumbles again, as Blank's attempt to spear metal framing that remains present in the building is successful, resulting in geysers of blood spurting up from the floor that you walk on. It will make you a safe floor without fear of 6-
[23:10] <Building> 6- being devoured.
[23:11] * Sean raised a hand. "Is pissing it off a good idea? What if it floods the room with acid to flush us out?"
[23:11] * Melody` watches everyone around her getting all their stabbities and frowns, 14"It said Feast and didn't like my sweets.huff"6 she eeps and decides to hide behind the granite chick, 14"Yes, you lead the way, that way if you die, I still have time."6 she saw the door way but then looked to Blank for orders instead..she wasn't rushing into the new uh not her.
[23:11] * Iyala turns to Sean and says "probably not, I think our team mates are a little to eager for pointless destruction"
[23:11] <Meryl> 3<5Caroline3>14 "Don't give it any ideas, man."
[23:12] * Chance` stands back and lets them do this. 14 "I think I'll just stand back and watch...see how it reacts...if I can do something useful, I'll do it then.."
[23:13] <Mask> 6As the blood splashed against Dentons mouth, he'd back off going to check himself in case the blood would actually do anything to him. He had eaten many creatures before, felt their blood flowing down his throat like wine, but he wasn't sure that he wanted whatever this thing was made of hin his mouth. He'd take a sniff of it, seeing if he could identify it as actua 6<>
[23:13] <Mask> 6<> l blood. 6<>
[23:13] * Iyala calls out "creature are you sentient?!"
[23:14] * Blank completed the makeshift floor that one wouldnt have to be digested in and turned his focus on the distant metallurgical makeup of the building not being pleased with what he was feeling. "Erm....its growing,spreading...all over except at the very base level. Which could indicate something keeping it at bay, or it could simply be a ploy to get us deeper into its gut, at which point we would
[23:14] <Blank> be hard pressed to escape." now more than ever he needed a brain to bounce ideas off of rather than his brand of reckless action he knew that but there were no such individuals present. "It is growing rapidly at our points of attack which indicates at least semi-sentience or a baseline...defense mechanism in place. Kids I dont like the idea of going deeper into this thing but we cant stay here
[23:14] <Blank> eventually it will eat the floor I just made. So...what we are going to do. Is go down there and hope that whatever is at the bottom of the basement is som
[23:14] <Building> "Come deeper within me.. little lambs...I need no ideas from mere mortals...None of you stand a chance." The voice is deep and fairly masculine. It sounds almost like a fat man if one could guess such a thing from voice and tone alone. If Denton knows the taste of human blood, he'll find it oddly similar, if not the very same thing. Something is definitely odd here.
[23:15] <Blank> something thatdoesnt want to eat or kill us. Now any ideas on how to get down there? If not then I hope you all do not mind a little vertigo as you will likely never want to go on a merry go round again after what I have in mind."
[23:15] * Chance` growls and looks to Blank. 14 "You're in charge here Blank, if you want us to go down. We go down."
[23:16] * Iyala laughs and says "oh you are sentient, brilliant" she sighs sadly and says "we can't give our lives too you but also why would you want us? we are only a couple of people, we could bring you more"
[23:17] <Jubal> " . . . So. Pretty much. We either stay here, and die . . . or go deeper in this thing . . . and likely die." He frowned as he considered that. for all of two seconds. And he shrugged. "Dammit, I thought only the good die young. Billy Joel is a fucking liar."
[23:17] <Mask> 6He would indeed know the taste of human blood. Any carnivore would no the taste of the ultimate prey on it's lips and like his lupine kin that was taken from him so long ago, he'd identify it's taste quicker then he would the smell of mustard. 14"Listen," 6he said through the com-link, 14"Whatever it is, it bleeds human blood. I can't tell if it's eaten it or is 6<>
[23:17] <Mask> 6<> made of human tissue. You guys want me to continue trying to hack my way in, or find out just what this thing is made of?" 6<>
[23:18] * Merge[Bess] looked to Blank. "I can turn to glass or diamond and slice our way to wherever you need, Blank, my power's good for making doors."
[23:19] * Sean gave jubal a look, but hearing that the thing had human blood made him blink. "What if this is a mutant?" he looked around. "A mutant they captured that escaped?"
[23:19] <Building> "There will be more.. there will always be more." Afterward the voice goes silent. It does not yield a doorway to Denton, perhaps troubled that the man seemed not at all troubled by its own flood. A test of flesheater versus flesheater. It longed for the taste of bess, one could see the hole that she had fallen into was opening and closing greedily behind them.
[23:19] * Iyala turns to Sean and says "turn on your mic so Isis can pick this up please"
[23:19] <Building> (Isis didnt travel with you.)
[23:20] * Iyala calls out "how long?! how long are you willing to wait?... do you see me as an enemy? I could see you as a potential friend, a friend worth feeding regularly, keeping healthy"
[23:23] <Building> Phantasm: "I've heard everything, guys. I don't like the way this sounds, but we can't back out now until we know where those extra sentinels are stored. Are any of you able to hack a computer?" she asked through the communication link. "If that thing hasn't also spread through their systems, we can get the proof we need."
[23:23] * Blank simply attempted to whap Iyala in the back of the head "Come on kid....this aint no fairy tail, the thing wants to eat us making nice and becoming friends is not an option." his attention turned to Bess, shift diamond and put your hand on the floor to see if it tries to consume you. Wouldnt bet on the enzymes not adapting that far as of yet...." as he spoke he created a small hole in the
[23:23] <Blank> floor ready to seal it once more if it proved to be a mistake.
[23:25] * Melody` thinks that they are taking waaay to long in a room that wants to EAT them. 14"Umm..can we like hurri up or something? Cause I dun know bout ya'll but the thought of gettin eatin alive is well..not very fun soundin."6 she listens to Phanta and shakes her head, 14"Not me. I am proud I can turn on a computer without blowing it up."
[23:25] <Mask> 14"What do you want me to do," 6he asks Phantasm, as he stands outside of the building covered in blood. Tasting it again he'd shake his head and look at the wound, trying to see if there is anything awkward about the opening.
[23:26] * Merge[Bess] shifted to diamond, fingers sharp and gleaming. She knelt where Blank made the hole in the floor and pressed her hand down to see how it handled her diamond form.
[23:26] * Iyala turns to her ear peice for a moment and then to Blank she waits for a response a moment longer from the building for her question and says "yes, this creature has more then survival at stake" she looks around the room once more and sighs
[23:28] <Building> Phantasm: "I'm looking at it now through the thermal goggles and.. alright, get this guys. The upper floor is entirely hot. I'd say its a little above human body temperature. Your floor level and below seems to consist mostly of cold steel and metal. I'd guess you'll be safe if you go deeper. That may also be where most of the research is held. Denton, can you find an opening on their level that 6-
[23:28] <Building> 6- hasn't become... crap yet?"
[23:29] <Building> The building gives no response. As Blank said, friendship earning is not top priority. It is a hungry beast that has gladly been served a fresh meal of nubile and beefy teenagers.
[23:30] * Iyala looks back around the building and asks "do you have a preffrence? do guys or girls taste better or anything?"
[23:30] <Mask> 14"If it's there, I'll find it," 6said Denton as he glances up towards the direction of the roof. Hotter then human temperature, the vitals should be up there then.. but he'd rather not see if he can kill this thing if there are people still trapped inside. Turning from the scar he had made, he'd start to make his way around the building, looking for any type of ope 6<>
[23:30] <Mask> 6<> ning that would allow him enterence. 6<>
[23:31] * Blank took added precautions keying the radio to the jet "Aurora, you probably should get a containment team ready in case we do make it out of here, there is no way that we should traipse back onto the jet let alone on campus while we have been potentially exposed to spores or remnants of the building which may propgate if given sufficient time....basically we will all likely need a radiation and
[23:31] <Blank> chem bath before we go anywhere." the lack of reaction to Bess
[23:31] <Building> Phantasm: "I'll get in contact with the school now, Blank."
[23:32] <Blank> Bess' hand gave him confidence voice rose as he snapped directions rapidly "Okay, Make a circle around Megre. Hold hands...yes it is neccessary so just do it."
[23:32] * Chance` sighs softly. 14 "Maybe we could get Shannon to do it." 6 he sighs and does as asked, standing to the nearest person to him and taking their hand, and the person on the other side as well.
[23:32] <Mask> 14"Hey, no sing alongs unless I'm there," 6he joked as he continued to look for an opening.
[23:33] * Merge[Bess] raised her hand in a chopping position, ready to slice her fingers through organic matter and absorb the inorganic. She looked to Blank for special directions or permission to start hacking.
[23:33] * Sean seized Jubal's hand, smirking at him, and dragged him over to get in the circle around Merge.
[23:34] * Jubal slid his hands into his sleeves, resecuring his knives in there. He blinked at Sean, smirking. "This ain't no date, man, so don't try to get all touchy with me," he teased the man, looking down to the floor.
[23:36] * Blank clicked his tongue audible as he began to focus. "Bess I hope you aren't claustrophobic." As he spoke liquid metal would begin retreating from the walls, rising slowly up to cover Bess' torso, leaving her legs dangling on the organic matter that lay beneath his makeshift floor. Clamps formed rising upward and slipping into place over everyones feet to keep them standing, Finally the last
[23:36] <Blank> touch a dome was formed to rise up and protect their heads from falling biomatter. "Okay...this is going to take....a little effort so, Im going to need you to track our progress. someone give me a yell when we get where we are going."
[23:37] * Chance` remains silent, he really wasn't able to do any of that. Why was he along in the first place again? Well, maybe he'd be able to do something slightly useful later.
[23:38] * Iyala continues to talk to the building even though it lacks response "your making a mistake I will win and you will starve, we go it my way I promise twice as much food as is here right now, thats alot of food" she smirks darkly
[23:38] <Meryl> 3<5Caroline3>14 "No kidding. Could we feed it North Dakota while we're at it?"
[23:38] <Meryl> 6Caroline pulls out a scrap of ivy and starts growing it around her right arm in a spiral.
[23:39] * Merge[Bess] was wrapped in metal. This She ran a clear diamond tongue over clear diamond teeth and prepared for whatever Blank had in store, probably to use her as a smashing implement. Ah well. Such is life.
[23:39] * Iyala turns to Caroline and says "if its trying to survive I will figure out something"
[23:39] <Building> Phantasm: "Shannon can irradiate most spores, but frankly, we don't know what else that..thing might have infected you guys with. Look. Whatever happens, we can't let it live. For all we know its luring people here to eat them. It's too big to dampen and capture, unless its a mutant as Sean said, and we can find a body inside of it." Denton would find where windows once were, they had sealed 6-
[23:39] <Building> 6- over by an odd membraneous substance on the outside, the only exterior visual clue that something is amiss. One wall, then another.. as he continues all seem the same until he comes to one on the far north side, that still is composed of glass. Beyond it, is a normal reception desk and counter.With computers.
[23:39] * Merge[Bess] agrees, north dakota totally sucks))
[23:40] <Building> (LOL)
[23:41] * Iyala clicks on the mic "I did not come back from the dead to exterminate innocent isums if there is something here worth redeeming we must give it it's chance"
[23:42] <Blank> Slow rotation of the make shift room began. His form hovering above Bess' while the room rotated he stayed conspicuously still. It orbited around him and he was unaffected by the centrifical force, for the others? It would no doubt feel as if they were being pulled away from each other and attempting to be slammed into the walls. The hope was that the structure of the makeshift drill would be
[23:42] <Blank> able to cut through the body and into the basement least before the air ran out, that was a factor he didnt want to mintion...with so many people there was only about 3 minutes of air in the dome.
[23:44] <Mask> 14"Hey, lets not go dissing the Dakota's now. They have lots of great places to ea... hot damn found a window and a computer," 6he says as with a whack of his hardwood longbow to the glass frame, he's broken through. However, Denton's not stupid and pulling a rabbit's body with a broken neck, the same one he had hunted and was about to eat before the intercom went o 6<>
[23:44] <Mask> 6<> ff, he'd look it over. 14"So if things a predator, then it should love rabbit fleash. Shame to waste a good piece of meat, but it's for the greater good," 6he says as he slits it's throat with the scalping knife and toss it through the window. Standing there, he'd wait to see if the building starts to gobble it up. 6<>
[23:45] * Chance` keeps amazingly calm, his breathing slow and controlled as they are spun with such force. His heart slamming against his chest as his world spun around.
[23:46] * Jubal kept quiet, and calm as he started to spin. His stomach lurched, but he tried to keep from moving on that, keeping his grip on Sean and whoever else he had taken hold of, not wanting to fly off of this thing. It was like a ride at an amusement park, he told himself. But he hated amusement parks.
[23:47] * Sean squinched his eyes shut and fought the pull, leaning foreward as best he could and clinging tightly to the hands clasped in his.
[23:47] <Meryl> 6Caroline spreads the plant growth over her shoulders and down the other arm. Little blossoms start to bud on the tufts of vines. Also, she starts to get dizzy.14 "Only way, damn it it's the only way."
[23:47] * Melody` had kept quiet most of this, cause who needed her help at the moment, rather she stayed close to some of the others, but closed her eyes as they began to spin around. 14"I...haaaaatteee spinnnny thingggiesss."6 she covers her mouth with her hands, trying not to hurl as she ends up clinging to Sean!
[23:48] * Iyala looked around quickly being forced to move and shifts back to human before her blades can fly around and cut a bunch of people up
[23:48] * Merge[Bess] was a drill tip. She was spinning. She kept her body very still and stiff, being the best drill tip she could. The coils of diamond fillament that hung from her head in leiu of hair flew out as she twirled.
[23:50] <Meryl> 3<5Caroline3>14 "Would it be too obvious to say this made no sense?"
[23:50] <Building> The window breaks, and there is no sound of a devournig. It would seem the sentient force is spreading slowly through the ground floor still and has yet to consume that area of it. There isn't so much asa corpse in the reception.. The spinning causes blood and fluids, but fortunately none of them prove to be acidic. No more than the blood and muscle fiber of any other human at least. Once Bess 6-
[23:50] <Building> 6- breaks through the last of it, even drilling through something which seems like bone, you can see the lower level... is blissfully normal aside from its ceiling.
[23:52] <Mask> 6After making damn sure he wasn't going to be on the menu by jumping through that window, Denton would leap with unnatrual grace into the room and turn towards the computer. 14"You know, as I'm standing here god must be laughing his ass off. For out of all of our illustrious group, the one guy to have been taken in by wolves during his teenage years has found the fu 6<>
[23:52] <Mask> 6<> cking computer. Guys, do any of you know how the hell to run one of these?" 6<>
[23:53] <Blank> The dome in and of itself was a convoluted creation, ring around ring, starting off small enough to capture bess and gradually growin outward until it stood six inches from the backs of the group holding hands in the middle, sequences of rings interconnected, one spinning spun the next, and that one the one after it. The entire point of that was so that he could overcome his limitation over
[23:53] <Blank> weight. He could not spin an entire room normally, but spinning a solitary ring rapidly was possible, that that ring spun others was simply a beauty of mechanics ans it saved him a hell of a lot of effort. As he said earlier he'd need someone to give a shout when they got where they were going, he was oblivious to his surrounding focusing instead on maintaining the rotation, and trying his best
[23:53] <Blank> not to consider what would happen if they were in the things stomache when they ran out of air."
[23:53] <Blank> -"
[23:54] <Meryl> 3<5Caroline3>14 *Is currently growing a massive coating of plantlife to help fight just that*
[23:55] * Iyala climbs out and shifts to her wraith form she move too the hole they made and examins it after a moment she calls out "I'm so sorry, did that hurt?" as soft as possible while still being audibley loud
[23:55] <Blank> ((we uh didnt stop yet))
[23:55] <Iyala> (( what the? ok, scratch my post )
[23:55] <Building> Oddly enough tehre still appears to be air dusts and what was once a working ventilation system. Most of it however has become some sort of strange maze of arterial and vein paths carrying blood throughout the massive creature's new body.Those that aren't completely converted still carry fresh air in from the outside. Fortunate for Mask, he isn't eaten, but it is a sure case of irony since he 6-
[23:55] <Building> 6- can't use a computer.
[23:56] <Chance`> "We're there!" 6 He grunts out, nearly loosing his lunch. His entire world was spinning and his head was starting to hurt from the blood rush.
[23:56] <Jubal> "Hold!" he yelled out, toward Blank. He only knew because he wanted the damn thing to -stop- spinning. "We're here!" He clenched his teeth shut after yelling.
[23:56] <Building> Phantasm: "I can try to walk you through it. First of all, is the system still running? You can tell by the glowing screen.." Sarcasm, or poking fun at him most likely.
[23:58] * Melody` waits until they stop spinning..however she still feels herself spinning after they instead, she slowly opens one eye and sees that they have indeed..stopped! 14"Freeedom from the spinny thing."6 she eases out, releasing her death like grip on Sean, 14"Oppsie..Sorries."6 she doesn't jump out yet..nope..not gonna be first, rather she waits for someone else to go first..yup good plan.
[23:58] * Sean could feel his tofu-dogs churning in his tummy. Poor baby. He bit hard on his lip and waited for the spinning to stop.
[23:58] * Mask ( Quit (Killed (NickServ (Ghosted. By: Ironhorse (
[23:59] <Meryl> 6Caroline sits down and concentrates on growing her plants, and to fight the motion sickness.
[23:59] * Mask ( has joined #cobalt*salem
[23:59] <Building> Phantasm: "I can try to walk you through it. First of all, is the system still running? You can tell by the glowing screen.." Sarcasm, or poking fun at him most likely. (RP)
Session Time: Wed Dec 05 00:00:00 2007
[00:00] * Blank heard the shouts alerting him to their arrival at a safe spot, the problem he hadnt completely figured out how to stop such a tremendous force...while his powers were great to get things going. Stopping them was an entirely different story. Simply letting it fall apart would likely kill everyone, he couldnt rotate it the other way without doing the same thing. And letting it
[00:00] <Blank> spin down would result in them drifting downward a few more floors. Considering his options rapidly he decided on a combination of two. The walls of their sphere turned into liquid splashing outward and coating the walls in liquid metal. The base which held their feet in place remained solid. The comprimise was that Bess' was lifted upward that she wouldnt drill into the floor anymore, he
[00:00] <Blank> diamond form strained him greatly to lift, as a spire of metal barely catabaulted her above the others before allowing her to go flying wherever centrifical forc
[00:00] <Blank> force dictated. Eventually the platform would come to a screeching halt with the sound of metal grating on the floor.
[00:00] * Iyala was quite new to the sensation of life, and of nausea her normaly cool exterior is broken as she climbs out and finds an discrete spot to displace her salad behind a console or in a cornor still in her human form
[00:01] <Mask> 14"I know that," 6he says as he makes his way up to it, looking it over. Reaching down, he'd press the power button and look to the screen as it starts to boot up. 14"I've turned it on, but I don't know where to go from here," 6he says as he looks over the screen.
[00:01] * Merge[Bess] fleeeww...and crashed into a wall or something, landing in a sparkly diamond heap on the ground. "ahhhh...spinny.."
[00:02] <Building> The halls are quite pristine... aside from someone's vomiting. Its deadly quiet, very vacant but there is a facility map on the wall. Imagine that. It covers all four facility levels and even has a bold red dot with YOU ARE HERE. Also, fire emergency exit routes.
[00:03] * Jubal waited until it came to a halt, before he jumped off. He didn't count on being so dizzy, and stumbled, falling flat on his ass. He rose his hand up, pressing it to his head with a groan. "That ain't like bein' drunk at all," he muttered to himself, moving to a wall to pull himself up and steady, waiting for the dizziness to pass.
[00:04] * Chance` leans against the wall as well, letting his head catch up to his body. His mind was twirling madly.
[00:04] <Building> Phantasm: "If there were just a way to find out better information about this place.. maybe one of the hackers left behind at the campus could help. Alright, have a seat we'll figure this out one way or another. Is it asking you for a log in or password?" It wasn't, of course. It showed a bland desktop with the corporation design image. afew icons like firefox. someone's msn was still open, 6-
[00:04] <Building> 6- where a receptionist was chatting with friends on the job. also folders, and folders of files.
[00:05] * Melody` stumbled out of the spinny evilness and sits there on her bum, legs stretched out in front of her. 14"Whee?"6 she swallows back everything that had managed to place itself within the base of her throat and slowly comes to rise. 14"Never again.."6 she mutters before looking towards the leader dude though she steps over towards the red dot and glares at it, 14"Really? Thanks! But where's here?"6 she mutters before6 ...
[00:05] <Melody`> --6146146146 looking back to the group.
[00:05] * Blank felt ill, not because he had been made dizzy by spinning...because he hadn't spun at all. The exertion had taken its toll, especially of liting Merge's form up enough to not decapitate someone when she was flung off the aparatus. Moisture trickeled down his nose as blood began to show a sign of the strain he'd endured. His breathing was labored and the thin sheen of sweat on his brow told of
[00:05] <Blank> his exertion. His voice was strained as he tookk a knee "Um...look around guys...find something useful." broad directions but he was out of it for the time being.
[00:05] * Iyala coughs a few more times and sighs and then caughs again she rubs the clamy sweat from her head after a moment and shifts back to her wraith form moving to rise at 8 feet or the max height without bumping her head while she looks around the area quitly watching her friends and team mates
[00:05] <Meryl> 3<5Caroline3>14 "Blank? Hey, hey man, are you okay?"
[00:07] * Sean would kneel on the floor and hold his head, moaning. After a moment he tried standing up and walking a little. He seemed pretty all right, wobbly though.
[00:07] <Mask> 6Denton would describe what he saw on the screen to Phantasm while raising his eyebrow at the window with the two people talking. He knew enough about computers that he could click on the word box and type in "You lika da penis. You lika da penis much much." and enter the text.
[00:07] * Chance` does seem concerned with Blank, going over to check on him he looks him over to make sure that none of the wounds on his body, were well, wounds. blank reminded him of what he looked like when exhausted.
[00:07] * Jubal let himself get oriented before he looked around. He moved over to the map, studying it. Trying to find something useful. Something that said top secret, restricted access or somethign. Because he honestly doubted a corporation like this would let even it's employees know all of it's dark little secrets. Or big secrets, as the case may be.
[00:08] * Iyala walks over to Denton and asks "do you have it? maybe we could radio some one at the school who knows how to get around things like computers?"
[00:08] <Building> Other rooms labeled nearby are as expected: Examination room. Restroom. Operating room. Stairwell. Research Library.. Test Room 1, Test Room 2, Test Room 3."
[00:09] <Building> The big red YOU ARE HERE dot is located in a corridor, located directly off of the research library.
[00:09] <Mask> (Yeah, denton far away. Far far away. Located somewhere without internal organs.)
[00:09] * Blank struggled to rise to his feet trying nodding at the questions of his well being. He rose partially before falling back down on his but, his breathing still labored, an audible wet cough sounded and blood spattered the hand that rose to cover his mouth. "Yeah...ill be fine...just...need...a minute."
[00:10] * Merge[Bess] got up and brushed herself off. Biological proccesses were halted in solid form, she didn't need as long to recover from being spun and flung around. She left Blank for the others to take care of and started to search the room. She went to look at the map with Jubal, brushing a coil of diamond fillament hair out of her face. "We should take this."
[00:10] * Melody` hmms and slowly inches her way towards the research library, though she is careful with each step she takes, making sure not to trip any alarms or what cha callits. She got halfway to where the door would be and immediately turns back around, not wanting to leave the group...stay with the group, she told herself.
[00:11] <Meryl> 6Caroline crawls over to Blank, sitting on her knees in front of him. She grabs for his hands. 14"Blank, give me your hands, okay?"
[00:11] <Building> Phantasm: "Do you see any computer disks nearby? Ugh.. that's right. You're tech illiterate." She obviously didn't expect him to know what a disc looks like, or any of the things necessary for trying to pull off info. She describes it to him, then asks for Denton to read folder and file names to her.
[00:11] <Jubal> "Research library. That's where the biggest part of their information would be, wouldn't it? I think it would at least give us some information we might need. That's still part of the objective, isn't it? To get information? Vandalize a bit?" He wasn't asking Blank. Blank was temporarily out of commission.
[00:12] * Blank is sitting on the floor with his arms propped over his knees Caroline takes his hands and he offers no resistnace what so ever. His focus at present is simply trying to regain his breath, and not passing out.
[00:13] <Mask> 14"Well, there's firefox, have no clue what that is, some file folders which aren't labele... wait, subject file one and subject file two," 6he said as he scrolled over the two. He'd click on one, finding how to use a computer relative easy, or it just may be that Denton, who had developed to learn quickly while in the wild, could learn just as quickly at mundane ta 6<>
[00:13] <Mask> 6<> sks such as this. 6<>
[00:13] <Meryl> 3<5Caroline3>14 "Close your eyes and take a deep breath."
[00:13] <Mask> 14"And I need a password."
[00:13] <Iyala> ( was Iyala in the Bess drill bit thingie I have been going over the log and I am confused )
[00:14] <Meryl> 6Caroline does the same thing and attempts to heal Blank!
[00:15] <Building> Phantasm: "You know.. I'd pay money to have one of those freaking technospecialists with us right now. Alright. I can't think of any way to hack into the system, so we're sol on that. Can you find a *map* or anything resembling a map." Meanwhile, Phantasm is fairly disturbed that there appears to be a subject '1' and a '2'. She speaks up again, only this time its to the main group. "Hey guys.. I 6-
[00:15] <Building> 6- have a bad feeling. Watch out for anything else.. Just in case there's another mutant there under observation, alright?"
[00:16] * Chance` moves over to check out the 14 "You are here." 6 Thing. His eyes reading over it. 14 "Research does sound like the best Idea. I think we should all go as a group, splitting up in this place would be a very bad Idea."
[00:17] <Jubal> "Another mutant under observation . . . ?" He frowned, consideringly. "Shouldn't we . . . try to free them?" He wasn't big on the whole saving people thing. He just didn't like the idea of a mutant in a test tube. Especially when humans were the ones that had a mutant in a test tube.
[00:17] * Iyala nods to Chance and moves to partner up with him the smoke only billowing against the ground as she drifted into his direction
[00:18] <Mask> 6Denton would go about looking for a map, while at the same time poking fun at the people in the window. 14"Lets see, no, no, no, no...."
[00:20] <Building> Phantasm: "If there is, you'll need to find them and hope they aren't hostile...and there for a reason. I don't know about what you think but Mr. Starving Home Depot doesn't seem too friendly."
[00:21] * Blank got some relief from the pain of exhastion, the strain on his physiology was lessened, but fatigue did not go away so easily. A grim smile and a word "Thanks...." was offered to Caroline as he struggled to his feet seeing their new surroundings for the first time.
[00:21] * Shannon ( Quit (Quit: nini)
[00:21] * Sean rubbed his forehead and sighed, still a bit dizzy. Another mutant? This was adding up to be a bad day.
[00:22] <Meryl> 3<5Caroline3>14 "Take it easy, and if you need recovery, just find me again."
[00:22] <Building> (anyone going in side of research library?)
[00:23] <Chance`> <not alone>
[00:23] <Iyala> ( Iyala is with you )
[00:23] <Mask> 14"If that doesn't work, you could always find the things heart, or any other vital organ like the liver or brain. Whatever this thing is, it has human blood and I bet it has human like physiology," 6he says before clicking on the map. 14"Found maps of the facility and printing them out," 6he said as he clicks the print button and hopes that the thing doesn't blow 6<>
[00:23] <Mask> 6<> up in his face. 6<>
[00:24] <Melody`> ( I r)
[00:24] <Jubal> "That's a good point." He sighed. "let's just get to the research library and see what we can find. I guess we'll go from there. It's best if a couple of us go ahead of the others, though, instead of wandering around as a big ass group of mutants. Scouts, if you will, to give warning of guards or such."
[00:24] * Merge[Bess] looked to the others. "Are we ready to move? Anyone have to puke?" she was glad to be barefoot, she started sucking up material from the ground and ejecting it through her hands, making crude cement and tile sheilds in each hand,
[00:24] * Chance` looks over to Iyala and gives her a small nod. 14 "Anyone have above average senses? If so, you would be really useful right now."
[00:25] * Melody` peeks back to the group and nods, 14"Definately. We need to hurry up and do what we gotta do and like get the freak outta here..cause...I wanna be home 'for sunrise..and alive would be nice too."6 she giggles before taking a breath and getting serious again.
[00:25] <Building> Phantasm: "Good. Do you think that you'll be alright on your own, Denton? If so, we'll leave the lower floors to them and I think you should go up.. Most of the heat that I view through the thermal goggles is on your level and above you. It must be creating a nervous system out of the buildings framework."
[00:26] * Blank took hold of a thin disk of metal carrying it in hand rather than supporting it with his powers. In case things got hair he wanted it on hand rather than having to try exerting himself more than absolutely neccessary. "You see the other blinks funny you put it down hard, and we will sort it out later." he did not clarify if he meant lethal force or not, to him the death of an
[00:26] <Blank> unknown was irrellivant to their mission, capture or elimination accomplished the same thing.
[00:26] * Iyala shakes her head and responds "nope, should we wait or just go on in?" she sticks one of her blade wings throguh the door and begins to wiggle it around as though feeling for an invisable trip wire
[00:27] * Sean looked at Jubal, blinking his glowing eyes at him. Jube had night vision, he was pretty much made for scouting, but he wasn't gonna volunteer his soft killable friend.
[00:27] <Jubal> "I can see in the dark. But . . . this place ain't dark. So unless we can find a way to take the lights out, that's pretty much useless right now." He frowned, looing toward Bess. "I say Merge should be one ahead. If there are any guards, I'd say she could take an attack better than anyone."
[00:28] * Mask ( Quit (Ping timeout: 268 seconds)
[00:29] * FredFredBurger ( has joined #cobalt*salem
[00:29] * FredFredBurger is now known as Mask
[00:29] * Merge[Bess] nodded, clacking the two sheilds together. Clack clack. "I can take a hit, somebody who can hit back come in behind me when I say it's clear?" she started to move to the door.
[00:30] * Melody` ducked behind Bess, 14"Yes..Merge goes first. Good plan. I suppose I could electrocute someone if she distracts them..maybe not..have never tried before."6 she immediately makes a mental note to try that when they get home..provided they do make it home.
[00:31] <Building> Of course by now poor Phantasm has a few scared kids, whom had chickened out sitting in the jet with her. She keeps a close eye on them and speaks again after finishing a brief call to the school. "Infirmary rooms and a quarantine has been prepared if necessary. Also, see if you can find any information about thsoe sentinels. If they brought Shannon and Cody here, then they may also be stored 6-
[00:31] <Building> 6- here."
[00:31] * Chance` looks at the door with a certain bit of apprehension. 14 "I hate to say it Merge, but they are right. Alright, I'll move in behind her. I can hit pretty hard." 6 He's 5'7 and kinda scrawny, how could he hit hard?
[00:33] <Building> Upon further examination of the hall, you find the Research Library has a small metal plate beside its double doors, reading.. Research Library. One of the doors is slightly ajar, but a glimmer of light shines from beyond it.
[00:34] * Iyala curves her dark lips into a smile and then says "by all means, after you guys" she floated back from the door and waited for Merge and Fiction to enter
[00:35] * Merge[Bess] pushed open the door slowly, slouching low and holding her shields in front of her. She slipped inside, staying low and keeping her diamond eye's sharp for movement.
[00:35] * Chance` would do what he had to now - he would shift, growing upwards to just a hair under six feet six, he began to smell of rotting flesh, and old pond water. A long metal weapon appeared in his hand, and a hockey mask on his face.
[00:35] * Chance` is now known as FicJason
[00:35] * Blank was out of it thus giving direction, and taking the risk of running point was left to the others for now. His gaze however did not stop shifting in the least, wanting to be ready for the next suprise that awaited them "Eyes open...there is a reason that we still have not run into anyone...despite this area not being contaminated. Likely the second subject...took them out."
[00:36] <Meryl> 3<5Caroline3>14 "Holy shit, is that Jason? When did we get Jason on our team?"
[00:36] <Mask> 14"Just as I'd prefer it. I don't think anybody down there would be able to keep pace with me anyway. No offense guys," 6said Denton as he slid the printed pages into his deer hide shirt. The native american would pull one of the hatchets from his belt, just in case and start off deeper into the building in search of a way to turn this hungry bastard into a bleeding 6<>
[00:36] <Mask> 6<> bastard. 6<>
[00:37] <Building> On the map of Denton's floor, the ground floor there's quite a few rooms, office rooms, technical stuff, rest rooms. A lounge. Nothing too inordinary. There is one HUGE spot however which seems to take up 1/4th of the building and is located directly middle. It isn't labeled on any of the maps but for the second level. It clearly reads 'Robotic Storage.' But Denton would have to travel this 6-
[00:37] <Building> 6- floor, which as the others have discovered, is tainted with building organs, and reach the stairwell to get to the second floor, which is likely just as corrupt.
[00:38] * Sean would watch the door the shiny diamond girl dissapeared into, preparing to blast anything that chased her back out the door.
[00:41] <Building> Amazing to find that the research library seems fairly normal aside from one corner. There is a red spot at the ceiling, which drips blood.. seeming to be the only indication that this room is slowly being engulfed. There are files, folders, file cabinets, and two computer desks. Shelves and rows of books, msot of which cover the human body, anatomy, and mutant studies on the X-gene according to 6-
[00:41] <Building> 6- tehir titles if anyone looks. The lights are flickering a little now. As are the lights in the hallway... Denton will see that the lights on his floor are also flickering, as if losing power.
[00:41] * FicJason would move lumbering behind Bess, his one good eye watching the room as he clutched the Machete. He would atleast be useful in being a human sheild.
[00:42] <Mask> 6Making his way out into the hallway, Denton would glance about it's length. He wouldn't proceed right ahead, instead making sure that there was no threat that he could see or hear. Denton was one of those type of people that was hard to hide stuff from. Alert, the five foot ten native american man would only make his towards his destination if nothing looked too sus 6<>
[00:42] <Mask> 6<> picous or if nothing presented itself to him. 6<>
[00:43] * Merge[Bess] walked around, clacking her sheilds together sporadically. She left it to the others to keep behind her, moving to make sure no evil acid spitting squirrels were hiding in any shadowy corners. "Looks clear..." She said uncertainly.
[00:44] * Melody` frowns at the flickering lights, 14"No no no no No flickering. You stay on."6 she if ordering the lights to stay on would work. Seeing how nothing is wrong with the room..besides the dripping blood, she glances around and slowly moves away from the group and begins to read the book titles.. 14"Yeah..definately not good."6 she frowns, slowly looking around the room again before peeking out into the6 ...
[00:44] <Melody`> --6146146 hall. 14"I'll keep a look out..cause..I um scream the loudest"6 she grins
[00:44] * Iyala enters after Ficshason quietly and begins to look around her dark eyes scanning the shelves for a moment she walked to the cornor slowly being absorbed watching curiously
[00:44] <Building> The floors seem solid, however, everything is slick and wet with some sort of glistening fluid. It doesn't smell like blood, nor does it burn like stomach acid. It's mucouslike. Denton has no trouble in finding the stairwell.. all is quiet.. too quiet. His view is separated by a door. There's a little picture emblem indicating the stairs go up or down beyond the door.
[00:45] * FicJason shifts back downward to his normal self and goes about looking through the files. He is in actuality, looking for any files they may have on himself. His heart beating faster in fear.
[00:46] <Mask> 14"Okay, at the stairwell," 6he said through the open frequency as he looked at the door. 14"All alone, ready to jump into the unknown without anyone at my side," 6he says as he goes to push the door open, 14"Boy what I wouldn't give for four or five wolves at my side right now."
[00:48] * Blank moved to one of the computer terminals seeing if he could get access to whatever was on it, the hope was that a password would have been left in because he was no hacker. If it was left conveniently on and unpassworded he would look for data on sentinels, as well as more information on the nature of the tests they ran and of the powers of the subjects.
[00:48] <Building> These computers, unlike those that Denton was at are already password unlocked. Someone had fled them in a hurry, and did not care to log off their computer account. There are entire files about cobalt, and also the infamous 'Subject 1 and 2'. There is information about sentinels, and the different lines constructed for different purposes. Some against metallics. Soem against the techno mutants 6-
[00:48] <Building> 6- that can merge mentally with systems, and some against various other aspects of the X-gene."
[00:49] <Building> Denton is easily able to push open the door..and what he sees might be more horrific to others. There is a waterfall of blood creeping down the stairs. And had been for a while. He's found a 'artery' apparently as it seems to take blood to the lower levels of the building.Its thick, and spills out into the hallway easily, the inside of it is humid, and hot, at least 102 degrees and very 6-
[00:49] <Building> 6- uncomfortable.
[00:49] * Iyala speaks for the mic "the library level is being absorbed now, how much time do we have?" while her dark eyes reflected the hole being absorbed into the cornor
[00:50] * Jubal followed the others into the library. He looked around, eyes moving up to the one corner with a frown. "I think we need to work quickly," he suggested, and taking his own advice he moved to start looking through the files. He wanted to find files on any particular mutant, but most importantly on those he knew resided in Cobalt.
[00:50] <Building> The bloody spot on the ceiling is spreading..creeping further and faster. (Blank is at one comp and fic at another jubal, which are you at?)
[00:51] <Jubal> (File cabinets? The room had those, didn't it?)
[00:51] * Iyala turns back to the others and says "we are out of time, what else is left to acomplish?" over the mic so everyone else can hear too
[00:51] <Building> Phantasm: "I can't see your level through the ground. I had to leave the jet to walk closer..but guys. It doesn't look so good from out here. This building is *hot* and getting hotter. Something of this size and magnitude makes a lot of heat."
[00:52] * Melody` looks up at the ceiling and frowns, 14"Hey..umm guys.. can ya'll like hurry up?"6 she points upwards.. 14"That's not a good looks like the freakin thing is going through the levels.."
[00:52] <Mask> 6Denton would just raise his eyebrow at the blood flow comming from the stair well. 14"Give it up living building, I've eaten animal hearts raw. You aint grossing me out," 6he says as he starts to climb the stair well, making sure not to step on that artery. He doesn't know what will happen if he does.
[00:53] <Building> Some of the files in the cabinets are similar copies of whats in the computer, likely info that was put on paper prior to being processed into the machine for the facility. There is information on most mutants in the school that had been put in the public eye, like Shannon, Fiction, Morgana, others whom had been sighted on television and displayed their powers for the world to see. There's even 6-
[00:53] <Building> 6- a bit of information about the 'real' X-team at Xavier's school.. and other inhumans who werent classified as 'mutants'
[00:53] <FicJason> "I'm going as fast as I can, but I'm not a hacker...note to self...find a movie with a hacker in and, watch it. Many, Many times." 6 He gets frustraited with the computer. Well, he guessed it was good they didn't have files on him.
[00:53] <FicJason> "Fuck..."
[00:53] * Blank simply shook his head as he scanned over the data "We found the Sentinel well as data on the test subjects....its too much to get at the moment, ill try to recover both hard drives." his gaze shifted upward as he rose. "We dont have time to sift through all of this." as he finished the statement he carefully probed through the casing liqufying the computer systems since
[00:53] <Blank> they seemed to hold data and not control any key systems. His goal was to extract the hard drive without wiping any data, as difficult a task as that might be.
[00:53] * Merge[Bess] started to search around throug file cabinates with Jubal, dropping one shield on the ground. "If you find a hard copy or print out something we need I can store it in my body so we dont mess it up before we escape."
[00:55] <Building> Phantasm: "Anything on paper that looks important, keep it on you and keep it safe." This is spoken to Bess and Jubal. "Is there anything about me?" Of course there was, the 'list' was present, and Aurora's name, as well as your primary Dean Belladonna, was on it. So was Velmont, your head of security, and two whom you already knew to be on it, Fiction and Shannon.
[00:56] * Iyala turns to Bess, Fiction, and Melody and asks "unless its something that going to save our lives we should probably get our team together and get them out of here"
[00:57] * Melody` mutters, 14"Hurry up guys..just take what's important. I dunno bout ya'll but I don't wanna be back in that stuff again. Oh.. if there's anything on me, grab it."6 she giggles.
[00:57] * FicJason nods to Iyala. 14 "It's time go Sir, this is getting bad, really bad." 6 He looks over to Blank, he wanted to get the hell out of here.
[00:57] <Mask> 6Denton, seeing nothing hindering his way, would suddenly realize just how hot it was. Pausing for a moment to take the dear hide shirt off his claw and bite mark covered mid section, he'd re adjust his weaponage and continue onwards with the shirt tied around his waits. Making his way out onto the second floor, he'd stop to survey his surroundings.
[00:58] <Meryl> 6Caroline has sprouted a multitude of flowers and leaves on her arms and shoulders, the ivy trickling down her back and up and around her neck and chest. If nothing else, it helps recycle the air.14 "Be careful."
[00:58] * Iyala asks "are you guys on the radio getting that? I think we need to get out of here, unless its something thats going to save our lives we should meet up and get out of here"
[00:58] <Building> Before you could delve further into the files, and while Blank had fortunately exposed the hard drives for retrieval, the growing presence of the muscular structure becomes more apparent... suddenly.. the ceiling BURSTS open and the room begins to flood with a tidal wave of ...fecal matter.
[00:58] <Melody`> <EW>
[00:59] <Mask> (So glad I'm not there.)
[00:59] * Merge[Bess] snatched up some papers. Lists. She scanned them and folded them up, pressing them to her forehead and absorbing them into her head for safekeeping. She picked up her shield and.....FECAL MATTER?! "AAHG GROSS!" she exclaimed, glad she had little to no sense of smell in this form.
[00:59] <Building> The floor opens, similarly, and you find that you've become integrated into part of the new intestinal tract. Who knows where that hole in the floor is going...
[00:59] <Meryl> 6Caroline quickly grows a mask of ivy over her face.14 "Oh shit!"
[00:59] <Jubal> "Can we take the computers with us? Or is the information got through a network?" He looked back to Bess, nodding. He'd snatch any files on Sentinels, pulling out files on several of the mutants at the school. He handed it all back to Bess. If there was a paper copy of the list, he'd pull it out, scanning over it. "Yeah, they're probably right, we should likely go." That . . . was right before
[00:59] <Jubal> the ceiling burst. He started to cuss and curse in several languages, the only words he knew of those languages, as he tried to run out of the room.
[01:00] * Blank had extracted his hard drive, not particularly feeling lucky enough to do the same with the other he left it behind. Hoping that one hard dive holding hundreds of gigs of data would be enough. "Right, remember when...I..." his words were cut off as the ceiling shitted on them. Instincts took over and the metal he'd carried with him formed a make shift shield rising upward to protect himself
[01:00] <Blank> from the deluge. Instinct rather than being grossed out. "MOVE!" was the only word uttered as he made for the exit, blissfully protected from the shit pouring down.
[01:01] * FicJason groans and quickly makes his way out of the room. He was not protected from the shit however and quickly made his way outside, letting out a low grown of disgust. 14 "Okay, that was just nasty."
[01:01] * Merge[Bess] had stored all papers she was given in her head just before they all got shit on. She'd begin reabsorbing the sheilds back into her body and ejecting them as a cement and tile chain which she thrust into Jube's hands as she fought to follow Blank to the exit.
[01:02] <Building> The hole in the floor widens and continues to gap, the splatter of near liquid waste continues into the floor, then stops a few moments after everyone's spilled quickly out of the room. The stench is like raw sewage. The smell of digested peoples...
[01:03] <Mask> 14"You guys okay," 6says Denton into his com link, obviously worried about the sounds he's hearing.
[01:03] <Building> Phantasm: "Are you guys okay?! I heard something." Denton will find that there is a door at the top of the stairwell, the sweltering and hot heat doesn't seem to increase anymore. The building has a body temperature of 101 most likely and will not get any hotter for now. The door is unlocked, but a bit mucousy and sticky. Beyond it, a hallway according to his map.
[01:03] * Sean tried to wade and swim through the shit, eyes pinpoints of light. "Auugh!"
[01:03] * Iyala seems unphased by the filth stepping out she sighs and says "this is getting annoying" other then that she seems rather relaxed
[01:04] <Building> There are also offices, and such things as one would expect in this sort of building. Researchers and head honchos in their corner offices and nice views overlooking the local wilderness and shoreline.
[01:04] * FicJason coughs and shutters. 14 "Ya, we're fine, but that was fucking disgusting." 6 He tries to brush some of the shit off his body.
[01:05] <Mask> 14"Eh, you'll get used to this place. Trust me, there's stuff a lot more disgusting out there," 6said Denton in his com link as he made his way towards the direction of the big ass room on his map. Of course, he thought they came across another blood soaked room or something. He didn't know they just got ten tons of shit dumped on their heads.
[01:06] <Jubal> "God dammit!" That was in English. He took his jacket off, wincing at it. "I loved this jacket . . . " He sighed, throwing it off to the side. It had shit on it. Shit that used to be people. He threw it back into the library. "I hope it gives you indigestion, you bastard."
[01:06] <Building> Phantasm: "Denton is looking for its core. Do you have everything you needed?" Aurora can only imagine what just happeend to them, but doesn't think she wants to know from the gross sounds that she heard in teh background of the comlinks. She shudders a little and walks around the building, eyeing it curiously. "I wish I had X-ray vision.. where's that reporter girl when you need her." She 6-
[01:06] <Building> 6- grumbles. Even shannon would be an asset right now. the art teacher was worried, with good reason.
[01:07] * Blank grunted into the radio "It just took a crap on us..when I get out of here I am going to make sure this thing is dead for good. I just got inspiration on how to either do that, or make it stronger than ever." he made a makeshift carrying case for the hard drive attaching it to his belt and ripping out some of the lining of his jacket to work as padding. "Aurora is there an exit from the base
[01:07] <Blank> level...that is a clean cold spot within the base still? Away from where it is heating."
[01:09] <Mask> 14"Be greatful you didn't wander into the gal bladder," 6said Denton as he contiued through the hallway and towards his destination. 14"Trust me, you think being shit on is bad, you havent seen nothing yet," 6says Denton as he looks at the map again.
[01:10] <Building> Phantasm: "I wish I had a map.. Fuck." One indication she's pissed. She never curses, ever. Pacing, she pulls out her goggles and continues to look, moving closer so she can look at the ground level and the foundation. "It looks cool.. Hey.. It's VERY cold on the east side. Find out what room that is! Shit. Denton, I'm seeing something strange now that I'm closer. Something hot is in the middle. 6-
[01:10] <Building> 6- And I mean real hot. It might be that heart you're looking for." She's had time to digest what Blank said now, then blinks. "Did you say it shit on you? Ew...."
[01:11] * FicJason groans and sighs. 14 "Let's just find how to destroy this thing and get the fuck out of here. I don't feel like being digested today, besides, I wouldn't taste so good."
[01:12] * Merge[Bess] reabsorbed as much cement and tile matter as she could stand and rebuilt her shields. SHe gave them a clack together to test their resilliance and looked to the others, still covered in poo.
[01:12] <Jubal> "Anyone find anything out about where any mutants might be held? If there are any mutants bein' held here?"
[01:13] <Mask> 14"Either that or it's our head of security Miss Jessica in the shower. Rawrrr," 6said Denton through the mic as he continues down the hallway. Finally finding the door to the room he was looking for, he'd go to press a hand on it to figure out just how hot the sucker is.
[01:14] * Melody` couldn't help but snicker at those who got shit on.. 14" guys stink...major."6 She looks towards Blank then glancing back at the others, she cracks her knuckles and concentrates, calling up the rain shower once again to wash away the stench that clings heavily to them. Thank Gods she was in the hallway..
[01:14] * Iyala says "I have no interest in destroying it, I think we should get out as soon as possible and then deal with it from the outside, its most likely a trap anyways the longer we spend here the more dangerous it will become"
[01:14] <Building> Its sweltering for sure in there.. one could guess at least 110 degrees. Rivulets of sweat pour down Denton's body and he'll find the humidity increases the difficulty of breathing. It's dark, dank, and smells of blood. The walls leak it, they're ropey and veiny like corded muscles. Something he's undoubtedly seenb efore while cleaning and gutting deer and animals.
[01:15] * Blank sure as hell was not covered in crap thanks to the beauty of carrying a do it all disk of metal with him whenever he was on missions, hovering, cutting things...being an umbrella at the perfect time....god it was good to be prepared, and not covered in shit. "Someone give me the map so I can find out how the hell we get to the east."
[01:16] * Sean took off his shirt and wrung it out, using it to attempt to wipe all the shit off of him.
[01:16] * FicJason growls and just - tosses his shirt and pants away, along with his shoes. He's in his all blue form, so nothing naughty is showing, he's going to want a really long shower when he gets home atleast.
[01:17] <Mask> 14"Okay guys, I think I've found this things heart," 6he says as he takes a deep breath. Thankfully, Denton's had good enough luck to be gifted with a former home that gave him quite a good amout of breathing stamina and lung power. Here goes nothing, he thinks as he pulls the other hatchet from his belt and kicks the door open.
[01:17] * Jubal wasn't about to get naked. And his shirt was basiclly clean, thanks to his jacket. "Shit! My flask was in my pocket . . . so were my cigars." He lookedback toward the library, as if actually considering going back in there.
[01:18] * Merge[Bess] wiped off her forehead and smeared her hands on the wall to get as clean as she could, then pushed out a few pieces of paper from her forehead. She picked the right one and handed it to Blank. "Here you go." She then sank into the floor, leaving a puddle of waste where she dissappeared into. She carefully reemerged from a clean spot on the floor. A quick fix to get clean.
[01:20] <Building> There's a few little poo finger prints on the map given to Blank, but its otherwise alright...
[01:20] <Mask> 6Denton waits for Isismun, oh the suspension.
[01:20] <Meryl> 6Caroline coughs and breathes a little heavier through her leafy mask.14 "Oh my god... this is the sickest thing ever."
[01:21] <Building> The room on the other side of the door is VERY spacious. Denton finds he is on a catwalk and that the stairs lead around the square room on that third level. The room itself is 4 levels deep but the only doors are on the bottom level, and the upper one where he is. There is a stairway that leads down. He also sees WHY it is so large.....
[01:21] * Sean sighed at Jubal. "I'll get you a new flask." he said dryly. He sighed and looked at himself. Poo was bad :c
[01:21] <Melody`> <sentinel room!>
[01:22] * Blank took the map gingerly, away from the smeared crap stains on it taking a quick look to memorize the lay out before handing the map back to Bess "Thanks....this way." was uttered as he moved down the corridor the map indicated would lead to the uncontaminated east corridor.
[01:22] <Building> As there are no less than 3 dozen sentinels standing in assembly line order, in different colors and makes, some in different sizes. They are all facing a single direction and appear to be deactivated.. There is the thrumming hum of machinery and computers... but not only that.. a rumbling THA-THUMP... THA-THUMP.. Most of the room should have been metal but its become something made of bodily 6-
[01:22] <Building> 6- parts, flesh and bone, the walkway is no longer metal, but some kind of organic muscle and bone contraption.
[01:23] * Merge[Bess] followed closely behind blank, head low behind her sheilds.
[01:23] * Iyala turns her attention the map in Blank's hands her wings folded against her back while the map and his hands... also the smears reflected on the surface of her dark eyes
[01:23] <Building> At the dead center, there is a bulbous, tumorous mass which COULD be a heart. It stands at least two stories and is oblong shaped, it looks... like no ordinary heart. If it can even be called one. Filaments and ligaments connect it to the floor and walls, the ceiling itself which has a long defined line, indicating it can open
[01:24] * Jubal stared into the room for a moment. "It was a gift from my sister," he muttered. But her turned, following Blank toward the east corridor. He rose his hands up, sliding his knives out of their sheaths, strapped to his forearms. If anything, or anyone, was still in here, he wanted to stab them.
[01:24] * FicJason follows behind Bess and Blank. He wasn't shifted yet. He still had another form to chose and he wondered which one he would need.
[01:25] * Sean kept behind Jason, waving for Jubal to follow.
[01:26] <Mask> 14"Oh... fuck," 6says Denton as he looks wide eyed at the sight before him. He'd fought puma's and bears to the death, climbed mountains during blizzards, looked from the great teton and seen the great lakes, but he had never seen something like this. Gathering his composure, the large man would glance at the heart and then towards the line in the ceiling. 14"John 6<>
[01:26] <Mask> 6<> Carpenter eat your heart out," 6he says before turning to his mic. 14"You guys, I've just found the freaking heart chamber," 6he says into the mic, 14"There has to be at least fourty or so sentinals in here, maybe more. There's this line in the ceiling of this chamber and I'm guessing it's the things mouth." 6<>
[01:26] <Sean> *ficjason)
[01:26] <Meryl> 3<5Caroline3>14 "Why don't you turn into Pinhead and fuck that thing up proper?"
[01:27] * Iyala asks "those giant robot things? can you rewire one for our use? or to take it home to study?"
[01:27] * FicJason is actually unshifted at the moment.14 "It's not on the list at the moment unfortunitly. That, and the whole, chains out of nowhere, thing is kinda hard."
[01:29] <Mask> 14"I barely know how to work a computer," 6he through the mic before turning to look around the room, 14"Let alone get one of these things out of here and from that line on the ceiling, the last thing I want to do is go beserk."
[01:29] * Blank would have throttled Iyala if he wasnt pressed for time...rewiring a combat killing machine before the entity he was in decided to try eating him...right, and a non technopath mutant. That was beyond the realm of believability he said so on the radio "Disregard that, thought....just get ready for a hostile response if you opt to try damaging it. I doubt itll go down quietly." as he keyed off
[01:29] <Blank> the radio he began moving faster not wanting to be beneath the thing when it died....things had a nasty habit of falling downward.
[01:29] <Building> The room is relatively normal aside from the gradual bleeding of the ceiling.. its untainted of course, but not for long.. The wall to the right of FicJason GIVES all at once, and a sloppy red tentative darts out, shoving at the huge beast of an undead man. Were he lighter, such a thing would have been more successful. It chose the 'largest' within the group, unable to see, but capable of 6-
[01:29] <Building> 6- sensing. On the wall on the opposite side , anotehr hole has opened. Its apparent it was meaning to shove Fiction into it for devouring.. the hole has tooth like ridges and protrusions at least 4 inches in length, and very sharp in appearance. The lash of the tentacle itself HURTS, even for him being Jason. He can tell if he were human, it would hve killed him
[01:29] <Meryl> 3<5Caroline3>14 "Leatherface?"
[01:31] <Blank> Silver disks lash out, miniature pieces of his all purpose piece of metal, controlled with precision those whirling blades hover through the air seeking out the tenticles intending to sever them from their base with rapid precision.
[01:32] * Melody` stood wide-eyed at everything that was going on around her, having been following the Stink seven..or eight...bah she had lost count. Either way, she frowned and looked to Blank, 14"So like..umm what cha orders? cause umm..knowing those things are there and could turn on at any second...not good."6 She jumps when FIcjason is attacked and yelps, glad she was behind the stinky group, instead of ahead of it. 14"Not6 ...
[01:32] <Melody`> --614614 good, not good!!"
[01:32] * Merge[Bess] darted foreward to grab ahold of fiction, dropping her shields and fusing her legs into the floor to keep them both anchored. "Ahhshit!"
[01:33] * Iyala turned to Blank as he gave her a look and turns her attention back to everyone in the group she begins to rush for the entrance itself and stab at it trying to get it to close like before with Bess
[01:33] * FicJason lets out a cry of pain and holds onto Bess, glaring at those teeth that threatten to suck him in, the powerful right hand of the monster comes down with the machete in it, meaning to severe that dirty little tentacle that was trying to pull them in
[01:33] <Building> Phantasm: "Forty sentinels.. no, that isn't good. if they're deactivated, it's likely someone will have to turn them on for them to become a threat. Try to find some kind of.... center, or control station. We have to make sure those things can't ever be used, and destroy all information pertaining to their creation."
[01:33] * Sean aimed at the mouth hole and blasted strong palm sized blasts at it, intent on damaging it and making it swallow those fucking teeth.
[01:34] <Mask> 6Denton would start to make his way slowly across the bone and muscled walkway towards the direction of the heart. His mutant powers, reflexs, agility and speed were now on overload. Way out here, away from polution and civilasation, even this great blight on the face of the earth couldn't stop the wild from whispering to him, the same wild that surrouned the buildin 6<>
[01:34] <Mask> 6<> g. Even inside of the belly of the beast it still reached him and he quickly and lightly navigated the length of the creature. His eyes would dart back and forth, looking for anything that would resemble a control system. 6<>
[01:35] * Sean was all the time mumbling "Christchristchrist..."
[01:35] <Building> It slices it dices.. er.. Right. Aside from metal discs, there's the machete. Pieces of tentative flop harmlessly to the floor where they jiggle in a nonthreatening way. Something.. disturbing happens as Sean blasts it. It looks like... eyes? Or it could be their imaginations becoming overreactive, opens above the large alien like maw, but close again as the mouth snaps shut. Vengeful, several 6-
[01:35] <Building> 6- more of these tentacles suddenly spill out from the ceiling in multiple holes, lashing only when they sense body movement. Sean's movement of his wrists is one suchmovement, the tip of it lashes down over it and he feels excruciating pain, as it cuts deep, and blood flows from his wrist.
[01:36] <Building> (Denton) There is a LARGE corner station, with monitors, keyboard, blinking and glowing lights. It's.. quite amazing really to someone who doesn't know what they're doing or looking for. Technology can be very overwhelming at times.
[01:37] <Building> Phantasm: "If we can use one of those things.. reprogram it somehow... Alright. I'm coming in. Denton, your primary objective is to GET the ceiling open. I'll get up there. You just get it open so I can get in.
[01:37] * FicJason would notice it, and luckily for them, Jason had really good aim. He launched the machete at what he thought he saw, after it would make contact - if it made contact - and rips into the flesh, it would turn to dust again and another machete would appear in his hand
[01:37] * Iyala shouts turning her attention from the mouth opening she launched herself and her blade wings into the tentacles with opened scissor blades to trap them in and try to snip through
[01:37] * Melody` eeeps and covers her head, 14"This is not good..oh wait..idea!"6 she uncovers her head and concentrates on the lashing tenticles.. she had to do this just right. Watching them closely, she sends out short bursts of lightning, drawn over the bulk of the creature to strike out each and every time it sends out a tentacle.. 14"DIE!!"
[01:38] * Jubal came to a sudden stop, staring at the creature's extremities coming at them. His eyes were wide behind his glasses, and he didn't bother to move to try to help. He stared at the tentacles, and seeing them attack Sean he tried to not move. he didn't wanna tangle with those tentacles. He'd seen some gay hentai shows. That shit didn't look fun.
[01:38] <Mask> 6Having watched the Alien series numerous times, he'd guess that was the monitor. Looking up towards the ceiling, he'd give a quick look across the line, which in his mind he thought was some type of jaw line. 14"I don't know, it looks like that the ceiling in this room is a mouth of some kind, you sure you want to do this," 6said Denton.
[01:38] * Sean didn't like tentacles at all. FUCK hentai. "AAGH!" He blasted in the general direction the tentacle came from, his aim shot to shit from the pain.
[01:39] * Blank went into overdrive, as tenticles appeared the disks of silver lashed out his concentration on finding the moving tendrils before they struck someone was taxing. A dozen disk hovering in the air, deadly in nature....the disks worked their way upwards seeking to cut off the source of the tenticles in tandem with the others.
[01:41] * Merge[Bess] picked up one of her heavy concrete sheilds and threw it hard at the mouth, growling. Stupid bastard tentacley thing.
[01:41] <Building> Phantasm: "I'm not letting you jam at the console. The very last thing we need is for 40 sentinels to turn on and annihilate us." Her faith in Denton is nonexistent when it comes to computer usage. "Make sure that.. heart..thing isn't threatening.. Ugh.." Meanwhile, the tentacles are trying to hit anything that they can. Its very apparent that they are also BLIND, Blanks multiple discs, as well 6-
[01:41] <Building> 6- as Iyala's steel scissor like wings are distracting to it. It can only sense the movement and little else. Soon, the room is littered with little meat cubes of gelatinous tentacle, as well as smoldering.. nastiness from lightning bolts
[01:41] <Meryl> 3<5Caroline3>14 "Call out your injuries!"
[01:42] * FicJason notes that he did infact, hurl a machete at the eyes of the thing member? He wasn't that badly hurt, and the jason form was already rebuilding the lost tissue.
[01:43] * Melody` pants a beat, sweat dripping from her brow, 14"No injuries! Just totally grossed out and wishing I had some pizza."6 okay..yes, she was strange, but she wouldn't be Melody if she wasn't. 14"So umm..what now? Giant Teddy bears or snakes or.."6 she covers her mouth, 14"Not gonna say another peep!"
[01:43] * Jubal moved back away from the combat. Slowly, slowly, he snuck back, trying to not get caught by the tentacles. He had two knives, and no combat powers. Give him a standard human or mutant and he could likely take them out. Tentacles that cut like razor blades he would leave to the badasses.
[01:44] <FicJason> "I'm fine." 6 He grunts behind the hockey mask and he starts to go through who he has in his repitore. Master Chief may be useful, big guns and all that.
[01:44] <Melody`> <omg! he spelled it right hehe>
[01:44] <Mask> 14"Whatever this place is, I'm probebly going to be first in line for quarantine," 6he said as he gave a look over at the heart and spoke into his mouth piece. 14"The heart doesn't seem that threatening," 6he said as he pulled the bow from his back and notched an arrow to it. He wouldn't aim for the heart itself, instead he'd break the arrow head and shoot what ca 6<>
[01:44] <Mask> 6<> n basically be described as a harmless piece of wood down at the membrane around the heart. 6<>
[01:45] <Building> The 'building' is definitely becoming angry. One can tell at the expedited ratein which it 'took over' the building. White sterile walls have become stained with bodily fluids and vitae. It's angry. Very angry, and one can see this as the far end of the corridor explodes. Yellowish brown sewage is blown out like a geyser with the force ofa high intensity fire hose. It's not feces this time... oh 6-
[01:45] <Building> 6- no.. but partially digested limbs are within it, as well as part of a torso. the head remains on it with a blank staring expression. Limbs and hands, a few dismemered legs are shot at you. Someone's leg smacks jubal and those in the rear of the group.. and you feel excruciating burning.
[01:45] <Building> It's stomach acid, similar to what sprayed Bess earlier. The digestion has begun.
[01:46] <Building> The arrow penetrates membrane easily, and in response the heart wobbles as if made of jelly and muscle. Phantasm is quiet for now and says nothing else, presumeably trying to scale the building wall to the roof top.
[01:46] * Sean was in the middle of calling out his slashed wrist when "AHH FUCK!" he tried to find something to climb on top of before the acid ate him.
[01:47] * Blank tried to buy them time once more, this time instead of creating a floor with spare metals he tried to form, a flood wall. A make shift barrier between themselves and the acid...f it succeeded. He would begin moving rapidly away from the wall...before it collapsed under the immense pressure.
[01:47] * Melody` ducks at the flying body limbs! 14"Oh me and my big mouth that didn't speak but thought it!"6 she glances behind them and hurries to the front of the group, however, she finds Bess and puts her in front.. 14"Shield. You can't burn!"6 she grins
[01:48] * FicJason would turn and go to run away as best as he could as well. His large form could move surprisngly fast and he wanted to get the fuck away from the acid. 14 "We need to find a safe place - now!"
[01:48] * Merge[Bess] was made of diamond and wasn't dissolvable in acid. She kept close to Blank, grabbing up Melody and putting her on her shoulders. "Hold on to my head, don't cover my eyes."
[01:48] * Iyala trys to float above the fowl liquid or anchor into the ceiling with her wings
[01:49] * Iyala rushes to follow after Fiction seeing him rush off
[01:49] <Mask> 14"Heart doesn't seem to be any different then yours or mine," 6he says into the Microphone before heading up towards the roof. Once getting there, Denton would take the axes off his belt and go to stab them into the crack.
[01:50] <Building> Of course he can run surprisingly fast.. how else does Jason get from a cabin to his escaping victims in a few seconds flat, despite being FAR away the last tiem the camera viewed him. No sooner did Denton stab at the crack was there a *THUMP* an incredibly loud one directly above him in the ceiling.
[01:50] * Melody` narrows her eyes a bit at the acid flow, think Mel..think, even as she clambers atop Merge.. 14"I think I can hold it off..."6 she mutters and taking a deep breath, concentrates, creating a large wind to force the acid backwards, away from the group so they would have time to get away.
[01:51] <Meryl> 3<5Caroline3>14 "Feel nature's wrath!"6 *Caroline grows two rather long, ivy tentacles of her own from each of her arm wraps. Numerous barbs and thorns jut out of them as they twist and grow and end in sharp points. She jumps up and thrusts each barn into the ceiling of the monster, trying to root herself up there.
[01:51] * Jubal turned to look just as he felt the burn from the acid, letting out a pained scream. He fought against the pain to keep from falling, falling would kill him. He kept that in the front of his mind, still trying to function. He started to move after Fiction, as much as he could, which wasn't a very fast pace, considering that, aside from his shoes, there was only denim between his legs and the
[01:51] <Jubal> acid.
[01:52] <Building> That particular part of the corridor is quickly filling with stomach acids. You can hear the gurgling sound... the popping of bubbles. Caroline can easily hok herself into the ceiling now that the previous danger there has been eliminated.
[01:53] * Iyala turns hearing Jubal's scream and begins to hover infront of him she asks "do you think you can climb onto my blades without cutting yourself?"
[01:53] * FicJason grabs Jubal by the collar on his way by. Tossing him onto his shoulder so that he could keep up - Fiction may smell like a rotting corpse right now - but it's better then being dead right?"
[01:54] <Mask> 6Denton would raise his eyebrow at the thump and go to speak into his communicator, 14"Where are you right now?"
[01:54] <Meryl> 6Caroline "Walks" along the ceiling by stabbing her barbed holds into the next bit of ceiling- and heads for the hole they drilled.
[01:54] * Blank does not pause for anything more than shoving people in front of him to keep moving and yelling for them to do so "Move...move! Move, that wall isnt going to hold long."
[01:55] * Iyala nods at Ficshason's solution and follows ocasionaly pushing her self a little faster by anchoring and pushing a blade off the wall, floor, or ceiling
[01:55] * Sean had found a table to get up on but he was kind of stuck. His pant legs were half eaten up and his legs were blistered and red. "Flying girl!" He waved at Iyala, he needed help.
[01:56] * Iyala looks to Sean slowing so he can climb on she trys to fold her blades for safety but atleast 2 won't listen and stick out at odd and dangerous angles
[01:57] * Sean climbed onto her wings delicately, wary of the blades, he still manages to cut his calf. He finds a position that wont slice him to ribbons. "Okay!"
[01:58] * FicJason keeps his powerful zombie legs a churnin until they are safe. He had no reason at all to stop before then, he didn't want to die, that was definitly on the things he didn't want list
[01:58] <Building> Iyala's blade into the ceiling cuts a little too deeply... as it slides out o the thick muscle fiber that the ceiling was now crafted of, the same bubbling yellowish brown fluid spilled out in a geyser like torrent. Fortunately, her wraithlike form is semi resistent to it, but the splatter of it hits the floor and several of her fellow group members. Especially Sean, jubal, and meryl whom was 6-
[01:58] <Building> 6- currently on the ceiling too
[01:59] <Meryl> 6Caroline screams and starts rushing up the hole, fighting through the pain, shaking her grassy head from side to side.
[01:59] <Building> Phantasm: "Um. From up here, it looks like I'm on the roof." She sounds annoyed.
[02:00] * Merge[Bess] followed Blank, carrying the weather girl on her shoulders, keeping her clear of the acid. She heard the splash of the liquid pouring from the cieling but kept moving behind Blank.
[02:00] * Jubal was apparrantly picked up by Fiction. Which he didn't argue. He would save arguing for later, when his life wasn't in jeopardy. The acid was still on his legs, but he was trying to ignore it. He was at least out of the biggest part of danger. Until he got hit, letting out a string of cursing. "Watch out back there!"
[02:01] <Building> (did.... Caroline just go up into the ulcer?!)
[02:01] <Meryl> --- no
[02:01] <Meryl> --- the hole they drilled down
[02:01] * Iyala removes her blade from the ceiling frowning while she began to take Sean out of there she asks "did any of that hit you? its eating me up kind of bad even through the shadow body"
[02:01] <Building> (OH ok you confused me a bit. there isnt one on this floor)
[02:01] <Meryl> --- oh, oops
[02:02] * Blank came to a fork in the road so to speak they could go up from whence they came, back down, or to the containment cells. His opinion of the person potentially in containment cell 2? Fuck them according to Shan's vision there was something nasty behind a door somewhere...or there was. Down it was to get to the Sentinel room which was apparently where Denton was...he hoped at least. "Down!" the
[02:02] <Blank> word was uttered as he moved down the stairwell at near breakneck speed.
[02:02] <Building> (the hole you drilled is on the other side of the flood wall, and blocked by a pool of acid)
[02:02] <Mask> 14"Okay, okay....," 6said Denton as he would suddenly pause and listen to the screams comming from his mic. 14"The others are in trouble. Listen to me," 6he says as he goes to hack away at the crack, doing it as quickly as possible, 14"We need to kill this thing, shut it down any way possible."
[02:02] * Sean gripped iyala tightly, biting hard on his tongue not to scream. "YES. I need WATER." his bare back was getting slowly eaten up by acid.
[02:03] * FicJason follows Blank of course, moving his zombie ass all the way that Blank lead. He was not liking this, he was not liking this at all.
[02:03] * Melody` clings onto Merge as she runs as fast as she can, figuring her wind current did nothing to assist the wave of acid coming towards them, so instead, she covers her eyes and waits for the best, however the call of water, she perks up and immediately looks to Sean. Taking a big breath, she draws forth a rain shower and sends the thick cloud to pour over Sean!
[02:06] <Building> The water doesnt make the pain any better but it does wonders for diluting the acids. Denton hears another *THUD* sound from above him, and the metal of the door shows two large fist sized indents. It deepens a little more as she tries to bend the metal enough to peer in, Mask seeing one violet eye, red hair spilling into her face as she tries to look below her. "What...the hell.. is THAT 6-
[02:06] <Building> 6- THING?!" She should know, he'd already said it, but its different when she sees it and isnt hearing everyone else's story
[02:08] <Building> WHOOOSH... the flood wall gives in.. everything seems to happen in slow motion... such small.. slow motion such as that seen for special Fx ina movie for dramatic effect.. only one realizes it really IS moving in slow motion? Why? One may never know... There's only one way, and that's down! The stairwell door is littered with corpses that weren't digested, but obviously had died of their wounds 6-
[02:08] <Building> 6- from the 'building thing'. Their wounds are terribly similar to the one that sean and fic sport from the tentacles
[02:08] * Sean kept his head despite the pain, counting backwards from ten and looking around from his perch on Iyala's sharp wings. God god GOD acid was nasty.
[02:08] <Meryl> 3<5Caroline3>14 "Go down!"
[02:09] * Iyala calls to Sean "keep your hands dry!" while she flys him on her blades her dark eyes scanning around the halls following her friends she takes a turn with them
[02:09] * FicJason growls as he passes the boides. This thing was not cool, they couldn't let it live. It would kill and kill again. It had to be put down.
[02:10] <Mask> 14"Lady," 6says the twenty three year old man as he drops from the hole in the ceiling and onto the catwalk. The war paint covered, sinewy muscled frame of the native american man would be literally covered in blood. He almost looked red, from the amount of blood that he had gone through to get this far. He felt like the magic fucking school bus right about now, onl 6<>
[02:10] <Mask> 6<> y without the orange haired kid and the glasses to save the day. Where the hell was that Arnold kid when you needed him damnit! 6<>
[02:10] <Mask> 14"You don't know the half of it."
[02:10] * Merge[Bess] s footsteps thundered down the stairs as she followed Blank, keeping Mel steady on her shoulders as she ran for safety.
[02:12] <Building> Phantasm crawled in, lowering herself onto the catwalk, then stared in amazement at all of the sentinels, something she'd only seen in premonitions and dreams like many other students and campus residents. "Alright, we've got to destroy them! You're like.. Superman right? Cover me while I work on the console." She isn't too worried abotu the others right now. They're with Blank! The petite 6-
[02:12] <Building> 6- redhead, who really wasn't that much older than the native american sprinted down the catwalk, giving the tumorheart a wide berth of course.
[02:12] <Blank> Down they needed to go, and while he could do so at breakneck speed thanks to not having to run, the others werent so he made their decent a little easier. As he hovered down the staircase he stripped metal liquifying it and laying it down, to create a make shift slide that those on foot would be carried with greater haste than they could make on their own. Hands clasped together as
[02:12] <Blank> he paused his breathing coming heavy and blood already running down his nose, as he exerted himself fully to creat a second barrier at the top of the stairwell..this one was hardly as tight as the last and would fail that much faster, when he completed his task he simply fell, to the slide hard gravity taking hold and sending him careening under gravities grasp. round and round until....bam he
[02:12] <Blank> slammed into the wall at the bottom.
[02:14] <Building> No sooner had the last person left the hall, did the acid accelerate to what was 'normal' speed. It splashes against the wall, and the stairwell door slams shut behind them as the slide is formed. They careen down it... and its wet..its gooey..the seats of your pants as you stumble onto your asses from the slide become soakedw ith BLOOD. Its waterfalling from the upper levels. Blank crashes 6-
[02:14] <Building> 6- first into the wall and is a cushion for all others who hit it behind him. The force of it is almost enough to break bone, and he feels something snap, if he isnt protected against the impact
[02:15] * FicJason would enjoy the ride, holding onto Jubal as they slid down. He would land first, being right behind Blank, and would brace his large body for impact with the others, even diamond Bess - oh that one could hurt.
[02:15] <Mask> 14"I've got his speed, batman's martial skill and the combat know how of a dozen animals," 6he said as he followed her, 14"But even with all that I wish I was as powerful as a locamotive."6 He keeped an eye out as he followed her, his blood soaked long hair and pants sticking to his body, while the blood itself gave him a rather savage looking presence.
[02:17] * Iyala stops at the stairs and lowers herself to the ground she says "I am so sorry, I never trained for that" her dark lips frowning for a moment she says "no time to worry alot about that though, lets stay focused"
[02:18] * Merge[Bess] slipped and fell backwards on the stairs, dumping the girl off of her shoulders and clattering the rest of the way down on her ass. Graceful.
[02:18] <Building> Phantasm: "Before I left, Miss Constantine had me speak to Virus. THIS should corrupt the information in the facility and cause the sentinels to self destruct." She has a flash drive in her hands, but looks very uncertain. She isn't a technological marvel either but trusts the campus technical security administrator's advice. As she reached the console, she slid it in and booted up the 6-
[02:18] <Building> 6- systems... light from the eyes of over 40 sentinels began to glow. "Er.. I don't think that's good."
[02:19] * Blank is out of it, grunting in pain as he slams limply into the wall barely able to brace himself from the impact, already there is the sputter of crimson spittle for the second time today as they come down slamming into him and forcing him into the wall again and again. His body is battered, consciousness fleets from him as Bess careens down and slams into him...likely placing him as a very
[02:19] <Blank> likely candidate to die without medical attention.
[02:20] <Mask> 14"Lady, don't tell me you are going to blow this place up with my pals sti...," 6Denton would whirl around and glare at the sentinals, their eyes lighting up while his body tensed for confrontation. One that even with his nature influenced powers he had little chance against. 14"I don't know what you just did, but get it done quick," 6he said before speaking into 6<>
[02:20] <Mask> 6<> the mic, 14"Guys, bad fucking news. We got possible sentinal action, the eyes are glowing." 6<>
[02:20] * Melody` whimpers, 14"I'm gonna have nightmares for weeks to come.."6 she squeels as they go down the nasty slide, being tossed from Merge's shoulders as she flips and flops until reaching the bottom with a wince. 14"Owie.."6 she slowly gets up, wobbly at first, but then looks down at her outfit.. 14"Aw mannnn."6 she pouts but then looks at Blank, 14"Uh oh..umm MEDIC?"6 she looks around to those around her before moving over6 ..
[02:20] <Melody`> --6146146146146 quickly to check on Blank.. 14" wakie! This is no time for a map!"
[02:21] <Melody`> nap^
[02:21] <Meryl> 3<5Caroline3>14 "Who's hurt?"
[02:21] * Sean got off of Blank, shoving Fic off of her if he was still on top of her. "Shit, healers?" she backed off to let her work.
[02:21] <Meryl> 6Caroline settles down in a mass of vines and leaves.
[02:21] * Jubal grunted and pushed off of Fiction after the guy hit. He was hurt. He lost his jacket. He lost his flask. And he snatched up his knives as they slid down behind him, jumping out of the way from the rest of the people. He'd move over to open the door at the bottom of the stairwell, looking out to see what was out there. He was in pain, and limping, but he knew not doing anything would be worse
[02:21] <Jubal> than sitting there and waiting for others to do something.
[02:21] <Sean> -_-
[02:22] * Merge[Bess] got off of Blank, shoving Fic off of her if he was still on top of her. "Shit, healers?" she backed off to let her work.
[02:22] * Iyala moves to blank and her dark lips curling into a small frown "Blank's down"
[02:23] * Melody` lifted her head up at hearing the chatter in the com, 14"Umm..did you say Sentinel action? PLEASE tell me I heard ummm centenial? like talking about coins or something..or someone biccential or something?"6 she whimpers and eases away from Blank, looking around them. 14"Where are we now?"6 she looks towards Merge for a mappy
[02:23] <Meryl> 3<5Caroline3>14 "Okay. Okay... Blank... come back, you aren't dead yet."6 *Caroline wraps the vines around him, thornless now, then places both hands on his chest. She shuts her eyes and concentrates on forcing his body to grow and heal itself.
[02:23] * FicJason stands himself up and shifts down, back to normal fiction. He'd used up about half of his time, and he wanted to save the other half - and maybe rest enough to gain just abit more - while they could.
[02:23] * FicJason is now known as Fiction
[02:24] * Sean needed a little looking at too, his wrist wound was still bleeding and he was covered in acid burn. He took a seat on the floor and gripped his wounded wrist, grinding his teeth quietly.
[02:25] <Fiction> "Sean is hurt too..."
[02:25] <Meryl> 3<5Caroline3>14 (Quietly) "Alright..."
[02:27] * Blank arched akwardly upward at an uncomfortable angle as the healing touch took hold, it was a painful experience to have your bones regrow themselves so rapidly, injured tissue whisked away and replaced by healthy, it felt as if fire was consuming his flesh as consciousness returned. However his body was tired...hungry, and fatigued. He had been healed twice without refueling..though he rose
[02:27] <Blank> once more he was on the verge of collapse and he looked everybit the part.
[02:27] * Iyala shifts back to human her clothes smuldering and burning in streaks from the acid she begins to strip until she is down to her underwear she looks it over and shifts back asking "does anyone have any clean cloth to tournicate Sean with?" her dark eyes centered on Sean's wrist
[02:28] <Building> Phantasm: "I DONT KNOW!" The console was lit with various commands and words she didn't understand and could only try to make sense of. "Sentinel activation.. NO!" It seemed each sentinel had its own security code and number. She glanced over the room, saw the print of a serial number on the heel of each one, then entered one in blankly. It opens up anotehr window, with detailed instructions and 6-
[02:28] <Building> 6- programming that does make more sense. "Come on, Virus..."
[02:28] <Meryl> 3<5Caroline3>14 "Will vines work?"
[02:28] * Fiction turns his gaze up to the shoddily erected barrier, how long it would hold, who knew. He certainly didn't want it to break and come down on his head.
[02:28] * Iyala turns to Caroline "if your up for it please do so"
[02:28] <Meryl> 3<5Caroline3>14 "Easy goes it, Blank. You're going to be okay, just take it slow and let your body recover. Sean, let me see that hand."
[02:29] <Building> There is a single door at the bottom of the stairwell which likely leads to... the halloway. Bess would know from the map, if she'd studied it well enough before, that there's only a few rooms at the bottom of this floor of any pertinent knowledge. One of which is the one which contains the sentinels
[02:29] * Melody` just stares at Iyala, 14"CLEAN?! ARE YOU INSANE?"6 she huffs, 14"Oh sure...let me take off my blood covered shirt..unless you want my stained bra.."6 she mutters, 14"clean.."6 she moves away from the group, trying to get an idea of where they were and where to go next. 14" door.."6 she looks at it, then looks at Bessy, 14"Map?"
[02:30] <Mask> 14"Well do something," 6he said as he backed up against her. He didn't know what these things had in them, but he knew how important it was that she stayed out of sight. At this point, he knew all he was going to be good for was a human shield.
[02:30] * Merge[Bess] pulled the map out of her head again, holding it out to Mel.
[02:30] <Fiction> "Hurry up, We need to go, and we need to go NOW!"
[02:30] * Jubal had acid burn. That was about it. He'd get it dealt with later. He could deal with the pain for now, despite the fact that he wanted to collapse. He looked back, frowing at Sean, but moving out the at the bottom of the stairwell to look around, holding it open. "I think we need to -move-, people," he muttered. Yes, stay at the bottom of stairs made into a slide when there was acid about to
[02:30] <Jubal> start pouring from above. Great idea!
[02:31] * Melody` grabs it and quickly reads over it.. 14"Umm containment cell 2?"6 she moves her finger over the map, 14"Oooo large room is no no bad.. that's where those robot things are. We stay far away from that."6 she nods, 14"So..who wants to open the door?"6 she grins.
[02:31] * Sean gave his hand to the healer. "Ahh, okay..." he grunted, welcoming the idea of getting his wounds taken care of.
[02:31] * Fiction walks over and helps Blank to his feet. 14 "You okay to run or do you need someone to carry you?
[02:31] * Iyala turns her eyes to Melody her lips impassively thin while she watches her shout and then nods looking back to Sean and Blank after a moment she says "I think we are near patched up here but still pretty weak"
[02:31] <Building> The head of one of the larger sentinels, a brilliant fuschia and violet thing with a slightly humanoid face turns to look at Phantasm and Denton. "Acquiring..subjects..."
[02:32] <Melody`> <now its time to change yer pants....>.> <.< >
[02:32] <Building> Of course those in the other room can hear this through their commlink.
[02:33] * Melody` listens to her com and quickly moves behind Fiction, 14"It wants you! Go right ahead.. I aint gonna stand in its way. Heck no!"6 she peeks back to the map, 14"So umm yeah..let's stay away from that room, definately."
[02:33] <Meryl> 6Caroline closes her hand over Sean's wrist, and in a matter of moments, he's good as new!
[02:33] <Fiction> "Oh fuck..oh fuck..oh fuck oh fuck..." 6 What an artful reply. Fiction was starting to get worried, and hiseyes were dashing back and forth. 14 "I don't know about you guys, but Sentinals we MIGHT survive, Acid - WE WILL NOT!"
[02:33] <Building> (have they left the stairwell and gone into the hall?
[02:34] <Jubal> (Jubal has. I don't think any others have followed yet.)
[02:34] <Melody`> (yeah I think so)
[02:34] * Melody` has!
[02:34] * Jubal was wrong!
[02:34] * Blank didnt wait to be consumed by the acid he'd nearly died to stop teetering foward through the door to go towards the room containing the Sentinels. His legs wobbly as he moves.
[02:34] * Fiction turns to follow Jubal and Blank, he would move to help Blank stand. The man was their commander afterall, and they needed to help him as he had helped them
[02:35] * Melody` blinks as she watches Blank go through the door..."There goes our fearless leader.. we will mourn him most."6 she takes a breath and trots off behind Blank, shoving the map into her shirt for safe keeping.
[02:36] * Jubal blinked, looking both ways. He then looked down. "Aw, shit," were the only words he could think to sum up the situation. He reached down to smear the blood off the ID card, reading a moment before he unclipped it from the coat, lookingg between the doors. He moved over to the second door to glance inside. There could be something important inside that room, and he'd wipe blood away to see if
[02:36] <Jubal> he had to.
[02:37] <Mask> 6Closing his eyes, Denton would take a deep breath. For a single moment, he wouldn't be in this hellish place, covered in the blood of slain men and women. Instead, he'd be sitting on the edge of the Grand Teton, staring out into the distance, the suns rays flowing through the clouds. A bird would land on his shoulder and look at him and in those eyes he'd see what t 6<>
[02:37] <Mask> 6<> o do. Opening his eyes, the items and shirt would be shed from his being and he'd say over his shoulder to Phantasm, 14"Keep them safe for me, will yah?" 6Turning back to the sentinals, he'd grin and say, 14"You want a target. I'll give you a fucking ragert." 6With a blur of blood covered skin and deer hide, he'd be zooming down the catwalk and with a leap he'd be 6<>
[02:37] <Mask> 6<> soaring through the air.. and onto the Sentinals head. 6<>
[02:37] * Merge[Bess] followed Blank closely, ready to pick him up and carry him if he flopped over. "I can carry the map, Mel.." She didn't want it to get shit on.
[02:37] * Iyala hovered in behind blank the only sound a clank of metal to her wings while she looked around
[02:38] * Fiction leans Blank against the wall, and heads over toward the left end of the hallway, toward the corpse of a body. He leans down and examines it idly...he frowns. 14 "We're definitly in the right place....this is the guy that knocked me out after I was captured..."
[02:38] * Sean thanked the healer with a smile and stood, following behind the others with his eyes glowing. He stayed to the rearr, eyes open.
[02:38] * Melody` didn't and wasn't covered in shit, however, she offers the map. 14"Uh oh.."6 she glances at the scientist which is half gone.. 14"Hmm.."6 she kneels down, trying not to loose the rest of her lunch..and wipes off the badge. 14"Hey guys! Its from that place..that Hallowtech division thing."6 she frowns before looking at the doors. 14"Well door dented and bloody.. or Door B..which is fine.. Which one to pick?"
[02:38] <Meryl> 3<5Caroline3>14 "Who else needs a pick up?"
[02:38] * Blank leans heavily on Fiction as they move down the hall, he paused abruptly as they passed a scene directly out of the notes he had etrieved from Shannon earlier that night, every detail in her notes to the letter described in the scene. He pointed to the door..." Someone check out that cell...there is likely a telepath inside...the source of our visions."
[02:39] <Fiction> <is it the door Fiction is infront of?>
[02:39] <Blank> <The dented one>
[02:39] <Building> Phantasm: "If I could just..." Truth be told, Aurora had no idea what she was doing. Following instructions that she now fears she'd muddled during her moment of panic. What if she caused the doom of everyone on this godforsaken mission. The poor woman frantically pushes buttons now, doing worse than what Denton may have done. "Trying. Trying." As Denton soars, the sentinel moves with a 6-
[02:39] <Building> 6- thunderous step which seems to shake the facility... "Code name Mastermold activated... programmed to follow orders of primary owner Phantasm."
[02:40] * Fiction nods and leans up to look into the window of the cell. Would there be someone inside? The young blue boy didn't know as he peered into the window, hoping beyond hope that the powerful physcic wouldn't attack him
[02:40] * Jubal is in front of the right, the blood stained and dented one. He looked for a way to open the door, his lips curled into a frown. "There's a kid in here, guys. Looks to be maybe five years old. Should we go in?"
[02:41] <Mask> 6Landing on the sentinals head, Denton would be about to launch himself off when it spoke. Well, at this point he really had nothing else to do. Looking down towards Phantasm, he'd call out, 14"See if you can make it do the robot!"
[02:42] * Merge[Bess] nodded and moved to the door Jubal was in front of. "I can fuse through the wall if it's not reinforced with metal, stick my head in and talk to the kid." SHe offered.
[02:42] <Building> Phantasm: "DID YOU JUST LEAP SIX STORIES INTO THE AIR?" Someone is definitely jealous here. She suddenly noticed where Denton was, the poor woman had tears in her eyes almost and scrubbed at them quickly with her hand. "I think.. it worked.. If he doesn't squash you like a little parasite."
[02:43] <Meryl> 3<5Caroline3>14 "Does anyone else need healing!"
[02:43] * Blank heard the Sentinels voice over the com trying to process information as fast as possible "If Aurora is fine to be in that things sight, then that means it isnt following the list anymore, which hopefully means you should be alright Cody..." he took a deep pained breath as he eyed the kid. "Well...take precautions but yeah talk to the, kid and pray that it is actually a kid and not the
[02:43] <Blank> telepath screwing with us."
[02:43] * Iyala steps into the room and walks behind Blank her dark lips shifting to frown while Bess says there is a kid present
[02:44] <Jubal> "I'll need it when we get on the jet." Was it a bad idea not to take it now? probably, but he was wanting to get out of this damned building.
[02:44] <Mask> 14"Jealous much," 6he said through the mic before looking down at the Sentinals head. Shrugging, the twenty three year old would test Phantasm's theroy, by doing a little jig on top of the monsterous robots head.
[02:45] <Building> Phantasm: "I think it's okay now, guys! It isn't like smushing me under its foot, or putting me in a glass box." She looks around warily, then points to the tumor heart. "We can kill it.. but I'm scared for the others. We have to wait for them.. And I'm scared for what it will do if we attack it. What if it dies and the building collapses on us all?"
[02:45] <Building> The robot's head doesn't so much as bob or move. It simply stands there, completely motionless as if waiting on a command.
[02:46] * Melody` moved to the rear of the group, yep..closest chance of running if anything went wrong at the door. Listening to Phanta's chatter, she relaxes, 14" guys deal with the door, yup and we'll join the others since the room of doom is now..not the room of doom."6 she beams.
[02:46] * Merge[Bess] fused her upper body into the wall, pushing herself through. Her head and shoulders slowly appeared inside of the child's cell, provided there isn't a metal barrier inside the wall. "Hey honey.." she would say softly to the kid.
[02:46] * Fiction speaks into the com. 14 "It said Codename Mastermold right? Maybe it's the first, the one the others order - try commanding it to power down all other units."
[02:47] * Suou (Mahotsukai@14055b31.6ca5ecbd.24.27.imsk) has joined #cobalt*salem
[02:48] <Building> Phantasm: "Okay...Uh... Power down the other.. sentinels?" It assumes her question for a direct command, of course. The glowing eyes of the other robotics in army formation dim, and go out. Score one for fiction having good advice for once. It's either a miracle, or the end of the world.
[02:48] * Merge[Bess] was suddenly expelled from the wall, all the matter she'd absorbed also forcing its way out of her. The leather and rubber of her boots shot out of her stomach and the papers fell from her forehead and she lay on the ground in there, completely powereless. "Ahh...damn.."
[02:48] * Blank interjected "...Before you give that thing any orders of action you should probably ask about its logic sequence, and its primary that if you opt to use it to destroy the heart it does not end up taking us out because that is the base of its programming."
[02:49] <Mask> 14"Everybody was kung fu fighting, those kids were a... heart, oh yeah," 6he said after doing a little jig on the Phantasm controlled sentinals head. 14"I'll do victory dance when we're all safe," 6he says as he jumped off the sentinal, sailing through the air and landing next to Phantasm. Grabbing his items off the ground, he'd go back to re-aranging them all ove 6<>
[02:49] <Mask> 6<> r his body before looking at the teacher that wasn't much older then him. 14"Well, looks like brains and beauty do go together," 6he said before turning towards the direction of the heart. He knew that thing had to die. 6<>
[02:49] <Meryl> 6Caroline has started to grow a second pair of mossy, viny arms to compliment the first two tentacle vines.
[02:49] * Iyala hovers over to Bess her shadowy body folding a bit while her inky black eyes looked her over her blade wings folded behind her back carefuly
[02:49] * Fiction looks over to Bess and frowns softly. 14 "Did he give you a reason for expelling you like that?"
[02:49] * Merge[Bess] was now inside the cell. "My powers don't work." She announced, sounding whiny. She looked at the kid. "Honey, you did this?"
[02:50] * Fiction thought Bess was expelled outside.
[02:50] <Building> Phantasm: "Do I LOOK like a technopath to you, Blank? I don't know what I'm doing... As a matter of fact, what are YOU guys doing and why aren't you in here?" She was so scared she hadn'te ven heard their end of the conversation through the link, wrought with concentration and frustration for those moments of fearing a robot was going to capture her.
[02:50] <Jubal> "Oh, fuck." He tried to grab at Bess, but was too late to get her, blinking as she flew through the door. He looked through the window, staring at the kid and Bess. "I don't going in there is a good idea . . . "
[02:50] <Iyala> ( oh scratch my post, I thought Bess got ejected )
[02:51] * Melody` tilts her head and peers through the window at Bess and the kid, 14"Hey! its a kid! Hi!!!"6 she waves, wiggling in the way of Jubal to see better. 14"How are you doing? Huh? Must suck being all in that room. We'll get ya out okies? Alrighty!"
[02:51] <Building> Little Boy: "No..they keep me here...I..want to ..go home." He looks frail, and rather ill. His head is shaved but the slightest existence of blonde fuzz is growing back on his head. "Can't go out there..He'll get us...He got everyone."
[02:52] * Sean stayed to the rear of the group, just keeping a quiet eye out for trouble, ready to blast at stuff.
[02:52] <Fiction> "I could come and shift to Sherlock Holmes Phantasm, that guys got brains and should be able to help us work out a viable solution to this mess ya?"
[02:52] * Iyala starts to search around the cells for the powersource she calls out "look for a power cable or something"
[02:52] * Fiction speaking over the Com to Phantasm.
[02:52] <Meryl> 3<5Caroline3>14 "Try MacGuyver."
[02:52] <Fiction> "Holmes was better at problem solving."
[02:52] <Fiction> "And logic.'
[02:52] * Melody` frowns hearing the little boy, 14"Wait..who's 'He' ? What's 'He' want? Is he a grumpy old fat man that didn't get his ensure or somethin?"
[02:52] <Mask> 14"Nacny Drew has a hundred percent closure rate. Plus she's cute."
[02:52] <Meryl> 3<5Caroline3>14 "MacGuyver had logic, and enough smarts to get it done with a paperclip, a straw and a rubber band."
[02:52] <Melody`> <LOL Mask>
[02:53] * Jubal looked over to Melody. And he just stared at her for a long moment. He tried to listen through the door to the conversation between Bess and the kid, not knowing if it was soundproof or not.
[02:53] * Fiction rolls his eyes and speaks into his com. 14 "Do you want me to come in Phantasm? Or do you think it's too much of a risk, me being on the list and all."
[02:53] * Merge[Bess] crawled over to the little boy, offering her arms for a hug. "Poor baby, its okay." She ignored the voice in his ear. "Tell me all about it, okay? We're gonna get you out of here and get you cleaned up and go to Mcdonalds."
[02:53] * Blank went off on a hunch "We are from Cobalt....we came here primarily because of you I am've been looking for help. Now look kid...we are about to kill this building, and the monster that its become..if we do that this whole place is going to come tumbling down and you wont be able to go home again. You want to get out of here? Then come were looking for the x-team?
[02:53] <Blank> Well we would be the closest thing"
[02:53] <Building> Phantasm: "I don't care WHO you want to be. I have a six story tall robot staring at me hungrily, and don't know what to say to it. Someone get IN here!" She only then realizes someone had snuck in a compliment, face showing a bit of redness at the cheeks as she looks at the double doors leading to the hall which contained Blanka nd his group
[02:54] * Fiction nods and jogs to the door, shifting - before - he steps in - and moves toward Phantasm, the corn cob pipe in his mouth as he looks up at the giant robot. 14 "Well, I do say my dear, what a piece of machinery that is. Perhaps we should find out why it was built - ask it that hrmm?"
[02:55] * Fiction is now known as FicHolmes
[02:55] <Building> Little Boy: "I want mommy." He looks scared, and is wearing only a hospital gown. The room definitely has a dampening field, and it speaks volumes that somehow, he was able to reach out from within a dampened room to still effect those around him, or could it be why the most recent visions were so garbled and distorted.
[02:55] * Melody` hears Phanta yellin up a storm and frowns, 14"No wonder Mr. Burchall is always busy."6 she speaks aloud only to gasp, 14"Opps! Did I say that outloud?"6 she tries not to giggle, but rather peeks at the little boy and eases away, 14"Well someone open the door. Try turning the knob or..pulling it open, that always seems to work."
[02:56] * Iyala sighs as she floats around the cell she tilts her head by the door and says "I'm not seeing any power cables, can we use a giant robot to break open this cell without hurting bess or the kid?"
[02:57] <Mask> 14"Well it looks like you don't need me here any longer, I'll be right back," 6he says and with a blur he'd be gone and moments later standing in the hallway with the others. 14"Hey guys, Phantasm seems to have everything under Crazy Horse's ghost what the hell is that smell!"
[02:57] * Jubal looked to the door, trying to figure out how to open it. If it had a knob, he'd use the knob, otherwise he'd try to figure another way.
[02:58] <Building> Little Boy: "I try to make things happen so I can get out, but I can't. I can't make things happen now." As coincidence would have it, the door is composed of METAL, but Blank is all tuckered out. Phantasm turns to the ...Detective and lifts one brow, distracted from a possible response to Melody.
[02:58] * Merge[Bess] nodded. "I know, I kinda want my mommy too." She wrapped an arm around him, squeezing him gently. She left it to the others to get their asses out. "I'd prefer not to be smushed by a chunk of wall, Iyala." she groused into the mic. "See, we're almost out, my dummy friends just gotta get the door open and we can get out of here."
[02:58] <Mask> 6And for those wondering how Denton did thay, you weren't really paying attention for the last four hours were you?
[02:58] * Blank began getting impatient self-preservation dictated he didnt alarm the kid that had saved their lives, and could likely fry his brain. He knelt near the fallen assistant checking him for a keycard if there was none, he would spend the last of his strength to liquify the door.
[02:59] <FicHolmes> "I do say this is not the time to be dottling, there is dark things afoot and it would be best to finish as quickly as we can."
[02:59] <Building> Phantasm: "MasterMold, why were you created?" The robot begins to speak in the same loud tone. "I am the first of my kind, the original that all others have been drafted from. I store the data that all sentinels use to function."
[03:00] * Iyala looks around sighs just trying the simple solution she wiggles one of her blades in the crack trying to pry the door open
[03:00] * Sean stepped foreward to help blank. "I can try blasting in the door..." he looked to see if the melting was successful.
[03:00] * Blank spoke suddenly "Com silence, it is important that you do not say anything of the Sentinal program at present until you talk with me in person...complete come black out on that subject,"
[03:00] <Jubal> "God dammit." He'd try to use the scientist's ID card that he snatched earlier to open the door, because he was getting impatient with it all.
[03:01] <FicHolmes> "Ask it what it's most basic objectives are hrmm? Best to know what the behometh is told to do."
[03:01] * Iyala levitates backwerds when Sean says he is going to blast it and says "guys get back Sean is going to try something"
[03:01] <Building> Because Nicci had mentioned that card in two scenes total, its amazing to her that someone realized it wasn't simply a red herring to distract you. Upon swiping the car, it yields access to the interior of the dampening room, and the heavy steel door moves.
[03:01] * Ashina rubbed her eyes with a yahn as she woke up. Damn cold had caused her to pass otu really early tonight, and now she had woken up early. She'd lay in bed for a few moments in the dark before realizing she wasn't tired, and there was no way she'd be able to go back to sleep. Pondering what to do she jsut stared up at the ceiling.
[03:02] * Melody` looks towards Crazy horse guy and grins, 14"Don't cha just want a big ol' hug?"6 she passes by him and goes into the large room with the robots. 14"Holy mother of cows.."6 she peers up at the huge robot, 14"I want one...but version to sit on my desk!"6 she looks towards Fiction and Phanta, joining them, seeing how she walked down the hallway remembering how to get there cause of the map. 14"So umm..why don't6
[03:02] <Melody`> --614614614614 we use one of these guys to like..bust a hole to the surface?"
[03:02] <Ashina> (murr.. sorry)
[03:03] <Mask> 6Shutting off the com like Blank said, the native american, shirtless male would make his way over towards the others. 14"I wouldn't blast at those doors, who knows what would happen with this thing we are inside. Plus, we don't want to do anything that would trigger the sentinals, or harm this kid you guys are going on about," 6he said as he crouches down and star 6<>
[03:03] <Mask> 6<> es into the room at the kid. Denton would give a goofy smile and wave at the boy, 14"Don't mind these guys. They're alright. A little thick in the head, but alright." 6<>
[03:03] * Merge[Bess] picked up the little kid when the door started to open. "Off we go honey. What's your name?" she would ask him, moving for the door with the kid in her arms.