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Vivian Shelton

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 8:27 pm
by Sisip
IRC Nickname: Sisip

Name: Vivian Shelton
Age: 26
Date of Birth: November 9

Height: 6'0"
Weight: 150
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Blue
Nationality/Race: White/American

Occupation: Owner of Sully's 'friendly mutant' Strip Club in Salem.

Personality Profile: A friendly woman, mind attuned for business. One of the most open minded people you're likely to meet. Instead of becoming bitter because she looks like the Goat-Girl from the country Freakshow she's turned that frown upside down and uses her strange look to her advantage.

Physical Description: Blonde hair that, when flat, reaches to her mid back. Quite often, when not wearing a large brimmed hat, she teases it up to hide ears that taper upwards, like a goat's ears, small tufts of blond hair at the tips, and two ivory horns extend up from behind them and curve downwards, like ram horns. Her eyes are blue but square-pupil, that almost alienesque goat pupil. She has reversed ankles, fine blonde long fur starts where the knee does, almost completely covering her grey cloven hooves.

Character Picture (Optional):

ImageImage ... casual.jpg ... siness.jpg



Primary : Mutated Form - Completely benign, Vivian has a bit of a goat-like appearance. Ears, horns, eyes and reverse joint ankles. This includes a reinforced jaw (and teeth) that can chew/bite through an amazing assortment of things. Wood can be chewed through with a bit of force. Steel can be dented but not torn through.

Secondary : Goat Constitution - Her insides are goattastic. Built to withstand whatever she decides to chew on without tearing or piercing her. She has a four chambered stomach, like a goat.

Tertiary : N/A

Drawbacks/Weaknesses/Side Effects : Her overall appearance is her largest drawback, having to function in normal society has always posed issues, however with the latest turn of events it's been made even worse. Vivian has terrible migraines that come from clenching her teeth and gets horrible heartburn and acid reflux when she eats the more unusual items.

How do you believe this character's powers will further develop in the future? (Note: Not required for staff members.) They will not.

Background: From a small farming town in the middle of Ohio Vivian moved to Salem when she graduated highschool to strike out on her own. A loving family, older brother and younger sister, a mom and a dad who were highschool sweethearts, Viv spent her life accepted and loved. After coming to Salem she became active in the mutant community and eventually saved up and bought herself a run down bar that was quickly turned into "Sully's" a strip club that was mutant friendly and who's dancers were, for the most part, mutants themselves.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts:
- No, she will not lick an electric fence for you.
- She downs Excedrin Migraine and Pepcid like most people down tictacs.
- Her fashion style is retro 40's, the large brimmed hats and hourglass waistlines working well in her favour.
- When Vivian laughs there's a hint of a bleating warble in her voice. It can be slightly annoying when she really gets going.