Simulation - Paris - Tue Aug 09, 2011

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Simulation - Paris - Tue Aug 09, 2011

Post by Sisip »

Sisip stepped up and decided the new team and interested parties needed a run through of a sim. She chose to base it off the catastrophic Paris mission ( ) and altered it just a bit.


* Gina_Stone arrives downstairs and drops her bag outside the sim chamber. She still had that mad grin on her face.
<@Sisip> Sisip stands in front of the group, decked out in her full catsuit. Today, however, strapped to her thigh in a sheath was a large hunting knife and a black backpack was over her shoulders and snapped to her belt to keep it from jostling around. Her hair was in her usual 'combat ponytail' to keep it out of her face and her belt pouches looked stuffed to the nines. Behind her is a table with various weapons on it, batons, stun grenades, flashbangs, tasers, various sized knives in sheaths, a few photographs, a single map and what appears to be a small box shaped item made of what appeared to be plexiglass that obviously held test tubes.
<Vinyl_Scrashe> Ashe exits from the third simulator chamber, still cursing silently over the distraction from her own training regimen. Well, regardless of whether or not she participated in the team exercise this time, she certainly intended to spectate. After all, she needed to know what the others were capable of if she was going to continue serving as the vanguard of their efforts. "Remind me
<Vinyl_Scrashe> later that I owe you a beating, Sisip," she says as she approaches.
* Sunder Makes his way down to the sims, his pack slung over one shoulder, his light rig glowing brightly, the single earbud blasting some metal, and an extra large cup of coffee in hand. He seemed quite content.
<@Sisip> Lips curl upwards into a grin as she nods. "I love a good beating every now and then." She returns her gaze to the group of people, giving Sunder a nod as he makes his appearance.
<Krys_Gallagher> She stepped inside, a brow arching as she took a look at the laoded down table. "What do you have in store for us today, hmmn?" she crossed over to the table, a finger running lightly over one of the batons, an expandable asp model that she was familiar with. She glanced up as Ashe entered, giving a nod, then looked towards Gina. "I don't believe we've met yet. I'm Krys. I'll be
<Krys_Gallagher> your trusty electrokinetic for this lil adventure Sisip has planned out."
<vile> While Sisip is dressed up and ready to get down, James...looks as pimpin' as usual. Apparently he disregarded the memo earlier today or simply doesn't care about dressing up appropiately. He rolls on over, heading for grousewoman, taking his damn time in doing so. "So. Uh. I got Lou's shockysticks mocked up. Aaand the other goodies are in a storage compartment of my chair. Uh. I programmed in
<vile> the equipment I made for the teams and haven't quite passed out yet. Today'd be a good time to learn how to use that mess. Um. I can run through the list once we get in there." he offers and eyes Krys, "Oh. Uh. And I've been working on a suit for you, like you asked for or whatever. I should talk to you about it later."
* Kile_Graven (Lexxshrin@14055a57.14055b34.204.237.imsk) has joined #ch*sims
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<Gina_Stone> "Krys? Fabulous... and an electrokinetic too. I can't wait to feel the pulse." Even now, she couldn't help herself, and offered a hand to Krys. "Genesis, but call me Gina, please. I'm your unholy badass for the night."
<@Sisip> "Ladies and gentlemen," Her voice was raised to get their attention. The small, unimposing Mi'kmaq woman suddenly appearing to be quite the force. Oh yes, CEO Sisip stood before them. There was a reason she'd managed to bring High Life Aviation from the small local people carrier to an international air freight competitor in less than a year. "Dmitry Pevtsov, renowned virologist has gone rogue, taking with him a highly volatile and transmittable concoction he frankensteined together in his lab." She picks up two photos, one of Comrade Pevtsov taken for an ID badge. The other is of a different fellow, a candid shot taken from quite a distance.
<Krys_Gallagher> She shook Gina's hand, giving a small smile, before she turned to Jameson, smiling, her expression curious. "Suit? I though Sisip's man in Australia was andling suits and you were gonna make me some nifty gizmo. I can't wait to see what you've come up with though."
<Vinyl_Scrashe> "And I'll be your holy badass for the night. The name's Ashe - photokinetic, attached to Cobalt Special Ops," she says, not so much boasting as stating a fact, and shuts up once Sisip starts talking.
* Edwin ( has joined #ch*sims
<Gina_Stone> Her grip was firm, and she grinned, but turned when Sisip spoke up. Crossing her arms over her chest, she shifted her weight to one foot and listened, and eyed the pictures.
<@Sisip> "The other is Ernst Dohm." She hands the photos out towards Ashe to pass around. "Mister Dohm is one of us. Worse than one of us... he's a technopath." She pauses, "No offense, Jamie, of course. I say 'worse than' because as Jamie can agree... a technopath is one of the more easily abusable abilities. He is what makes this a particularly interesting mission." Picking up the map Sisip levels her gaze on everyone. "In one of the smaller tourist trap markets in Paris is an underground laboratory. Our sources say that IN this laboratory is where Pevtsov is refining his virus.
<@Sisip> She points to a screen behind her that lights up, showing a slideshow of a fairly generic series of tourist-trap shops... specifically an 'art' glassware shop with a showroom for people to watch the actual glass blowers. "This is Du Maurier's. Recon has shown us that this is the most accessible entrance to the lab itself." A photo springs up showing the interior, a normal glassware shop, pretty designs and colours lining the shelves. Another photo of the backroom lined with boxes and papers... and a door with an electronic numbercode lock on it. "Now you know what we know, ladies and gentlemen. You need to get in, find Pevtsov and Dohm, but most importantly you need to find that virus and retrieve it. Your extraction point will be HERE, at the boat dock." Pointing to a portion of the map on the very edge she levels her eyes on everyone.
<vile> "...uh. Materials for the suit. And yeah, gizmo." he tells Krys, a faint bit of color flushing his cheeks. And he turns his attention to Sisip, eyes narrowing. "Yeah. I've run over people with cars before. They can be real dangerous." he mutters, still not liking the thought of his powers being called abusable! And he goes quiet to listen to the debriefing.
<Gina_Stone> "Infiltration..." She spoke under her breath, mostly. "Sounds like my kind of fun."
<@Sisip> She frowns before she clears her throat, her voice taking on almost a Drill-Sergeant tone. "This is a simulation but it is based on a very real mission. One that resulted in the capture and torture of our team leader and ended the life of one of our teammates. We failed because we were NOT properly trained and NOT properly prepared."
<@Sisip> "IF YOU DIE in this simulation your body will be frozen in place. YOU have the benefit of not being reduced to small pieces of meat and blood and splattered over your teammates causing most of them trauma that will live with them for the rest of their lives. There are no guarantees that you will be successful but if you work as a team you CAN complete your objective with minimum casualties. This team apparently demands a zero body count, that is what we STRIVE for. We do not, however, demand zero injury count. In this business THAT is an unreasonable expectation."
<Voltarik> <Zevri O'Shay> Slips into the sim room, having missed the intro, and mentally sighs. She lets go of Kile, trying to figure out what the dying part is all about. Again, better late than never.
<@Sisip> She leaves the slideshow running as she clicks a button on a remote. The scene dissolves into an outdoors one, a van with a driver behind the wheel off to the side. "You have five minutes while you are transported to the area, cupcakes, to formulate your plan of action. When you are out of the van you are OFFICIALLY a target. You will find clothes to help you blend into the tourist crowd, if you choose to wear them, in the back of the van." She steps up to it and slides open the door to allow them entry. "If you're worth the time I've spent reliving horrible memories... I'll see you at the extraction point." And with that Sisip heads out of the Sim room and up to the booth to watch the simulation closely.
<Kile_Graven> Kile looks at the rest of the people in the room and smiles a half smile. "What are we supopsed to be doing?"
* Sunder gives sis a nod and sets down his coffee on the table "Oi" He'd set his pack down on the floor and starts pulling items from it. A simple protective vest, and a webbing belt with a couple multitools and a knife hanging on it. Simple, quick, what he'd have with him if a call in came up in a hurry. He'd slip the gear on around his spikes and wires before looking things over "So lots of glass, and a virus that might be airborne.
<Sunder> Sounds like a lovely trip"
<Gina_Stone> "Alright, holy badass." She winked at Ashe, then glanced around at the others. "Shall we, ladies?" Nevermind the fact that they weren't all ladies; she was clearly ready to party. She started for the van. "We're here to kick ass and chew bubblegum, and unless someone brought bubblegum, I suppose we start by getting in the van."
<Krys_Gallagher> She listened quietly, frowning when she heard that this had been a real mission where someone on their said had been lost. A glance back towards Zevri, another frown as she spotted yet another stranger. This was interesting. Then as the scene shifted she headed for the van. Her own clothes were probably ok, she could be a simple jogger along the street, but she'd still take a look at
<Krys_Gallagher> what was available. First things first though. "Gina and new guy, what are your powers exactly so the rest of us know what to expect?" Since the rest of them had already had this pow-wow and knew eachothers abilities, Gina and Kile were the unknowns."
<Krys_Gallagher> * and Sunder
<Vinyl_Scrashe> "Infiltration, hm? Should be an interesting show," she says, turning to follow Sisip up to the booth where she can spectate. Did Sisip invite her? No. Does she care? No! Once she's made it up into the booth, she'll remove her armored vest and sling it over the back of a nearby chair. "Are you sure they're ready for this, Sisip? I've read the files on that mission - it was worse
<Vinyl_Scrashe> than brutal," she comments as she slumps into a seat.
<Sunder> If it's electronic, I stop it dead. (He would grab a baton from the table, tucking it away in one of his cargo pockets before moving to the van to look through the clothes "Might I suggest getting on the whole blend in with the locals bit?"
<Voltarik> <Zevri O'Shay> "Well, honestly, I don't think this is mildly fair in any regards. I wouldn't be sending a team of people who hardly know each other, nor their abilities, their disabilities, what they are willing or not willing to do, but!"she pauses a moment. "Life isn't fair, and I'll assume we were the only people available, and go with it."
<Kile_Graven> kile looks himself over as he already looks like an obvious tourist, map and all and hops in the van. "I don't plan on killin anyone anyways, lets just go get whatever we have to get."
<@Sisip> The driver of the van steps out. He's entirely hairless and so very blue. Dressed in a sharp suit the man gives off the scent of sweet rotting fruit, or old wine. He stands by the driverside door and watches, waiting.
<Gina_Stone> "I'm fast, I'm strong, and I'm a professional MMA fighter besides. It's easier to show you than explain, but other than that, I can astral project, invisibly, and do recon." She rifled through the clothes, selecting a simple hoodie to throw on over her sport's bra. Just another somebody out for a little exercise.
<vile> Jameson quietly sighs, "I suppose the flashbomb and Siren won't be real useful today, huh? Well, I got glasses to hand out, if people want them. I can display map segments, link to camera footage or any of that mess. They also got comm units built in to the legs." the techie announces, looking a bit less enthusastic than usual for some reason. Probably because he's not exactly a hands-on kind
<vile> of guy and dreads what's coming!
<Voltarik> <Zevri O'Shay> She doesn't pick up anything, except a flashbang to stuff in her spandex top between her boobies. Only real hiding spot on her. "I'll take one Jameson."she says, also swiping the single map. Yoink!"I'm good for looking pretty, distractions, and recon to an extent. My abilities are useless in a simulation, as they don't work on things without brains."she joins Gina, Sunder, Krys, and Jameson.
* Sunder Looks at their assorted crew, quickly dumping his glowing goggles and shoving away the glowing charging wires "Hate to say it, but i've yet to see a mission with a well organized team. It's always last second meet someone new now try not to let each other get killed. These little get togethers are meant to 'elp change that. Now then, think we can all stick close? Maybe look after ms out of body experience so we know just 'ow bad
<Sunder> of a shitstorm we're wandering into?"
<Kile_Graven> Kile gets out of the van and stands next to everyone else. "If we have to go get something, is it real hard to? I mean where are we going anyways?"
<Krys_Gallagher> An expandable baton was grabbed and slipped into her pocket. It was a weapon she was familiar with and was qualified to use. Plus, it fit neatly into her pocket. She strapped a knife to her thigh, pulling on a long 'skirt' over her yoga pants but made sure the pocket was accessible. Ear-wigs were passed out to everyone for comms and she placed hers in, looking to James as he mentioned
<Krys_Gallagher> glasses. "Sure, I'll take a pair Jameson, and give them a try." her glance slid to Sunder,a brow arching. "Just don't shut down my electric abilities, okay?" How was he going to hide that armor? She did, however, nod at the suggestion of having Gina scout ahead. "Astral projection. Ok, yeah. Can you do that without it draining you too much Gina? Though from the preliminary
<Krys_Gallagher> points it looks like we'll need a distraction and need to get thru that door before we can see whats past it."
<@Sisip> Once everyone is loaded into the van it goes vroom! Thankfully Sisip did NOT program her driving abilities into the simulation. Inside the van there are more of the same weapons and further clothes. BlueMan drives through a pretty part of Paris, it's a fairly large touristy spot. He comes to a halt a few blocks away from the glass shop. "Everybody out who's goin out."
<Gina_Stone> SHe put the ear bud in and made sure it was secure, then took a seat inside the van. "Yeah, I ate like a pig before I headed over here. Plenty of energy. Plus, I can go up to a few miles, so I may be able to see what's around the building, too."
<vile> James shares with Zevri, "Awesome. Now that's gonna flash real bright, enough to blind someone fer a bit. Might wanna give a heads-up before using it. And a technopath can make it not work so, uh. Yeah." he mutters with a wince. He nods to Sunder and goes quiet, opting to not pick up any of the gear, satisfied he has what he needs on him. And he'll hand whatever Krys wants right on over! The
<vile> special glasses look like normal sunglasses, at least until they're put on and activated. The night vision is superb and comm unit sounds quite good. As for either the flashbomb or Siren, they're both small egg-shaped metal devices with no clear way to arm them. "Just toss the things and they'll get set off in a couple of seconds. And my powers are being a genius and technopath. Nuthin' else."
<vile> he eyes Sunder briefly, "Don't short out my chair or you'll have to carry me around." and he gets out of the van, waiting on the stupid chair lift to lower him down.
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* Sunder glances to krys "If I need to emp, i'll try to give you warning. Stay to my side or behind and you'll be fine." He would pull on a long shirt, it covered up the vest, and most of the belt. "Any of you going to get disturbed by wide range radio and radar jamming?" He would clip on the comms gear, which would be useful if he didn't go into jamming mode
<Voltarik> <Zevri O'Shay> "You know, we should all leave the van in five minute or so intervals, so it doesn't look, you know, odd that a bunch of people are piling out of a van. Never know who is watching. In fact, I'd get this van to drop us off in several locations around the area."she offers, perching the sunglasses ontop of her head for now.
<Kile_Graven> Kile looks over the other people in the van all ready and seeming determined. When the surroundings turn to Paris he is obviously surprised but now realises that there could be real damage involved. Kile closes his eyes and focuses his mind on his undershirt, turning it into hardened leather before stepping outside of the van. "Hey, who wants to check out this shop?" Kile winks as he does
<Kile_Graven> talks, he obviously heard the term 'infiltration'
<Sunder> Don't get too far spread out, teams of two at least. Let's let um.. whats your name? Do her thing, and don't forget to use the radios a lot
<+Krys_Gallagher> "Comms check before we get out. No real names, folks. Tesla, test 1 2 3." she blinked, then glanced towards Sunder again. "I can EMP as well. Thats awesome." The van was stopping, and it was time to move out. Zev brought up a good point but Kile had already hopped out, and se still didn't know who the hell he was or what the hell he could do, but he had already come up with a
<+Krys_Gallagher> cover story. Sort of. They obviously all did not look like tourists. She hopped out of the van, moving to 'push' Jameson's chair, smiling down at the techno cheerfully. "Hand-blown glass is always the most beautiful. We should buy some for Aunt Sissy."
<@Sisip> Tourists mull around the shops, one or two occasionally glancing at the van curiously. All it did was pull up and stop. How odd! A few fellows in sharp suits can be seen wandering around aimlessly, looking like they're trying to fit in, up near the GlassWare shop.
<+Gina_Stone> "Doppleganger, 1, 2, 3. Hear you fine, Tesla. I can't move when I do this, so I'm going to have a dire need to use the restroom. I can talk though, and see. That work?" She pushed up the sleeves of her hoodie and grabbed a pair of jeans, pulling them on over her bike shorts. If they were all getting out at the same place, then they should at least sort of look normal. Her jogger "disguise"
<+Gina_Stone> wasn't going to work well if they were going shopping.
<+Kile_Graven> Kile holds up his map and looks from it to the surrounding area while reaching in to grab one of the spare radios. He points over his shoulders to the road that heads behind the glass shop. "I think there is a bakery over here? Anyone coming with me?"
<+Voltarik> <Zevri O'Shay> She gives a big huge mental sigh. This was not going to go well. At all. She climbed into the front passenger seat, opened the door, and bounced out. "Later Uncle Jerry!"She waves to the driver, and then moves around to join the group, looking all bubbly and bouncy. She sidles right up beside Kile, hooking her arm through his. "I will!"
<+vile> Jameson is glad he doesn't have to shove his chair around the manual way! A smile is flashed back to Krys and he chuckles. "Yeah, I'm sure Aunt Sissy would love it." and he gets carted around, going quiet as he does a search for any security cameras in the area or inside the glass shop.
* +Sunder glances to the driver "Right then, think we can move down a few blocks, find a parking spot so the rest of us can get out like a few normal blokes out on the town eh?"
<@Sisip> The Blueman does as he's told. He's good like that. Vrooom a few blocks away. He comes to a halt and watches the reamining teammembers through the mirror.
<@Sisip> More people mull around. It's your average tourist trap area for the main group. Nothing overly spectacular really. For Sunder and Gina it's much quieter.
<+Gina_Stone> "Alright... that's better." She got out of the van then, climbing through up to the passenger seat as Zevri had done. "Let's find somewhere to sit for a minute, hold hands or something, and let me take a look around, alright?" She waited for Sunder, sticking her hands in the pockets of the hoodie.
* Robb^ ( has left #ch*sims
* +Sunder He'd climb out, and can't help but grin a bit "Sounds good to me. Now then, quiet spot to sit... Could always hide away in the back of the corner coffee shop"
<+Krys_Gallagher> She took her time pushing J up the street, letting him do what he did best, pausing to glance in shop windows as they passed on their way to their ultimate destination. "Ok people, lets all get in place. Lemme know what you see Gina, when you're ready." she said softly before then asking in a normal tone. "See anything interesting?" she asked Jameson aloud, pointing to a bright
<+Krys_Gallagher> display in the window, though of course se was really referring to the video footage he was surfing. She reached up to her sunglasses, pushing them to sit better up on her nose, activating them, so she could see whatever J sent her. The glass shop was three doors down now.
<+Krys_Gallagher> ((* Doppelganger, not Gina))
<+vile> "So, uh." James' voice can be heard over the comm units the group has, not needing to speak with his actual voice. "We're getting watched by someone kinda sloppy. I'll try to find out where this person is but keep it in mind. I got into the local stores' camera feeds just fine. And other than that, no. Nothing real interesting going on yet. Just some invisible eyes glued to us."
<+Voltarik> <Zevri O'Shay> She pulls out her cell phone, types in some random number, and brings it up to the ear that has the comm-unit in it. "So, what store are we like, totally looking for again? Uncle Jerry wasn't too clear...kinda zonked out there before we all dogpiled into the van. Was in the bathroom actually. Teehee."using her best, valley girl voice for this.
<+Kile_Graven> Kile takes his opportunity to lead his partner around the side street and tries to approach the glass store from back street, trying to see if there is a back wall that is hard to see from the street or if the back side of this storeis connected to another on the parrelell street to its front.
<+Kile_Graven> Kile takes his opportunity to lead his partner around the side street and tries to approach the glass store from back street, trying to see if there is a back wall that is hard to see from the street or if the back side of this storeis connected to another on the parrelell street to its front.
<+Kile_Graven> ie, the perimeter.
<@Sisip> The glassware shop is backed up to a larger building. Only one enterance is shown, the front door. There -was- an invisible eye watching through the same security camera's Jameson was tapped into. It is clumsy and unrefined.
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<+Gina_Stone> "Sounds good to me." She grinned back at Malcom, though she didn't know him from Adam, and took one hand out of her pocket. Reaching for his hand, she took it, laced her fingers with his, and did her best impression of a cute girlfriend meandering with her date around downtown. As soon as they were near the coffee shop, she gasped. "Oooh, hey, can we go inside and get some coffee? Maybe
<+Gina_Stone> there's a booth in there, we could sit for awhile. Talk and stuff."
* +Sunder Holds her hand and gives a chuckle "When was the last time I turned down a cup anyways? Right then, inside we go then." He would pull open the door with his free hand "Now let me guess.. The usual, want to find a place to settle in and i'll grab the drinks"
<+Krys_Gallagher> "Large power source at our destination. Anything you can do about our stalker, Q?" she said softly, bending over to tighten the laces of one of her shoes. Standing back up she turned Jameson, steering around a few other shoppers, making her way to the glass shop where she stopped to ooh and ahh at the window display in proper touristy fashion. "Oh, look! So pretty. I hope they
<+Krys_Gallagher> can pack them up real good because we have to get a piece. Maybe two. Or three."
<@Sisip> The glasswear shop is a fairly generic one. Shelves and shelves of pretty baubles, plates and glasses fill the room. A smattering of tourists wander about, oohing and aahing as a young man sits behind the counter looking as though he'd rather be somewhere else. A woman with a nametag that reads "Sophie" wanders about making smalltalk with her customers. There's a beaded curtain covering the enterance into the backroom.
<+vile> "Uh. Hey, guys? We're out on a mission, not to sit around and drink coffee. It's not real, it's not gonna get us anywhere in the mission. Why don't you kids wait until you get back in the real world and focus on, uh, the mission?" James says through the comm unit, sounding quite flabbergasted at the two breaking off from the mission. A glance back to Krys and he sighs, sounding a bit frustrated.
<+vile> "Lovely day, isn't it?" he asks aloud, rolls his eyes and nods. Back to talking over the comm units. "I'll just have the cameras crap themselves." and he looks around the glass shop and giggles about something, his attention caught by a piece that's vaugely erotic. Yay orchids.
<+Gina_Stone> "Ok. Hurry back!" She took a quick look around and picked a booth around the side of the counter. Sitting, she got comfortable, looking like she was waiting on Malcom. "Alright... here I go." She stared off into space, more or less, pretending to browse a pamphlet that had been left on the table. There was a momentary -jump- as her astral form separated from her body. Invisible, it
<+Gina_Stone> moved at roughly the same speed as she would at a dead sprint. It didn't take long for her to be inside the glass store. "Alright, I'm in the store."
<+Gina_Stone> "Ok. Hurry back!" She took a quick look around and picked a booth around the side of the counter. Sitting, she got comfortable, looking like she was waiting on Malcom. "Alright... here I go." She stared off into space, more or less, pretending to browse a pamphlet that had been left on the table. There was a momentary -jump- as her astral form separated from her body. Invisible, it
<+Gina_Stone> moved at roughly the same speed as she would at a dead sprint. It didn't take long for her to be inside the glass store. "Alright, I'm in the store."
<+Voltarik> <Zevri O'Shay> "Yeah, about that task Uncle Jerry put us on..again, I was in the bathroom at the time, like, putting on my makeup and stuff, and totally missed what store we were suppose to check out. Right now we are lost down some alley way near that shway looking glass boutique, but I can see the road...hope there are no rats here..ewww.."still using her phone to coverup the fact she is speaking with her communit *cont*
<+Voltarik> <Zevri O'Shay> Giving Kile a little impatient tug on the arm, rolling her eyes and looking disgusted at the filthy back area of the building.
<+Kile_Graven> Kile leans over to Zevri and calls into the phone. "And its all in french, This store behind the glass store isn't a bakery at all, looks more like a bunker!"
<+Krys_Gallagher> She shrugged, smiling at Jameson as she pushed him inside, giving the woman with the nametag a friendly smile and a little wave as she wandered over. "Just browsing for now, but I'll let you know when we have some questions." she pushed him around the permiter of the room, seeming to be glancing about, nearing the beaded curtain. "Oh! I wonder if thats where they blow the glass,
<+Krys_Gallagher> like, in the back there. Do you think they'd let us watch?"
<+Gina_Stone> Astral Gina spotted the beaded back curtain and headed for it, passing through it with no effort, into the back room of the store. "In the back, I'm looking for a big safe door, right?"
<+Gina_Stone> ((ARGH, paint that right.))
<+Gina_Stone> Astral Gina spotted the beaded back curtain and headed for it, passing through it with no effort, into the back room of the store. "In the back, I'm looking for a big safe door, right?"
* +Sunder Would make a less than kind comment about jameson forgetting the let gina remote scout the place thing, but he was in line and didn't wish to draw attention, instead he would keep watch and get a couple hazlenut flavored coffees to go.
<@Sisip> As Gina heads into the back room she does see the big door, an electronic lock on it. The fellow at the desk watches the surge of customers and rolls his frenchie beady eyes, irritated that he may actually have to work.
<+Gina_Stone> Roger that, big ass door. She moved to it, and through it, if she was able.
<+vile> Jameson, being the grown up he is, giggles at 'blow'. And he just keeps laughing, amused because he has the sense of humor of a five year old. "Ooh. Yeah, they probably do. Should we ask, uh--" he spots Sophie and eyes her nametag. A nod, "Hey Sophie. Do they have glass blowing lessons available here?" he asks and even waves his hand like an obnoxious American tourist. A big, charming smile
<+vile> is donned, one that's both cheesy and reads nothing short of: big, dumb guy that's too stupid to be anything but nice. And over the comm unit: "Hey Casper, they got a video camera pointing at the door. You gonna...walk through it or what?"
<+Krys_Gallagher> A shame Lou wasn't here to work his mojo and clear out the store..but maybe... she leaned foward to talk quietly in Jameson's ear, then laughed lightly as if she'd just been sharing a joke, looking up as Sophie approached, following J's cues on this one. "Oh, yes, or if no lessons can we at least take a peek at the blowers? It must take quite the talent to create so much beautiful
<+Krys_Gallagher> stuff."
<@Sisip> "Oh oui, sir," Sophie's accent was heavy. She heads over towards Jameson, a bright smile on her face, "Eet ees such a sight, I can assure you. Well worth zee tree fifty ticket price. Of course, for you I can certainly make.. ozzer ways to get you to see eet." The woman is hitting on Jamie hardcore. She hesitates a moment, almost trying to decide whether or not Krys was competition. "Lessonz do cost extra." Gina will find a long hallway filled with normal doors, nothing that really stands out. She may be able to hear faint discussion, all in french.
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* Kraken ( has joined #ch*sims
<+Gina_Stone> "Just a normal hallway so far, nothing special. Hope one of you knows French... I'll try to relay what they're saying. Moving in." Astral form drifted further in, following the voices until she found where they were they were coming from, and moved closer.
* +Sunder Coffees in hand he would move to gina's table, speaking quietly into the coms "Well.. Everything is quiet here. So, after we know whats through the door, someone got a distraction lined up so we can get to the damn thing without being noticed too much?"
<+Krys_Gallagher> The woman was hitting on J and she wanted it to stay that way. Oh yes, she saw that calculating look and she grinned, ruffling Jameson's hair playfully. "Here that, brother? We can at least take a peek, tell mom we got to see glass blown even if we don't actually take a lesson at it. Three-Fifty isn't too bad, either, right?" Oh yes, silly americans assuming she meant $3.50 and not
<+Krys_Gallagher> $350.00.
<+vile> Giggle, giggle. "Blowers." comments the manchild and he beams again, eyes glittering with humor. "Yeah, I wanna learn how to blow stuff." giggle. And then he has a French woman totally macking on him! That knocks his train of thought right off the tracks, making a bit of color flush his cheeks. The smile turns dopey and brightens. "Ooh. Yes, I think we're totally interested." chimes the man
<+vile> and bobs his head. And he has absolutely no problem going along with the suggestion made to him. And yes, he keeps his eyes on poor Sophie even when he triggers the building's fire alarms! Sprinklers erupt, lights flash, warning sirens wail! Oh no!
<+Kile_Graven> Kile smiles at the question in his ear and opens his phone just like Zevri and answers back into his comm unit. " Ello?, Oui I speak french, its northrern Ontario french, but basically close."
<+Voltarik> <Zevri O'Shay> She gives her phone a furious shake, before clicking it shut. "Lost the connection. Yours might work though."she tucks the phone away, now looking bored, leaning on Kile, other hand coming around to latch onto the arm she already had hooked with her other arm.
<@Sisip> Sophie giggles and flirts right up until the entire fire system is set off. She then resorts to shrieking like a banshee, waving her arms. "OUT! GEET OUT! MERDE!" Her coworker, and possible son, bolts off, shoving paniccy tourists out of the way first. Quickly the shop clears out, the fire alarm causing people to gawk like the damn rubberneckers people are. Suddenly the men in the sharp suits begin to converge on the glass shop. Sophie, at least, remains behind, trying to usher people outwards.
<+Gina_Stone> "Hear the alarm... there are two guards back here, looks like tasers. Not too big. They're looking down the hallway toward the alarm." The smirk was evident in her voice. "These assclowns look like Paul Blart, Mall Cop. If you can get that door open, these guys won't be a problem. I'll take a look around and see if I see anything else." She floated back away from the guards and
<+Gina_Stone> started looking into the other rooms, just poking her invisible little head in.
<+Krys_Gallagher> The fire alarm went off and while it cleared the room of tourists, Sophie and the approaching suits were going to be a problem. She reached for Sophie's arm, trying too gesture the woman out. "Go, go, we are right behind you. My brothers chair, I have to turn it. Go on ahead." If the woman refused, well, she'd deliver a shock through her hand to the woman, aiming to jolt her enough
<+Krys_Gallagher> to make her pass out.
* +Sunder Hearing the noise he looks outside and sighs "Riiight.. we're just gonna slip in while the fire alarm is sounding, no one will notice that a bit..." He would take a sip of his coffee and... well.. virtual money for virtual coffee, you got what you paid for. "Well thats a bloody disappointment."
<+vile> James speaks over the comm unit again. "Electronic eyes are watching us closer now. Gotta be the Big Bad's grunt. He's looking over the fire alarm systems now. Signal is coming from deep in the compound. I'll focus in on it and see if I can trace an approximate route for Casper to follow." and he bobs his head to Krys and speaks aloud. "Yeah. The wheels stick sometimes. We'll be out in a sec.
<+vile> Sorry." he says and does a decent job of looking irritated.
<+Kile_Graven> Kile closes his phone and pulls the earbud out of his ear. "Well, this is useless. he turns it into a earbud diamond and holds it out to Zevri "Here, at least now it has a purpose."
<+Voltarik> <Zevri O'Shay> She accepts it, oooing, and pocketing it. She then hands over her map. "Gee love, check this out. Uncle Jerry gave it to me before we left. Didn't think it was of much use, but it totally like, shows us where we need to go and stuff. Maybe you can help me read it."
<@Sisip> Sophie does as she's told, leaving, but with obvious hesitation, leaving the shop empty. They are watched, however, not only by the electronic eyes but by the numerous men in suits rounding up outside. A few slip behind the buildings, making a complete perimiter. "You, Two! Stop right there! Secret Service!" One of the fellows rounds up, spotting Zevri and Kile and flashing a badge. "Stand where you are!"
<+Kile_Graven> Kile quickly turns the map into a large cracker and takes a bite out of it before turning around obviously confused.
<+Voltarik> <Zevri O'Shay> She raises a brow. "Um...okay."Still brings her hand up, scratching her ear, slipping the bud out at the same time, before bringing her hand down to relatch back onto Kiles arm, hoping he can do something about it. "Is being lost a super crime now?"
<+Kile_Graven> feels the ear bud and turns it into water quickly.
<+Gina_Stone> "Psst... hey, there are computers back here. Looks like some kind of internal network. Think you can get into them?" She had a burning desire to recall herself and get the hell back into her body. "Unless I need to stay here, I'm going to go take my body back now before I start looking strange to anyone who's noticed us sitting here." And unless anyone objected, she would recall
<+Gina_Stone> herself back to her body. "I'm a little disappointed in the coffee, but whatever... let's take it and go do some window shopping."
<+Krys_Gallagher> "What do you think, Q?" she asked quickly, ina low tone, as Sophie left and before the SUits could get in to them. "If those really are Feds we could work together, otherwise we're going to have to deal with them to get inside that back room. Can you hack the lock? Maybe give them a fed loop of viseo so they don't see us coming?"
<+Sunder> Shopping? 'ow about we go see what all this noise is about (He would say with a bit of urgency in his voice, standing up)
<+vile> "Our buddies are buuuusted." James chimes over the comm units. All the ones except for Kile's, of course! "Men in black are rounding up that one boy and Zevri." the techie reports to the group and idly taps his fingers on the arm rest of his chair. No, it hasn't shorted out as it's water resistant! It'll take more than a sprinkler system going haywire to change that. "Sure thing, Casper. Yeah,
<+vile> do what makes you comfortable. You look safe, for now, I'm keeping an eye on you. Thanks for the tip!" he tells her and gets to work on those computers. "Got the route to the lab. Locks on the door I'll have to crack for you. Get through the doors, down the stairs, through the cafeteria, down the hallway and the cheese is there." a pause, "I think the Men in Black showing up might have to do
<+vile> with Kile's comm unit crapping itself. I saw him take it out for some reason, guess he broke it. We're being watched by more than the Big Bad's grunt, you know." he points out with a shake of his head. "So we need someone to get to the doors. Who volunteers?"
<@Sisip> The well suited man rolls his eyes, speaking into one of his cuffs. "Shut it, bimbo. You two are coming with me and the whole 'woe I'm a pretty little tourist couple' act can be dropped. You've gone and fucked up something we've been working on for MONTHS." He reaches forward to grab at Zevri's arm, another suited man rounding the corner to provide backup. He draws a gun, pointing it at the pair. If these were Feds they were quite a bit irritated. None of the suits, however, seem to notice Sunder or Gina, perhaps because they didn't pile out of the van when the rest of the herd did.
<+Gina_Stone> "Oh -fine-. I have like, no desire to go rubber necking, but if you want..." She rolled her eyes and grabbed Malcom's hand again, taking her hot coffee with her. They'd leave the coffee shop and head towards all the racket.
<+Voltarik> <Zevri O'Shay> "Guah? I've been standing in the alleyway with my boyfriend wondering where the hell Uncle Jerry is and where we were suppose to look for souvieniers!"Honestly, she had -no- idea what the mission was, except not to die, or kill anyone. She presses up against Kile, looking mighty frightened, but not really resisting the grab. Guys are pointing guns at her. She ain't stupid.
<+Kile_Graven> Kile gives Zevri a fast glance and notices the tip of the flashbang just sticking out of her shirt and pushes his arm against it slightly turning it into a small baggette. "I am a Canadian citizen and I request my embassies presnce here now. I will not submit until local police are contacted."
* +Sunder He would pause mid step hearing jameson on the comm "Where at?" he'd glance to gina "feel up to causing some trouble?"
* Karys ( has joined #ch*sims
* Sisip sets mode: +v Karys
* Karys is now known as Krys_Gallagher
<+Krys_Gallagher> "Guess I'm going through the door since I don't know if the others can even get in the store..."
<+vile> "Forget about Thing 1 and Thing 2. They're out. The feds have guns, we have a mission to go through with. I'm getting the door unlocked now. Spikey and Casper, just get in the shop so we can try and get this over with. We can get them out of pretend jail later." he states via the comm units, an irritated look on his face. "We're going through the doors soon." he tells Krys with a glance and
<+vile> sigh.
<@Sisip> The secret service is obviously not buying it. They flank Zevri and Kile and jerk their heads, indicating they should walk. Two more men in suits show up, guns drawn. "OH fuck off. You're not getting that anytime soon, Junior. Now get your ass in gear before you suddenly assault me and I need to defend myself." Yie. These men were not fooling around. "We all know you're here for the virus and now we all know that you've screwed up our operation. I do believe my friend here just told you that. This isn't a game, kid." The gun presses against Kile's back. "Get walking." Again, nobody accosts Gina and Sunder, they're persona non grata right about now. Very convinient. As Jameson works through the number combinations the pad lights up, finally going full green. A hiss of a release is heard as the door swings open. A long hallway with two startled mallcops on the other end meets them.
<+Gina_Stone> "Sweetheart, you don't know me nearly well enough. I am -always- up for causing some trouble. Let's go." She started for the store again, and would elbow her way through whatever crowd had gathered, if possible, and go inside, headed straight for the now open door.
<+Voltarik> <Zevri O'Shay> Goes, because she has no choice, and is so confused right now. She doesn't say anything else, just grabbing Kiles hand and giving it a tug. "Don't bother love, these guys only hear the sound of their own voices."she says quietly, still moving.
<+Krys_Gallagher> Mall cops, yeah, she could deal with them, and thanks to Gina's heads up she was already ready for em, hands all glowy. A bolt of electricity left each hand, a double strike, one aimed at each guard. The effect would be like a taser, hopefully disruptve enough to knock the men out cold.
<+vile> Jameson isn't too useful in the situation so he shuts up. But for those who took a pair of the shades, a small map would pop up, pointing them in the correct direction. And for those who weren't paying attention before: down the stairs, through the cafeteria, down the hallway. Not too hard...right? "Don't sense no traps yet. I'll keep an eye out, don't get too far ahead of me." the techie
<+vile> warns and continues to scan the area for booby (lol) traps and extra cameras.
* +Sunder Jameson's words made sense, but leaving someone out in the cold with the feds didnt sit well with him. But their intervention could lead to shooting, so towards the store it was "You know the way, i've got your back"
* Edwin ( Quit (Quit: Remember, man, that thou art dust, and unto dust thou shalt return.)
<+Kile_Graven> Kile changes his undershirt into steel and starts to laugh slightly though not too loud as he starts to walk with the agent. "I honestly don't have any idea what your talking about!" Kile gives no actual resistance and follows with the agents.
<@Sisip> The crowd seems to be confused, mulling around, some frightened and some simply outraged because, well, they're french! Outrage is in their blood! The guards drop like sides of beef, out cold and smoking slightly. That was easy! Gina and Sunder meet up with Jamie and Krys quickly, meeting no resistance in the least. yay non-grata!
<@Sisip> The Agents lead the pair away from the building. One with his gun still against Kile's back. Unfortunately the formation of steel is noticed and it causes the man to growl a warning. "Pappa Bear, Goldilocks is still eating our porridge." He takes a step back as all four agents draw their weapons, pointing them at Zevri and Kile.
<+Krys_Gallagher> "YOu gonna be ok with stairs, Q?" she asked, glancing to Jameson after the two guards dropped, then looked relieved when Gina and Sunder managed to join them, directing folks through the door and into the hall. "I know its no fun leaving a teammate behind, but we'll only cause more issues if we confront the feds right now, and time is a wastin." Sunglasses in place on her face, where
<+Krys_Gallagher> they should be, she had to admit that the map feature was pretty friggin cool. "Ok, lets go."
* Kraken is now known as Sho-AFK
<+Gina_Stone> Since it was going to be more than obvious that they were where they were certainly -not- supposed to be, as soon as they met up with Jamie and Krys, Gina ditched the jeans. It was much easier to move the way she did when she was unencumbered. "We ready to dance?" She flipped the glasses back down over her eyes and studied the map for a second. She nodded at Krys. "I'll go first, I'm
<+Gina_Stone> faster and I can take a hit or two."
<+vile> "There's something funky up ahead, people. It's around the cafeteria. I can't tell what it is just yet but I'm looking in to it. Proceed with caution." he relays over the units, the good cheer gone from his voice. Like Sisip, he has a business mode but it's rarely invoked. He glances back to Krys and shakes his head. "Can't do it. You don't need me in person, I can do everything over the
<+vile> wires. Unless you really wanna haul my butt down the stairs while I'm still in the chair and that's not happenin'. I'll stay here and make sure nobody goes in this way so you can't get attacked from behind. I'll be watching you over the cams and I can hear you via the comms." he tells her and offers a warm smile. And he gestures for them to go around him, "Don't you kids do nuthin' I won't
<+vile> do. Oh, and now is a good time to decide if you want any extra flashbombs, Sirens or something else. I got Lou's stun sticks if anyone wants to play with them." he chimes and points at the rear storage compartment of his chair, "Help yourself."
* +Sunder he'd ditch the overshirt "I've got nothing till we meet a robot or something, i'll take rear guard. Now let's move before the suits get after us, and maybe shut this door behind us?
<+Krys_Gallagher> "Sounds good, I'm more of a ranged combatant, but I've got a baton in case things get ugly." A knife, too, but she didn't bring that up as it was more of a last resort type weapon. She allowed Gina to take point, then looked down at Jameson, dropping a quick kiss on his cheek. "Be safe up here, ok? Call immediately if you need help." she didn't need stun sticks,but she grabbed a
<+Krys_Gallagher> couple of flashbombs just in case, putting two in her pocket. "I really need a suit like Weaver's..belt pouches would be awesome." So off they went then, her in the middle, ready to zap whatever stood in their way.
<@Sisip> The hallways were empty. Surprisingly so. Or perhaps not so surprisingly considering an alarm was triggered. If the group proceeds donwards they are fairly unaccosted. Infront of them the cafeteria doors loom, almost menacingly.
<+vile> "The suits can't get to you. I'm closing the outer doors and they're staying that way unless you guys come back this way. They can't open them, the Big Bad's grunt can't. Only I can. Now don't worry about baddies coming from this direction." he assures Sunder with a flashed smile. The kiss makes him titter and grin. "Take the stun sticks. You wanted a flashy gizmo to play with so take 'em. I
<+vile> need someone to test run them and Lou's not around." there's some firmness in his voice not usually there! And then he's ditched. Aw. The door shuts behind him and locks, leaving him sealed in!
<+Gina_Stone> Gina grabs the stun sticks, for shits and giggles. Escrima would work well here! Without delay, she heded down the hall, leading the rest of the group. When she got to the cafeteria doors, she motioned for the others to wait a second, and froze. She parted her body again and floated through the doors, peeking inside.
<+Gina_Stone> Annnd right back in. "Just a cafeteria." She pushed the doors open and went in!
<+Krys_Gallagher> "Hold up... theres power around the cafeteria... An alarm maybe? Laser wires or something. I just read a grid around it, and a larger source further in." she cautioned, holding out an arm before anyone could push/pull open the doors. "Q, you got anything on that?"
* +Sunder Takes a pair, why not? His cargo pants had plenty of free space. The bowie would emerge from a pocket, getting clipped in it's rightful place on his belt. He felt... underarmed, but he did want to learn to make do without a firearm. He would freeze at gina's gesture, wondering for a moment when the team would ever get time to sit down and practice standard tactical signs.
<+vile> "Uh. Warning, Will Robinson!" James chimes in over the comm units. "There's some sort of booby trap in the cafeteria. Something really super high tech. I can't tell what it is, as the grunt has it shielded. It could be a giant robot, laser traps or something else equally horrible. You two watch yourselves and don't get cocky." he says and frowns. "This isn't good, whatever it is. Just really,
<+vile> watch your back."
<+Voltarik> <Zevri O'Shay> Stops, because they did. And now all their guns are out. Not really concerned. She hasn't done anything wrong, nor has no clue what is really going on, and has nothing on her really to prove she is involved in anything. In fact, these guys would probably be more in trouble pistol threatening people in other countries (can't be french secret service, no accents), and the like. So there she stands, waiting for furt
<+Sunder> If it's tech based, I can take it out. EMP will go through the door, fry anything electronic
<+Kile_Graven> Kile looks around at the secret service men and waits for one of the onlookers to call the police, these men are obviously not given sanctions by the government and Kile knows that this will all be settled when the proper authorities arrive. If anything they now seem content to stand in the street with guns. He also gets ready to leap infront of any bullets that head Zevri's way.
<@Sisip> The group of rubberneckers have their phones out, alright, and are planning on being the next big YouTube stars. The agents keep their guns pointed at the pair as the original one talks quietly into his cuff again. Suddenly otu of nowhere a large black Hummer pulls up. He jerks his gun towards it. "Get in." The group, on the other hand, stare into an empty cafeteria. Not much going on there except the ominous warning from Jamie and Krys.
<+Voltarik> <Zevri O'Shay> Complies.
<+Kile_Graven> k turns his undershirt back to cloth and gets into the black hummer. Smile on his face.
<+Gina_Stone> "Well? Let's EMP the shit out of it and get a move on." She stepped to one side of the doorway, gesturing for the zappers to do their thing.
* Sho-AFK is now known as Kraken
* Kraken ( Quit (Quit: I don't care how hot it is, I'm wearing a blanket so the monsters don't attack me.)
* +Sunder nods and steps in front of the door "Don't mind a thing, i'll be fine and catch up when I can." He would take a moment, psyching himself up drawing up the charge before extending his hands forward. There really wasn't anything to see, but it could be heard, circuits overloading, electrcity arching between wires, lots of nasty nasty stuff to anythign electronic that lay ahead of him. Then he would gracelessly stumble backwards,
<+Sunder> trip and land on his ass
* Kraken ( has joined #ch*sims
<@Sisip> Beeeeeewerrrpppp goes the sound of all the electrics dying, plunging the team into darkness. Suddenly Jamie and Krys would find nothing.. at all. Just emptiness. Someone had breakfast this morning! Probably frosted miniwheats!
<+vile> "Oookies! You're good to go on. Looks clean. Just wait for the residual charge to dissipate some. Could be kinda...dangerous in there still. Watch your backs." James advises over the comm unit and continues to dick around, keeping as much of an eye on the remaining two as he can.
<+Gina_Stone> She helped Malcom not so much -fall- on his ass as stumble back and -sit- on his ass. "Easy there... don't wear yourself out. I plan on taking you home with me when we're done." With a wink, she righted herself and reached out to touch the metal frame around the door, grounding herself. "Alright, let's get this show on the road." And she entered the cafeteria, heading for the back
<+Gina_Stone> doorway into the hall that James had so helpfully mapped out fo them.
<+Krys_Gallagher> Interesting, he could direct his EMP blast. Maybe it was something she could work on, as her's bubbled out in all directions when she tried it. She paused briefly though to make sure he was ok and still breathing, and they had the time to spare since J was right and they should wait a min for things to settle down. "Ok, like he said, the cafe feels normal now. Well, not normal. Dead
<+Krys_Gallagher> . But theres still something massive ahead. Could be the workshop where they're growing viruses." she drifted in after Gina, following the glowing map shown on her glasses.
<+Krys_Gallagher> A nifty nightvision too. Yay!
* +Sunder Sits still, forcing some air back into his lungs. He would be out of it for a few minutes
<@Sisip> The sudden plunge into darkness roused what little life was in the complex. The guards and they could be heard 'huphuphuphuphupping' as they moved to clear hallways and take up defensive positions. Stepping into the cafeteria now is most certainly preferable to what they would have met before. Residual glow emminates from the lights up by the ceiling... they were obviously there for some reason other than lighting. Unfortunately one squad huphups their way directly into the path of the team as they come out of the cafeteria. They situate themselves directly behind what is a deactivated gun-mech. ( ) Those with nightvision can see that this group was probably hired by the same place that supplied the first two guards... only these ones are holding actual bullet firing guns.
<+Gina_Stone> Gina didn't pause. As soon as she saw that the guards were holding guns, she went into action. In a split second, her figure seemed to blur, stretching out away from itself. She "warped" down the hallway, reaching the guards in less than two seconds. One of them, the closest one, would be hit with the force of two of her slamming into him at the same time.
* vile is now known as A`black`cat
* A`black`cat is now known as vile
<+Krys_Gallagher> She ducked to the side of the doorway, the noises warning her of the approaching guards. She had no bulletproof capabilities so cover was her best friend. But boy was she glad to see the deactivated robot thingie! She waited to see where Gina ended up before lashing ou with her own attacks, aiming for those well away from Gina on the otherside of the hallway, letting loose single controlled
<+Krys_Gallagher> bolts to stun and knockout the enemy.
<+vile> "Use the flashbombs. They don't got no night vision and the lights are acting funny. Keep your glasses on and eyes open: the glasses'll just turn white, it won't hurt you none. That's just a myth. Just throw the flashbombs and they'll go off a couple seconds after they land." James relays to Gina and Krys over the intercoms.
* +Sunder Guys with guns, that brought on a needed adrenaline surge. Sure he had a vest, it would stop a nine, a fourty five on a very good day. Rounds from any assault rifle? wouldn't help a bit. He did the most logical thing he could force his legs to do, launch him out of the open friggin hallway and behind one of the legs of what was a frakin death bot.
<@Sisip> The guard goes down hard, a shot fired wildly towards the ceiling. One fellow on the far side takes the bolt and drops his gun, convulsing as he drops behind his group. The other two panic and fire blindly into the cafeteria. Unfortunately in the dark they've nothing to aim at, even if they could aim to begin with, with this lot who knew! Dead powerneutralizing lights explode as bullets tear into them.
<+Gina_Stone> She used her martial arts grappling skills to roll with the tackle, using the guard's momentum to end up straddling his chest. She aimed a nasty right hook to the guard's temple, motion blurred as her 'second self' added force to the blow, doubling its force. She'd follow it with a second blow from her left fist, hoping to knock his ass out.
<+Krys_Gallagher> Flashbombs it was then, and she pulled one from her pocket, tossing it out into the middle of the hallway with a quiet "Bombs away" for Gina's benefit and warning. When she saw Sunder leap past she swore, then quickly uttered into the comms "Close your eyes Sunder, now! Flash bomb away."
* +Sunder Played more than enough swat games to know the awesome power of (and hillarious uses for) flashbangs. He'd bury his face in the crook of his elbow it would shield his eyes, and to some extent his ears. No one seemed to be wearing earplugs after all...
<+vile> The flashbomb would bounce a couple of times with a quiet ting sound and roll to a stop in front of the baddies. All stays quiet for a couple of seconds. Then the room explodes with a blinding white light! It's damned bright, like a miniature sun decided to pop into existence in the room. There's no bang, no noise. Simply...light. And it's not just instant, either. The damn shining continues
<+vile> on and will until the batteries run out!
<@Sisip> As if whatever was in the cafeteria and the hulking Ed-209 wasn't enough nightvision would show laser gun turrets built into the wall, automatic. Apparently the reason for the lack of fleshy guards was because some technopath had gone on a friggen 'murderdeathkill' machine streak. Unfortunately for him he didn't stop to consider that some mutants were walking EMPs. The guard Gina tackled drops like the loser of a fixed fight. Beaten by a girl! It was good his buddies were busy being blinded to notice and have something to rib him about as they were collecting unemployment. Their screams arrive shortly after the flash and they're reduced to whimpering sobbing blind babies. Guns were dropped and forgotten.
<+Gina_Stone> "Kick ass. Let's keep going." She looked back at Krys and Malcom, and realized he didn't have the glasses. Moving to his side, she grabbed his arm and helped him up. "Keep your eyes closed, I'll lead you past this."
<+Krys_Gallagher> While Gina led Sunder by the arm, she took the precaution of zapping the poor blind fools into unconciousness, lest they manage to crawl their way out of the light and follow them. It might even be considered a mercy, really, delivering them into sweet oblivion for a short time. "Ok, Q, where to next?" se asked, follwoing the other two, senses alert for any more unusual power
<+Krys_Gallagher> concentrations that might reveal another set of murderdeathkill traps.
* +Sunder Nods and gets up with her help, counting on her to lead him. He'd pretty much caught his breath, but it still hurt. "The effect only goes so far, if there is anything past this room its likely still active. I can discharge again but.. I'd rather not."
<+vile> "Down the hallway. The cheese is there, or that's what the map looked like. Keep your guard up. They may have assumed this place would have stopped you but if they're this paranoid then more can lie ahead. I don't pick up anything at the moment. So onward!" James chimes over the comms and goes back to monitoring the situation as best he can.
<@Sisip> Down the empty hallways the team travels, door after door of normal labs, lights, not reached by Sunder's puse, buzz happily, doing what they were supposed to do.. light things up. They were paranoid, yes, but stupid apparently. Deciding that nobody would get past their steadfast and loyal Ed-209 or turrets they'd left wel enough alone, the other scientists complaining about feeling threatened. Pussies. Rounding the last corner they come up to two doors. One with a glowing electronic lock on it.. not that it mattered.. it was open anyway and one door with a large window in it. This window shows them their extraction point, the light of night shining forth and a boat dock. It ALSO lets them hear the heavily accented voices arguing back and forth "NEIN NEIN NEIN! We go! Now!" The other voice, a whining Russian accented one, is barely audible, though obviously not liking to be rushed.
<+Gina_Stone> "What the hell?" She looked puzzled at the voices, but saw the open door and the extraction point and headed in that direction. She stopped before she reached it though, and listened for any other warnings from James, or voices.
<+Krys_Gallagher> "Ok...there's our extraction point. Now to get the goods..." she edged along the wall, keeping low, daring to peek briefly inside the room where the voices were coming from, if only to give J a visual of the stuff within.
<+Sunder> ... The huge door, the death bot, and we could have just smashed the back window with a brick?! SON OF A! (He would start heading in the direction of the voices, though he wasn't going to manage more than a jog for the moment
<+Kile_Graven> Kile looks out at the french scenery and desides that he really doesn't want to be in this car anymore. He concentrates his power to turn the car seat under him and Zevri, and the back of the hummerdirectly behind them into green koolaid so as to they will simply fall out of the vehicle as the hummer continues to drive away. As they lay there on the ground Kile will turn part of the street,
<+Kile_Graven> 4"thick into a blanket and cover the two of them, then turn the blanket into solid steel, which attaches into the ground. He then looks to Zevri. "Now what do you want to do?"
<+Gina_Stone> "Extraction there... bad dudes there." She looked from one door to the other, and headed toward the voices. "I don't think a brick would have worked from the back, something tells me. But I bet one will work now. Anything freaky deaky in there?" The last was meant for James, of course.
<+vile> "Okay, Tweedledee and Tweedledumb are getting onto a boat with a box. Move your butts, people. Odds are, they got the virus with them. And try to not capsize the darn boat, drown them and release the virus into the water. Because I'm sure that, uh, Winter won't be too happy about that and I don't wanna see the frigid bint's panties in a wad."
<+Krys_Gallagher> "Ok..motor boat then? Can't fry it, it'd explode." she pulled out a second flashbomb from her pocket, showing it to the others. "We could try another one of these, distarct them. Blind them hopefully. Then Gina and I could run in, grab the box, then we all split for the extraction point. Q, how are you going to get out?"
<+vile> "You got the Sirens, too, but no way to plug your ears from the noise. I'll work on that next. Provide you guys with an extra comm unit that can block out the noise. Yeah, try the flashbomb." he replies and laughs. "I'll be fine. Like anyone's going to stop a dripping wet cripple from escaping from a building with faulty fire alarms. I'll just be an excited American and start shouting at people
<+vile> and make a scene. That or just, uh, leave and say I got stuck in the bathroom. Mr.Blue is out in the van still."
<+Sunder> I'm going to kill the engine! Just swim out there and beat them up
<@Sisip> The sound of someone trying to pullstart an engine could be heard. He was a technopath, not an bassboat captain! The whining Russian continues to whine. The boat is shiny and purple, both very thin men lookig panicced and uneasy, one of them, the mumbling russian, gripping a specimen box tightly.
<+Gina_Stone> "Chuck that bomb, Tesla." She readied herself to warp out the door as soon as it went off, figure already beginning to blur around the edges.
<@Sisip> And because she's the GM of this Sim Sisip has another hummer run over Kile and Zevri. Koolaid? Really. Even Sisip, the internet derphead, can smell a SimTroll when she see's one. They light up brightly, frozen in place. SimDead.
<+Krys_Gallagher> Bombs away! She leaned out the door, aiming the flash bomb at the boat. Hopefully those softball games she'd played helped her aim out!
<+Voltarik> <Zevri O'Shay> Had no idea what was going on. One moment, in a hummer, the next, apparently koolaid, then in a metal blanket, then crushed sardines, then frozen crushed sardines. She was almost asleep before the koolaid! Confusion is super effective!
<@Sisip> More screams as the flash bomb lights up the night. The pair jerking and tumbling over the side! With the box!!
<+Gina_Stone> As soon as the flashbomb went off, she'd be out the door, tearing down the dock. She moved fast, warping in short distances until she reached the boat. She dove off the end of the dock, reaching for the box. She did her damdest to try to chuck it backwards over her shoulders, back toward the dock, before she plunged into the water.
* +Sunder So much for his kill the engine idea. Instead it was time to cover his eyes, and hope that in all the excitement nothing bad would happen to the damned box.
<+vile> Siiigh. "At least get them out of the water before they drown. Unless one of you knows CPR. Aaand the box. At least there's three of you there! You each get to take one! Lucky you. Now collect your prize." the peanut gallery comments and wheels backwards, opens the door and proceeds to try to get his cripple ass out of the building without getting drug off by the MiB.
<+Krys_Gallagher> "Crap." Well that wasn't part of the plan and she dashed out the door after Gina, not nearly as speedy though since she wasn't all super cool and phasey, but she was a decent sprinter with those long legs. If Gina managed to grab the box and toss it backwards, well, she'd do her damndest to try and catch it.
<@Sisip> And it's Gina at the 40 yard line! The box goes sailing into the air as she chucks it towards the wall. OH dear. Hope it's sturdy. President Madagascar watches this closely in slow motion as it sails forward, finger hovering over a red "shut down EVERYTHING" buton. But luck would have it that Krys was, also, in the line of flight. As Jamie steps out of the building he'll find the ouside empty, save for Sisip, standing there with a raised eyebrow. She steps up to him and punches a few buttons on a remote. The pair are transported by MAGIC (and sim techology) to a paddleboat that seems to appear out of nowhere. The extraction point.
* Vinyl_Scrashe is now known as Ashe|Nightmare
<+Gina_Stone> SPLOOSH! Gina goes into the drink, and claws her way to the surface, swimming for the dock and thankful she'd ditched the jeans. Jeans in water are friggin' HEAVY. Once she reached the dock, she hauled herself up out of the water and ditched the hoodie as well. It was soaked, and useless now.
<Ashe|Nightmare> Oh, and for the record, Ashe is still watching the whole thing from the control room as well. Son, I am disappoint.
<@AnE> Her palm is firmly glued to her face at this point.
<+Krys_Gallagher> Fingers touched the case, grabbing at it, holding it close as she hit the ground, protecting teh case at all costs. If she got another virus she was going to be peeved, even if it was only a fake one.
* +Sunder sighs, standing on the dock, eyes covered. ".. Has the damn thing run out of friggin batteries yet?"
<+vile> Jameson dons a sheepish grin, eyes glittering with delight and oops! And he quietly sighs. "Yeah...don't you give me that look. I was gonna get in the car with Mr.Blue Man while the others used the extration point. I thought the spikey guy told the van to wait in case something happens..." he says, well aware he goofed. And then he's in a boat! So tempted to rock it. Stupid, yes, but it's
<+vile> there all the same. He picks at his fingernails and looks like a puppy that just got fussed on.
<@Sisip> With the click of a button the sim melts away, leaving the entire team, even Kile and Zevri, sitting or standing in the grey sim chamber. Sisip clears her throat. "Congratulations .. team .. you saved the world."
<+Gina_Stone> She blinked as the sim melted away, leaving her still dripping in the middle of the floor. "Well, I'll be damned." She yanked her hair out of the braid it had been in, before it could become hopelessly tangled that way.
<+Krys_Gallagher> She flopped over, watching as everything faded out, including the case she'd been holding. She sat up, rubbing her shoulder, figuring she'd have another bruise to remember the sims by. Maybe Ray would give her a shoulder massage if she asked real nice. She stood then and glanced towards Sisip with an arched brow. Uh oh.
<+Sunder> Right.. so call us the next time the world is threatened by a pair of incompetent morons..
* +Gina_Stone is not soaking wet.
<+vile> James continues to pick at his nails, glad to not be wet anymore. He's tempted to say something but instead worries his lower lip. "Uh." he grunts and goes quiet.
<+Kile_Graven> "So what were you supposed to get anyways?"
<@Sisip> She purses her lips. "Two members caught by feds, one left behind." She gives a dramatic pause. "That being said.. you four managed to complete a task that we couldn't." Her eyes glisten just a bit as she clears her throat again. "We could have used each one of you that day." Eyes slip over to Sunder especially. "I was watching the whole while, as was Ashe. We will talk and then we will let you know how this went. Until then you did what you had to do to get the job done... and THAT, ladies and gentlemen, is what's required of us."
<+Voltarik> <Zevri O'Shay> She raises her hand.
<+vile> "Yes, you can go potty." James chimes in and grins like an idiot. This comment, of course, is aimed at Zevri. He nods to Sisip then, "Yeah. Getting left behidn was totes my bad. Uh. But I had an exit strategy!"
<@Sisip> Her voice is sharp, "What" Dark eyes flick over to Zevri.
<+Voltarik> <Zevri O'Shay> "Aside from the fact that a mission like this would've had us all knowing what we could do before hand, and properly prepared with a plan and such, as it was high profile and not just hurled in like kittens to fight a lion, why were there non-french sketchy so-called agents bothering two people outside a building? Also, I'm a little curious as to why no one on the team decided to inform the two people who were requ
<+Voltarik> <Zevri O'Shay> "information on the mission any clue of what was going on, or responded to the fact that one of us could speak french and said as much."
<+Voltarik> <Zevri O'Shay> Curious, not upset.
<+Gina_Stone> She gave herself a quick once over. Not a scratch! Then she realized again that it had been a sim, and since she wasnt soaking wet after diving in a river, there was no reason to think there'd be any other marks on her either. "Ended up not needing the French. They were just two guards playing poker. Who cares what they were saying? Besides, the fire alarm went off and they were taken care
<+Gina_Stone> of."
<+Voltarik> (if it cut) "Also, I'm a little curious as to why no one on the team decided to inform the two people who were requesting information on the mission any clue of what was going on, or responded to the fact that one of us could speak french and said as much)
<+Kile_Graven> Kile puts up his hand. "Yeah. Where did those terrorists come from anyways? Its not like there was anything going on?"
<+Kile_Graven> "What fire alarm?"
<@Sisip> This question actually makes Sisip laugh. Not her usual happy laugh, more of a bitter.. sacastic one. "Oh Zevri. Cupcake." She frowns. "What you got? From me? Was MORE than what the REAL mission got, sweetheart. The men in suits, also, were a give away to you. We didn't get anything but 'do as we tell you and don't fuck up'. Terrorists...?" She pauses and raises an eyebrow at the fellow she'd never seen before in her life. Looking down to her tablet she taps a bit. "Kile. Firstly, how you got in here I've no idea.. Those were not terrorists, or perhaps you failed to notice the fact that they identified themselves as secret service. Considering you were fucking about most of the mission I am NOT surprised."
<+Krys_Gallagher> She turned towards Zev and Kile, arms crossing. "Forgive me a moment, but..who the hell are you?" she asked, looking Kile up and down. "I have never seen you on campus before and you never did naswer me when I asked what you could do so we knew how to utilize your powers."
<+vile> "Uh. I can't speak French either?" James chimes in and looks quite confused! "Uh. Why weren't you two there on time? Sisip, uh, told us to hurry up and get here for the dang briefing. Show up on time next time." he mutters and crosses his arms over his chest, somewhat irritated. "And, uh, nobody has time to fill in the late kid in a mission when it's a dire situation. You shoulda seen the crap
<+vile> I had to diffuse during my first time seeing the team. Oh man. That stuff gets bonkers. There's no time to fill people in, you just gotta roll with it."
<+Voltarik> <Zevri O'Shay> Ignores everyone but Sisip. "'Fucking about'? How were we 'fucking about'? I was trying to get information out of the team to figure out what I am suppose to be doing. Everyone bailed from the van, and then split. From that point on, I was trying to find out from anyone who was listening to the comm what was going on, but nothing, not even a 'shut up Zev, you are talking gibberish'. We spent the entire time *con
<+Voltarik> <Zevri O'Shay> "on the other side of the building listening to people transfer information, but couldn't do anything because we had no idea what you were all doing. Next thing we know, pistol weilding men roll on around, threaten us, which I have never, ever believed real secret service men would do and be so conspicious at a sting operation, if that is what they were doing *cont*"
<+Voltarik> <Zevri O'Shay> "And getting on our case. We were just standing there, doing -nothing-. Apparently there was a fire alarm going off. Had I been watching that building, and all of a sudden people start fleeing, I'd be going in, not searching around back to see who's hanging out holding hands."
<+Voltarik> <Zevri O'Shay> Again, not upset, just stating the facts as she knew them.
<+Kile_Graven> "Look lady, your so called agents, were actually terrorists okay. No agent just runs away from a fire alarm in a building to pull guns on two kids just standing around. Plus if this was a secret service op, why the hell didn't they know we were coming?"
<+Gina_Stone> And because she didn't want to listen to more bickering, AND because she was -starving- after using that much energy, Gina excused herself, grabbed her backpack on the way out, and went straight to the cafeteria to FEED.
<+Sunder> Oi! 'old on a sec, I'm going to step in as a voice of calm and reason.. Yeah the universe can implode at any second, alright.
<@Sisip> She looks pointedly at Zevri. "You have one more chance to impress me, Zevri. Loesan says you've got some brains. I trust his opnion and because of that I'm giving you something that this fellow? Kile.. will not get." She shakes her head. "If you keep arguing I may change my mind. You weren't in Paris, you've n..." She looks at Kile and the temperature in the sim room drops a few degrees, wind seemingly coming from nowhere. "Get the fuck out of my training session you piece of shit."
* Gina_Stone is now known as SuzthulhuFhtagn
<+Sunder> I've been on a couple of missions. This was pretty well bang on. There you are mucking about campus, all the sudden you get told to get your ass somewhere right effin now, with a group of students most of whom you've never exchanged names with, and have to pull off something crazy with no warning, no planing.
<+Kile_Graven> "Little hint for next time temper lady. If yoy want a serious and well organized group of people to do missions better than you did. How about you treat them better than you did. Or did losing your last team make you as cold as this room."
<+Krys_Gallagher> Temperature dropped. Bad. Sooooo bad. She moved to step to Sisip's side, but didn't intervene. Oh no, this was Sisip's show but she would be there just in case. Kile, however, received a dark look. "Out. Now. Or I won't hold her back from you."
<+vile> Jameson stares at Sisip and opts to shut his mouth right then! At least for a moment. Then he rolls towards her and reaches out to give her arm a pat, "Let's go get some shakefries?" he offers with a shaky smile. "And ice cream. Or you can get a nice piece of Jack?" he says and narrows his eyes at Kile, "I think we're done with this. Let's just all go home before someone loses an eye. Come
<+vile> on, Sisip. Don't worry about him, if he got a problem, he can take it up with Gains." and he knows how that'll turn out.
<+Kile_Graven> Kile turns his back to the random woman and walks towards the door.
<@AnE> In his office he lies waiting.
<@AnE> ...his eyes would probably be gleaming menacingly if it weren't for those fucking shades.
* +Sunder Facepalms as all hope for peace calm and understanding gets destroyed.
<Ashe|Nightmare> And it's probably all Seven's fault, somehow.
<@Sisip> Sisip goes oddly quiet, though the temperture in the room continues to drop. Angry eyes flick to Zevri. "Were I you, if you want to be on this team, I'd put distance between yourself and that fellow. Like I said, you'll get another go. That sack of shit? He was done before he even knew he was in the running." She looks around. "You did good. You got it done. The next one won't have as much tech element in it." Finally a bit of warmth returned as she quirked an eyebrow at Sunder. "Go get fed and rested. Ashe and I will contact you no sooner than tomorrow."
<+Krys_Gallagher> She reached out, patting Sisip lightly on the shoulder. "Thanks. Overall, it was a good lesson, and I know it cost you." She didn't know details, but from the initial briefing and Sisip's reactions afterwards, she knew this had been personal on some level; the mission that is. She gave the injin a small smile before turning to help gather up tactical gear that had been real. "These
<+Krys_Gallagher> glasses worked great, Jameson, thanks."
<@Sisip> Sisip reaches down, resting a hand on Jamie's shoulder as she nods. "I think going home is good. I've got the feed to go over anyway." She leans down and kisses the top of Jamie's head. "Goodnight goofydorkbrother." She forces a smile to Krys and nods. "They'll get harder.. I promise."
<+Voltarik> <Zevri O'Shay> Silence, physically emotionless. She removes the glasses from her head where they were perched, and handed them back to Jameson with a faint nod of thanks, before striding towards the door.
<+vile> A nod to Krys, "Awesome. I saw you didn't test out the sticks. Oh well. Maybe next time! And yeah, more flashbombs and sirens are available from Gains or one of his grunts or something. Or me! You know where to find me." he nods to Sisip and returns the kiss, giving Sisip a smooch on the cheek. "Goodnight." he chimes and looks a bit disappointed in the lack of tech stuff in the next one. Aw.
<+vile> "Yeah, I should get to bed too."
<@Sisip> And out she walks, all sorts of doom and gloom hanging over her.
* @Sisip ( Quit (Quit: At six o'clock their mommies and daddies will take them home to bed because they're tired little teddy bears.)
Session Close: Tue Aug 09 23:58:43 2011
The world is made up of stories, not atoms. ~Muriel Rukeyser
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