Masaru Ishikawa [History Professor]

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Masaru Ishikawa [History Professor]

Post by Jeem »

Name: Masaru Ishikawa
Age: 33
Date of Birth: June 19th
Hometown: Asakita-ku Ward, Hiroshima, Japan

Height: 5'11
Weight: 160
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Brown
Nationality/Race: Japanese

Occupation: Teacher

Personality Profile: Masa is a relatively quiet individual, generally friendly despite this, and often willing to make sacrifices to give aid to friends and family in necessary. Unknown to most, if not all, and certainly not specified in his psych profile, he wrestles with a vicious 'split-personality' he acquired in recent years after playing host to a horrific alien symbiote that named itself Genocide.

Physical Description: Masa is always wearing a suit of some manner - if he's left the house, he's dressed to impress. He is well-built, and keeps himself relatively clean shaven, though he has been told he looks handsome with a five o'clock shadow.

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Mutation/Powers: It's arguable whether or not Ishikawa presents five distinct mutant abilities, or whether some of them could be linked to telepathy or not. Either way, his powers manifest themselves in five minor forms, relating to the five Japanese elements.

Earth (Chi) - The element of Earth is represented in Ishikawa's steadiness, maintaining an incredible sense of balance, as well as a nigh immovable combat stance, the man almost impossible to knock down, shove, pull or push.

Fire (Ka) - The element of Fire is represented by the ability for Ishikawa to generate a small electrical field around his body, predominantly his hands. When striking another human being, it is roughly equivalent to a low-grade electrical shock, akin to a Drive Stun mode on a hand taser, capable of causing intense localized pain without incapacitating or knocking the target unconscious (unless, of course, the target has already been beaten to a such point that such pain -would- push them over their threshold). Contact with his hands from these blows often leave minor, but painful, burns.

The field can arc but inches from his body, but is still capable of frying/disrupting electronics and igniting flammable objects via sparks, like small lightning bolts.

Wind (Fu) - Arguable whether or not it is a telekinetic ability or actually harnessing the power of the air, Ishikawa's embodiment of the element of Wind is the ability to move and levitate small objects within twenty feet, up to a maximum of ten pounds.

Water (Sui) - Within a foot or so's radius from his hands, Ishikawa is capable of minor manipulation of water. So minor, in fact, that he can only force water away from his hand - he could reach into a fountain and pick out an object without dampening his hand.

A much more practical application of this is often used in regards to bleeding. Ishikawa can 'hold' the flow of blood as it seeps out of a wound, staunching it until it can be tended to in a proper medical manner. Alternately, a lesser used implementation of this ability would be the capability to draw blood OUT of a wound.

Spirit (Ku) - Ishikawa is capable of feeling base emotions emanating from those in his vicinity, displaying his attunement to the element of 'sky' or 'heaven', the tie to the spirit and soul.

Drawbacks/Weaknesses/Side Effects : Masa's greatest weakness is that none of his abilities are exceptionally strong, and he has to creatively use his powers to his benefit to get the drop on other mutants, as they very often have much more powerful abilities than he does.

How do you believe this character's powers will further develop in the future? Naturally, he'll have increased effects with his 'elements' - perhaps being able to control electricity, affect peoples' moods, manipulate water properly, etc.


Masaru Ishikawa was born in the Asakita-ku ward of the city of Hiroshima, Japan to well-to-do parents, with no siblings. His father, a doctor, ensured that Masaru attended the finest private schools that money could buy and Masaru lead an extremely pampered life until his teenage years.

When his powers first presented themselves, his father had only days prior been diagnosed with cancer. Upon discovering that his child was a mutant, he cast his child out, calling him an abomination, stating that he must be 'contagious' and that he was the cause for his cancer. His mother, sympathetic to her boy but unwilling to fully stand against her dominating husband, asked her uncle, a monk at a nearby Buddhist shrine, to take the boy in. It was thanks to his continued upbringing by his stern, but caring, uncle that he learned humility and respect. Masa's uncle came to believe that his mutant abilities were tied to the five Japanese elements.

When his father passed away a few years later, Masaru's mother used as much of their savings as she could afford to send her son to a college near Tokyo. There, he studied Philosophy, History, and Painting, pursuing his life-long dreams, always having been fascinated by history and philosophical discussions with his Uncle, while having inherited his mother's love of art. He also found time, in lieu of a proper social life, to learn a handful of martial art styles, as well as becoming fairly learned in Western-style Fencing. Upon graduation, he took a job there at the university teaching History, predominantly the 'ancient' variety.

A few years later, he transferred to a school that was a sanctuary for mutants right outside of New York after meeting with its owner at a conference in Tokyo, wanting to help teach his fellow, younger mutant brethren about the past, and where many of them came from because of it. Unfortunately, this turned out to be a poor decision. During his tenure teaching at the mutant sanctuary, he came to be bonded with a homicidal alien symbiote that grew to call itself Genocide. Struggling to keep the beast in, he often found himself blacking out and waking up after the monstrosity had devoured and slaughtered countless innocents, to his horror.

Thanks to the help of the school and the organizations SHIELD and SHRINE, Masaru was eventually freed of the symbiote but extremely exhausted and nearly lapsed into a coma as a result. He ultimately recovered; however, more than physical damage had been done to the man, leaving a lasting impression on his psyche that he would never be able to recover from.

After time spent back in Japan recovering from the trauma of having a psychotic parasite controlling his body, as well as a large amount of counseling, Masaru returned to the states to continue teaching, this time having found employment at the Cobalt Academy.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts:
-Is a very capable fencer, having competed in a variety of tournaments during his time at college.
-Masaru's mind was extremely damaged by the removal of Genocide - it has left him prone to bouts of gazing off into nothingness in the middle of a conversation, sometimes seeming distant and aloof. He's also found himself having trouble understanding other languages than Japanese at times, but these are often passed off as being a foreigner and not being quite as well versed in English as some others.
-Genocide speaks to him. It's unknown whether the symbiote somehow lives on in his subconscious, having bonded itself to him so tightly that despite the physical presence of it being removed, its mind still lingers with Masaru's, or if Masaru simply created this alter-ego of Genocide from the trauma of his possession.
-He has a near obsession with hard candies, especially lollipops.
-Despite being Japanese, stereotypes do not exactly apply to Masaru - he is almost functionally retarded with technology, having extraordinarily bad luck with them. (This may be due to his electrical field.)
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