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X-team Equipment

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 11:14 am
by vile
If your character is on the X-team, anything on this list is there for their use. The list will be updated as more things become available to them or if something gets an upgrade. Any and all equipment that uses a battery will have a super battery installed. If it runs out of juice, it will take quite a bit of time to get to that point.


Sparkle: Roughly the size of a standard large egg, the outer surface is highly polished and made of a shatterproof acrylic. Inside the device, a metal sphere is visible but there's no visible mechanics, hidden under the reflective film. It's water and shock proof.

What it does: When thrown, the shock from striking the ground activates it. After a 3 second delay, it lights up and shines brilliantly, the flare of light bright enough to blind a person unfortunate enough to look directly at it.


*The light is accompanied by no noise, making locating the device without looking at it difficult.

*Battery life is 5 minutes, providing a longer distraction than a simple flashbang.

*While the initial effect lasts 5 minutes, temporary blindness will linger on, as will the pain from damage done to the eye.

*The glasses furnished to the team have night and heat vision, allowing them to see perfectly fine while a Sparkle is going off.


*Reduced efficiency when used on foes with night vision goggles or anything that can compensate for the bright light. The light noise can still interfere with seeing anything in the brightest areas but anything beyond that core will still be visible.

*It effects both the intended target and everyone else around, including innocent bystanders.

*Alerting others on the team and bystanders to cover their eyes can also be understood by the intended target, lessening the effect if they hear the warning.

*Each unit can only be used once.

*As the unit emits no heat, it is ineffective against anything that can limit sight to wavelengths other than visible light (infrared, heat vision etc).


Siren: Like the Sparkle, it's egg shaped/sized and polished but the exterior is metallic. It's also water and shock proof.

What it does: Again, like the Sparkle, it activates upon striking the ground, being meant to be lobbed like one would a grenade. There's a 3 second delay between the first impact and time of activation. But instead of a blinding light, the Siren emits noise, and lots of it. From the lowest frequency to the highest, it gives off a varying noise in a variety of pitches, making communicating difficult. It can also confuse and disorient those unfortunate enough to be within range.


*The noise is deafening, quite literally so, but it's intended to be only temporary.

*After the device runs out of power and shuts down, a period of ear ringing soon follows, accompanied by deafness, lasting up to an hour.

*It can cause confusion amongst those effected, both from the sensory overload and also from the inability to communicate with each other.

*Battery life is 5 minutes, long enough to provide a distraction but also short enough to spare those affected from permanent hearing loss.

*A spare comm unit is offered to those on the team. When used with the primary unit, the two can cancel out the noise and null the Siren's noise.

*Affects 100 foot radius, the sound losing efficiency quickly after that.


*No effect on those already deaf, incapable of hearing or able to control their body to negate the noise.

*Risk of permanent deafness, especially on those with heightened senses.

*Effects innocent bystanders along with intended foes or anyone else that happens to be in the general vicinity.

*Alerts others to the location of the team and can draw in curious bystanders, raising the chances of innocents being harmed. The ruckus can also make other foes outside the area of greatest effect more aggressive and alert to the team.


Silencer: Egg shaped as well, this unit a metallic but colored white as to differentiate it from the other two units.

What it does: Like the other two units, there's a 3 second delay and 5 minute effect. Opposite from the Siren as it negates sound, making communication difficult between the parties present.


*Unlike the other two devices, it poses no temporary or lasting damage to any parties involved.

*It does not alert other foes to the presence of the team or draw unnecessary attention.

*Good for masking loud noises such as a planned explosion, muting a foe that uses sound as an attack, to communicate a plan even when in the presence of foes, reducing a foe's heightened senses if that's the case or for providing similar aid.

*Communication between those on the team is still quite possible, using comm units and a special stick-on sensor that goes on the outside of the throat near the vocal cords. This sensor picks up on vibrations and not actual sound, allowing it to function properly even when vocalizations cannot be heard.

*100 foot radius of complete effect. Directly outside of that radius, everything sounds completely normal. There is no dilution beyond that 100 foot mark.


*Can cause some temporary confusion of those effected but other than disrupting communication, it has little effect. Might not be that great for providing a distraction.


Glasses: Compact night and infrared goggles, comm unit, all packed into a pair of stylish sunglasses.

What they do: The lenses function as display units, enabling them to overlay visible light with other wavelengths, showing both heat signature and normal appearances. They're also capable of showing maps, video and other feeds from an external source, sending and receiving between glasses or from a central source: the team coordinator or Gains, for instance. The built in communicator units have great distance and strength, allowing the team members to talk to one individual or the team as a whole with a flick of a hidden switch. Recently included in a new update are the telepathic wave blockers, giving the team members some resistance to telekinetic/psychic attacks, including mindrape and prying.


*Heat and night vision: this is quite advanced, giving the individual wearing the glasses a great view in low light conditions. The user is able to switch between them and visible light or a combination of the two using small switches hidden on the legs of the glasses.

*Allow maps to be superimposed on the lens to give the team an eagle eye view of the situation or to provide a quick exit route.

*Built in comm units to not draw attention that the team members have them in the first place, serves to make the team less suspicious looking.

*Water and shock resistant.

*Provides immunity to weak telepathic attacks, resistance to telepaths or psychics of a moderate strength and temporary, somewhat unreliable resistance to strong telepathic attacks.

*GPS tracking in case of a lost team member, to help guide the team through foreign territory and to allow approximate distances between target area, extraction point, between members and other similar things.

*Made with shatterproof acrylic so breaking them is quite difficult.


*Can be hacked by external sources, namely technopaths, even though they're designed to have extensive security measures.

*Can still be broken but it requires a lot of force to do so.

*Inhibits the use of telepathy between party members, even between those capable of it, unless the TK blocker is deactivated.

*Like any pair of glasses, they can be easily forgotten, left behind or simply lost. The GPS locator makes finding them again quick and easy but they can still get into the wrong hands.


Shock sticks: Baton-like sticks that are loaded with an adjustable level of voltage.

What they do: Useful for non-lethal attacks using a blunt object. They're collapsible and relatively lightweight to make them very portable. The handle is ergonomic and rubberized to improve grip and ensure the safety of the team. On one side of the handle are a series of switches that are controlled by a press-and-slide mechanism to prevent unintended activation. Left and right handed versions are available. The default color is a matte black to camouflage them during night missions. They default to off and when switched on automatically go to stun. Another adjustment must be made before the power is amped up to prevent accidental deaths.


*Great for non-lethal attacks and temporarily stunning a target. The power level is automatically set to handle an adult human but can be dialed up to handle a larger-than-average foe or one that's stronger than the norm.

*The rubberized grip ensures the user's safety. Only the tip is electrified to also cut down on accidental shocks.

*Has a setting to keep it charged even when not being held, making it so that the shock sticks can be thrown as a last-ditch effort to take down a foe.

*Made of the same carbon fiber material that airplanes are constructed of. It's very lightweight but also quite strong. There's enough weight in the entirety of the stick to make it useful as a blunt weapon to knock people out.


* Short-range. They extend to between a foot and a foot and a half in length. While they can be thrown, there's no way to have it sail back to the user. Once it's been hurled, it's over and done with.

*Even with the super battery, it can only release so much of a charge. They can't do much for a very large target or one that's especially high in defense.

*They attack using electricity so if a foe is strong or immune to shocks, they won't be effected. And if the area is wet, extra precaution should be taken to prevent unintended damage to the user.


Stun gun

What it does: Fairly standard issue stun gun. It's more compact, comfortable to use and has a higher accuracy rate than the average stun gun on the market. It has settings to control the amount of juice running through it, the same as the shock stick. It has most of the same power, pros and cons as the sticks but are designed for long-range use. Each gun has multiple prong packs in the handle so it can fire multiple times.


RESTRICTED ITEMS! The following items are ONLY allowed to characters that have special clearance to use them. This includes having a license to use a gun, to fill out the proper paperwork at the security office AND to be given approval IC to actually use equipment.

Paintball gun: Nonlethal, designed to stop, stun or distract a target. Preferred weapon due to non-lethal rounds.

*Pepper balls:Powdered capsaicin, mixed with a little talc to keep it from dissipating too quickly. Non explosive. Like any of the other non-lethal ammo, it will hurt on impact but not cause major damage.

*Glass breakers:Steel core wrapped in rubber

*Trackers:Glow-in-the-dark paint to mark a target.

Handgun: Small caliber, used to stop an enemy.

*9mm rubber bullets

Shotgun: Stop a larger target dead in their tracks.

*Tazer shells: Designed to knock a target out or stun them.

*Beanbag shells: Fires a beanbag, intended to cause an enemy pain and disable limbs or otherwise cause minor to medium injury.

Grenade launcher: MBFG for taking down the impossible.

*Uses the same rounds listed above PLUS the Siren, Sparkle, Silencer devices listed above.

More rounds coming soon!

Re: X-team Equipment

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 11:56 am
by vile
Projects in progress that are not currently available. Either are untested, intended for certain individuals or the use is restricted. If someone wishes to request tech for the team as a whole or for their character, please contact me OOCly, Jameson Clark or JJ ICly and leave a reply in this thread.