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Riley Shaw

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2011 4:01 pm
by LuciaDeMici
IRC Nickname: Riley`Shaw

Name: Riley Shaw
Alias: N/A
Age: 19
Date of Birth: January 17
Hometown: New York, New York

Height: 5'6"
Weight: 120lbs
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Silver
Nationality/Race: American/Caucasian

Occupation: Student

Personality Profile: Riley is a tad withdrawn due to her past. She doesn't ever let people get too close, and she certainly won't do it without a fight. She is a bit of a rebel and doesn't answer to anyone. She is strong willed, determined and incredibly stubborn. Careful not to get on her bad side.

Physical Description: Riley is a stunning young woman, standing at an average of 5'6". She has long brown hair that comes passed her shoulders and just passed her collar bone, accentuating penetrating silver hues. She is a curvy woman, though nothing that would make someone turn their head wondering where she hides it all. She has an athletic build, and keeps in shape.

Character Picture (Optional): Image



Primary : Invisibility: Riley has the ability to completely disappear if she so chooses it, though only for a couple of hours at a time. Though this time will be shortened if she has someone going invisible with her. Much like phasing, she can only handle making one other person invisible with her, and only for thirty minutes to an hour depending on how rested she is and how much energy she holds.

Secondary : Phasing: Perhaps it goes hand in hand with invisibility, but Riley is able to phase through things. Any type of solid objext, though the thicker it is, the more dangerous. It takes much concentration, and if she is not prepared and stops phasing halfway through an object, it could crush her and kill her. Her phasewalking ability takes concentration and energy. She is only able to phase four or five times a day, and that's only if the objects are not very thick. The times she is able to do this may also be lowered if she has someone phasing through with her. She can only handle taking one other person at the moment, and only a couple of times.

Tertiary : Force Field: Riley is able to keep a force field, not only around herself, but those around her. It is not a large area, the entire radius being only about ten feet. This force field seems to be inpenetrable by anything, though if there is a mutant with mental abilities to break her concentration, depending on how broken her concentration is, she may not be able to hold it. And normally she can only hold this force field for an hour or so tops.

Drawbacks/Weaknesses/Side Effects: With Riley's power comes danger and harm, not only to those around her, but also to herself if she is not careful. If Riley overexerts herself, it can cause nosebleeds as well as blackouts. She needs to be careful such blackouts do not happen while she is phasing, or it could kill her. She also needs to train either by running, or 'meditate' and get away from things through her art.

How do you believe this character's powers will further develop in the future? Riley hopes to improve her powers, grow stronger. She loves to train and better improve herself, so she is hoping it shouldn't be a problem. She hopes to be able to maintain the power for a longer period of time, as well as be able to hold more people in her abilities in case it was ever needed.

How do you believe this character's powers will further develop in the future? Riley hopes to improve her powers, grow stronger. She loves to train and better improve herself, so she is hoping it shouldn't be a problem. She hopes to be able to maintain the power for a longer period of time, as well as have to recharge less. To maintain her abilities.

Background: Riley had a rough upbringing. Her father left her and her mother at a very young age, leaving them to fend for themselves. This left her mother to work two jobs in order to keep a roof over their heads, and food on the table. This being said, Riley had a lot of time alone, and a lot of teasing from kids growing up. When it started to become too much, her mother turned to the bottle, leaving Riley to learn the hard way that the only person you can count on, is yourself.

This being said, Riley moved out on her own at the age of 15, living in shelters for the first while, before living with friends and working at some of their shops to earn money to live and eat. When her father passed away a year after she moved out, she received a large sum of money from his life insurance, though she could not touch it until she turned 18.

By the time she was 18, Riley had become jaded and guarded. She doesn't easily let people in, yet with good reason. She has been smart with the money intrusted to her, having saved up her own. She is no rich kid, but she certainly hasn't ended up in rehab or resorting to the bottle much like her deadbeat mother.

Now, at the age of 19, Riley has found the school and turned to it in hopes of starting a new life. Will it work out? Only time will tell...

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Riley is a stunning artist. She loves to paint, to draw, and anything else artistic.

Re: Riley Shaw

Posted: Sun Jul 31, 2011 6:47 pm
by Remu
Despite the fact that it isn't listed in red, we currently have 5 active electrokinetic characters which is a bit too many. Please choose another powerset.

Re: Riley Shaw

Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2011 8:59 pm
by Goldbolt
Please add a limit to her force field :3 as she is the field is way too powerful since nothing can penetrate it.

Re: Riley Shaw

Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2011 10:17 am
by Remu
If you ever come back to the channel we'll look her over again. ;)