Gavin Boyle [Network]

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Gavin Boyle [Network]

Post by Jeem »

IRC Nickname: Jeem

Name: Gavin Boyle
Age: 16
Date of Birth: April 1st
Hometown: Peabody, MA

Height: 5'8
Weight: 150
Hair Color: Red
Eye Color: Blue/Grey
Nationality/Race: Ginger-American

Occupation: Student

Personality Profile: Gavin isn't much different than your regular teenager. He's prone to competitive streaks, bursts into laughter at scatological jokes (and sounds), and has issues being told what to do. He's extremely protective of his twin sister Kayla; he'd fight tooth and nail to protect her and loves her dearly, however, he isn't quite as dependent upon her as she is upon him.

Physical Description: Gavin is relatively athletic, as athletic as a soccer-playing teenager can be without resorting to steroid use. Gavin is a rabid fan of Germany and the UK's football teams, and can often be found wearing one of their jerseys, along with jeans and a pair of sneakers.

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Both Gavin and his sister Kayla are capable of affecting the x-gene at its base level; the truest explanation of their powers is that their x-genes are capable of 'communicating' with a fellow mutant's own genes to varying degrees and results.

Gavin's powers stem from his x-genes forming a 'wireless network' of sorts with mutants in his vicinity, up to a range of ten feet.

Primary : Power Mimicry

Gavin's x-genes, when dormant, are like blank slates When another mutant is within the ten feet range of his 'network', he is able to imprint the mutant's genetic code into his own x-genes, information communicating between both sets, resulting in gaining one of their powers. Gavin can only emulate one power at a time. (Note: This does not inhibit his ability to activate a mutant's powers as per his Power Activation.)

These powers are never as strong as the powers of the mutant they originated from; his x-genes don't work as efficiently to produce the powers as the other mutant's. Nonetheless, he is fully capable of using the power that he 'absorbs', but the results aren't necessarily as clean and precise as the originating mutant's use of the power. Gavin will have many days of burnt off eyebrows and accidentally destroyed dorm rooms in the future.

Gavin maintains an imprint of the selected power until the next time he wishes to adapt a new one.

Secondary : Power Activation

Through the same sort of network that allows him to mimic another mutant's abilities, he is able to give someone's x-genes a jumpstart and force them into action, the mutant's powers suddenly flaring to life. A telepath is suddenly diving into the minds of those around her, a shapeshifter morphs into an animal form without warning. This has no use upon 'passive' abilities that are always activate, like his sister's Power Sensing, or Winter's Cryogenic State.

(Gavin-mun will use GameServ to roll a die with a number of sides corresponding to the target mutant's number of activatable powers with the results being displayed in-channel via GameServ's notify function. The number chosen corresponds to the power order from top to bottom on the character's profile, primary being 1, secondary 2, etc.

Once a power has been randomly selected, it is up to the other player to determine how their powers will suddenly activate. Gavin himself has no bearing on how the powers activate or where they may be directed, but it is assumed that Gavin-mun and the player will discuss the results. This is good for 1-2 posts' worth of an effect.)

While maintaining a link with a mutant for his Power Mimicry, Gavin is still able to interface with any other mutant within ten feet to activate one of their powers. He can only activate the powers of one mutant at a time.

Tertiary : Telepathy

The final use of his 'X-Network' is that, through the communication between his x-genes and others mutants', he is capable of communicating with anyone within the network via thought, sending and receiving thoughts.

He is NOT capable of reading one's thoughts unless they are thoughts that are directed to him, unable to simply browse another mutant's thoughts. Subconsciously, the mutant's x-genes align their brainwaves to be in tune with Gavin's for the duration of the message/conversation they hold, breaking as soon as the individual is finished 'talking'.

Drawbacks/Weaknesses :

Gavin may have a basic understanding of how to direct powers that he mimics, but he is still inexperienced in their use. (circumvented, of course, by frequent interaction with specific individuals). Also, unless amplified, these powers are never quite as strong at the originating mutant's. The randomness of his Power Activation can work in his favor or against him, as well.

How do you believe this character's powers will further develop in the future?

Gavin will likely learn how to mimic someone's powers more efficiently, able to produce stronger effects more precisely. He may be able to learn how to cause more erratic power usage in others' powers, and possibly grow capable of influencing the results.


Gavin and Kayla were born in Peabody MA, just up the road from Salem. They came from a typical functional family. A mother who is a dental hygenist, a father who is a dentist and a Great Dane named "Blood". The twins were very close growing up and remain so even now. Their powers manifested when they hit highschool.

While hanging out with one of their friends, a mutant who was accepted by the Boyle family for who he was, who happened to hold shapeshifting abilities, Gavin accidentally managed to transform himself into a turtle. He was stuck in this reptilian state for the better part of four hours for his power's initial activation, result in appropriate fear and worry from his family.

This caused the twins' parents to contact the nearby Cobalt Academy to see if perhaps they could help their boy. During a bit of testing it was discovered that Kayla also had some abilities. Though more discreet than those of her brother's, they were nevertheless enough to garner the interest of Cobalt as well.

Quirks/Extras (Random fun facts about your character!):
-The "older brother" of the pair, Gavin is 30 minutes older than his sister.
-Gavin is an avid soccer fan, supporting both Manchester United and Die Mannschaft.
-He also enjoys any activity in which he might be able to show off.
-Gav collects money. No, really! He collects quarters of as many different years as he can find. His current best streak is 1980-1987.
-Cherishes his XBox, like any other teen would. Current obsession is Monday Night Combat.
-Has a secret love of Lady Gaga.
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