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News2Salem - 7/27/11 Attack

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 9:38 am
by Sisip
It doesn't take long for a video to surface on the internet, local and even national media taking it and running with it, like a child with a Popsicle.

A pretty little newcaster with big hair looks solemnly at the camera. "The world is reeling today from a video uploaded to the internet. News2Salem managed to secure an interview with Chad Brotaski, the marketing student who captured the event on film."

The camera flicks over to the image of a man in his mid 20's, frosted hair up in a fashionable brohawk wearing a charcoal grey suit with a pink shirt under his coat. "Well my friends and I were on our way home from the bar and we heard a scream." He looks a bit uncomfortable before the voice of the reporter could be heard, "And what did you do then?" "Uh.. well.. we went to go help! You can't just leave a man down. We were just about to step in when a group of .." There's a bit of a pause as he searches for a more PC word than 'freak', ".. mutants showed up."

The video pans back to the reporter behind the desk. "What happens next brings many questions to light."

The jumpy footage from Chad's phone is played, sound conveniently muted. Images of Jonas trapped in the web before being jerked upwards and off into the night are mixed between what appears to be a very aggressive assault by a vibrantly red headed and well muscled fellow, easily identified as a local barkeep in the area. In the background the group of mutants try to battle the spiders and save the victim... just before the redhead vomits towards the cameraman, a churning bubbling spew that seemed to grow in size. What is seen next is nothing more than obvious running away from the scene.

A voice over, during the video, is heard. "Why aren't the authorities doing anything about the increasing threat from the spider menace. People are being snatched off the streets nightly and still no progress has been made. Why are good Samaritans being pushed away, sometimes violently, from trying to help? Is this all a ploy by an underground group of mutants to try to win favour with the community? We asked Martha Smith, a prominent activist for human rights in the wake of mutant uprising, what she thought about the matter."

Fat Martha appeared on the screen, neck still in a brace, looking heartbroken as she speaks, "OH I strongly believe, in my professional experience.. and I've been watching this for quite some time, that the spiders and the mutants are most definitely linked. Spiders don't become this large without special effects in a movie .. or without being mutated. I'd say they are a product of a rogue mutant who is planning something terrible. Possibly even the same rogue mutant who attacked the peaceful protest on public property last week and caused such damage and injury."

The camera flicks back to Chad Brotaski. "We just wanted to help and we weren't allowed. It was like they had something against us being there. We were, honestly, afraid for our lives.... and not just from the spiders."

The reporter, sitting behind the desk, gives a sad look and shakes her head. "With still no word on the hows and whys of the combined spider and mutant aggression all Salem can do is sit back, tight in their homes, and wonder when we will be next. This is Mary Formoney, News2Salem."