Genesis "Gina" Stone [Doppleganger]

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Genesis "Gina" Stone [Doppleganger]

Post by Suzthulhu »

IRC Nickname: Gina_Stone

Name: Genesis "Gina" Stone
Alias: Doppleganger
Age: 21
Date of Birth: July 30
Hometown: Monterey, CA

Height: 5'8"
Weight: 160
Hair Color: Chestnut
Eye Color: Dark brown
Nationality/Race: German/White

Occupation: Student - Biology major

Themesong: "Party Up in Here" - DMX

Personality Profile: Genesis, or Gina as she prefers to be called, has a very friendly, outgoing personality. She rarely seems to take anything seriously, always quick with a joke, and is a heavy flirt with anyone and everyone. She has a bit of an Adonis complex, or whatever the female equivalent would be, and spend a good bit of her time in the gym, practicing mixed martial arts, and doing various other activities to perfect her physique. She has participated in mixed martial arts competitions and often does very well.

Physical Description: Physically, Gina is quite fit. She works hard to stay very toned, but does not go so far as to appear too muscular, which on a woman, she considers unattractive. She spends time outside, giving her a healthy skin tone, but she abhors people who lay in tanning beds.

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Primary :Astral Enhancement: Gina possesses a "second self," which manifests as a semi-solid to solid grey aura-type effect that is always connected to her body and gives her enhancements to her physical abilities based on her astral form. This astral self enhances her speed, strength, situational awareness, and reaction times as follows:

Speed: the astral self can move split seconds before her physical body does, and "pulls" her body along with it, making it seem as though she warps from place to place, such as around an opponent to dodge attacks or to cross a short distance (100 feet) in a short period of time.

Strength: the astral self can become briefly solid say, as she throws a punch or another physical blow, in which case it hits the opponent first, followed immediately by Gina's actual body; in effect, this is like being hit by twice as much force as she would normally produce on her own.

Situational Awareness and Reaction Times: this is not so much actual precognition as it appears to be; because of the enhancement to speed and the fact that the astral self moves split seconds before Gina's body does, it appears at times that she has precognition, particularly in situations where she might need to dodge an attack or maneuver quickly.

***Recent SIM measurements calculate her natural maximum heart rate at 167 BPM, very low in comparison to even elite endurance athletes. Her punch registers at 2230 lbs of force, harder than most professional boxers, and her takedown (tackle) force registers just under 5,000 watts of power in her hips and 2700 lbs of force, on par with top NFL defensive pros.

Astral Shielding - This allows Gina to focus her semi-solid "second self" into a solid shield that follows the contours of her body shape in order to block or lessen the force behind incoming attacks. The shield only lasts for a few seconds, but can be generated at will so long as she sees the attack coming.

Secondary : Astral Projection: Gina can send her astral self out of her body to explore when needed. The distance is limited to 3 miles, and the further away it gets, the harder it is for Gina to control. Gina can see through the astral projection's eyes and can speak to report what it sees, but while using the projection, she cannot move. Being moved or attacked will cause the projection to return to her body immediately, resulting in temporary disorientation. Recalling the form at will will not disorient her, but it takes a moment to do so. The astral body is invisible and can move through walls, etc.

Tertiary : Limited regeneration through meditation: Gina can meditate for no less than an hour at a time to rest instead of having to sleep.

Drawbacks/Weaknesses/Side Effects : Hungry! Using any of her abilities takes quite a bit of energy, leaving her with a metabolism run amuck. She eats like she's in danger of famine any minute, and she doesn't sleep, she comas for 8 hours or so. Thankfully, meditation can help her rest somewhat, but that requires her to consume calories to compensate as well. Astral projecting also leaves her body vulnerable, and though she's not sure, there may be a danger of cutting her astral self off from her body should something dire happen while she's projecting.

How do you believe this character's powers will further develop in the future? She would like to enhance her control over her projections as well as further hone her abilities to use her "second self."

Background: As a successful MMA fighter, Gina made a name for herself in highschool and college. She discovered her abilities while training for a match, and feeling as though she would be unable to control them, she faked an injury to take herself out of any further competitions, opting to instead help train other fighters. Once she heard about Cobalt, she put in for transfer immediately, hoping to take her education in biology to the next level by researching the x-gene.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts:
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