Kyle Victor Black [Minuteman]

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Kyle Victor Black [Minuteman]

Post by gunnar »

IRC Nickname: Gunnar

Name: Kyle Victor Black
Alias: Minuteman
Age: 30
Date of Birth: November 23rd
Hometown: Walnut Creek, California

Height: 6'0"
Weight: 235 lbs
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Green
Nationality/Race: American Caucasian
Occupation: Sergeant First Class, US Army - Mutant Affairs, Research Control Group (MARCG) / META Task-force

Personality Profile: A professional to the core, Kyle rarely lets his emotions get the better of him. He is a firm believer in the 'Be-Know-Do' philosphy instilled in him by the service. He is a mentor and a coach, training those under him for the possibility and eventuality that he will not be there to lead.

Physical Description:Kyle's hair is shaved in a meticulously kept high-and tight, and has a bit of blond to it, his green eyes are dark and somewhat cloudy, looking more the color of old moss than anything else. His skin carries a dark tan from long hours spent outside. Aside from his muscular build, he is fairly non-descript. He has no major scars, and his tattoos are not visible when he is in any form of Military uniform

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Primary : Strength - Kyle is roughly six times as strong as the average adult male, giving him the ability to lift upwards of 1200lbs, and carry over 600lbs of weight. Scans will show a muscle density that rivals steel and a tensile strength similar to carbon fiber nano-tubes.

Secondary : Reflexes - Due to his physical mutation, Kyle's nervous system functions similar to a superconductor; electrical impulses take mere pico-seconds to reach his brain which has specifically adapted to interpreting the information arriving. Often, this leads to reaction times that to the casual observer appear to be split second per-cognition, though the information is simply arriving faster and processed accordingly.

Tertiary : Resistance to physical damage - The tensile strength of Kyle's frame and musculature is also seen in every other cell of his body, this means that his skin is tougher than usual, meaning he doesn't bruise as easily (in real terms, he is roughly 50% more difficult to injure than the average person.) Bullets still penetrate, knives still cut, and needles still puncture, just a little less readily.

Drawbacks/Weaknesses/Side Effects : Reduced sensations - As an adaptation to the hypersensitivity of his nervous system, Kyle doesn't feel things the way he used to. Think of it as having the volume turned down very low: his senses have compensated for the rapid sensation and increased durability of his form by limiting what is perceived. Put in another way: Kyle's pain threshold is extraordinarily high. Agony for most people is interpreted as mild discomfort.

Unfortunately, this means that he also rarely feels the wind in his hair, the spray of salt water on his skin, or the gentle touch of a friend or loved one.

Also as a result of his hyperactive nervous system, Kyle is especially susceptible to electrical attack due to the low impedance along his nerves.

How do you believe this character's powers will further develop in the future? (Note: Not required for staff members.) Unknown, though it is possible that Kyle will begin to regain sensations, allowing him to lead a more normal life.

Background:Kyle grew up in California and briefly bought into the west coast ideology before striking out on his own at 18. Deciding that he was not yet ready for college, Kyle approached the local Army Recruiting station immediately after graduating from High School and enlisted on an open contract as an 11X (General Infantry, Airborne). On the 23rd of June, Kyle reported to the Oakland Military Entry Processing station (MEPS) and immediately shipped for Basic Combat training at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri with 2nd Platoon, 3rd Battalion, 10th Infantry Regiment. While attending Basic Training, Kyle was advanced to Private (E-2) based on his excellent Physical Training scores and having qualified Expert (1st time GO) on the rifle qualification range. Immediately following basic training, Kyle was sent to Fort Benning, Georgia's School of Infantry. While attending Infantry school, Kyle further distinguished himself as a quick learner who was adept at following orders and improvising quickly when the situation changed. On completion of basic training, Kyle then shipped to Fort Bragg, North Carolina for Airborne school, and then temporary duty enroute to the Air-Assault school before continuing on to his first assignment with the 3rd Brigade, 101st (Airborne) Division at Fort Campbell, Kentucky where he served the remainder of his four years of Active Duty. After the attacks on Sept. 11th, then Corporal Black re-enlisted in theater (Operation Enduring Freedom, Afghanistan) for another 6 years and was promoted to Sergeant (E-5) and awarded a Bronze Star Medal with 'V' device for valor and the Combat Infantry badge. Rotating home, he spent only six months at Fort Campbell before being deployed again to the CENTCOM area of operations (Iraq) While serving his second tour overseas, Kyle was promoted to Staff Sergeant, and awarded a purple heart for shrapnel he received as a result of an IED near the end of his tour, as well as receiving another BSM for his actions during the assault on Balad.

During his examination after his injuries, it was discovered that Kyle is a latent carrier of the X-gene. Approached by a MARCG Colonel at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Kyle was asked if he would again volunteer to serve his Country. He accepted and was transferred to the research center at Fort Sam Houston, Texas. While at Fort Sam, SSG Black was selected by HeadQuarters, Dept. of the Army for promotion to Sergeant First Class (E-7), and two years of highly classified testing began. Late 2009, SFC Kyle Black (case number *redacted*) was declared an unqualified success and awarded the Meritorious Service Medal before being reassigned to the MARCG / META taskforce.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts:
Kyle has Tattoos. He has a cryptogram across his shoulderblades that reads: "SOLDIER" when viewed right side up, and "PATRIOT" when viewed upside down, and a scroll with a series of dates on his left shoulder
Last edited by gunnar on Tue Jul 26, 2011 8:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
And the voice of the lord said: Whom shall go for Us? Whom shall We send?

And I heard my own voice reply: I will go. Send Me.
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