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Greyson Hughes [Python]

Posted: Mon Jul 18, 2011 5:33 pm
by Eva
IRC Nickname: Eva`

Name: Greyson Hughes
Alias: Python
Age: 24
Date of Birth: October 28
Hometown: New Orleans, Louisiana

Height: 6'1"
Weight: 130 lbs
Hair Color: brown
Eye Color: brown
Nationality/Race: American mutt

Occupation: student, fighter, baker

Personality Profile: friendly, charismatic, spontaneous, open, ambitious

Physical Description: Tall, scrawny, yet lean muscled would be the quick and easy way to describe Greyson Hughes. His long hair is braided into a number of frayed white boy dreads that hang down to about mid back. His eyes have reptilian pupils, but their color is so dark it's hardly noticeable. When he grins, his elongated canines can be seen. The large gauges in his ears are also hard to miss, as well as the rounded barbell septum piercing.

Character Picture (Optional):



Venom : Like a number of venomous snakes, his canines secrete a neurotoxin that, in small doses, can cause giddiness, euphoria, and in some cases hallucinations. A larger dose can cause pain and paralysis, usually temporary if treated in a timely manner. While he's pretty sure a higher dose could cause permanent paralysis or even death, he's not had the want to test this theory.

High Reflexes : His reflexes and reaction times are much higher than the average human, and even most mutants. At times it can seem almost instantaneous, if he's been paying attention.

Contortion : To call him a contortionist would bring to mind someone with only half of his flexibility. It's like his bones aren't even connected. His range of movement is astounding, but it is usually rather uncomfortable so he doesn't do it often. It has one him more than a few drinks, though.

Drawbacks/Weaknesses/Side Effects : Cold temperatures make him slow and sleepy and his abilities are less effective (less potent venom, slower reaction time, less flexible).

How do you believe this character's powers will further develop in the future? He may have a better handle on his venom output or become less uncomfortable when contorting.


While he was born in New Orleans, he wasn't there long enough to absorb any of its culture or that southern twang. Being a child of a broken home and living with his single mother, he didn't know his father and it never really bothered him. His childhood was interesting, at least. He and his mother never stayed in one place long and before he'd graduated high school he'd lived in all fifty states and even a few places in Canada. Perhaps that's why he is the way he is. Though his mother finally settled down, even remarried, in a small town in Ohio, Grey has never stopped moving. A combination of wanderlust and odd jobs keep him moving, but even that can only get you so far.

When he was fourteen he learned to fight the worst way possible: he was bullied. Luckily, this was about the time when his powers started to manifest and he learned pretty quickly how to avoid the blows of the bigger, meaner kids. Rick, his mother's boyfriend at the time, was a prize fighter and was the first to train a young Grey. As he moved he found other trainers, then he found other fighting venues. Before high school was over he was making more than minimum wage dodging fists and knocking teeth two or three nights a week. He used the money he earned to buy himself an old beater of a car that he himself had a hand in restoring. The fights brought him to Salem and, through opponents like himself, he learned about Cobalt Hill. For a long time the idea of an extended education had been lingering in the back of his head but he'd never acted on it. But with the money he was pulling in from fights and the big three-oh only a handful of years away, he felt it was time to start looking into the future.

While fighting was his main source of income, he had a number of other jobs as well and his favorite was baking. He had a not-so-secret love for all things chocolate and a knack for cooking. Over time, this love of chocolate and baking became a dream to own and operate his own bakery. But that would require some business sense and that's what made up his mind to use his saved up earnings and enroll in Cobalt Hill.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: Loves chocolate.