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Vessa plot proposal.

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2011 8:22 am
by Remu
Hey! Submitting a plot line to you. I made it pretty open ended, and it can take as long, or as little time as people want. I know it says 'experimenting' a lot through out it, but it's mostly for Tech and breeding purposes (not forcing anyone to have sex with anyone else, rape wise or other. I'm not that mean). So, here ya go! If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask!

Plot Title: Kolbain Power Solutions - A better tomorrow, Yesterday.

Plot Goal: Done in phases. End result is a culmination of research to further develop technology based around mutant powers for helping the world (and to dominate it).
Phase 1 - Cobalt Academy would be given a single, experimental A.I unit for the use in their Sims for training of mutant powers. It is an adaptive program, self contained, but can interface with systems it is programmed to do so. In reality, it is gathering information to be picked up later by a Techno based mutant for Kolbain purposes.
Phase 2 - On Campus Kolbain Representative to recruit mutants to work for the Kolbain Company. This would come into play a bit after the A.I is installed, to answer questions to anyone who has them about the company, and to offer jobs to those interested. More information gathering.
Phase 3 - Mutants are either flown to company sites for work, or other. Mutants will be experimented on, either medically or technology. Some of the experiments are legit, while others, are not. Some mutants may go 'missing' during this.
Phase 4 - currently not developed. Based on results of previous phases.

Phase 1 - Interactive A.I used in the Sims for training of powers. This is more of an NPC than anything. It works with the mutants and learns to adapt to their powers, utilizing the sims to provide scenerios that are either realistic, or not, to help develop the powers. The A.I does not have much of a personality, but is based off a techno mutant that created it.
Phase 2 - On Campus Kolbain Representative to recruit mutants to work for the Kolbain Company. Another NPC. Does not have any apparent mutant powers, but does wear a dampener to prevent telepaths from reading his mind. Is there for simple recruitment of possible mutant employees, and to answer any questions people may have about Kolbain Industries, or legal things about the company.
Phase 3 - Will be a mish mash of various NPC's. Each will be written up before encounters. Most are not mutants, but will have technology based around mutants.
Phase 4 - Not done until other phases have occurred. Most likely the 'big boss' that won't be physically interactable.

Protagonists: Currently no outside NPC's to help the characters. All up to the players.

Kolbain Power Solutions has been around for many years now, but has only gained publicity recently. Their motto is 'A better tomorrow, Yesterday', and their goal is to find ways of using mutants for the betterment of the planet.

The company is fairly legit, specializing in technology that works with or by mutant powers. They have a rather large power generating facility up in the Rocky Mountains in Canada, and smaller facilities around the world, but most are based in North America.

They hire only mutants, outside of special task forces of scientists and engineers that monitor and build the technology the company uses. Each facility has one major project, and side projects of all the other facilities.

Underneath it all, like most good intentions for mutants, are the laboratories that run more unethical and sometimes lethal experiments. This is where the story begins...

Kolbain has recently started publicly advertising for jobs for mutants, guaranteeing their safety, and equal rights like anyone else, for decent pay and the knowledge that they are helping make a better world for everyone. Positions range from security to testers of technology, to things mundane like janitorial and secretary work. This has caused mixed feelings across the globe; on one hand, people will know where mutants are located, and thus, can do either good or bad to them, on the other, the mutants are putting themselves forth to try and show the world they are not monsters, and can benefit everyone.

Cobalt Academy has been targeted as a prime recruiting location, and a laison has been sent to work out a deal between the Academy and the company. Possible onsite tech testing, weekend work for students, scholarships, etc etc.

Kolbain is hoping to gather in enough mutants from the school to finnish some of the more dangerous experiments, as well as kick start the new age of mutants who will take over the world, and make it theirs. It's not a total domination Kolbain is looking for, but to subject regular humans to the rule of their betters, in a peaceful way if possible, but by force if necessary. To Kolbain, non-mutants cannot benefit the planet as well as mutants, and are trying hard to destroy it. Mutants can revive the planet, and civilization. A Golden Age, a new renaissance, is just around the corner, and within arms reach of Kolbain.

In a nutshell: Pretty much, if any students take up on the work offer, they will have access to some cool experiments in regards to powers and such. Little do they realize is that they are being analyzed, and looked over as potential mutants to either rule, work, or be put to other uses (the other experiments). Eventually one or more will go missing, hopefully leading to an investigation of the nearby Kolbain Power Solutions facility, if one hasn't already been done, or in the process of being done. This can involve as few players as 1, or as many as wish to participate. I will find ways to keep the story going, and if someone wishes to have their character freed from the clutches of storyline so they can play whatever, I have no problem in finding a solution and getting that character free. This is also a good X-Team involvement plot, as well as one that can take months, or just weeks, to do. Steady, with no speed regulations (things can happen quickly, or not.)

The Big Bad Guy
The owner himself is Kolbain, a mutant with necrokinesis. He's been planning and working on this for quite a long time now, gathering in mutants from everywhere over time. He owns quite a large number of shares in other companies, and is filthy rich. Nothing can be traced back to him, except speculation (it is his company, after all).

Possible Storyarch for later
I don't know if someone else is wanting to do this, or has started it, but I was hoping to run a much larger story line later on, that involves the Horsemen Theory. Pretty much Kolbain is 'Death', part of a larger group who wish to bring around the new age of man. His company is just part of a much larger vision for the future. But,

STs Involved: Currently no one, but I am open for suggestions.

For Approval: Pretty much, I want everything approved, so I don't get stomped on later. The A.I for sure, and tech (don't know exactly what the tech level of the world is right now). No doubt there will be big kaboomings, horror stories from students, and who knows what else.