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News at 11-Attack on anti-mutant protesters

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2011 9:53 pm
by vile
June 15th

A blonde anchorwoman, her hair teased and held up by a copious amount of chemicals, grins into the news camera as it pans in, giving the viewers at home a good look at some red lipstick smudged across the front of her teeth. "And now that we're back, we're reporting on an incident that took place on the corner of Convenient Street and Anywhere Avenue. An anti-mutant protest was apparently attacked by a rogue mutant. But witnesses on the scene report that he was quickly stopped and apprehended by a group of good Samaritans that happened to be present in the area. The heroes, students attending school at the local Cobalt Academy, actually defended and saved the demonstrators from injury.

Reports say that several of the students were injured, two critically so, and had to be taken away in an ambulance. The perpetrator, one Joshua Hall, was seriously injured and is now being held in custody. While Faux News does not support any form of vigilantism, I, for one, extend my gratitude to the students and say good job.

Next up, Ollie with the weather. What's tomorrow looking like?"


Re: News at 11-Attack on anti-mutant protesters

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 9:52 pm
by vile
July 19th

TVs around campus and Salem as a whole display a news report, the same as it does every time something Cobalt specific goes down! Which is happening more and more often lately. The Faux News logo spins around on the TV screen, disappears and the camera zooms in on the usual night reporter. Diane! The blonde bimbo's hair is worn down, for once, and her makeup has been washed away. It's a dramatic change from the norm, one that's strange enough to make the co-anchor keep glancing over at her.

"Earlier today, the same group of protesters that were interrupted earlier this week by a rogue mutant, once again attempted to picket and promote legislation that would require a mutant to get licensed to use their powers or wear a mandatory dampener. While we were on the scene and caught everything on camera, water damage to our equipment has destroyed any footage we obtained.

This time their peaceful protest, this time outside of the Cobalt Academy gates, was interrupted by a notably large mutant was caught up by a tidal wave that swept through the crowd, knocking many down and damaging quite a few vehicles that were parked along the street.

"One of the protesters, one Mark Schultz, got a gun from his vehicle and fired off several rounds into the crowd and at the water, formed into the shape of a dragon, as it reared up for an attack. He sustained severe injuries to his right hand. The mutant who was taken by the tide, one Laura Silves, then proceeded to devour Schultz and fled the scene despite the efforts of the Academy security guards. Mr.Schultz's body has been recovered by META agents. He died of blood loss.

"Silves is still at large and was seen later that day assaulting another mutant, Julie Leon. The attack left Silves a quarter of her original design. Once again she fled to the sewer system.

She was seen assaulting a child and her mother on the corner of Anyplace Avenue and Some Street. The mother made it through the attack with serious injuries to her left leg and is now in critical condition, held in Salem Medical. Silves sustained injuries in her leg as well from an intervening mutant that eye witnesses indicate was meaning good but complicated the situation substantially. The vigilante fled the scene after intervening.

META agents and the police urge anyone with information regarding Silves to please contact the local authorities. Silves is considered very dangerous so do not engage her if confronted on the street."

The announcement draws to a close and goes back to regular programming.