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Lulu Webb [Gaea]

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2011 5:06 pm
by tumbleweed
IRC Nickname:

Name: Luella "Lulu" Azami Webb
Alias: Gaea
Age: 25
Date of Birth: 7/13
Hometown: Primrose Hill, London, England

Height: 6'7
Weight: 163
Hair Color: Scarlet Red
Eye Color: Green
Nationality/Race: Japanese/Caucasian

Occupation: Former Florist

Personality Profile: Before - Bubbly, energetic, artistic, happy-go-lucky. It's difficult to spoil her mood. Calm quiet and fiercely loyal. As a vivacious and energetic young woman, Lulu maintains a personable aura that is always ready to make friends. She enjoys long walks and outdoor strolls, flowers and plants of any type, though she prefers to receive them alive. Some of her favorite hobbies are sewing her own clothing, reading Japanese manga, watching anime, and toying in her green house. Her favorite snack is cheesecake. It's difficult to befriend Lulu, though she's known for the occasional flirtatious streak.

Lulu has bouts of antisocial activity and hatred toward completely fleshy humans, especially those that disrespect nature. She is still a loyal friend, to those capable of earning her trust again, but she despises all things related to love and relationships and cannot bear to be around happy couples.

Physical Description: Prior to mutation Lulu was a natural beauty from the mixed heritage of British and Asian lines, her mother a demure little dark-haired Asian woman, once an actress. Her father, a tall, but naturally healthy (read: overweight) British man with a love for good cuisine. Her cheeks were full, plump and soft curved like those of her British father, and bespeckled with a dose of freckles that added youth to her years. Slim build like her mother, tall in height like her father.

Now: Lulu has endured another drastic evolution of her mutant genes and no longer has the peaches and cream softly glowing, pale complexion of an asian girl. She is for all intents and purposes, more plant than human now, and the toxic poison that runs in her veins can be seen beneath the fibrous flora tissue of her skin which is now a pretty, pale blend of green and soft pink, with noticeably red veins standing out clearly.

Her skin:

Her hair is no longer pale chestnut brown, or honey blond, but a startling color of the most vibrant scarlet, glossy and consisting of sleek waves, resembling strands of Sundew stem when moist or damp.


Character Picture (Optional):


Primary :
Plant Physiology:
While this ability isn't quite the same as that of other mutants with superior durability it is similar in a very small way. Lulu's body does sustain damage and is no more durable from attacks than the next mutant of normal durability, but her bones do not break. In situations where Lulu's nimble body and enhanced joints can prevent receiving full damage, her bones will absorb the shock or give enough that she isn't as injured. Lulu's body also feeds through a complex form of photosynthesis that allows her to regrow parts gradually over weeks, or regenerate and recover at three times the rate of a normal human being as long as conditions are optimal for a healthy plant, such as UV lighting, green house enclosure, or a warm and sunny, hot summer day. Her heart has ceased to exist due to the complex evolution into a half plant creature, and her body operates on a closed decentralized nervous system where the blood vessels pump chlorophyll laced blood through her body, like a plant.

Additionally, she's developed natural changes and appears to be more plant like. Her blood consists of toxin, her breath and scent are aphrodisiacs that incite lust, as well as defensive pheromones that are designed to attract. The latter she can finally control on her own without having to flee the vicinity of sensitive individuals, though her breath is still as sweet and dangerous as ever.

Secondary :
Lulu’s control over plants includes all plantlife simple and complicated. However, the larger and more complex the plant the more difficult it is for her to control or move. She has mastered the use of flowers, able to make their petals as sharp as blades and create vines that are as tough as ropes from a single stem. Each act is draining and difficult to perform, and one of extreme complexity leaves her exhausted and requiring much rest and food.

Some minor tricks that she is able to perform are growing seeds into small matured plants, or making branches sway and dance without wind. Something of an intermediate nature would be making grass blades in a small area become as sharp as needles. More dangerous tricks include growing a sapling tree to full maturity over the course of several seconds. Less difficult but similarly fun acts for her involve changing one variety of tree or flower into another species or a hybrid. This is much easier with different types of grass, of flowers and smaller plants. Meaning, a rose can become a tiger lily, or a blade of grass can become a miniature prim rose. Something that she's also taken to doing, is the creation of fantastic plant creatures that technically shouldn't exist, such as writhing tentacle vined beasts, animalistic vegetation, and little mandragora people that react in realistic fashion. The animal creations that Lulu makes are capable of thinking and behaving on their own, due to being true living breathing creations, however, she can bond to them by touch and communicate mentally with them.

Tertiary :
Simply put, she can slide within the trunk of a tree in one place and emerge moments later up to a distance of 25 miles away. She is able to take one person with her. It feels no different than sliding through a thick, gooey and viscous paste of the current outdoors temperature, cold in winter months or cold locations and so on.

Drawbacks/Weaknesses : Weakness to fire and other plant-harming agents, but adaptive. Weedkillers are no different than poison, however, she is as adaptive as any weed and capable of gradually recovering after a length of sickness. She requires water and sunlight like a true plant. She has no heart and has lost most of her unnecessary internal organs with exception to lungs, stomach, some of her intestinal tract, and her bladder, making it impossible for her to eat anything but raw meat and some plant matters. Eating processed foods, sugar, salt, pepper, or anything that isn't raw meat or organic plant matter will go undigested by her body, going rancid and practically killing her if medical help isn't gained.

She cannot go for long without seeing the sun, needing UV and solar light to recover and heal. Very susceptible to dehydration.

How do you believe this character's powers will further develop in the future?
She may also be able to control her own physiology a little better in the manner of which Poison Ivy is known for, by adapting her pheromones to work at will rather than whenever they should choose.

She wasn’t exactly pampered her entire lifetime, but her parents did want to offer everything needed to ensure her success. From the time that Lulu could walk, there were English lessons, Japanese lessons, and ballet lessons. When most children in Britain were preparing to enter their first year of primary school, Lulu was meeting her first piano instructor. Her mother kept her busy as a child, believing little girls needed every advantage possible in this world. It was no surprise when her powers slowly began to manifest.

What would have horrified some parents, was a pleasant relief for her own. She was to be special, cherished, they loved the fresh cut roses that never died and remained freshly scented every morning. Their daughter was a miracle, and something that would gain them even more status in the community. She was sent to the best schools, and sheltered like a jewel. Unfortunately, all neighbors did not share in the views of her parents, and they soon realized their mistake the first time their daughter returned home with a broken nose and tear-streaked face.

The other students did not like her. They called her freak. Monster. Their parents said she was strange. To soothe these pains Lulu was spoiled even further, and education filled the void that friendship and socialization left behind.

As life became more difficult and more dangerous for mutants everywhere, her parents regretfully did what was necessary to ensure her safety. They moved from England to the United States, settling when Lulu was 15 years of age. She fell into school perfectly at first, and none were the wiser that she was a mutant until her first public accident. It was hell, all over again for those three years that she suffered ridicule and cruelty. She was enrolled into the first available mutant academy that they could find, where she's spent time developing her powers and learning to maximize her potential.

That was then, and this is now. In a nutshell, things have changed for Lulu, from developing superhuman powers, overcoming controlling parents that spoiled her with money and smothered her with love, moving on and marrying a middle-aged divorcee, opening her own flowershop, and birthing a cabbage patch baby clone, she's struck out on her own and embraced post-divorce life with her baby Evelyn. She keeps minimal contact with ex-husband Bruce but does maintain her flowershop on top of being a mother and maintaining a relationship with her family.

Quirks/Extras (Random fun facts about your character!):
Lulu’s mother Chitose believed children should always be busy with activities. As a child, she attended a variety of artistic lessons, calligraphy, dance, and was even a student of a lesser known kickboxing master for quite some time. Although she never showed enough talent to continue these lessons into her adulthood, she still practices from time to time. Because it's not cool enough to brag about, she rarely ever mentions her ability with a piano.

There was a time that Lulu would have done anything for attention and friendship, but now, she feels more and more detached from her fellow human beings and has little interest in making new friends. The last time Lulu was seen, plant vines and roots devoured a corrupt politician at the Salem city hall and she disappeared dramatically following the attack.