Kjersten Liselle

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Kjersten Liselle

Post by Tesseract »

IRC Nickname: TellaBella

Name: Kjersten Liselle
Age: 23
Date of Birth: 10th December
Hometown: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Height: 5'5
Weight: 125
Hair Color:Red
Eye Color: Grey
Nationality/Race: White

Occupation: None

Personality Profile: KJ is rather quiet most of the time, She does not speak unless she has something important to say.
She is always 'there' for social interactions but rarely adds anything to the conversation unless it is important.

Physical Description: KJ is a petite woman, not exactly the ideal picture of what most men would think a woman should look like although
she doesn't care about that. Her lack of caring is noted in her appearance. Her short cropped hair is always mussed, she never wears make up,
wearing whatever she found comfortable that day.

Character Picture (Optional):

Author's Credit
<Non-Anime Version>


Primary : Telelocation - KJ can telelocate herself, moving herself from one point in space to another point in space with a simple thought.
There is no limit as to distance however she has to know exactly where it is she is intending to telelocate. Having been in the place she is intending to
Telelocate to before is the best. A picture, global co-ordinates, or visual contact with the intended destination also work. She can also take one person
along with her for the ride, however there is no guarantee that the passenger will make it to the other side alive or in one piece. A required 'Charge-Up' time is required.
The length of which is entirely dependant on the distance to be traveled, A field of what appears to be static form around her and a loud bang is heard upon departure
and arrival. Upon arrival she would appear to be 'crackling' with energy.

Secondary : Telepathy - KJ is able to peer into another person's mind, with or without their permission. Generally without as a way to gain information from them
without the need to speak to them, as speech to her is a waste of time and she very rarely does. This ability is used to give and take information from someone
quickly and efficiently. She can either send words, pictures, or scenes as a form of communication. Since perception is in the mind, she could theoretically show someone
her entire life's experience within a few moments of time... theoretically.

Tertiary : Total Memory - KJ's memory is crystal perfect and clear. Having the ability to recall any memory or data she has been exposed to with
no margin of error. She can recite an entire novel word for word with inflections on the words from memory without error as if she had the book in her hand and was reading it.

Drawbacks/Weaknesses/Side Effects :

Telelocate - Her accuracy varies depending on the mode of information. Having been to the location previously nets her an EXACT teleloate, with no deviation. Exact Geographical Co-Ordinates will get her as exact as the Co-Ordinates, A picture will put her at the exact perspective of the person that took the picture, visual contact allows for a telelocate within a foot, depending on distance. The farther the distance the more deviation. Over use of this ability is draining, so she limits herself to telelocation only within sight unless in dire circumstances. Telelocation within a minute of a previous Telelocation is *currently* impossible, as her mind would still be recovering from the effects.

'Hold On! It's Charging!'
The time it takes from deciding to telelocate and actually begining transit also known at 'charge time' varies depending on distance.
For Example:
The charge time to telelocate within sight (x<100m) is instantanious. A crackle and pop later and she's there.
The charge time to telelocate from memory and (x>100m x<1km) is around 10 seconds.
The charge time to telelocate Not from memory ie from a picture and (x>100m x<1km) is around 20 seconds.
Each additional power of 10 adds 10 seconds (x>1km x<10km) = 30, (x>10km x<100km) 40, (x>100km x<1000km) 50, (10000km< x) 60
The charge time for any telelocation event will take no more than one minute, however the farther the destination the greater a toll that is exerted on her body. A telelocation event that takes her 10,000km from her previous point won't leave her unconcsious but it certainly will make her feel rather tired (not that she would show it). The farther the event, the exponentialy greater the energy needed. So while 1,000 100m telelocation events won't even make her sweat 1 100km jump will leave her feeling a bit fatigued.

Telepathy - Her over use of telepathy has rendered her nearly mute, only speaking if there is a large group of people as touching many minds is harder than just one.

Total Memory - No real Drawbacks to this, other than the obvious arrogance that comes with knowing everything. However, Her memories from before her manifestation
are completely gone. After her powers manifested she had no memory of whom she was, her parents, nothing. Complete blank. Along with her memories being wiped, she
gained a proficient knowledge of how her abilities worked and therefore her control over them is rather adept.

How do you believe this character's powers will further develop in the future? Perhaps a greater control over Telelocation and the ability to do it En Masse, however her telepathy is rather fully developed or at least as far developed as it will get. Perhaps the ability to erase or manipulate memories and or mind control.
(Note: Not required for staff members.)

Background: After her powers had manifested, KJ found herself in an odd enviroment. Surrounded by those she didn't know, not knowing who she was herself. No name. The knowledge of what she could do fresh in her mind, knowing things that she knew for a fact she could do. The people around her seemed to show concern for her, and a smell that made her mouth water. What was going on? She looked around at the group, gleaning memories from them to gain a better perspective on her situation. She learned her name, whom her parents were and her siblings however the memories were not her own, simply borrowed from the minds of those whom held the memories.

She reached out to their minds and apprised them of the situation, some went screaming out of the room including her older sister. Her father comforted her, her older brother nodding his head as if he understood what she was going through. Her mother sat down, a shocked look on her face as she began to cry. Everyone else was calling her a freak, calling for her to be carted off and slain as if she were some sort of monster. Since that day, she has spoken very little. The only need to speak was when she was with more than just a small group and touching a large group of mind would be more difficult. As such her voice is small and still, with very little emotion.

She used her enhanced memory to her advantage, quickly graduating high school and achieving her Doctorate before the age of 18. Since then she has been working at a research lab in the Toronto area, studying high energy particles and potential modes of interstellar travel. In her off time she read a lot of books, her work bored her to tears as it was very mundane and didn't challenge her whatsoever. Hearing of mutants all over the news she spent time trying to track down some kind of centre for mutants. There were tons of homeless shelters, so why not something for mutants? After spending a couple of years searching, she finally found something. Traveling to Salem, Mass was a simple enough task. One blink of her eyes and she was standing at the front gates of Cobalt Academy, Curious as to what was contained inside.

Quirks, Extras, Random Character Facts: She can always be seen reading a book, she is able to memorize complete volumes so once she has read a book
it's contents are always there for her to recall again whenever she needs so she is constantly reading technical manuals and other kinds of things like that.

KJ holds a BS in Physics, a MS in Mathmatics, PHDs in Physics, Astronomy, Quantum Mechanics.

While she never speaks, or rarely does her emotions are conveyed in her telepathic messages. Generally using images and scenes played out in the mind's eye rather than use clumsy words.
Last edited by Tesseract on Wed Jul 20, 2011 8:30 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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